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September 18, 1965 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-09-18

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To C
Shastri Raps
China, Vows
Border Fight
Prime Minister Asks
Joint Investigation
With Peking Rulers
By The Associated Press
Apparently confident of U.S.
backing, Prime Minister Lal Ba-
hadur Shastri faced up to a Pe-
king ultimatum and said yester-
day that if necessary India will
fight Red China as well as Paki-
"We shall fight for our freedom
with grim determination," Shastri
told Parliament. "The might of
China will not deter us from de-
fending our territoriay integrity."
Shastri said he wanted to give
Red China no pretext for attack
and so proposed the two nations
make a joint investigation of the
disputed border. Peking has re-
jected similar overtures.
Refusal to Retreat
Shastri refused to retreat be-
fore a Chinese threat that con-
ceivably could entangle the 480
million Indians in a widening con-
flict with the 650 million Chinese
and the 110 million Pakistanis.
India was in communication
with Washington, London and
Moscow to discuss the implica-
tions of Peking's warnings earlier
yesterday that India must dis-
mantle military posts in the con-
tested Sikkim-Tibet border area
within three days.
A spokesman said Shastri also
had communicated with the UN
Security Council.
Meanwhile, Indian Ambassador
B. K. Nehru conferred yesterday
with Secretary of State Dean Rusk
on Peking's ultimatum to his coun-
try and predicted that Red China
will attack India in a plot to help
Will Attack
"It certainly is our impression
that they-the Communist Chi-
nese-are serious about this-yes,
that they will attack," Nehru told
newsmen upon emerging from an
hour's talk with Rusk.
"This whole thing is in collu-
sion with Pakistan."
The Indian envoy sought the
appointment with Rusk on short
notice after New Delhi's receipt of
Communist China's demand for an
Indian pullback from disputed
Himalayan border territory within
three days. Otherwise there will be
"grave consequences," Peking said.
Show Concern
Concern about the Red Chinese
ultimatum was also voiced in
On the Pakistan front, the In-
dian Defense Ministry reported
heavy fighting in progress around
Sialkot in the far north.
A Pakistani spokesman in Ra-
walpindi agreed there was fierce
fighting but said no fresh de-
tails were available.



Peace Talks
Requested by
UN Leader
Economic, Military


-Associated Press
SECRETARY-GENERAL U THANT is shown at left as he proposes that the United Nations Security
Council issue a binding order for a cease-fire between India and Pakistan: Seated at Thant's left is
United States ambassador Arthur Goldberg.


New Quotas Hit Highest

Peak Since Korean


WASHINGTON (P)-The mili-
tary draft soared yesterday to its
highest peak since the Korean
War. And the Marine Corps for the
first time in 13 years called for
draftees to help fill its ranks.
The Defense Department asked
the Selective Service System to
furnish 36,450 men for the Army,
Navy and Marines in November.
This is the biggest monthly
draft call since May 1953, toward
the end of the Korean War, when
53,000 men were inducted into
The announcement stressed that
the November call is in line with
President Johnson's recently an-
nounced decision to increase the
active armed force strength in
connection with the conflict in
Southeast Asia.
The administration has set in
motion plans to strengthen U.S.
forces by 340,000 men, bringing
the total to about three million.
The November call assigns 28,400
men to the, Army, 4,000 to the
Navy and 4,050 to the Marines.
The Air Force, confident of
meeting its manpower needs with

voluntary enlistees, is the only
one of the armed services which
does not plan to call.
In another development related
to the buildup of the regular
forces, the Army announced that
starting next month it will expand
its training system to handle 408,-
000 new soldiers in the 1965-66
fiscal year.
The draft fell as low as 3,300
men a month a little more than
a year ago.
Enlistment Lag
But a lag in enlistments and
then the buildup ordered because
of the deepening of the war in
Viet Nam led to the steeply rising
The Navy was forced to call
the draft after nine years of vol-
untary recruiting.
Marine Corps Draft
The Marine Corps had not
drafted since 1952 and its lead-
ers sought urgently to avoid fol-
lowing that path. In 1951 and
1952 there were 81,430 inducted
into the corps.
Although enlistments have risen
in the Marines, as well as all the

other services since Johnson an-
nounced the military buildup and
doubled the draft calls in July,
these volunteers have not come
forward in large enough numbers.
Build-Up Necessary.
Gen. Wallace M. Greene Jr.,
Marine commandant, in asking
in November, said:
"The current commitments of
the Marine Corps present com-
pelling reasons for accomplishing
the buildup from 193,000 previous-
ly authorized to 223,000 Marines
as soon as possible."
The Corps said recruiting is
rapidly expanding and that "fu-
ture participation in the draft will
depend on the results of stepped-
up recruiting efforts and future
Secretary of Defense Robert S.
McNamara announced Thursday
the beginning of a new program
to free 75,000 military men for
combat by replacing them with
civilians to handle noncombat
This is expected to .result in a
corresponding reduction in draf-
tees over 18 months.

