A 4* 4 * A ',t PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1I, 1965 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER, 24, 1965 THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1965 THE MICHIGAN DAILY rrr. d,,.«,. oY~i,-'r .rr.. 'rv. ..vr...'...:....,.,. ~.~ ....:..'... . ...... .rr .,r «... .4" 1918: ONE OF fEW WOMEN EDITORS Table of Contents GAIL BLUMBERG Editor" STODDARD WHITE Alumni Editor Page Hugh Allen, 106. ........ ................. ..... 7 Mildred Mighell Blake, '18 ......... ...........2 Thurlow E. Coon, '03......................... .. .. 7 Jim Dygert, '56........................ ....y ............9. Paul Eden, '25 ............... ......................7oh '36 ....5 Thomas E. Groehn, '36..................... ................ 7 Arthur Hill, '42............................. 7 Norman Hill, '11.................. ...... . ...... ..7 Janet Hiatt Hooker, '42...............................10 Lois Kelso Hunt, '47 ....................... ............11 C. M. Jickling, '17 ......................................5.. Dwight P. Joyce, '21.............. ......... .. 5 Laurence Kirshbaum, '66..................................1 Norman Kraft, '34........................................6 William Lefevre, '18 ................................... .5 Elizabeth Larsen Lukas, '47.............................11 Ben Marino, '40 ......................................... 8 James Martin, '19............. ..................... 3 Harry Meyser, '19 .......................................3 I. A. Mikesell, '09.....................................3 Robert Mitchell, '39 .......................... .....5 Paul Scott Mowrer, '09..................................2 Thomas Muir, '31...... .........................5 Pat Bronson Norman, '51..... .....................11 Eleanor J. O'Brien, '31................................11 Robert G. Silbar, '29...................................3 Philip Slomovitz, '18........................... . 7 Richard L. Tobin, '32..........................4........4 Robert Weeks, '38........................ ............5 Gurney Williams, '314............. .............4 Eric Zale, '44................................... .....8 . f '. .: By MILDRED MIGHEIL BLAKE '18, LSA IT IS POSSIBLE that I am the only woman who has served as managing editor of The Daily, though perhaps I haven't kept up with the progress of Michigan women in journalism. But there can't be many of,us. My distinction came about in the fall of 1918, only because every man with suf- ficient experience to run the paper had been drafted into " the Student Army Training Corps and had to be on his cot in the new Union building by 10 p.m. I wasn't even a student; I had been woman's editor my senior year, and after graduation that summer I got a nice job working on my home town paper, the Aurora (Ill.) Beacon-News, for $20 a week. But the situation on Maynard Street was so desperate that the Board lured me back with a splendid 25% in- crease. TfHENEXT four months were like no others in The Daily's history, I am sure. We had two or three experienced men who were physically disqualified for the service, a few girls some of whom had written women's news the year be- fore, and a small squad of lads under 18. And then came the flu epidemic. Peo- ple fell sick and died so fast that the hor- rifying flu story was the local lead for the day, for what seems now like weeks. The Daily lost two or three reporters and night editors, gone before their parents could even get to Ann Arbor. The close-to-the-surface battle be- tween the Army and the University was, of course, the real story of the year, but nobody wrote it. Things were too dis- organized and too sensitive to bear analyzing. Like 'scores of other newspapers, we put out an extra on the "fake armi- stice," Roy Howard's premature United Press story on November 7. We sold papers all that day, not only in Ann Ar- or but in Ypsilanti too. The real armi- stice of November 11 was anticlimactic for us, for it broke in the small hours after The Daily had gone to press,- and I can't recall that we put on an extra. It is against the frazzled nerves and near-hysteria of that time that the great poker scandal of January 1919 must now be recounted. I had suggested before the holidays that I leave and let one of the demobilized seniors take over, but the Board said no, I was doing fine, I must stay. But that was before the time clock. THE METHODICAL, solemn law pro- fessor who headed the Board installed the time clock after Christmas vacation. Staff members were required not only to punch in and punch out, but also to turn in reports of work done. Promotions, it was announced, would henceforth be based on this record. One night about two weeks later, I came in about 11 from a concert and the first poker game I had ever seen at the Daily was just breaking up. A freshman player added to his day's report "Won $3.45 at poker." A few' days later the Board had the report and the explosion could not be believed, even when it was seen by every- one in Michigan and neighboring states. IT IS PROBABLY impossible for this generation to realize just how blue the bluenoses