PAGE TWO FRATERNITIES AT MICHIGAN TUESDAY, AUGUST 24, 1965 PAGE TWO FRATERNITIES AT MICHIGAN TITESDA~, AUGUST 24, 1R6~ INTERFRATERNITY COUNCIL SING-Before aned After--an Exercise In Unified Effort. aa A. M. SONNABEND ' Chairman, Hotel Corporation of America (Deceased) Zeta Beta Tau ? ' k : i " :" Fratern,,iis are a SiiifCa~t feturie of the total college educational exIerence, r +'coni rib,,zt i r sstanill y toward te * derelojfiit of their nembes." ' t.v f~n. i4* A N: I N E F A E N T p n o e e a l y f r t e N A - o z d W l e i c 1 f 4 ryI RY S. BYRD Senator, Virginia} ao Phi Epsilon n/z co[Ie - ef a/cr Ii/ies sent an id,"a/ unlh;in~ly ed Liii) each newi gencra/ion. 'dtd t . .~ tae, the Wecal is moral ~.~~&'' founded on r espect. for ed others and on reverentweh, wlii}. This places high i alite ;,n3~a U~t n ental to Constrinc/it shiP.r' WIR