Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS 'I New SDS Group: the Best Hope Where Opinions Are Free. 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth Will Prevail NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1965 NIGHT EDITOR: BRUCE WASSERSTEIN Unexamined Ideas Can Lead To Intellectual Sickness UNIVERSITY HEALTH Service officials have blamed the current rash of up- per respiratory infection on the sudden increase in germs caused by the return of 34,000 students to the campus. In a school attended by students from throughout the United States and around the world, exotic, unique, and diverse strains of disease can be swapped on a grand scale. The ideas students bring back to school each year can be much like the viruses they carry. Ideas peculiar to a certain lo- cation can be introduced, bred, and re- produced in the interplay of student con- versation. However ideas, unlike bacteria, can be easily observed and controlled by their bearers. Ideas, in fact, must be tested by their bearers with conscious examination be- fore they are passed on. An individual, especially at the University, is responsi- ble for checking the validity of his own thoughts and every thought passed on to him before he, in turn, conveys it to others. Like viruses, untested ideas can be harmful, and whether it is called men- tal sanitation or abbreviated to sanity, constructive and intelligent considera- tion of thought should be a necessary consequent to education. After a summer of development, the ideas students have picked up at home, work, and vacation hideouts across the country spread full-blown throughout campus. A comment from the union stew- ard at work, the girl on the beach, or someone's grandmother becomes part of the collective student mind. When such ideas enter unexamined, ir- rational prejudices spread, and students blinded by the glare of an unexamined generality are fooled. When ideas enter unexamined, some are bound to be toxic. This process can make a student popula- tion intellectually sick. STUDENTS who have lived in stagnant communities where generalities are easily and unquestionably accepted value the vibrancy of the University atmos- phere. For them, this state of health should be worth maintaining. But University students do sometimes let their resistance down. Here are some examples: -A freshman living in a residence hall- introduces his seven-year-old broth- er as "another Aryan" during an open house. Editorial Staff ROBERT JOHNSTON, Editor LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM JEFFREY GOODMAN Managing Editor Editorial Director JUDITH FIELDS ...............Personnel Director LAUREN BAHR........Associate Managing Editor JUDITH WARREN.....Assistant Managing Editor ROBER~T HIPPLER.....Associate Editorial Director GAIL BLUMBERG . ...... Magazine Editor LLOYD GRAFF..............Acting Sports Editor NIGHT EDITORS: Susan Collins, John Meredith, Leonard Pratt, Peter Sarasohn, Bruce Wasserstein. Business Staff CY WELLMAN, Business Manager aLAN GLUECKMAN ...... ..... Advertising Manager ,,oYCE FEINBERG ............ .... Finance Manager SUSAN CRAWFORD..Associate Business Manager Subscription rates: $4.50 semester by carrier ($5 by mail); $8 yearly by carrier ($9 by mail). Scond class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday morning. -Alumni of a highly regarded Detroit high school stand outside a fraternity house one Saturday morning, telling freshmen recently graduated from that high school that the school's recent de- cline in stature was a direct result of a sizable increase in Negro students. -Coeds eat late breakfast in a resi- dence hall bitterly pondering how so many Jewish students could be in their classes at the University. -Students team up with parents in refusing to live in integrated dormitory accommodations that were, of course, as- signed by University computers. Such examples are unusual because University students as a rule do not make such crude mental errors. The University situation is geared to rigorous thought, and it appears that only by not examin- ing simple but old ideas can University students fall into loose habits. THIS IS NO TIRADE for civil rights. It is rather, an attempt to help main- tain the University's intellectual health by stimulating active examination of mental influences. While it is true that constructive ideas of a previous generation must often be retained as a metter of utter practicality and sensibility, undergraduates need not unquestioningly accept ideas or traditions they are given at home. Often they do not-though perhaps more in a mood of rebellion than of examination. While some fear that free speech, free thought, and free expression of opinion may disrupt the University community, such freedoms can never be dangerous when constructive awareness backs every exertion of intellectual freedom. If the individual is to express himself, it must be assumed that what he expresses is the result of personal thought, and examina- tion. His statement, if intelligently for- mulated, will be a positive influence on the thoughts of others. THE UNIVERSITY can be compared to a great agar nutrient medium. The residence halls, apartments, and frater- nity houses are crowded enough with'fer- tile minds to provide growth material for any idea, whether very valid or very dangerous. If a student spreads an untried idea from outside, he can unknowingly deal in germ warfare. If some simple idea like those mentioned earlier catch on, the resulting intellectual plague can be dev- astating. It is spread both by those who unthinkingly .pass on such ideas, and those who accept them without thinking. Unexamined ideas are like undiagnosed cases of tapeworm picked up at a res- taurant table, or perhaps much more likely, an