Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS .. -w Where Opinions Ar Free 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1965 NIGHT EDITOR: JOHN MEREDITH Some Negative Viewpoints The Intellectual Underground The Conference THIS WEEK the campus has become the center of vociferous, well organized and well financed activities and attacks on United States policy in Viet Nam. These have ranged from a "respectable" International Conference on Alternative Perspectives on Viet Nam to one of the most blatant exhibitions of poor taste ever seen at the University-the placing of two extremely offensive signs in the Fishbowl. The international conference, most of whose sessions have been closed to the public, has culminated in a repeat per- formance of last year's teach-in. The Of- fice of Religious Affairs has broadened its scope of theological concern to the political realm by agreeing to act as a sponsor for this gathering .of "the inter- national intellectual community" here. Tens of thousands of dollars have been expended to bring a Japanese film pro- ducer, a Moroccan abbot, a civil rights agitator, a poet, a playwright and various other intellectuals to participate in a dialogue regarding our policy in Viet Nam. IT SEEMS rather stronge, however, that this conference, which is attempting to "derive a more realistic picture of the conflict in Viet Nam from an analysis of the Vietnamese people as they see them- selves," has failed to invite representa- tives from South Viet Nam, Thailand, the Philippines or any of the other na- tions directly involved in this problem. One might even be so bold as to question the degree of expertise and qualification which these intellectuals have for de- termining the destiny of the people of Southeast Asia As a matter of fact it appears that the participants in his international con- ference have journeyed to Ann Arbor with some rather strong prejudices. The obvi- ous politicization of these people-as well as that of the Office of Religious Af- fairs in planning this program-is in- deed unfortunate. All of a sudden, it seems, people from all fields ranging from baby doctors and chemists to poets and engineers have be- come self-appointed experts on Southeast Asia and foreign policy in general and feel more qualified than our trained ex- perts in this area to deal with the prob- lems there. IT IS PARTICULARLY interesting to note that the list of authors of most of the published material which has op- posed our policy is conspicuous for its absence of recognized Southeast Asian scholars. Many of these intellectuals who have so freely and carelessly adopted im- practical and simplistic positions which are incompatible with the realities of the situation. The expertise which has been assembled for this conference seems to be inappropriate for a discussion of realistic alternatives. If we are to pattern future confer- ences after this example, then we should invite engineers to make medical deci sions, poets to build bridges and mathe- maticians to formulate foreign policy. Seems rather absurd,doesn't it? -ARTHUR J. COLLINGSWORTH Editorial Staff ROBERT JOHNSTON Editor LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM JEFFREY GOODMAN Managing Editor Editorial Director JUDITH FIELDS .................. Personnel Director LAUREN BAHR..........Associate Managing Editor JUDITH WARREN....... Assistant Managing Editor ROBERT RIPPLER ....... Associate Editorial Director GAIL BLUMBERG................Magazine Editor LLOYD GR.AFF ................ Acting Sports Editor NIGHT EDITORS: Susan Collins, John Meredith, Leonard Pratt, Peter Sarasohn, Bruce Wasserstein. PAY EDITORS: Robert Carney, Clarence Fanto, Mark Killingsworth, Robert Moore, Harvey Wasserman, Dick Wingield, ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Alice Bloch, Mere- dith Eiker, Merle Jacob, Carole Kaplan, Robert Klivans, Lynn Metzger, Roger Rapoport, Neil Shis- ter, Katherine Teich, Joyce Winslow, Charlotte Wolter. Business Staff CY WELLMAN, Business Manager ALAN GLUECKMAN. .......Advertising Manager jOYCE FEINBERG ... .........Finance Manager SUSAN CRAWFORD .....Associate Business Manager The Fishbowl Sign WITH ALL FREEDOM we must accept responsibility. Part of that responsi- bility lies in exercising that freedom with good taste. The Friends of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee and the other organizations which make up the "get-out-of-Viet Nam-no-matter- what-the-cost-and-consequences" move- ment on this campus seem to have for- gotten this in accusing American soldiers in Viet Nam of being war criminals. Their sign of this week is in very poor taste. It smears the good name and char- acter of hundreds of American boys who have given their lives in defense of their country in the jungles of Viet Nam. Moreover, the sign was put up under false pretenses. UNIVERSITY REGULATIONS give Al- pha Phi Omega the right and respon- sibility to govern the use of signs, tables and other such devices on University grounds, including the Fishbowl. APO by- laws call for the clearance of all posters with its executive board, something which was not done prior to the posting of the sign. On the original form handed in by Friends of SNCC, no mention was made of the sign at all. .The form asked for per- mission