i SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2965 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1965 TINE MICHIGAN DAILY PA(~ TW1?VU~ i. l7urj x "iLC.x is Change in Pravda Editors Reflects Kremlin Strife By WILLIAM L. RYAN Associated Press Special Correspondent Pravda has a new editor, and despite Russian explanations of the changes, this hints at some sort of policy crisis inside the Kremlin.. It is difficult to separ- ate the development from the Ssigns of. tug and pull between conservative Communists who re- sist the reform-minded party members. There seems to be uncertainty, at the top of the Soviet political ladder. The Soviet party opens an im- portant Central Committee meet- ing Monday. This is supposed to be concerned primarily with eco- nomic affairs, but in the U.S.S.R., these affairs tend to become en- meshed with foreign policy, so- cial and cultural problems. Tug-of-War The retiring editor of Pravda, Alexei M. Rumyantsev, became involved in manifestations of the liberal - conservative tug-of-war. He championed the reformers. Informed -sources now say Ru- myantsev has been replaced as Pravda's editor in chief by Dep- uty Foreign Minister Mikhail Si- myanin. They say Rumyantsev had a heart attack and will take an Academy of Sciences job. This still is an odd coincidence. Less than two weeks ago Rumy- antsev published a long and prom- inently displayed article in Prav- da defending the rights of the so-called liberal writers to more freedom of expression. He chided other papers, including the gov- ernment organ Izvestia. He call- ed its attitude toward writers dic- tatorial, an outlook he said could "bring no benefit" to the Soviet leadership. Key Position The editorship is highly im- portant since Pravda speaks for the ruling party. Often even the Foreign Office gets its line from Pravda editorials. The experience of Soviet writers in the Khrushchev era has been that they enjoyed more freedom at times when the Kremlin 'was relaxed and confident, and crack- downs in times of strain at the top. For example, one literary thaw suddenly froze again w h e n Khrushchev got into difficulties over his backdown in the Cuban missile crisis showdown of 1962. Thaws and crackdowns seemed to occur almost in predictable cy- cles. Their relationship to prob- lems at the top often could be connected with division of opin- ion in the party Presidium. In times of stress, the conservatives who influenced popular opinion- and the entrenched bureaucrats with their futures at stake-seem- ed tighter. The Kremlin has been having its troubles. The dispute with Red China has deepened to the extent where Peking predicts the "ig- nominious fall" of the present re- gime, as it once predicted for Ni- kita Khrushchev. The dangers inherent in Asian crises over Viet Nam and Kash- mir have increased strains. The Kremlin feels pressure from the conservatives, and probably from the military, whose leaders' de- mand that the needs of the arm- may play a ed forces take precedence over j These rules such things as consumer goods congress, 25 part in new strains. provide that at each per cent of all mem- and standards of living. Uncertainty is reflected by lack of a new Communist party con- gress. The congress of about 5000 delegates representing the 12 mil- lion party members is supposed by statute to meet every four years. The deadline for calling a meeting on time has passed with- out any mention of it. The last congress, the 22nd in 1961, adopted rules which now bers in all party bodies, top to bottom, be replaced. Under the rules, Presidium members may serve no more than three consecutive terms. Khrush- chev left one qualification: mem- bers with "special abilities" could be retained. But even at that, ap- plication of the rule now would require a shakeup involving dif- ferences of opinion about who makes up the 25 per cent to be removed. Soviets Present New To Control Nuclear Senate OK'S Anti-Poverty Le islation Republicans Charge 1.7 Billion Dollar Bill Corrupted by Politics WASHINGTON ()-Overriding Republican protests that poverty is being mixed with politics, the Senate followed the House yester- day in authorizing $1.7 billion for the second year of President John- son's anti-poverty program. The measure now goes to John- son, who may trim the figure back toward the $1.5 billion he originally requested when he asks Congress for the actual caslt The Senate voted 46-22 for the bill after listening to several GOP members charge the program is riddled with politics and misman- agement, after only one year in operation. Political Struggles Sen. George Murphy (R-Calif) said that in many cities, includ- ing Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, Cleveland, Omaha, and Al- bany, the program "has been em- broiled in political power strug- gles unmatched in intensity in recent