undiagnosed case of the fam- ily cold picked up from the next of kin. The malady was not anticipated nor could its potential destructiveness be seen. "Your personal fixed decisions," said Carl Sandberg, should come "out of you -and your mouth only. Your No, your Yes, your own." PERSONAL THOUGHT examination isn't tyranny-just good hygiene. And the University cannot innoculate to help. -NEAL BRUSS T HE NEW GROUP being form- ed to carry out the program and ideology of Students for a Democratic Society will afford, I think, one of the best good oppor- tunities on this campus in a long time- for real "grass-roots" stu- dent participation in a movement for social change. There seems to be a large po- tential constituency for such a group among University students. That potential isn't so much among those who have already adopted the outward accoutre- ments of being discontented - long hair, "beat" clothes, an alienated twist of the mouth, etc. More, it rests with a large num- ber of the "straight" people- students who want, however little they express or admit it, to be able to identify themselves mean- ingfully with a group working for a change in the environments of the university, community and nation. There are basically two rea- sons why Voice Political Party- until now the only chapter of SDS on campus-could not attract and keep this membership: 1) VOICE HAS, at almost all times, been run by a small group of "older, wiser" members who have recruited new people into their in-ranks only sparingly. Those who are members of the in-group give the strong impres- sion to new "rank and file" that there is not much the new per- son has to offer, that all the needed and correct thinking has already been done by persons "more competent." "Lesser" peo- ple, thus, are intimidated and lose the desire to remain. It has not been necessary for Voice's leadership to operate in any blatantly undemocratic way. They have not'had formally to close debates or even to exclude other members from meetings of the executive committee or the various other committees respon- sible for programming. Rather, this situation has grown up largely because Voice's constitution has allowed it-and because there have been students who would and could, not neces- sarily with evil intentions, capi- talize on that opportunity. WHEN AN organization is for- mally structured to provide for leadership, hierarchy and a divi- sion of the labor of decision-mak- ing, it will inevitably become, in actuality, elitist. This is true even if the divisions in the structure are not extremely pronounced (as they are not within Voice), and it is true despite the ideology of the group. Organizations, in order to main- tain maximum participation by their members and to avoid the danger that their more assertive (not necessarily their wisest) members will be able to central- ize and alienate less assertive members, must begin with a minimum degree of fixed hier- archy and a maximum under- standing that leadership should be shared. All past and present intentions on the part of Voice that shared leadership can still be encour- aged notwithstanding, .Voice's structure has not allowed and cannot allow for full democratic participation. 2) AT LEAST presently, the dominant thinking in Voice about ends and means is sorely lacking and inconsistent with the ideology of SDS. This is the same think- ing which justifies, to Voice's pres- ent in-group, its strong, person- ality-centered and intimidating leadership. And this thinking, along with Voice's internal struc- ture, has contributed to Voice's in- ability to remain an attractive and legitimate student group in the eyes of both potential and ac- tual members. The idea which grips present Voice leadership is a modification of the idea that history is made WHY NOT? By JEFFREY GOODMAN by strong men. One of the corol- laries of this idea is the well- known "conspiracy" theory-the idea that all or most things wrong with any situation are caused by evil or immoral men. All one must do, it follows, is replace the exist- ing powers-that-be with one's own sympathizers, and the situation will automatically change. What this theory ignores is that personal actions and values, the manner in which groups and societies operate and the basic causes of historical change are by and large results of the way in which groups and societies are or- ganized-the divisions of power and of the consequent roles which people play, the necessities of ef- ficient production and distribu- tion of goods and services. Values, actions, etc., are large- ly determined by these arrange- ments, which establish the ways in which people interact with each other and the purposes of this in- teraction. Individuals will always feel they are "free agents" and can, of course, take advantage of their circumstances, but even their motivations and methods in doing so have largely been formed by their environment. THE PRESENT leadership in Voice sees the road to social change in terms of one or both of. two goals: a) substituting their own "good" people for the "evil" people now in power positions and b) "destroying" the society, with the expectation that a new, better order will spring, full grown, from the ashes. Analysis of social problems is rarely presented in terms of why, in the nature of their position, backgrounds and relationship to other men and other institutions, the men in power act and believe the way they do. In wishing to do away with the men who run society or its uni- versities, Voice leaders holding the first view forget the fact that new men in power will be dealing with almost the same arrange- ments as determined the actions of their predecessors. In wishing to destroy the whole society or vhole universities, they forget that new arrangements