to distribute literature on Viet Nam and to solicit support for the hous- ing drive. Later, permission for the Fish, bowl sign was granted when a new form was submitted by the same organiza- tion. Perhaps permission was legitimately granted because of the furor raised by the cries of free speech and censorship. The fact remains, however, that the sign never did go through the proper chan- nels-the executive board of APO. THE ONLY BASIS APO has on which to judge posters is whether or not they comply with the size (no larger than 24" by 36") and content requirements stip- ulated in its bylaws. APO should also, however, use the criterion of good taste, which would cover such things as obscen- ity, slander and libel, not to mention character assassination. The immediate superior of the APO is J. Duncan Sells, director of student ac- tivities and organizations and a member of the administration. Since APO derives its power from and in turn is responsible to the administration, the administration has the right to intervene in the affairs of APO when it feels APO has used its prerogatives unwisely. Had APO approved the sign, this would have been one of the instances in which the administration should have stepped in. WE MUST REMEMBER that we are still students and not yet adults, and the University still has the right to exercise certain parental duties. -JEFFREY BEAL No Wider Sign THE INSIDE STORY about the Fish- bowl sign controversy-which brought University students and the U.S. armed forces eyeball-to-eyeball-can finally be told. The inside story: As soon as the "war crimes" sign went up, the recruiters, using a janitor as an intermediary, issued three demands to the sign-users: --Immediate cessation of the use of the arrow; -Subsequent withdrawal of both the sign and the arrow, and -Basic acceptance of the vieys of the Joint Judiciary as the "voice of the Uni- versity students" in the controversy. THE SIGN USERS, however, termed the demands "outrageous," charging that Joint Judiciary "does not have any sub- stantial following among the people." They also declared that if the military recruiters "would just stop bothering their neighbors and go home, there would be no problem." They added, "We seek no wider sign." However, the janitor used as inter- SM1ith:" FROM ALL INDICATIONS thus far, President Harlan Hatcher's selection of Allan F. Smith of the Law School to succeed Roger Heyns as Vice-President for Aca- demic Affairs was an outstanding decision. The incredible smoothness of the difficult transition period attests to the administrative brilliance of both Smith and his predecessor. And the clarity and incisiveness of the University's response to the housing issue last week, plus the Free Speech sign this week, must have been due in some measure to strong ideological commitments on Smith's part. Amidst the almost inhuman re- sponsibilities thrust upon him, he can be optimistic first of all about the state of the University, at least with respect to outward in- dications. Not only is a phenom- enal budget request going up to Lansing, but the University has more going for it this year, in terms of backing from the other state colleges, than it ever has before. NEW BUILDINGS are being built or are coming. Recruitment of stimulating young faculty to take on the rising tide of students has been impressive by its success. Well-planned new education and research programs are seeking, and getting, support. Recent fig- ures show that University's re- search program, already the best in the country, is continuing to grow at a boom-times pace. All these developments, and their continued rosy health, are the responsibility of the vice- president for academic affairs. Yet more ought to be expected of Allan Smith, and Smith, in turn, ought to be able to expect more of the University than a series of budget requests. A great deal of thought and action is needed at levels beyond those of skillful paper-shuffling and facts-gathering. It should, after all, be a fairly rudimentary problem to coordinate and assess a series of budget requests from below and put them together for passage up the line. The fact that it hasn't been rudimentary is not so much a negative comment upon the Uni- versity as it is upon the general state of higher education admin- istration in this country. BUT BEYOND the budget pro- cess, which is well in hand, re- cruiting, which is best left to lower administrative levels, and internal University coordinating, which has made great strides through the device of the Aca- demic. Affairs Advisory Council, there are at least two higher levels of possible operation. There is room for much more work on the questions of where we want to go and how we are going to get there. And, indeed, these two questions can be thought out either in terms of numbers of students and faculty and dollars and buildings needed for their maximum utilization or in terms of definition and evaluation of more cosmic goals and ideals to justify the existence of the Uni- versity of Michigan. How many faculty and how Michigan MAD By ROBERT JOHNSTON many classrooms and laboratories and books will be needed in 1980 for how many students? is a pri- mary question. What are some of the less basic things that stu- dents and faculty will be doing with