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October 01, 1965 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-10-01

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See Editorial Page




Cloudy and windy
clearing tonight

Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom
Hopes To Develop Intra-State Computer e
By MICHAEL HEFFER That report expressed the need ture and Gov. George Romney operation with regard to an edu- developed syllabus for a course puter work. The rest consists of The Center has had enough ex- s
for a Center for the Improvement agree that now is the time to im- cational computer network, could be sent to other schools, for exchanging information in other perience in this type of program
The Center for Research on of Learning and Teaching, inde- plement t h e recommendation," use or modification. Also, develop- ways. For example, the Center to help other institutions develop n
Learning and Teaching is hoping pendent of any institution, to something might be worked out to The purpose of having terminals ments in the course, such as new publishes a Memo to the Faculty similar programs. Also, state-wide t
to take a big step forward i the "stimulate and initiate research" keep the program under the Uni- at each institution is that ifor- experiments, could be circulated containing material on teaching workshops could be held. E
development of an intra-state and "to serve as a clearing-house versity, "to take advantage of the mation can be transmitted from throughout the state. and teaching developments. I
computer network to extend the and advisory service" for improve- experience of Prof. Ericksen and one school to another. "We would Ericksen said that the schools
resources of the University to ments in curriculum, instruction his staff." Otherwise the project try to help other institutions" by Ericksen emphasized that the At. present the Memo comes out could exchange information about
o t h e r educational institutions, and material. could separate from the Center transmitting to them some of the circulation of such material would six times a year. Ericksen said the recruitment and training of
Prof. Stanford Ericksen, director eventually. large wealth of information the be of great importance in saving that could be expanded to "serve teaching fellows. He said the Uni- f
of the center, said yesterday. The University's plan is quite University has, Ericksen said. For time and effort. An important a clearing-house function," and versity must demonstrate leader- T
The University is submitting as similar to this, Lesch said. In fact, Half of the one million dollar example, materials from Univer- reason for the system is that it sent to other schools in the state. ship in preparing teaching fellows o
part of its budget a request for one he felt that the committee had request is for the prototype of a sity libraries could be sent through could easily save a lot of dupli- The Center runs workshops and to teach. i
million dollars for the program, the Center for Research in Learn- computer system with terminals the computer system to other cation, Ericksen said. Of course, conferences which could be of Another important point of the s
designed to serve the need for ing and Teaching in mind when located in educational institutions schools, especially new ones. It is he noted, professors need not use value to teachers in other institu- program is to help local faculties
state-wide research stimulus cited they made the recommendation. in the state. Ericksen said that re- difficult to develop a library in a the information, but the knowl- tions. For example, there is a protect the individuality of each p
in the 1965 Blue Ribbon Report on However, the committee called for search workers at Michigan State new school, Ericksen noted, edge of its availability should workshop every semester on "pro- student in universities of great i
Higher Education, according to a group reporting directly to the University, Wayne State Univer- The computer could also store serve to stimulate its use. gram instruction," where profes- size. Information on experiments t
Assistant to the Vice-President for State Board of Education. sity and some community colleges and transmit information to aid in Ericksen pointed out that only sors "go to school" to improve such as the residential college v
Academic Affairs James Lesch. Lesch said that "if the Legisla- have been contacted about co- instruction. For example, a well- part of the program involves com- teaching objectives and methods. could stimulate or halt plans for t

uch attempts elsewhere.
For the parts of the program
aot concerned with the computer,
he Center has asked for $500,000.
Expenses include new staff, state
evel projects such as workshop,
Lnd conferences, and travel.
Money will also be given out
or local projects at universities.
this proposal would support dem-
nstrations and experiments to
mprove college teaching at all
tate institutions.
Ericksen said the Center had
rovided funds for the video-tap-
rg of math lectures to be sent to
he University extension at Flint,
vhere there was no professor for
he course.