years." Sen. Winston L. Prouty (R-Vt) tried unsuccessfully to include in the bill a clause applying the Hatch Act to Community Action and VISTA-Volunteers in Service to America-projects. The Hatch Act forbids political activity by federal employes. The provision sponsored by Prouty would have brought under its ban officials in the two types of proj- ects whose salaries are paid in large measure with federal money. Concede Imperfections Democrats conceded there are imperfections in the program but they contended it has been ef- fective in helping 25 million low- income Americans. One Republican, Sen. Jacob K. Javits of New York, said there have been instances of improvi- dence, misuse, foolishness and stu- pidity-even dishonesty-in the program, but he said: "The weight of evidence so far is in favor of continuing this noble effort." He said it was a mistake to strike out the Hatch Act provision. One big fight over the bill was settled when Senate-House con- ferees decided to let state gover- nors veto three major types of projects, but then gave the ad- ministrator of the Office of Eco- nomic Opportunity, Sargent Shriv- er, power to override their vetoes. The three programs are Com- munity A' c t i o n, Neighborhood Youth Corps, and adult educa- tion. The bill's $1.7 billion money allowance is more than double the $793 million voted for the first year's operations of what John- son calls his "war on poverty." Plan P act Would Block NATO Nuclear MLF Gromyko Assails American-Backed Geneva Proposal UNITED NATIONS (P) - The Soviet Union yesterday proposed a new treaty that would prohibit the spread of nuclear weapons to SAIGON (W) - Artillery and near Bon Son, American planners effect" and "providing a satura- planes repelled a Viet Cong at- said they foresee the day when tion of Viet Cong strongpoints tack staged by 1000 to 1500 men the highly mobile "Flying Horse- and redoubts which could not be about 300 miles north of Saigon men," using their helicopters, will reached in any other way." Lodge yesterday, a U.S. military spokes- react quickly to such large-scale made his comments in a Mutual man reported. He said the Viet Viet Cong attacks. Broadcasting System radio inter- Cong suffered heavy losses in the Repeat Pattern view. attack, the first big Communist The Communist attack was the Elsewhere in Viet Nam: thrust in weeks. first guerrilla action in regimen- -A company of troops from the Vietnamese army sources claim- i tal strength since U.S. Marines U.S. 1st Infantry Division com- ed 600 Viet Cong were killed in launched an assault on the Van pleted its assault yesterday against the fighting, which raged around Tuong peninsula Aug. 18, caught a Viet Cong bunker system in the the district town of Bong Son. the Viet Cong napping and killed Bien Hoa area, 40 miles northwest Vietnamese losses were described about 600 of them. The new attack of Saigon and forced the last of as "moderate." There was no U.S. repeated a familiar Communist the Viet Cong from the entrench- confirmation of the high Com- pattern-a lull, then a strong at- ments into the jungle. Twelve munist casualty figure claimed by tack. Americans were wounded. the Vietnamese. In the air war, U.S. planes flew -U.S. Marines protecting vil- The only .U.S. forces involved 317 strikes against suspected Com- lagers harvesting a rice crop near in the fighting were planes. munist strongholds in South Viet Da Nang, 380 miles north of Sai- The Viet Cong launched the Nam while more than 100 aircraft gon, suffered light casualties when attack in regimental strength - blasted highways, barges, barracks a patrol touched an enemy gre- normally 1000 to 1500 men - and storage areas- in North Viet nade on a fence, a Marine spokes- Thursday night in the jungle hi:-. Nam. Military authorities said 14 man said. north of Qui Nhon and in early carrier-based Navy planes also -Vietnamese police sources said fighting overran government out- bombed bridges in North Viet the French vice-consul in Saigon, )posts at Phu and Phu My with Nam. Bean Bion, 41, has been missing mortars. A Vietnamese unit en Guam-based B52 bombers blast- for four days and is believed to route to one of the smashed posts ed a suspected Viet Cong hide- have been kidnaped by the. Viet was ambushed by the guerrillas. out today in a northern coastal Cong. Informants said six men 58 Sorties province 325 miles north of Sai- stopped a bus near Pleiku, 250 A U.S. spokesman said U.S. and gon, a U.S. military spokesman re- miles north of Saigon, on Tuesday Vietnamese planes flew 58 sor- ported. night and took Bion captive. ties during the action and pilots It was the 32nd raid of the war_-- in spotter planes reported Viet by the giant eight-engine bomb-' Cong bodies could be seen in the ers. The 31st was made Friday on foothills. A U.S. Air Force F-100 a Viet ,Cong jungle fortificationj* was