their time (such as doing re- search, filling up housing, playing tennis, or whatever) that will have to be provided for? Is a more complex one. Then, at the next level, the questions are rephrased. How should present, traditional pat- terns of classroom and lab ac- tivity be modified so that learn- ing goals, however broadly we should chose to define them, can be reached? And, beyond the learning process, what other goals do we wish to strive toward with- in larger concepts of university purpose? WHAT ROLE, for instance, should the scientist-researcher play in the social harnessing of his work? Elinor Langor of Science magazine contended in a recent book review for The Nation that any role that presently exists is pretty meaningless. Here is fer- tile ground for social involvement and leadership operating on more plausible philosophies of respon- sibility and authority than the teach-in movement. Or, similarly, how hard should the university. as the dispenser, among other things, of the means- to-get-ahead, press for more equitable availability of these means, for a more balanced na- tional investment in human re- sources among all social classes? These are questions the Univer- sity community ought to expect Allan Smith to start asking and proposing some tentative answers to. And, if he can master in eight weeks all that Heyns has brought to the job in five years, there is grounds for thinking that, given a few more, Smith will be heard from. AT THE SAME time, Smith has a right to expect some response from the great nether regions of the big 'U'. It is of no use to holler in the dark, for nothing is going to happen either to our thousand- year-old concepts of education or our too-new and too cold-blooded concepts of administering it un- less someone can get a little talk, some dialog if you will, going on the subject. It is only in this give-and-take and testing of ideas and theories that new and viable responses to new problems can be worked out and implemented. When Smith says either publicly or privately that the literary college is edu- cationally and administratively a mess and asks why we don't do such and such about it, and lit- erary college faculty stir up hell fire and damnation in response but add that such and such else might not be a bad idea, only then will real life and vitality be- gin to flow back into this in- stitution., While the Viet Nam sign in the Fishbowl was obnoxious and taste- less in its presentation, at least it raised some issues that an aw- ful lot of people found it worth- while to debate at length on the spot. (How long since you as a faculty member or student had a real fight going in one of your classes, a really provacative fight that made you think about some things you usually try not to?) ADMINISTRATORS are taught from their cradles to avoid con- troversy like the plague. Smith could do no better than to stir some up around here. And it be- hooves the rest of the University to pay some attention. While the large and growing numbers of students and faculty make unified positive action impossible, vigorous if disorganized responses are still in order. From such interaction, the trappings of the multiversity might be undermined and forced out of the picture, and the Uni- versity might deal more in quali- ties of intellectual health and vitality and less in the mass out- put of the computer-scholar- publisher. Smith could do no better than administer the University a good slap in the face. OVERHEARD on the Diag yes- terday: Harlan's back! So? He's the President! Oh. Time for Hard Questioning? 4 * Viet Nam War:**In Defense of Diversity First of a Two Part Series By MARK R. KILLINGSWORTH D~CUSSION of the war in Viet Nam seems to have aroused considerable emotionalism. Rarely, however, has it produced much enlightenment. To some supporters of the war, its opponents are all appeasers and, worse yet, communists. To some of its opponents, those who support the effort in Viet Nam are fascists and militarists. It may be too late to retrieve rational discussion. Stanley Millet. one of the professional partici- pants in the conference here, has said that "terror on our side" ac- counts for all that goes on in South Viet Nam. Indeed. Debate on the issue, far from generating enlightment, seems only to have generated confusion --and, in confusion, many have concluded that something, any- thing, else must be better than the present United States policy. ONE EXAMPLE of the murky quality of the "dialogue" which is taking place over our Viet Nam policy is the following, by now an old, familiar charge: "The United States is violating, both militarily and politically, the Geneva Agreements of 1964 in South Viet Nam-by sending troops, and by refusing to hold the agreed-upon elections." This, unfortunately, is less than accurate. As Prof. Bernard Fall, a French-born professor at Howard University who has spent years in Viet Nam and has an intimate knowledge of the Vietnamese, points out, from 5000 to 6000 hard-core guerrillas, the elite of the Vietminh, went underground in the South in 1954 after the agreement was signed and then began terrorist attacks. (The agreements had called for a regrouping of all Vietminh forces in the North.) Prof. Fall also notes that be- tween 1954 and 1956, the North Vietnamese