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September 28, 1965 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-09-28

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An Editorial...
THERE IS A GOOD CHANCE that a $1 million gift from
University Regent Eugene Power for the construction of a
theatre will be announced tonight at the President's Premiere for
this fall's Association of Producing Artists season.
We recognize the University's need for a modern repertory
theatre. But there are implications in this gift which clearly call
for public consideration of its effects on the University.
The specific issue raised is where the additional money to
build the theatre can be obtained. Planners have set a $3 million
price tag as a minimum. The University will have to supply at
least $2 million to complete the project.
BUT WHERE CAN THE MONEY be obtained? Administra-
tive officials have ruled out the possibility of federal or state
money, since these sources are usually reserved for academic or re-
search structures. A third alternative, private money, seems un-
likely. The theatre's name will,.already be reserved for Power, and
hence donors will prefer to look for other projects on which they
can inscribe their own names.
The final and ultimate source is University money, the
funds which are used to pay salaries, to stock the library and to
establish new academiic departments.
Officials can only speculate whether these projects would
be jeopardized by a drain of several million dollars over the next
fe' years. They are quite certain, however, that marginal-'
but crucial-projects such as the residential college or the Center
for Research on Learning and Teaching will be jeopardized, since
they must rely on other, overtaxed resources for their support.
We are particularly concerned that the residential college,
a small liberal arts institution that could restore the feeling of
personalized instruction here, may well never get off the ground
because of this diversion of funds. And the Legislature will never
foot the entire bill for the college.
In fact, the residential college is in danger of being shelved,
administrative representations at the last Regents' meeting not-
HJERE WE MUST BLAME President Hatcher.
it is le who has encouraged the commitment of $2 million in
precious educational dollars to the theatre. It is President Hatch-
er's responsibility, thus far neglected, to point out to Power the
desperate need of funds for a residential college instead of offer-
ing generalities on how well plans for the program are pro-
gressing when they are stalled for lack of funds.
The University community should also be concerned with the
feelings of other academic officers who represent the faculty.
Vice-President for Academic Affairs Roger W. Heyns strongly
regretted the allocation of University funds 'for a theatre, even
though he was a leading proponent of the repertory company
in Ann Arbor. Heyns' reason: this money belongs to the fac-
ulty and to the students (since it comes from their research and
their tuition).
Other officials are known to share Heyns' view. They feel
keenly that the faculty has a right to plot the growth of this
institution in a meaningful manner and not have it laid out,
arbitrarily, by one Regent and perhaps one or two administrative
SO IT IS TO YOU, Regent Power, that we appeal. Your gift
tonight, no matter how well intended, will only be detrimental
to the academic growth of this institution.
If you want your name emblazoned on a building, let it be
af i, he , re 'rn . ge structures. If you would prefer
anonymity, add the money to the pile of private resources that
the fund raisers are collecting.
Do not commit this institution, always hard-pressed for
financial resources, to an allotment of several million dollars that
are simply not available for a cultural project.
WE APPRECIATE your generosity, but we ask you to recon-
sider your judgment.,



Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom
Student Activist Sues MSU for Re-admission
By ROGER RAPOPORT the American Civil Liberties Un- Schiff's activities in the Commit- even bothering to notify the his- sity Professors wrote a letter to was "expelled from the university
ion which is asking Federal Dis- tee for Student Rights, a student tory department. President Hannah this summer without prior notice, or that such
A Michigan State University trict Judge Noel P. Fox to order organization that sponsored sev- Schiff, who received his bache- requesting that the university re- action was being considered or
graduate student has sued MSU the university to re-admit him. eral demonstrations during the lors from Rutgers, has been a consider its action in the Schiff was about to be taken, without be-
for denying him admission be- Schiff had been a graduate stu- school year, and which was highly president of the Young Socialist case. The AAUP indicated con- ing informed of the charges, or
cause he allegedly "acted to dis- dent in economics at IyISU from critical of the administration of Club, a critic of U.S. policy in Viet cern that the administration had given an opportunity to defend
rupt the organization of the uni- 1963-65 minoring in history. De- the university in its newsletter, Nam and a leader of student pro- acted unilaterally, that the deci- himself, present witnesses or con-
versity" and "urged the violation ciding to change his major to his- Logos. Schiff edited Logos. tests against discrimination in sion was predicated on vague and front or cross-examine his ac-
of university regulations." tory, Schiff applied to and was On July 1, Fuzak was quoted by housing in East Lansing. arbitrary grounds and that pub- cusers."
Among thedefendants in the admitted to a master's program the campus newspaper, the State As editor of Logos he was highly licity from the action would dam- No MSU administrative officials
suit, being tried in United States by the history department on News, as explaining that "Schiff critical of the university. Consid- age the academic reputation the were available for comment on
District Court in Grand Rapids, June 3. acted to disrupt the organization erable controversy surrounded the university has been trying to build the Schiff case last night.
is John A. Hannah, president of On June 18 he was notified in of the university, he urged the distribution of Logos in dormi- in the nation. Ernest Mazy, executive director
MSU and chairman of the United a two sentence letter from the violation of university regulations tories last fall. Schiff contends that the de- of Michigan's ACLU said that
States Civil Rights Commission. registrar's office that his applica- in Logos. The decision against re- Schiff was notified of his denial fendants have violated his rights Schiff's suit "squarely raises for
Paul A. Schiff, who is bringing tion had been submitted to the admitting Schiff was not based on of readmission two days before of free speech, press and assem- the first time in Michigan wheth-
suit under the federal civil rights university's readmission board, and any single incident but upon a the beginning of the summer quar- bly, thereby denying him equal er a student at a public university
statutes, asserts that Hannah and his admission denied. pattern of disruptive behavior." ter at MSU. He claims that a re- protection of the laws and due is entitled to the rudiments of
his co-defendants, MSU Vice- Result of Action quest for a hearing on his expul- process of law under the constitu- fair play, including a notice of a
President John Fuzak and the Schiff said that after receiving Schiff contends that his denial sion before the Faculty Committee tion. Schiff is now asking an im- hearing on the charges against
Board of Trustees have violated the notice he went to Fuzak to of re-admission was on entirely of Student Affairs was denied by mediate preliminary injunction to him, prior to being denied the
his constitutional rights. find out the reasons for his dis- non-academic grounds. He claims the university. permit him to be readmitted to right to continue his education
ACLU missal. Fuzak allegedly told Schiff that the office of student affairs The MSU , chapter of the the university for the fall term, for reasons not related to aca-
Schiff's case is being tried by I that the action was the result of refused him readmission without American Association of Univer- Specifically he charges that he demic performance."


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What's New at' 764-1817
A 310-acre, 18-hole golf course will be built for the University
on Regent Frederick Matthaei's Radrick Farm on Geddes Road
near Ann Arbor sources indicate. The course and accompanying
driving range will be among the largest and plushest facilities in
the country. Membership selection procedures have not been
decided upon, but it is rumored that the course will be limited
to faculty and administrators. However, Matthaei said that all
over membership authority rests with the University administra-
tion and that alternate membership policies are being considered.
* * *
The Union Board of Directors has temporarily turned down
a proposal that the Union supply the space for a student book-
store on the basis of two reports that assessed the space needed
at far more than, the Union had available. The board has not,
however, turned down the proposal completely, and is waiting
for more information.
The Student Advisory Committee on the Residential College
was given a tentative building time schedule by Dean Burton
Thuma, faculty director of the proposed college, at its meeting
yesterday afternoon. According to Thuma, the faculty committee
for the college is going to request the Regents to make a commit-
ment in October assuring the construction of the college's first
dorm by 1968. If this commitment is made, the committee will
then publish,; and distribute to freshmen entering in 1967, a
publicity booklet describing the establishment of temporary
quarters for the college's approximately 200 students in East
Quadrangle in 1967.
* * * *
Only 31,267 students, out of the University's total fall enroll-
ment of 34,453, are actually enrolled on University campuses,
University Registrar Edward E. Groesbeck has explained, with
3,186 students in extension courses accounting for the difference.
This means that administrators missed their estimated fall
enrollment, of 30,900, by only 367 students as compared with last
year's underestimate of 503.
* *
William Brown, chairman of Ann Arbor's Fair Housing
Commission announced at last night's City Council work session
thof his cmmisinn hnad nnt vet decidd what position it would

