SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1965 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1985 THE MICflIGA~ DAILY PAGE THREE Erhard Win Predicted as German Vote Nears ASSEMBLY-IQC PRESENTS- "YOUR RESIDENCE HALLS: CLASSROOMS FOR LIVING" By CLARENCE FANTO West German voters march to the polls in record numbers today, with most diplomatic observers rating Chancellor Ludwig Erhard's Christian Democratic party a slight favorite to win. Today's fifth West German elec- tion since the end of World War II marks a milestone in history, since a new generation made up of more than three million Germans born between 1940 and 1944 will be voting for the first time. Erhard's chief opponent, Social Democrat Willy Brandt, mayor of West Berlin, has conducted a vig- orous campaign which may result in a loss for the Christian Demo- crats, who now hold a comfort- able 308 to 190 majority in the Bundestag, the West German par- liament. If Brandt's party does well enough, it could force its way into a coalition government with Erhaid's Christian Democrats. Such a coalition could pave the way for an all-out Social Demo- cratic victory in 1969. Little Change Whatever party wins, little change in West Germany's foreign policies is likely. The nation will continue to support the U.S. in its drive for an integrated Atlan- tic alliance, but it would refuse any major aid in the Viet Nam war. It would try to reconcile French President Charles de Gaulle to his partners in the Common Market. It would seek better relations with the Soviet Union and its East European sa- tellites, but would avoid official contact with East Germany's Communist regime. Erhard has enjoyed great popu- larity since he inherited the Chancellorship from Konrad Ade- nauer in 1963. He is seen as the personification of West Germany's economic prosperity, and during his Chancellorship, the economic expansion has continued. The West German gross national pro- duct is the highest in Europe and is increasing by at least five per cent yearly. The West Ger- man mark is among the world's most stable currencies. Each year sees new record incomes and un- employment is nonexistent. More Conservative The Social Democrats have be- come more conservative during this campaign in an attempt to widen their appeal. They are now more conservative than Britain's Labor Party, and oppose all na- tionalization of industry. In fact, under Brandt, the Social Demo- crats have focused on issues such as monetary stability, a balanced budget, the danger of inflation and the neglect of scientific re- search to spur economic growth. All three parties, including the right-wing Free Democrats, are committed to work for German re- unification. Brandt has pledged to confer with Russia in an at- tempt to persuade the Soviets to reunify Germany. Adenauer Runs Former Chancellor Adenauer, who at the age of 89 still exerts a major influence on West Ger- man politics, is running for his fifth term in the Bundestag from Bonn and is expected to win eas- ily. In his campaign, Adenauer has attacked the U.S. proposals on disarmament made at the 17- nation Geneva conference. These proposals are "monstrous" and open the way to the "surrender" of Germany to Russia, Adenauer says. Adenauer is also hostile towards Erhard, both on personal and po- litical grounds. Adenauer has call- ed for greater independence in West German foreign and de- fense policy and a reorientation away from Washington towards France. Erhard has been preoccupied with the challenge of the Social Democrats led by Brandt. He knows that if the Christian Demo- crats' margin in the Bundestag is significantly reduced, the be- ginning of the end of his regime would be near. GUEST SPEAKER; DISCUSSION: MRS. ALICE HADDIX PERTINENT TOPICS DATE: SEPTEMBER 19 TIME: 2:00 P.M. PLACE: MICHIGAN LEAGUE Michigan Room PARTICIPANTS: EVERYONE! I'-- I Paratroopers Engage vc rIn Fierce Mountain Paper Strike Advances To Third Day New York Mediator Says 'Complicated' Issue Unresolved NEW YORK (AP)-The chances of weekend settlement of the newspaper strike-shutdown here faded yesterday. Mediator Theo- dore W. Kheel reported the main issues are more profound and go a lot deeper" than he had thought. With six other publishers sus- pending their newspapers in sym- pathy with the struck New York Times, the city's one remaining major daily, the Post, doubled its press run for Sunday editions, to about 600,000 copies. Kheel said that in the first hours of negotiations on this third day of the strike only one "very complicated" issue was discussed and neither the Times nor the striking New York Newspaper Guild changed positions. One of Four This issue alone-which he re- fused to identify among the four main disputes-might take all day and Sunday to clear up, Kheel said. The Guild demanded job pro- tection against automation and mergers, a voice in the introduc- tion of labor-saving devices, a requirement that all workers it represents be compelled to join the Guild, and improved pensions and severance pay. The Times, which had granted automation job protection to printers, offered this to Guilds- men employed as of last March 31, refused to give the Guild a veto on automation, rejected the union membership requirement and expressed willingness to work out pension and severance mat- ters. Wages Settled Wages are not an issue. The