of that period could be. The prohibition amendment had been adopted and would go into effect that summer. It was expected to bring in a millennium of righteousness. Every- where the straitest-laced and most cen- sorious were riding high. Still, in merry old Detroit, nobody could believe that the screech from the Board could proceed from such alimited cause. The Ann Arbor News first broke the story in high glee, but the Detroit Free Press decided at once that there must be some mistake, there couldn't be just three stu-' dents involved. So their headline said, "300 students caught in gambling probe." And the word-of-mouth story, since there was a girl in the game, was that of course it must have been strip poker. Also, since there was a "girl editor" who was threatened with discipline by the Board, it didn't take long for her to be identified in much of the gossip with the girl in the garme. THE BOARD had me in for questioning. +Why hadn't I reported the incident at- once so the offenders could be suspend- ed? Why hadn't I, at least, "taken a broomstick to them"? Most of the Board wanted me fired summarily. One inquir- ed whether my diploma might not be withdrawn. The upshot, as I recall, was that the students were put on probation, the Detroit News man was forbidden to enter the premises, and, yielding to the head of the English department who lik- ed my editorials, I was merely "demoted" from managing editor to editorial writer. But I chose instead to rejoin my class- mates out in, the wide, wide world. For Poets On Retiring From Active Newspaper Work A hated tyrant falls; a fierce plot tears The webs of power; war rumors cross the sea; A crisis-yet my fingers tap no key. After a life well crammed with public cares, How strange to stand 'apart from world affairs And let, like other men, what is to be Occur without one warning word from me! -No more to deal in daily threats and scares, Cluck round events like anxious, brooding hen; No more snatch headlines, seize the jigging tape. Dash comment out, explain or analyze! I sit and must at last, like other men, Read books, walk forth and watch the clouds take shape. The great may do or die. I poetize. PAUL SCOTT MOWRER s LSA From the book, "On Going to Live In New Hampshire," 1953 Poor Health, Ruined Love By PAT BRONSON NORMAN '51 LSA THE DAILY did a lot for me - like nearly dampening a romance and sending= me off to Health Service in a state of utter collapse. It was my job as Night Editor which could have wrecked my romance. My turn to edit and proofread the page on Friday or Saturday night seemed to roll around just as the most important dance of the year arrived. So my date and I would rush off at the height of the festivities in our formal attire, .and hurry to The Daily to get those inky proofs, which didn't mix too well with a white forpal. Amazing that this early. craze of mine didn't end the relate nship rigt there But I married the guy, and today he is still putting up with my newspaper mania. Then there is the matter of my health. It was my .custom to spend my lunch hour at The Daily. I was an Ann Arbor girl, and that mile or so walk or bike ride home and back wasn't as exciting as pounding out a story. I would stop at the bakery, pick up some sweet rolls, then proceed to The Daily and buy a Coke from the machine. It is evident that I wasn't studying to be a dietician. Well, it was this awful luncheon diet, compounded by frequent by-passing of breakfast-I always tried to get in a few more winks of sleep, which required the practice of a track star to make it to my eight o'clock classes-that ended up in a case of mononucleosis. When I recovered I amended my eating habits, and I sus- pect that Coke machine never forgave Me for cutting off its diet of my hard earned coins. Dailyites Alli, And All Over By ELEANOR J. O'BRIEN '36 LSA- VERY BIT OF training on The Daily Eis grist for the mill, a survey of ad- vance registrations for this weekend's re- union shows. Seven women even bothered to give their occupation as "mothers of boys." Many gave their occupations as "home- maker," but explained they were free- lancing in advertising and publicity and stringing for newspapers and magazines. Among Daily alumni who reported early, 23 men still are on newspapers and magazines after their Daily service since the 1920s. One man was from the 20s, nine from the $0s, two from the 40s, six from the 50s and three from the current decade. In the same fields, the women numbered two each from the 40s and 60s and one from the 50s. Since 1910, the returning alumni in- clude 28 male and five female lawyers and 11 who call themselves public of- ficials or governmental employees. OF THE WOMEN in recent decades on The Daily, seven are teachers, three are "volunteers," one is a school board member, eight are students, four are in social work and related fields, two are librarians and two simply identify them- selves as "in business." Thirty former. Daily men simply call themselves "in management." Two are secondary school teachers and 19 others are teaching at the'college level. 