Auto Board
Convenes on TUD1R S
Cycle Issue GopPasT
City's CouncilmendC h1t
Assure Student Talks
On Proposed Ruling Second Caper
After a, quiet football weekend, - -
the wheels of controversy have
begun to turn on the subject of Fw.~
City Councilman John Hathaway's
proposed motorcycle ordinance.
In the Office of Student-Com-
munity Affairs yesterday the Driv-
ing Regulations Board met to dis-
cuss the proopsal as a group for
the first time. The meeting of
the board was requested last
Thursday night by Student Gov-
ernment Council in a motion sub-
mitted by Charles Cooper, '66.
The board is made up of two
members of SGC, one from Joint
Judiciary Council, one from Grad-4
uate Student Council, one admin-
istrator from the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs and the vice-presi-
dent for student affairs."
In the meeting yesterday, the
group took no official action but
did discuss many points perti-
nent to the matter. A second meet- \
ng will be heldtThursday, when"
the members of the board will of- \44>,
fer their individual suggestions
to be offered to the City Coun-
cil in hopes of drawing up a com-
promise ordinance.\
The following points were in-
cluded in yesterday's discussion:
-The number of registered cy-
cles-1100-and the present rate
of increase, which has risen from .. : ..
100 per year over the past ,few .
years to approximately 200 per -.\. .
year. }
On that subject, local cycle
dealers estimate from 50 to 100 A TYPICAL RUSH SCENE as rushees and actives gather at the Colegiate Sorosis House,
per cent increase in sales this
year, and one company predicted
a 500 per cent increase in salesa
en by the OSA-Motor Vehicle Use
by Students-to be revealed some-w
time in the future. !
-The weakness of the state law m
in defining motorcycles and motor In
driven cycles, implying that such
mall cleo capablnot acrying By CAROLE KAPLAN houses did beautifully" in com- mixers were open-that is, during In co
more than one person but at parison to last spring, when five the first set, the rushees were free ness of
This fall's upperclass rush, term- houses didn't make quota, and last to visit whatever houses they said, "
scooters, mopeds, etc. ed "the most successful ever" by fall, when nearly half of the wished, rather than being taken to well, b
William L. Steude, director of a Panhellenic official, pledged 158 houses were short. all the houses as part of a group, Some p
community relations, stressed the out of the 358 girls who began Rush Chairman Sandra Snyder, with a rush counselor. Also for it." Sh
fact that the aim of the meetings rush, and was blighted only by the '66, said yesterday that the rush the first time, actives were allowed the s
is to "protect the responsible oper- fact that three of the smaller system was changed to make it to invite rushees to visit the house that v
ation of cycles by students." houses did not meet their quotas. "less formal and less time- during the day, and to meet them added t
Meanwhile, the unofficial Ann Panhellenic sources said "all the consuming." For the first time, on campus, worked
Arbor cycle dealers group passed they di
out approximately 30 petitions to A sop
its six members condemning the FP o C n i e u p ee tSecond
Hathaway draft proposal. The pe-Jj' A f 0 rush as
tition states in part: "We deplore year,"
the- draft ordinance for regula- She sai
tion of motorcycles and motor- inform
driven cycles, as it is prohibitive o RushinP edg By-Laws ity had
in nature, unwarranted and dis- girls r
criminatory." cause
At last night's City Council By LAURENCE MEDOW The addition, recommended at ity pledge, the individual chapter atmosp
me'eting, no action was taken on the Sept. 21 meeting of the . IFC and the public image of fraterni- rettesc
the proposal, but several council- The Interfraternity Council ex- executive committee, will supple- ties both at the University and and yo
men commented on the draft. It ecutive committee will recommend ment the present Article XIV, nationally. The executive commit-
seemed to be a consensus among an addition to Article XIV of the Section V, paragraph "e" which tee regards this recommendation Acco
those who had studied the propos- IFC By-laws, which deals with states that "No man shall be given as a positive step in the continual LauraI
al that considerable changes would rushing and pledging, to the Fra- physical mistreatment during his efforts of fraternities to keep pace enjoye
be made before it can be put to ternity Presidents Assembly when pledgeship under any circum- with the social changes in a com- -the a
the Council for even the first the FPA meets Thursday, IFC stances." It will replace paragraph munity of which they are a part," ees." N
reading. President Richard Hoppe, '66, said "i" of the same Article and Section Hoppe concluded. sororit
Several councilmen also ex- yesterday. which is limited to unified pledge set by
pressed firm support of deliber- The addition, if approved by activity which results in public Chapter Advisor termin
ating in some form with represen- FPA, will make "any pledge activ- disfavor or does physical harm or It will also be recommended frome
tatives of SGC before a decision ity which results in public dis- damage to fraternity chapter Thursday night that the FPA house.