increased their regular army units from 7 to 20 divisions. (The agreements had called for a freeze on troop strength.) AND, ON JULY 21, 1954, Walter Bedell Smith, the U.S. under sec- retary of state, declared at the Geneva talks during discussion of the final agreement that the United States was "not prepared to join in a declaration by the conference such as ishsubmitted." He added that the U.S. would "refrain from the threat of or use of force to disturb" the agree- ments, but he added that we would "view any renewal of the aggression in violation of the aforesaid agreements with grave concern and as seriously threaten- ing international peace and se- curity." In short, Smith's statement warned that we would oppose any such aggression. THE ULTIMATE significance of such misconceptions about the war lies not in the particular aspects of the actual situation in Viet Nam which they obscure. What is important is that they demon- strate how complex-and how mis- understood-United States policy in Viet Nam is. But discussion of our policy is inadequate without an underlying that our way is the only way, that our conceptions of "freedom," "democracy" and "free enterprise" are suited not only to our coun- try, but' to all countries. We have thus regularly asserted a divine mission on earth, and, on occasion, have therefore commited such virtuous acts as our refusal to aid India's Bokhara steel mill because it is not operated by pri- vate enterprise. But slowly the U.S. has turned from this belief, as difficult to maintain in theory as it is to en- force in practice; and were are turning toward a policy of di- versity. THE FUNDAMENTAL thrust of U.S. policy-and, indeed, of all policy-is to preserve order amid change and change amid order. We feel that change, to be mean- ingful and lasting, requires healthy, stable and independent governments of all kinds, and we realize that this can happen only in a world of diversity. There is a definite difference between internal change and ex- ternal subversion, and our policy has, gradually to be sure, made that distinction. To that end, the U.S. has aided the Egyptian, Mexican and Bo- livian revolutions for some time, and is now providing similar as- sistance to East European nations such as Poland and Yugoslavia- even though their political and economic systems hardly resemble our own. Gaullism, in France and else- where, is the direct outgrowth of our Marshall plan, an earlier at- tempt to promote viable and in- dependent nations. It, too, dem- ontsrates the success of our policy of diversity, not its failure. And when we accept the need for diversity, we accept the need to protect it. THIS IS WHY we are involved in Viet Nam: the war in Viet Nam is the result of a concerted pro- gram of "outside interference" of the North Vietnamese and Com- munist Chinese which would end diversity and put their own hege- mony in its place. The great issues of the war are, then, the role South Viet Nam's neighbors are playing in the con- flict and, second, what must be done to oppose this attempt to destroy diversity in Asia. It has often been said that the Viet Cong and their political arm, the National Liberation Front, are indigenous, enjoy popular support and so on and so forth. Many critics of current United States Viet Nam policy have, nonetheless, flatly rejected the notion that the struggle there is primarily a civil war. These cri- tics instead say North Viet Nam dominates the "civil war." IN "VIET NAM, the Making of a Quagmire," David Halberstam, The New York Times' correspon- dent there for two years, says: "The new Indochina war (after 1954) was not a spontaneous up- rising from the South. It was part of a systematic and calculated conspiracy on the part of the Communist government in Hanoi to take over the South." Prof. Hall-who relied heavily on sources of information and judgment independent of the U.S. government-says in his writings, primarily in Pacific Affairs, that although the National Liberation Front was set up in December, 1960, it never disclosed the names of its alleged leaders until 1962, indicating its "wholly artificial character." "Even in 1962, the NLF bother- ed to announce only 30 of its 82- member committee," Fall adds. PROF. FALL, in a lecture at the University last year, also demon- strated the remarkably close cor- relation between Viet Cong bases in the South and the areas cited in North Vietnamese complaints of alleged Geneva Treaty viola- tions to the International Control Commission. This cooperation is hardly one way, however. The New York Times reported in April that the appeal of 17 neutral nations to be- gin peace talks was believed to have been sent to the Viet Cong via Hanoi. Fully three-quarters of the new infiltrees entering the South from the North are, according to de- fense department experts, known to have come from the North. North Viet Nam, it is also known, presently has an entire division of its army in the South. Elements of two others are strongly suspected to be present. Of course, an excellent way to discover how the North Vietnam- ese are involved in South Viet Nam is simply to ask them. The East may sometimes he devious, but it is rarely inscrutable. Writing in the Belgian com- munist party newspaper Red Flag, in 1959, Ho Chi Minh