'Ten men. identify themselves as stu- dents. Two are dentists, three social workers, seven in medicine or public. health, three in banking, three in insur- ance, 12 in "sales," two in accounting and one is an archivist. Three are/or were in the Army, with ranks as high as brigadier general. They have become faculty members at not only Michigan (in law, botany, Eng- lish and business administration), but at Arizona, -Rutgers, Adrian, Wisconsin, Wayne State, Tulane and Ohio State. And, of all -the former Daily men who joined college faculties, only one so far- Brewster Campbell, former city editor. of the Detroit Free Press-has registered as a journalism instructor. The nickel Coke is now a Daily legend. It has maintained generations of editors and understa' tasks. The old machine still chugs on, with occasional heavy repairs, and gives back four nicke That's justice. 19 47 Perseverance ir Pursuit of.Worldly Wi : ::: .,:; . :": 5 .:,":" :: :.:. rh..... :::tiff: -..:'s: :r: :": ".r". ..1 1911: Remember Louise? By HARRY MEYSER 'II LSA S LOUISE still around? Probably not, but I wonder if her spirit is still around in the memories of the few old- timers who had to do with The Daily back in 1909-11. At any rate, here's one who. remembers Louise, so I'll tell you about her. In those days The Daily offices con- sisted of two rooms above a commercial printing shop located, as I remember, on Maynard street. It consisted of a rather large room for the managing editor,' night editors and reporters,. while a smaller one was occupied by the business manager and his advertising staff. Each night the editorial room would be filled with editors and"reporters and dur- ing the early part of the evening all would be busy 'writing their stories in The Road to.Fortune By HARRY MEYSER '11 LSA DURING OUR fiftieth class reunion, four years ago, a number of us ware sitting around reminiscing. Some fellow whom I was sure I had never seen before (we had all grown slightly older in 50- years) told a story about a Daily re- porter. As he talked I soon realized he was telling my story. Who was that stranger and how did he know me? He remembered only my first name as he called his hero Harry. Well, here is the story he told. A Daily reporter had been assigned to cover a meeting of prospective teachers over in -the education department. During the meeting the reporter was sitting in the class room, as were all those attending the talk. When the monitors distributed forms for the prospective teachers to fill out, they just naturally put one on the desk in front of the reporter. Without too much forethought, the re- porter who had had considerable news- paper experience both in his home town and on The Daily, but no history of education or pedagogy, filled out the form. A COUPLE OF WEEKS later, the re- porter was called over to be inter- viewed by the superintendent and presi- dent of the board of a town a hundred miles or so north of Ann Arbor. They had come to interview prospects for the job of principal of their high school. The reporter, who wanted to make some money his first year out of school, went up to the town a weekend later to meet the other members of the board. He returned to Ann Arbor with the job of high school principal at a salary of $900 per year! He kept the job a year, was a success. was offered $1000 to return, but as he wanted $100 more a year, retired from teaching and went to the Pacific' coast and back into newspaper work. The teller of the story at the class re- union, I discovered, was Starr Lasher who became a professor of Journalism and was naturally amused by this inci- dent. And I, of course, was the reporter. the typically noisy news room. But by eleven thirty or twelve the crowd ]had generally thinned out and, after one a.m., as a rule, only the night editor was left. He had to proofread the galley sheets as they came up from, the linotype setter in the commercial shop below. W ELL, THAT WAS often a rather lone- ly vigal and to while away the hours and keep awake, it was the custom of some of us to talk with Louise. Louise was the night operator of the manual switchboard at the Ann Arbor telephone office. Louise knew all of our voices and recognized us from where or when we phoned. "All right, Harry, I'll get your party for you." Louise had a pleasing but somewhat plaintive voice with a kind of 'come hither' appeal and, at times, we would hold long conversations with hardly any interruptions. At best, telephone relationships have their shortcomings, and it was only nat- ural that I tried to meet Louise and did my best to cajole her into a date. But in her almost hautingly pleading voice she said she did not want to meet face to face as she was sure I'd be disappointed and thus eid our talks. Of course this only caused me to coax more. Finally, after great persuasion, she reluctantly agreed to meet me one night at a bridge in downtown Ann Arbor. We met and I should have listened to Louise. Several others of the night editors and reporters used to be equally friendly with her. I wonder if any of them ever met her? But around the old Daily of over fifty years ago she was almost an institution. Is she or- her legend still