Sanctions Suggested 2
To Security Council f
tary-General U Thant proposeds
yesterday that the Security Coun-s
cil invoke the threat of economic7
and military reprisals by the
United Nations against India andt
Pakistan if they fail to put ani
immediate end to their undeclaredr
Speaking against the back-r
ground of possible direct militaryt
intervention byhCommunistChina
into the war, Thant asked the 11-
nation council also to appeal to
the heads of government of India
and Pakistan to hold peace talkst
in a third country of their choice.
Thant did not mention directlyt
the grave situation posed by Pe-
king's three-day ultimatum to In-l
dia to pull out of disputed Hima-
layan territory.r
Danger to World Peace
But he declared that India and
Pakistan were linked "in a pe-
culiar, intricate way with the
mainstream of world affairs," and
he warned that "there can be
little doubt that a real danger
to world peace is now imminent."1
U.S. Ambassador Arthur J._
Goldberg, this month's president
of the council, referred by impli-
cation to the threat from Peking
with a declaration that new and
serious developments have broad-
ened the threat to peace.
He set the next council meet-
ing for this morning, saying the
council members wanted an op-
portunity for private consulta-
tions on the "momentous state-
ment" of the secretary-general.
Emergency Session
He added that if developments
warrant, the council would be
called into urgent and emergency
session before 9:30 a.m. Saturday.
India's chief delegate to the
council, Mahomedali Currim Cha-
gla, charged that Pakistan want-
ed Communist China "to stab us
in the back." He said also that
the timing of Peking's ultimatum
was linked with refusal by Paki-
stan to enter into any negotia-
Thant addressed the council 24
hours after his return from his
peace mission to India and Paki-
stan, where he failed to obtain
agreement from the two coun-
tries to heed two earlier appeals
from the council for a cease-fire.
He put a five-point plan for
action before the council, includ-
ing a proposal that it take action
under Chapter 7 of the UN Char-
ter dealing with threats to world
peace and acts of aggression.
He added that the council
"might also declare that failure
by the governments concerned to
comply would demonstrate the
existence of a breach of the peace
within the meaning of Article 39
of the Charter."
Reprisals by UN Members
This could pave the way for
both economic, and military re-
prisals by the UN membership
against the warring countries, as
provided in the Charter.
Measures short of military force
mentioned in the Charter include
complete or partial interruption
of economic relations, and of rail,
sea, air, postal, telegraphic, radio
and other means of communica-
They also include severing dip-
lomatic relations.
Possible Blockade
If these measures prove inad-
equate, the council may consider
a blockade or other operations by
air, sea or land forces of members
of the United Nations necessary to
restore or maintain peace.
In addition to the threat of
penalties and a meeting between
Pakistan President Mohammed
Ayub Khan and Indian Prime
Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri the
secretary-general recommended:
-An offer of assistance by the

United Nations in insuring ob-
servance of a cease-fire.
-A call for withdrawal of troops
to positions held before the cur-
rent outbreak of fighting on Aug.
-Assistance by the secretary-
general in the peace negotiations.

Accuse U.S.
Of Bombin
Neutral ZoneC
Planies Strike Bridge,
In Buffer Section;# !
Vietnamese Killed
SAIGON (P)--A bridge in the ci-
vilian buffer zone between North
and South Viet Nam has been
bombed and "it is believed" "Amer-
ican planes were responsible,~a
U.S. military spokesman said yes-
He said the Thursday night at-
tack could be "assumed to be in
error" and that an investigation
is under way.
Departure from Rules
"If the investigation shows that
the bomb hit in the demilitarized
zone, this is clearly a departure
from the rules. We have not pre-
viously struck the zone," he said.
A U.S. statement issued earlier,
said :
"Initial reports from Vietnamese
sources indicate that about 9 p.m.
Thursday aircraft bombed the
north end of the bridge crossing
the Ben Hai River on Highway 1
in the demilitarized zone. Further
reports from the Vietnamese army
indicate there were three Viet-
namese killed on the north end of
the bridge. The bridge was re-
ported destroyed.
40 Planes
Vietnamese sources said a flight
of about 40 fighter-bombers made
the raid. Another informant said
the planes dropped flares before
the attack.
A U.S. Air Force spokesman at
Da Nang said no American planes
from that base were in the air
Thursday night. Air Force author-
ities at Da Nang said they had no
knowledge of the raid.
Ground War
In the ground war, a Viet Cong
demolition team infiltrated Ca
Ha village 32 miles south of Da
Nang and destroyed the village