shot down north of Bong Son known as the "Iron Triangle"20I but the pilot ejected and was pick- miles north of Saigon. ed up by helicopter. In ground action Friday, artil- The fighting, along a 20-mile lery and planes repelled an at- front, was in an area about 35 tack by 1,000 to 1,500 guerrillas miles northeast of the U.S. Army about 300 miles north of Saigon. - 7X35 CF 1st Cavalry Division, Airmobile, A U.S. spokesman said the Viet ~ COATED camp at An Khe. U.S. forces there Cong had suffered heavy losses were alerted after the first Red in the first big Communist thrust BINOC ULAR thrusts near Bong Son and para- in weeks. Complete with Genuine Leather Case troopers of the 1st Cavalry, re- In Saigon, U.S. Ambassador porting probes against- U.S. posi- Heniy Cabot Lodge, in an appar- tions Thursday night, said they ent reply to critics who contend f killed seven Viet Cong. the B-52 strikes are not effective, Although no U.S. ground forces said the attacks by the giant were committed in the fighting bombers "are having a very good Vietnamese Sources List 600 Viet Cong Dead in Latest Battle -Associated Press RUSSIAN AMBASSADOR ANDREI A. GROMYKO, above, blasted a United States backed treaty in a speech at the United Nations yesterday. As an alternative, Gromyko proposed a treaty which would block formation of the West's multilateral nuclear force. TO DRAFT NEW TREATY: JohnsonEndsControversial Canal Pact of WASHINGTON OP) - President Johnson announced yesterday a decision to scrap the controver- sial Panama Canal treaty of 1903 and draft a new one offering Panama a share in management and profits of the waterway and other benefits. The President said successful preliminary negotiations with Panama-which began after anti- U.S. riots in January 1964 brought death to 21 Panamanians and four U.S. soldiers-show nations can solve their differences "hon- orably and reasonably, without violence and conflict." In addition to a share of man- agement, Johnson said it has been agreed that "the new treaty will effectively recognize Panama's sovereignty over the area of the present Canal Zone." This has long been a sore point in Panama. Hints Preference In addition, the statement hint- ed strongly that Panama is in a position of preference as the site for a proposed new sea-level canal the United States government proposes to build somewhere in middle America. Administration officials outside the White House said this interpretation is correct. As Johnson spoke before tele- vision cameras and reporters at the White House, Panama's Presi- dent Marco A. Robles was making a similar nationwide broadcast to the people of his country. Attacks Pact Rep. Leonard K. Sullivan (D- Mo), chairman of a House sub- committee on Panama Canalk af- fairs, told a reporter the pre- liminary agreement is "one of the most foolish, unnecessary and saddest things which could be done. I don't want to add fuel to the fire of controversy long sur- rounding our relations with Pana- ma, but the benefits of such an arrangement will serve only to give prestige to the government in power, and profits to the pri- vileged families which run Pan- ama." The President expressed pride in the work of two special am- bassadors on the U.S. negotiating team, Robert Anderson, who was secretary of the Treasury under President Dwight D. Eisenhower, and John N. Irwin. Johnson said the new agreement with Panama "will provide for the defense of the existing canal and any sea-level canal which may be constructed in Panama." Study Routes Johnson added the United States will make studies "of possible routes for a sea-level canal in Panama." He did not mention that two sites outside Panama-one across Nicaragua and a corner of Costa Rica, and another in Co- lombia-also have been suggested for study. U.S. officials said they are look- ing first to Panama for a possible site. Either of two proposed routes in Panama-one of the present canal itself-would be shorter than those outside Panama. A new canal administrative agency would be created under the plan announced by Johnson. Currently, the Panama Canal Co., a U.S. governmental enterprise directed by the Defense Depart- ment, operates both the canal and the Canal Zone government. A new treaty, Johnson said, would terminate after a specified number of years, or about the time the new sea-level canal is opened. "A primary objective of the new treaty will be to provide for an appropriate political, economic and social integration of the area used in the canal operation with the rest of the Republic of Panama.'' Details Vague Administration officials said de- tails on this and other aspects of the proposed new arrangement were not spelled out in the John- son announcement because they have not been worked out. In addition, they hinted, the explosive nature of the controversy the treaty has stirred almost since it was signed in 1903 does not make it advisable to go into de- tails until negotiations are further along. The old treaty was signed under circumstances which almost every- one agrees were an exemplification of early 20th Century gunboat di- plomacy. The United States first sought an agreement with Colom- bia for building a canal. Colombia balked. Soon afterward a revolu- tion broke out in the area of Colombia which is now the Re- public of Panama, and the 1903 treaty came into being swiftly.' additional countries and at the same time block the West's pro- posed multilateral nuclear force. Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko announced the pro- posal in an hour-long speech in the UN General Assembly's open- ing policy debate. He complained that a treaty to prevent the spread of such weap- ons advanced by the United States on Aug. 17 in the Geneva dis- armament negotiations "leaves a 'tiny crack' through which will pass unobstructed a whole multi- lateral fleet equipped with hun- dreds of nuclear-tipped missiles."- "Behind such strategems," Gro- myko said, "are the nuclear ap- petites of the West German mill- tarists." Clear Ownership West German wishes for clear ownership or partial control o1 atomic weapons prompted the United States a few years ago to promote a Western Polaris-missile nuclear fleet manned by sailor of different countries and control. led jointly by those countries. Thi so-called multilateral nuclear flee is still in process of formation. The U.S.-proposed treaty would have nuclear powers undertake "not to transfer any nuclear weap ons into the national control o any non-nuclear state either di rectly, or indirectly through a mil itary alliance." It would also have them under take "not to take any other action which would cause an increase ir the total number of states an other organizations having inde pendent power to use nuclea weapons." To keep atomic warheads thu out of "the national control" o "independent power of mor countries or organizations woul not hinder the multilateral force because it would sire a nuclea missile only on the internationa decision of the participant govern. ments, subject to U.S. veto. No Transfer Gromyko's treaty would hav countries with nuclear weapon "undertake not to transfer suc weapons in any form-directly o indirectly, through third states 0r groupings of states-into the own ership or disposal of states o groups of states not possessing nu clear weapons." Nuclear powers, it says, "shal not provide nuclear weapons o control over them, or over thei location or use, to units of th armed forces or to individua members of the armed forces" o non-nuclear countries, even if sucr units or individuals "have bee placed under the command of an military alliance." Aimed at U.S. The last provision clearly was aimed to keep the United States from putting nuclear weapons int( the hands of the multilatera force. Canadian Foreign Secretar Paul Martin, speaking immediately after Gromyko, said Soviet refus. al to discuss the U.S. draft i Geneva did not seem a reasonable position. Martin also said members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organiza- tion-who have been negotiating on the multilateral force-mus' e( f I. s ,r e d I.r L. r 1 11 if h n 1 's s7 1 TOOLS The MICHIGAN DAILY FALL FASHION SUPPLEMENT will contain everything in the way of fashion news for '65. Ann Arbor merchants will be advertising their newest styles and fashion bargains. WATCH FOR IT OCTOBER 10, 1965 Brings action, tnings and people "almost close enough to touch"! A truly fine, light weight popular size binocular for general viewing use. Ideal for sports events, nature study and as a traveling companion. Full 367-ft. field of view at 1,000 yds. COME IN FOR A DEMONSTRATION TODAY Other model's from $17.95 CAMERA SHOP 1115 SO. UNIVERSITY PHONE 665-6601 CORRECTION Due to a mistake on the part of The Michigan Daily, the price in Thursday's paper should have read $24.95, not $17.95. " WORLD NEWS ROUNDUP: President Johnson Orders Civil Rights Shake-Up To End Duplication of Efforts WASHINGTON - President Johnson ordered a shakeup yes- terday in federal civil rights acti- vities aimed at ending duplica- tion and overlapping authority in efforts to end racial discrimina- tion. within 30 days. ' * * * UNITED NATIONS - Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gro- myko assailed the Onited States yesterday as an aggressor in Viet Nam. The United States promptly never been accepted by any UN body. Gromyko devoted only one par- agraph in his speech to support for Communist China's represen- tatiop in the United Nations, con- tending it should have the seat months after supporters launch- ed a bloody rebellion in an an- nounced attempt to return him to power. * * * LITTLE ROCK, Ark.-Baptists joined Gov. Orval E. Faubus yes-