Sororities Give
Mixed Reaction


Bias Probe

The University sorority system
is showing varied reaction to pres-
sure from both the University and
from their national organizations,
regarding action to end discrim-
ination in membership selection.
To date, 11 sororities have sub-
mitted membership recommenda-
tion forms to the Student Govern-
ment Council membership com-
mittee, and four more have prom-
ised to do so in the near future,
according to Ron Serlin, '66,
chairman of the committee.
Serlin also said that Panhellenic
Association has hopes of forming
its own membership committee,
similar to the Interfraternity
Council committee.
'Great Step'
He termed the formation of the
committee, if accomplished, "one
of the greatest steps ever" in the
fight against discrimination in
membership selection.
Serlin commented that the Pan-
hel committee, if formed, would
be able to exert inter-sorority
pressure to end discrimination,
and to work with the SGC com-
mittee to accomplish this.
The Membership Committee,,
which was formed by the Regents
in 1963 to eliminate racial and re-
ligious discrimination in the mem-
bership selection of student or-
ganizations, has been dealing di-
rectly with the sororities. IFC, on
the other hand, formed its own
membership committee to achieve
the same goals within the frame-
work of the fraternity system.-
The most recent action of ther
SGC Membership Committee has

been the request for sororities to
submit copies of their membership
recommendation forms. Some so-
rorities, when submitting previous
statements of membership regula-
tions, had failed to submit recom-
mendation forms, stating that
these forms did not bear on mem-
bership selection.
The recommendation forms are
used by alumnae to recommend
rushees to the active sorority
members. Many sororities cannot
pledge a girl without a "recom-
The sororities that are not plan-
ning to submit forms are also re-
acting to the situation. Sorority
sources disclosed that girls from
one sorority have been writing let-
ters to their national, protesting
the national's refusal to allow
them to submit "rec" forms.
Not Pertinent
One president said that she has
submitted a statement that her
sorority's recommendation form is
not pertinent to membership se-
lection. She commented, "It was
drawn up by a lawyer-we were
told to submit it, so we did."
Janice Hess, '66, president of
Sigma Kappa, said, "I'm trying to
do anything I can. I've tried to
work with local alumns and reach
the nationals that way." She said
that she hopes to receive permis-
sion to submit the form eventuall
by working with her national or-
Assistant to the Vice-President
for Student Affairs John C. Feld-
kamp commented, "Our office is'
concerned that there is too much'
dealing with documents, when the
real issue is discrimination."

FP k4Change of
Old By-Law
New lFC By-Law
To Clear Meaning of
Unbecoming Conduct
The Fraternity President's As-
sembly last night approved a
change in the Interfraternity
Council bylaws concerning rush-
ing and pledging which is in-
tended to clear up misunderstand-
ing about what is or is not an il-
legal pledge activity.
Fraternities were formerly guid-
ed by such ambiguous phrases as
"conduct unbecoming a frater-
nity." The new bylaw will indi-
cate what these terms apply to
and aid fraternity presidents in
deciding what should be includ-
ed in pledge programs, Executive
Vice-President of IFC Kelly Rea,
'66, explained.
The revision makes "any pledge
activity which results in public
disfavor on the fraternity system
or does physical harm or dam-
age to the community, to fra-
ternity chapter property, to mem-
bers or pledges thereof" a viol-
lation of IFC bylaws.
The bylaw states that it applies
to but is not limited to publicly
visible and/or audible displays
degrading to the pledge and/or
the fraternity system. The by-
law change was prompted by the
large number of violations last
year and during fall "help weeks."
Occurrences of pledges appear-
ing in abnormal, incomplete or
unsanitary dress such as burlap
bags and red underwear, pledge-
active shaving cream fights, pad-
dling, abusive language and "ex-
ternal application of foreign ma-
terial and forced consumption of
matter such as raw eggs and var-
ious mixtures of spices," were
Justified with pleas of "ignor-
ance of the law."
The change is intended to
make the law clearer, as a" pre-
ventative measure against similar
occurrences in the future.
Passing this bylaw is consist-
ent with the position of IFC on
pledgeship as already explained in
the IFC bylaws which state that
"All men pledged to fraternities
shall be given training and edu-
cation of a constructive nature
during the entire period of their
pledgeship," IFC President Rich-
ard Hoppe, '66, said.
"Activities other than those
mentioned can only be detrimental
to the fraternity pledge, the in-
dividual chapter and the public
image of fraternities both at the
University and nationally," Hoppe
Claim Try at
Sukarno Oust
KAULA LUMPUR, Malaysia (P)
-Officials of Radio Malaysia re-
ported today that an Indonesian
government radio broadcast had
said "elements of the armed forces
linked with" the United States
Central Intelligence Agency had
made an unsuccessful attempt to
overthrow President Sukarno.
The Indonesian broadcast, mon-
itored this morning, said Sukarno
was safe and his palace in the
heart of Jakarta was surrounded
by guards, the Malaysian radio
officials reported.