must be constructed and new per- sonal value systems established. Otherwise, the same basic needs of -all social groupings will once again find expression in the old structural arrangements and will consequently re-create the wrongs of the old system. THE MOST noticeable mani- festations of this syndrome among present Voice leaders are their continual calls for militant ac- tion, as against the University ad- ministration on the matter of low-cost student housing, or the war against Viet Nam, where they do not understand why there is a war and thus do not understand how to see it is ended. Rarely, if ever, is there careful analysis of the basic arrange- ments which are being opposed, which must be changed for any action to be effective and which can be changed only by the pres- sures of a large-scale, legitimate movement whose members under- stand and accept the bases of their action and their goals. Moreover, Voice's militancy smacks of the same thinking and the same methods of action which obtain in the larger society and in the University. So Voice, having become merely a reflection of that which it would change, can never be effective, either in the long or the short run. If the process of, changing ex- isting social arrangements is far more basic to the goals of SDS, it is, nevertheless, far more diffi- cult and long range. This does not mean, however, that one can be at all effective by beginning now simply to tear things apart. Instead, now is the time for building a movement which will last a long time and have great cohesion. Direct action must not only be carefully considered but must always be complementary to this goal. Voice's militancy, ali- enating more people than it at- tracts, does not serve this plrpose. THE NEW GROUP hopes to make a clean break in all those areas where Voice is failing. Internally, with the purposeful absence of a structured, hierarch- ical leadership establishment and. the intention of its founders not to dominate program or ideology, it hopes to encourage full par- ticipation by all those who want to join. The group's nucleus is convinced this is the only way to attract and keep students who seek a meaningful involvement in a group in which their stake is not simply verbal but actual. With respect to ideology and program, the group hopes that the basic outlines which its nucleus will suggest (though not impose) will not only be more effective but will also be more attractive to those who cannot sympathize with Voice's usual irresponsibility to its own alleged goals. And if people can be attracted by the general tenor of this orga- nization, the very important busi- ness of forming a large, commit- ted and knowledgeable group can perhaps be begun. * * * jN THE INTEREST of my own sanity, of staying in school and of not always having to write my columns oft the top of my head, I've decided to write only once in- stead of twice a week. "Why Not?" will appear, from now on, every Wednesday morning. -0 I Background of the Flint Branch Issue 4o EDITOR'S NOTE: Several months ago, the University's plans to expand its two-year Flint branch by adding fresh- man and sophomore classes ran head-on into adamant opposi- tion. The question still has not been settled and now is threat- ening to again cause trouble for the University. This article is the first in a two-part series outlining the issues involved in the Flint controversy and ex- plaining their relevance to the total picture of higher education in Michigan. By JOHN MEREDITH OTHE FLINT community, the University's Flint C o 11I e g e branch is part of a vision; to University administrators, it is a promising project transformed in- to a severe headache, and to. sev- eral prominent educators and state legislators, it is an example of the University's arrogant im- perialism and thus a convenient political issue. In a broader sense, however, Flint College is the epitome of policy-making for higher educa- tion in Michigan: it is the educa- tional problems of the 1960's translated from such vague ter- minology as "meeting the edu- cational needs of our great state" into 871 students, conflicting ideals, coordination (or lack there- of), prejudices, vested interests, face-saving, bombastic oratory and the day-to-day details of plan- ning and administration. Last spring, this small branch college caused a shower of adverse publicity to fall on the University; now, after five months of relative quiet, the Flint controversy is once again about to come out into the open. CONCEIVABLY, it could, erupt amidst a flurry of charges and countercharges as it did in the spring; this would have immediate and serious reprecussions for the. University. However, it is much more likely that the University and the State Board of Education -a key figure in the dispute- will announce that they have ami- cably settled their differences. Such an agreement would pro- vide a basis for optimism, but almost inevitably it would leave several perplexing problems un- solved. At worst, the agreement itself might be attacked by various interest groups, an 'event which would threaten the new board as well as the University. At best, the settlement might pacifyall concerned; even this, however, would not be apt to soothe all of the ill-feeling stirred up last spring, to completely re- store damage done to the Univer- sity's public image or to prevent some of the basic issues underly- ing the Flint question from caus- ing trouble in the near future. FLINT COLLEGE-the subject of all this furor-began operations in 1956 as a two-year University branch offering a liberal arts cur- riculum for juniors and seniors. It was the product of an active local interest, manifested as early as 1947 and spurred on by the en- thusiasm and financial backing of Flint