Guild previously indicated it would be governed by the $12 money- package given the printers a few months ago. Kheel, instrumental in settling New York's 114-day, $250-million newspaper blackout of 1962-63, was called back from a vacation in Europe -by by Mayor Robert F. Wagner only hours before the Guild struck at 8 a.m. Thursday. At first, he indicated that a settlement might be worked out in time for the Times to publish its Friday editions. But the opti- mism vanished as nine other news- paper unions refused to cross Guild picket lines and the Pub- lishers Association of New York City suspended publication of member newspapers. These are the morning Daily News and Herald Tribune and the afternoon World-Telegram and Sun, Journal-American, Long Is- land Press and Long Island Star- Journal. The Long Island Press continued to publish noncity edi- tions. 17,000 Idle The stalemate idled 17,000 work- ers and stopped circulation of four million daily newspapers and six million on Sunday. The afternoon and Sunday Post, which withdrew from the associa- tion during the 1962-63 strike, re- mained in publication. A Post spokesman said the paper increased its press run Friday "by about 30 per cent to about 500,000. Saturday, for the weekend edition, we about doubled our normal pro- --Associated Press ALONE IN QUI NHON BAY, an American frogm an sits on wing of Air Force C130 freighter that crashed yesterday, killing a t least five soldiers. SPLIT SEEMS HEALED: Rights Groups NoweF Unified Despite Defeat in Congress attle Small-Arms Fight Brings U.S. Jet Aid 87 American Planes Hit Ground Targets In North Viet Namn SAIGON (IP) - Troops of the 101st Airborne were reported locked in vicious fighting yester- day with an unknown number of Viet Cong in mountainous country northeast of An Khe, a U.S. mil- itary spokesman said. The fighting began shortly after elements of the 10st began an operation yesterday morning, the spokesman said. The fighting raged throughout the day, he said, and at midafternoon was termed heavy. No indication was given of the number of U.S. paratroopers in- volved, but casualties were off i- ciaily described as light. The ground troops were supported by U.S. jet aircraft. Small Arms The spokesman said the Viet Cong opened up with vicious small arms attack shortly after the paratroopers were lifted into the area by helicopter. Elements of the 101st have been conducting daily actions in the An Khe area, where the st Cavalry Division is. Patrols have fought light engagements pre- viously with the Viet Cong in the region, but they have not met with larger than platoon-size units of Viet Cong. Ground action elsewhere was relatively light. Marine patrols around the big air base at Da Nang killed seven Viet Cong and came away with light losses, a spokesman reported. At Ben Cat, 30 miles north of Saigon troops of the U.S. 173rd Airborne killed two Viet Cong and wounded another in an allied push to set up a base in an area long dominated by the Communists. Besides Americans and South Vietnamese, this operation also involves Australians and New Zea- landers. Hit Checkpoint A platoon of guerrillas attacked a police checkpoint 10 miles northwest of Saigon but were driven off after a 10 minute fight. The Viet Cong also overran a village headquarters at Cam Ha, 32 miles south of Da Nang. The Vietnamese popular forces squad there was reported missing after the attack. Officials gave this account of air activity: -U.S. planes flew 173 sorties in South Viet Nam between late Friday and early yesterday. -In North Viet Nam, 87 planes carried o u t missions against ground targets. In one of the larger strikes, 12 Skyhawks from the U.S. 7th Fleet carrier Midway hammered an army barracks and supply area at Vinh. Pilots report- ed three buildings destroyed and three others damaged. Jet Downed -A U.S. Air Force F105 jet was shot down by North Vietnamese groundfire Friday 65 miles south- east of Dien Bien Phu. No para- chute was seen and a search and rescue effort was ended. An investigation was under way in the second bombing of the de- militarized zone that separates North and South Viet Nam. South Vietnamese officials de- scribed the planes as unidentified but possibly American. Reliable informants at Da Nang said 19 persons were killed, including Workshops Plan Course Of Protests Idea Session Offers Five Point Program For Definite Action (Continued from Page 1) Prof. Richard Mann of the psy- chology department, member of t h e Inter-University Committee, noted that in the past, good ideas_ have failed because of the nature of the individual involved in peace movements: everyone has specific ideas of organization, and no one will agree to anyone else's plans. Through the political mobiliza- tion on Washington, groups op- posing the escalation of the war in Viet Nam hope to place suffi- cient political pressure on Presi- dent Johnson to counteract the pressure from military advisors and Republicans who accuse Johnson of a soft-line with every peace overture. Among the supporters of the mobilization are Arthur Miller, Dr. Spock, and Dr. Martin Luther King. The international teach-in in Toronto will be broadcast rhrough- out the United States and Canada. Five sessions will be held: discus- sions on the relationship of Rus- sia's and United States' foreign policy to the question of interven- tion, the