Hits Voice
Manifesto Calls
For Revamping of
Radical Tradition

-Dally--Frank Wing

'Sho Ws
mmenting on the effective-
the system, Miss Snyder
It seemed to work fairly
ut I'm not sure about it
eople liked it; some hated
e explained that some of
maller houses complained
ery few girls came, but
that, "in the long run, this
out the same, because then
dn't get as many 'regrets'."
phomore who rushed for the
time this fall described
"much improved over last
but "as superficial as ever."
d that the parties that were
l were the best (one soror-
an outside party where the
oasted marshmallows), be-
"you get away from the
here of mints and ciga-
on the living room floor,
u can talk normally.
All Ehjoyed
rding to Panhel President
Fitch, '66, "the girls really
d the informal atmosphere
actives as well as the rush-
Miss Fitch explained that
,y quotas for fall rush are,
the houses, and are de-'
ed by the number of girls
each class desired in the

A dissident group of members
of Voice Political Party and others
sympathetic to them have declared
their intention to establish an-
other chapter of Students for a
Democratic Society on this cam-
pus. At this time Voice Political
Party is the only recognized chap-
ter of SDS at the University.
The new group stated in a man-
ifesto released yesterday that
Voice had violated the democratic
traditions and procedures of SDS
because of its hierarchal structure
which allegedly discouraged newer
or less experienced members from
expressing their opinions and be-
cause its policies and programs
had been "irresponsible in the
context of its ideology."
The dispute grew out of an or-
ganizational meeting last Thurs-
day in which several amendments
proposing to change the adminis-
trative structure of Voice were
discussed. Those in the dissident
group advocated a less centralized
administrative organization.
One of the proposals suggested
that a collegium of officials be
established, that is, a group of ad-
ministrative officials in various
areas who would automatically be
called for re-election at every odd
meeting. Another suggestion was
that an administrative chairman-
ship be set up which would not
have the power to make policy.
The meeting finally adopted an
amendment that established a
chairman and six other officers,
similar to the former organization
of Voice, who would take care of
duties such as publicity, programs,
education, etc. Members of the
dissident group objected to the
new structure which, they felt,
would be more centralized than
the old.
After the adoption of this
amendment the Voice meeting
held an election for the post of
chairman. Eric Chester, '66, Alan
Jones, '67, and Stan 'Nadel, '66,
had been nominated. Again several
members objected to this pro-
cedure as Jones and Nadel were
not present to explain their views.
Their objections were overridden
largely by supporters of Chester
who was then elected to the office
of chairman.
Voice members who were dis-
satisfied with the procedings of
the Thursday meeting, met the
next day to draw up a manifesto
explaining their objections to
Voice policies and their decision
to form a second chapter of SDS.

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