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Detroit 35, Michigan


New York Paper Strike Continues;
Negotiations Show Little Progress

3 00 clergymen, civil rights leaders,
gunion leaders, state legislators,
high school principals, and
newspaper editors have been
invited to a

NEW YORK ()P) - Newsstands
throughout New York City were
all but bare of local papers yester-
day, the first full day of the sec-
and widespread newspaper black-
out here in less than three years.
Only one of eight major dailies
were publishing.
Mayor Robert F. Wagner, back
House Upholds.
Seating Rights
rejected yesterday a challenge by
Mississippi Negroes trying to un-
seat the state's five white con-
The final action came after a
crucial effort by backers of the
Negro challenge - to send the
whole matter back to the House
Administration Committee--also
was turned down.
The challenge backers tried to
get a roll-call vote on this motion
so that all members would have
to go on record, but House Speak-
er John W. McCormack ruled there
were not enough of them to force
a roll call.
Invoke Right To Enter

in the city after a trip to Maine,
reported himself ready to lend a
hand if needed in peace talks be-
tween the AFL-CIO New York
Newspaper Guild and the New
York Times. The negotiations pro-
duced little signs of progress.
The Guild's 2200 members struck
the Times on Thursday in a dead-
lock over automation and job se-
curity. Six other dailies that are
members with the Times in the
Publishers Association of New
York then suspended publication
in sympathy and support.
Still Publishing
The New York Post, an after-
noon tabloid with a circulation of
330,000, was the only general cir-
culation daily still publishing in
New York. It does not belong to
the publishers association.
Wagner played a key role in
settling the 114-day New York
newspaper blackout of 1962-63. It
cost the city's economy an esti-
mated $250 million.
The Guild demanded veto pow-
er over introduction of automated
machinery into the Times plant.
The newspaper was unwilling to
grant this, but did offer to guar-
antee jobs of all Guild members
regularly employed as of last
March 31.
T ~. fAuoato

against layoffs due to any mer-
gers of New York newspapers.
There have been rumors for weeks
of impending mergers. But the
Times argued that it has not fig-
ured in such speculation.
Pensions, severance pay and a
union shop were other issues.
Wages were settled in prior bar-
gaining last March.
Step Up News Reports
Some out-of-town newspapers
sold at premium prices on news-
stands, while radio and television
stations in the metropolitan area
stepped up local news' program-
ming to help fill the news gap.
As usual, first effects of the
newspaper blackout were appar-
ent in the subways, where pas-
sengers traditionally wall them-
selves off from one another be-
hind newspapers.
Most rush hours riders were re-
duced to staring vacantly at fel-
low-passengers, or concentrating
bleakly on subway advertising
Negotiations between the Times
and the Guild continued, but

Thomas J. Murphy, the union's
executive vice-president, said, "I
have got to be pessimistic."
The city's ace labor expert,
Theodore Kheel, striving for a
settlement, declared: "It could
come quickly, or it could take a
long time."
Speaking for the publishers as-
sociation, President John J. Gah-
erin told newsmen, "I certainly
hope we can get it behind us as
quickly as possible."
17,000 Idle
The suspension of the seven
New York dailies idled 17,000 em-
ployes of the morning Times, Her-
ald Tribune, and Daily News, and
the afternoon Journal-American,
World-Telegram and Sun, Long
Island Star-Journal, and Long Is-
land Press. The latter continued
suburban editions outside the city.
They have a combined circula-
tion of 4.4 million daily, and 6
million on Sunday.
The Guild's strike against the
Times destroyed plans for publica-
tion Sunday of the largest paper
in its 114-year history.


Thursday, Oct. 7

to discuss the problem of defacto to
financial discrimination within
the University.
are needed as a student representative
to help present this problem to these
civic leaders, and to help make


[ world News Roundup~

a successful and meaningful program
A &&ai -e l



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