Gif t


-Daily-Jim Lines
NEARLY 292 STUDENTS are enrolled in this History of Art 101 course meeting at 11 a.m. in Aud. B. The lecturer, Prof. Clifton C. Olds,
estimates that the auditorium holds 280 students. He will get an exact head-count for the first time today when most students are ex-
pected to show up-for their first hourly.
'U' Officials Accommodate,
Extra Students WithoutProblems

What's New at 764-1817
Last night at a small meeting of the Joint Committee on
Low Cost Housing, Stewart Gordon, '65, chairman, announced
three major plans for the near future.
This weekend over 1300 grievance forms filled out by students
will be carefully studied and sorted to become the basis of
committee work checking into housing and rental problems
between landlords and students. Second, legal' assistance will
be asked from members of the law school to take action against
illegal action of landlords. A third plan calls for speakers on
housing to visit the dormitories next week and present the
pertinent issues to more students.
The committee's constitution passed by a unanimous vote at
the meeting.
*. * * *
Professor George Kish of the geography department said
yesterday that it would be about five years before students will
be able to get grants from the National Foundation on Arts and
Humanities. Prof. Kish and Prof. William Frankena of the
philosophy department were present Wednesday morning when
President Johnson signed the bill establishing the foundation.
"They will begin with the national level projects," Kish
Leonard Herman, owner of the Mapleridge Manor apart-
ments, yesterday branded as "absolutely untrue" residents'
claims of misrepresentation of air conditioning payments. In
response to tenants' assertions that they had been told the
owners would pay for the electricity consumed in running the
air conditioners, Mr. Herman said, "I personally handled the
lease which clearly states that tenants must pay all electricity

Xerox Stock
Given to VU
Plans for Project
Have Been Quietly
Underway for Year
Regent Eugene B. Power of Ann
Arbor gave 2000 shares of stock in
the Xerox Corp. to the University
anonymously in January of 1964.
Information on the worth of the
gift was unavailable at press time
this morning. However, Power
confirmed reports in the Detroit
News yesterday that his gift is to
be $1 million.
In that report he reiterated his
intention of making the gift.
However, when asked last night if
he intended to withdraw the gift,
he replied:
"I'm sure as hell thinking about
At the time of his gift, Power
was president of University Micro-
films Inc., a subsidiary of Xerox.
The facts of- the gift were dis-
closed yesterday by Regent Irene
Murphy of Birmingham in a letter
criticizing the front page editorial
that appeared Tuesday in The
Regent Emeritus Donald MD.
Thurber also charged The Daily
with "questionable practice" in a
letter received last night.
Thurber later said that the
origin of the gift was a "very care-
fully-guarded secret" and that
many of the Regents only learned
that the gift was Power's "later
and by accident."
Mrs. Murphy said that the pro-
posed gift had been discussed at
a Regents meeting in December,
1963, before its acceptance in Jan-
uary, 1964.
The gift's entry in the minutes
of theJanuaryhRegents meeting
reflected the hush which sur-
rounded its acceptance. It is one
line of type saying, "Anonymous
donor, 2000 shares of securities to
establish a special fund."
High sources last night explain-
ed that the gift prompted the Re-
gents to set up a committee to
study the area's needs for a new
They said that no plan for such
a theatre has been formally pre-
sented to the Regents yet.
The committee, under Dean
James Wallace of the music
school, was told later that there
were funds available for a theatre,
He said his group had not been
formally contacted in relation to a
contribution by Power specifically,
and that, so far as they knew,
their plans for a theatre are the
only ones in the University.
Many Aides
Mrs. Murphy said, however, that
"many distinguished architects
and stage directors" have been at
work pn Power's project,
Mrs. Murphy also mentioned
that, despite what The Daily had