said, "We are building socialism in Viet Nam ... in only one part of the coun- try, while the other part we still have to direct and bring to a close the middle-class democratic and anti-imperialist revolution." In September 1960, Ho told the Lao Dong (Communist) Party congress meeting in Hanoi of the need "to step up the socialist revolution in the North and, at the same time, step up the nation- al democratic people's revolution in the south." After similar exhortations by armed forces commander-in-chief Vo Nguyen Giap and other wor- thies, the congress decided to "carry out the socialist revolution in North Viet Nam" and to "lib- erate South Viet Nam." In November of that year, Hanoi announced the creation of the National Liberation Front. A DOCUMENT dated January 26, 1961, found in August of that year in Ban-Me-Thuot in South Viet Nam on the body of a Viet Cong cadre, declared: "In implementation of the de- cision of the Third Congress of the Lao Dong Party, the NLF was set up to unify the revolutionary struggle, to overthrow the U.S.- Diem regime, to establish a popu- lar government of democratic union and bring about the peace- ful reunification of the country. The revolution for the liberation of the South would never succeed if the (Lao Dong) Party were not directing it." (Emphasis added.) In April, 1961, Truong Chinh, in Hoc Tap, the Lao bong theoretical studies journal, evidently evaluat- ing the results of the 1960 con- gress' decisions, declared he was optimistic about overthrowing the southern government: He added, "North Viet Nam is being rapidly consolidated and strengthened, is providing good support to the South Vietnamese revolution, and is serving as a strong base for the struggle for national reunification." In 1963, Hoc Tap declared that the South Vietnamese "are well aware that North Viet Nam is the firm base for the southern revolu- tion and the point on which it leans, and that our party is the steady and experienced vanguard unit of the working class and people and is the brain and factor that decides all victories of the revolution." (Emphasis added.) THE NORTH Vietnamese are rather forthright. They are un- equivocal in declaring that the war in South Viet Nam is an at- tempt by them "to unify the revolutionary struggle, to estab- lish a popular government of democratic union and bring about the peaceful(?) reunification of the country." And they are equally clear in saying that "North Viet Nam is the firm base for the southern revolution and the point on which it leans . . . and is the brain and factor that decides all victories of the revolution." In short, this is the famous "war of liberation" which, far from being an attempt by people within a country to change their environment and their body poli- tic, is instead a North Vietnamese effort to "direct and bring to a close the middle-class democratic and anti-imperialist revolution." AND THIS aggression, planned and guided from Hanoi and Pe- king, effects not only South Viet Nam, but also the Philippines, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and In- donesia. Those who question the im- portance of diversity need only listen to Cambodia's Prince Siha- nouk, who explained in Paris on July 3 of last year that his coun- try's neutrality was designed to allow Cambodia to survive un- abused after his country's "in- evitable absorption by the Chinese dragon." Prince Sihanouk and other lead- ers in Southeast Asia have ex- pressed satisfaction and gratifi- cation that the U.S. has repeatedly demonstrated its determination to resist the attack on South Viet Nam. Of course, it is sometimes said that the war in Viet Nam is a "civil war." Perhaps. Of course, Russia, Italy and Germany were hardly inactive during the Span- ish Civil War. But fully to understand the ua- ture of the South Vietnamese "civil war," a historical parallel with the 1961 Bay of Pigs inva- sion might be instructive. Discontented with Castro, many exiles left Cuba and were trained and outfitted in several small countries surrounding it, largely at the behest of the United States. FINALLY, the U.S. unleashed these exiles and sent them back into Cuba to take it over under the guise of a popular revolution. This policy was wrong; it was immoral; it was disruptive; and it failed. And just as the 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion was immoral and disruptive of diversity, so is the North Vietnamese and Communist Chinese direction and support of the war against South Viet Nam. Those who disagree with such an interpretation should, in all consistency, applaud the attempt- ed invasion by the U.S. of Cuba ill 1961. THOSE WHO DO, however, feel that South Viet Nam's neighbors are trying to disrupt diversity in Southeast Asia should begin to consider a policy to protect it there. TOMORROW: Policies to protect diversity. IV A t 0i "Don't Worry, Sam ! The Best Defense Is A Good Offense" v /- r Schuize 's Corner: The Fishbowl Congress By JAMES SCHUTZE HE VIETNAMESE question at last seems to have been re- solved. The United States has agreed to withdraw immediately undergraduate students and one associate professor of Greek Love Poetry. A Marine recruiting officer present during the early moments of the impromptu legislative ses- sion was roundly accused of fas- A