around or are any of her other telephone friends still around? by LOIS KELSO HUNT '47 LSA S TANDING IN the lunch-line at Betsy Barbour one day in the fall of 1943, I heard a girl behind me saying that she had asked ten people on the steps of An- gell Hall how to spell Chiang Kai-shek without finding one who knew. I was impressed by her perseverance in the pursuit of knowledge, and even more im- pressed when it developed that she had really known how to spell it all the time; she was just checking up on the student body. It all showed up in The Daily next day as evidence of shocking political apathy in war-time students, and opened up a new vista to me. It had never before oc- curred to me that there were people my own age who might expect me to. know anything about World Affairs, which was just the way I thought of them. Next year I started to work on The Daily myself and discovered that there were a whole group of people over there who expected such things of their fellow students, and of everyone else too. They were forever rushing 9.round with petitions about fair labor practices, join- ing a picket line at some factory, writing editorials which seemed to have come straight out of a political science text, reading the New Republic of the Nation, organizing test cases to prove that the Michigan laws against racial discrimina- tion in barbershops and restaurants were flouted. DON'T MEAN to say that I ever rose to those heights myself. On Women's Staff we were more occupied with trying to get everyone's name spelled right in the story about the Modern Dance Club's new officers, or fit Elected President into that nasty headline that counted 7/-9. No, I never actually joined in any of the editorial staff's campaigns. In fact, I am sorry to say I thought them rather silly sometimes, especially when they picketed a Walt Disney film because Un- cle Remus was shown acting like Uncle Remus instead of Paul Robeson. They baffled me by acting -very hard- boiled and professional, particularly the returning veterans who began to appear among us, while their motives seemed to be of an incredible idealism. -An uproar of bells and clacks from the wire machines announced the death of President Roosevelt one day in the spring of 1945. To me, who had been brought up to believe that F.D.R. was the Antichrist, more or less, the concern shown by other workers was surprising. Dick Krause, I think it was, did a sort of mah-on-the- street feature that night, interviewing students out on dates at the League and elsewhere, and was grieved to find that By ELIZABETH LARSEN LUKAS '47 LSA I RECENTLY made a pilgrimage to seldom-opened cupboard which con- tains two scrapbooks of stories I wrote for The Daily from 1944-1947. It had been years since I looked at the yel- lowed clippings, still neatly trimmed and pasted on the pages as some sort of permanent tribute to a meaningful period in my life. - But only now can I sty that. It didn't seem -particularly meaningful at the time. It was exciting, interesting, ex- hausting, tedious, depressing, satisfy- ing, depending on the day and the assignment. And, depending on the en- ergy and temperament I brought to it. Quite simply, it was like life, as no other aspect of university experience can be. At least-it was for me, for two reasons. It produced an attitude of involve- ment-involvement with all the affairs of the campus and of the world. The uncertain fledgling reporter was prodded' to perform from the moment he arrived on the desk until the moment he left, weary and drained from writing and re- writing, counting heads and re-count- ing. He learned to be competent as a writer and interpreter of news. THI ti were becar cub, to u writi defea India of ty trans unfox struc An skill, a de( also ing f Thi staye Ma my my f a rel these and Voter need Wher Ar life N Daily ticula everyone was talking about anything other than the President's death. ALL THESE YEARS after, however, I can see that I owe editorial staff a debt. They seem, by and large, to have been right about practically everything they fussed about so. The principles they upheld are being passed into laws all around us, and unlike many of my ac- quaintances, I can contemplate the laws with equanimity. How can I believe that civil rights and socialized medicine are part of a vast evil conspiracy when I recall being bored stiff by fluent eighteen-year-olds on those subjects in 1944? Still more surprising, these campus radicals, as I believed them to be, must have been no more than "pseudo-liberals" in today's jargon. Recent pronounce- .nents of student leaders speak slight- ingly of the aims and methods which im- pressed me as so militant, usually calling them timid. I am sure that the members of edi- torial staff in the '40's have all done much more important things than to, enable one housewife to face contempor- ary legislation without terror. Certainly they aimed to do more. Very likely some of th public ing to sible. BU' is and I Las scend in Vi this o struct disorc dirty their letters admit firstx boys tranc The our c I mys posed '40's, very and ] they right about. 1947: In the Old C