Drawing on experience gained
last fall when 503 more students
than were expected enrolled at
the University, administrators are
accommodating 367 unexpected
students this fall without serious
Most department chairmen in-
dicated last night that they had
anticipated some sort of unpre-
dicted increase.
George Hay, chairman of the
mathematics department, typified
reaction of most department
chairmen when he said last night,
"We had anticipated this year's
increase and were much better
prepared this fall than a year
Good Shape
Thus when 367 more students
enrolled this fall than adminis-
trators predicted, most depart-
ments found themselves in good
shape compared to a year ago.
In 1964 the unexpected deluge
created havoc forcing departments
to add sections, hire extra in-
structors and close courses at ear-
ly dates.
Although the increase of 781
students in the literary college
has been accommodated, a num-
ber of departments find enroll-
ment taxing their limits.
"We made it, but just," re-
marks Dr. James C. O'Neill, chair-

"The percentage of novices now
teaching is bound to be distress-
ing," he noted.
Larger Enrollment
Prof. Daniel Fusfeld, who teach-
es Introductory Economics 201,
noted that enrollment . In his
course exceeded expectation by
about 40 students.
"But then that's just because-
economics is such a great course,"
quipped Fusfeld.
Commenting in a more serious
vein, Fusfeld noted that for the
first time in his experience an
enrollment limit-690 students-
had to be set. Actual enrollment
was 686.
Possible Turn-Away
Fusfeld anticipates that in the
future some students might be
turned away from introductory
A number of instructors, in-
cluding Hazel Losh of the as-
tronomy department, commented
that overcrowding this year ap-
pears to be no more of a problem
this fall than in recent years.
Dean of the Literary College
William Haber commented that
the increase in enrollment has not
resulted in any serious or unex-
pected overcrowding problems this
'Situation Better'
In fact, George Hay, chairman
of the mathematics department,

For the most part enrollment
growth problems were staved off
by planning.
According to Prof. Norman C.
Thomas, all the students in his
introductory political science 100
course are being accommodated,
"but not under the most advan-
tageous conditions."
1000 Students
An enrollment of nearly 1000
students has forced Thomas and
the other Political Science 100 in-
structor, Thomas Chapman, to

lecture in the Natural Sciences
Auditorium, the only literary col-
lege auditorium that can hold lec-
ture classes of 500 students.
"When I begin by 11 a.m. lec-
ture the place smells of formalde-
hyde and when I'm finished it has
the aroma of a soup kitchen."
Thomas says he is particularly
irked by the incessant banging
and clanging of automatic gar-
bage collection bins located a few
feet from the door of the audi-

Text of Letters

Your front page editorial of
Sept. 30 about Regent Power's
gift for a theater contains many
flat statements which are not
In January, 1964, the Regents
accepted a gift of $1,000,000 from
an anonymous donor, designated
for use in building a theater. Al-
though some of us knew, privately,
that Regent Power was the donor,
we respected his wish for anony-
mity, both at that time and since.
In fact, we have restrained our-
selves from what would have been
naturalspontaneous expressions

As a former Regent who was in
office at the time an anonymous
gift for a theater was first men-
tioned, I wish to react strongly
against both the content and the
spirit of your front page editorial
of Sept. 28.
It seems to me a questionable
practice for you to comment edi-
torially on a subject to which you
had not even accorded news treat-
ment. All parties who knew or
guessed that Regent Power was
the donor'respected his wish for

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