philanthropist C. S. Mott. Consideration of possible al- ternatives for developing a pro- gram of higher education in Flint proceeded throughout - the early 1950's, and the University was invited to participate in discus- sions concerning establishment of a branch institution. Flint seemed to offer interest, need and sound financial support, and-perhaps because of a belief that the Uni- versity has an obligation to be a leader in expanding Michigan's system of higher education-Uni- versity administrators agreed to cooperate with Flint officials. Finally, it was decided that a combination of a two-year junior college, operated by the Flint Board of Education, and a two- year senior University branch could best fulfill Flint's need for education above the secondary level. From its opening in 1956 to the end of last year, Flint College seemed to be running smoothly. Nevertheless, during this period the stage was being set for last spring's explosion. ON ONE HAND, the branch be- gan to acquire a set of problems and characteristics that made it ripeafor ,controversy. On several occasions, for example, there re- portedly were disturbances in the relationship between the branch and the community college. Al- though administratively separate, the two schools have always shared the same campus and co- operated closely in many ways. The community college was al- legedly developing an inferiority complex from operating in the shadow of the more prestigious University branch, and inter- institutional jealousy supposedly disrupted the calm exterior more than once. Furthermore, the branch's en- rollment did not fulfill original expectations, and usually over 70 per cent of the students it did attract were graduates of the community college - a factor which many contended created an undesirable, inbred atmosphere on the Flint campus. Finally, it became increasingly apparent that even though Flint College is a part of the University, it has much less to offer than'its parent in Ann Arbor. MEANWHILE, the higher edu- cation picture in Michigan was changing;tanumber of external forces later to be important to Flint College began to gather momentum. To a considerable ex- tent, the present Flint dilemma is a product of these forces, and it, in turn, has already had an impact on some of them. For one thing, the children of the post-war baby boom were reaching adolescence. Educators, parents and politicians alike be- gan to sense that the next decade would produce an influx of po- tential students that could quickly outdistance expansion of facilities. Educators and state officials be- gan to discuss and plan for meth- ods of meeting the crisis they fore- saw on the horizon. The student boom itself, however, had not yet come; without the pressure of im- mediate crisis, the discussions pro- duced little constructive plan- ning. One notable product of the new interest was the John Dale Rus- sell report, the results of exten- sive research done by an ad hoc enmmtt ofenrts ommission- "Thanks-Thanks A Lot-Thanks Again--" Can I Lean Back Now?" 4, Q9LA7 V6 WogK I ASS' A 4 5 FEIFFER uoHO'5 (CRe-- FVi'I~T11 SOlO? ~7 T LATR APO CA6 6. Aim I s Buwr tcr ~/.~.AA1.- THAT'S A0 I OMP)AIrOM (%15 21 POLL! OB 6V~y WJHO RHAP 4(A"CZ. LCA1? TYROME ALWAYS COT THIS OW6R BRTHER, mti Af-16CT- ITS SUCH A STIEAL- r T8OPAZ A " t V 6 I K"t. KS! DID you s;e in education not withstanding, it went largely unheeded in terms of policy-making. Through such organizations as the Michigan Council of State College Presidents and the Michi- gan Coordinating Council for Pub- lic Higher Education, the individ- ual institutions made efforts -to coordinate their programs, to de- velop a sense of unity and define a direction for expansion; more often than not, however, these at- tempts at voluntary coordination became bogged down in inter- institutional bickering. Keenly aware of the need to ex- pand, the major institutions gen- erally turned to unilateral action: crash building programs on their own campuses and the develop- ment of branches were the results. In practice if not in intent, the state government encouraged this response. The politicians may have possessed a greater sense of awareness of higher education than before, but their vision was clouded by petty partisanship and the lamentable condition of the state's finances. In terms of higher education, the tenants of the capitol were the unreliable keepers of the purse -men preoccupied with sheer numbers of students and influenc- ed more by public relations and pressure groups than by objective connira-tion. Frecd to muard the -including one involving a Uni- versity branch on the campus of Delta College, a junior college in the region. The end result was a dismal stalemate, and it was not until this year-a full two years after the original hassle ended-that positive steps were taken toward establishment of a tax-supported college near Saginaw. Since the beginning of 1964, the complexion of state politics, at least in reference to higher edu- cation, has changed. But, when the University began to think of expanding Flint College and during the two-year period when the groundwork for expansion was laid, University officials were operating within the old frame- work. Branches had been verbally con- demned, but nothing tangible had been done to prevent further branch development, nor was there any apparent hope that alterna- tive means of expansion would be developed. Coordination had been touted as a must, but haggling, interinstitutional competition and unilateral action were the mode of the time. Adequate financial support was absent, the Legisla- ture was fickle, the need to expand was pressing. FLINT HAD demonstrated in- A1 A AS MOt HAV UIKE I2 VO J' PAPP. IF iCAr STUDJI WOHAT 00 / mow -KOD.) 01-P D