Dominican situation, Viet Nam, the right of a nation to self-determination, and a cit- izen's moral obligations in rela- tion to his country's foreign policy. Speakers from the Dominican Republic, Cambodia, Saigon and the National Liberation Front have been invited to speak over the networks. T h e International Conference for Alternative Perspectives on Viet Nam ended yesterday, its fifth day. It brought an impressive list of names, headed by playwright Arthur Miller. Lord Fenner-Brock- way, Labor member of the House of Lords and chairman of the British Council for Peace in Viet Nam; Makota Oda, Japanese nov- elist; and Emil Mazey, secretary- treasurer of United Auto Work- ers, were other prominent mem- bers. Student demonstrations and the controversial SNCC Fishbowl sign that charged Americans in Viet Nam with comitting war crimes, j marked the five days. Wayne State University Eastern Michigan Central Michigan Western Michigan Northern Michigan Michigan Technological Institute Ferris Grand Valley Ir by l - Of .,. I' r 5, /SL k Vanity Fair's Lovely Lace Bra built on a flat flexi-wire frame. Perfect separation makes for a youthful *00too S.G.C. Committee on the University Bookstore bust line. J~tarine~ B, C, and D Cups. A A 7 of Ann Arbor 209 EAST LIBERTY WASHINGTON (P)-The battle to unseat five Mississippi white congressmen was lost but the civil rights movement scored a gain in the fight, a leading churchman said yesterday. Dr. Robert W. Spike, director of the Commission on Religion and Race of the National Council of Churches, said a newfound spirit of unity among the civil rights groups will lead to more congres- sional challenges to Southern congressmen. "Since the. Democratic Conven- tion at Atlantic City we've had a fairly serious split in the move- ment," Dr. Spike said in an in- terview. "The joining together to back the Mississippi Freedom Demo- cratic Party was the most unified action since then. Everybody back- ed it." Dr. Spike said a highlight of last week came during a meeting Tuesday night of the National Leadership Conference on Civil Rights-an amalgamation of more than 10( union, church and civil rights groups. Fight Dismissal Within minutes, Dr. Spike said, the leadership conference voted unanimously to "work for the de- feat of any motion to dismiss the challenge." At the meeting were Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, James Farmer of the Congress of Racial Equality, John Lewis, and Bayard Rustin of the A. Phillip Randolph Institute in New York. "Since Reconstruction the House has been sacrosanct," said Dr. Spike. "This challenge brought the problem right into the heart of the national legislature and struck where the legislators are most vulnerable-their own seat in Congress." He said 40 success- ful challenges were brought dur- ing Reconstruction. Significant Vote "It is very significant that on the final roll call we got 143 votes despite the fact that the liberal Democratic leadership in the Con- gress fought us every way," he said. The House voted 228-143 to dismiss the challenge but, Dr. Spike said, "There was no way of predicting how the vote was going to go. Many did not follow the Democratic leadership. "This means Congress will be the scene of more struggles. There will be more challenges than we've ever had before." t If LAST YEAR WE WON A $1.25 MINIMUM WAGE FOR STUDENT EMPLOYEES This year we are concerned with the rotal Economic Welfare of All Students JOIN NOW 2514 SAB 761-1320 [ World News Roundup U By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - President Johnson definitely will meet with Pope Paul VI in New York City on Oct. 4. While such a meeting has been anticipated, the formal announce- ment came Saturday from the White House which said Johnson is looking forward to the occasion. This will be the fourth meeting between an American president and a reigning pontiff of the Ro- man Catholic Church but the first on American soil. Pope Paul will be in New York for 13 hours, principally to ad- dress the United Nations and to celebrate an evening Mass for The Izvestia article quoted let- ters and documents purporting to back up Soviet charges that George Niponich, an exhibit guide expelled from the country last month, was a German spy. The exhibit was then in Minsk. * * * BEIRUT, Lebanon-Iraqui Pres- ident Abdel Salam Aref returned to Baghdad yesterday-where an attempted coup failed to unseat him last Thursday, Baghdad radio said. The surprise announcement fol- lowed a Cairo report that Aref would stay overnight in the Egyp- tian capital en route to Beirut from the Arab summit conference and timber, destroyed about 120 houses and killed more than 700 hogs, sheep and cattle. A volunteer fire fighter from Latrone was killed; 16 foresters have been slightly hurt. * * * LACKAWANNA, N.Y. - State police said yesterday a telephone caller's assassination warning, first thought to be meant for Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller and Lt. Gov. Malcolm Wilson, really was directed to the governor of Mary- land. Police pressed a search for the unidentified man. John D. Steinmetz, state police investigator, said telephone com- nan~t snnrin,.c hriArpnnrtpri oA UMASEU U Please attend our General Organizational Meelina Tonight. HELP STAFF AND PLAN "KNOW YOUR UNIVERSITY DAY" 0 At tonight's meeting we will be 1111 11