IN OR OUT OF VIET NAM? MAYBE See Editorial Page C I 4r ilir A6 Aid& 471 4441pr 40 -Iqwp- a t STILL STICKY High--80 Low-65 Scattered thundershowers, cloudy, light winds Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVI, No. 18, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1965 SEVEN CENTS Conferees Present Results of Week's DISCUS ~~, " ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~......... "......n ..v.<.....~.. ........ :w # ; . .... . .. .. ..... .... .C . k d . TheDebteBegns.n:illAudRe.Simn..l.:,,v .w,,.)~,o. o, Dm DviC ontinuev I .;R. ArthurrMiller Questions... Stanley: Millet,..:.Yoshiyu EIGHT PAGES Tsions ki T surmi Criticize What's New At 764-1817 Key Speakers, Groups Analyze Politics, Morality of Viet Hotline As of yesterday afternoon, more than 1000 students and fac- ulty had signed a petition supporting the United States govern- ,ment's proposals to "bring about a viable peace in Viet Nam and, once peace is brought about, to enlist economic aid for the entire area and to assure to the people of South Viet Nam their right to choose a government of their own" without intimidation. The petition will be sent to President Johnson. "An Evening's Frost," adapted from the poet's verse and letters by Prof. Donald Hall of the English department, will pre- miere in New York on Oct. 11 at the Theatre De Lys. The play was presented for the first time by the Professional Theatre Program last February in Ann Arbor. The University has submitted a record $18.2 million capital outlay request to the governor and the Legislature, the adminis- tration reported recently. This year's request is part of a five- year $111.5 million plan to build for increased enrollment and replace outmoded facilities. According to Panhellenic Association President Laura Fitch, '66, the likelihood of sorority recommendation forms being sub- mitted to SGC Membership Committee is "very good." She said that she expects at least 13-15 of the 21 sororities to submit their forms by Oct. 1. The forms are used by alumnae to recommend girls who are rushing at the University chapters. The Ypsilanti Greek Theatre, the first of its kind in the United States, will open in June 1966, the organization's board of directors announced Thursday. The board authorized ticket sales and outlined preliminary plans calling for an inaugural season of with at least three major productions. * * Delta Sigma Theta sorority, in conjunction with Panhellenic Association, SGC, and the Office of Student Affairs, presented a program and reception last night to welcome the 12 exchange students from Tuskegee Institute, Tuskegee, -Ala. Among the speakers were Vice-President for Academic Affairs Allan Smith, the dean of Tuskegee Institute and Prof. Arthur G. Hansen of the engineering school. Hansen has taught at Tuskegee Institute. * * * * Jim Hosbien (as Paeudolus), Larry Glover (as Lycus) and Marcia Heuven (as Philia) will head the cast in the Soph Show, production of "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum." The show will be presented Nov. 18-20 in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Robert C. Schnitzer, executive director of the University Professional Theatre Program's 4th.Fall Festival, has announced the cast 'for "You Can't Take It With You" to open Sept. 29, at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. It will be directed by Ellis Rabb. Donald Moffat, Dee Victor, Rosemary Harris, Clayton Corzatte, Jennifer Harmon, and Keene Curtis portray the central characters. Also playing key roles are Gordon Gould, Joseph Bird, Sydeny Walker, and Richard Wood. Administrators and faculty connected with the University's computer program are reportedly delighted with the progress being made toward implementation of last year's report and recommendations on computer use here. An IBM 360 model was ordered last spring with special additions and modifications for the University to begin on-line use in addition to present batch processing. The modifications, worked out in close consultation with University faculty, are proving so popular with other com- puter purchasers around the country (including MIT) that IBM is hard-pressed to keep up with the orders. Espeoially exciting has been the number of federal agencies lining up with substan- tial grants to support the University's computer program. Lack of funds had been a major concern last year when the computer committee was setting up tentative plans. W T 1 t I Committees Break ]Down Asian Crisis Work Sessions Show Various Perspectives Of Viet Nam Problem By KATHY EDELMAN and GAIL JORGENSEN The International Conference on Alternative Perspectives on Viet Nam reconvened publicly yes- terday when the four study groups, which had been meeting in closed sessions all week, pre- sented their suggestions for end- ing the war in Viet Nam at a marathon conference in Hill Aud. Each study group considered the problem of peace from different aspects. One group considered the situation from the standpoint of international politics; the second, in terms of social and economic development; the third, in terms of conflict and conflict resolution and the fourth, from the viewpoint of revolutionary warfare. The first study group consider- ing "The problem of Viet Nam from the perspective of the study of international systems," advo- cated immediate cessation of bombings in North Viet Nam and eventually the reconvention of the Geneva Conference powers, with the addition of the National Lib- eration Front. Reevaluate Ideas The group decided the United States must reevaluate some of its conceptions of the world before peace can be obtained. The U.S. view of Communism as a mono- lith aimed at military destruction of the West is no longer valid since neither nationalism nor in- dependence are necessarily incom- patible with Communist states. See INTERNATIONAL, Page 6 * 7[ * * * * * * 0* Groups Query U.S. Intervention, Suggest Alternatives, New Plans By ESTHER SILVER DOUGLAS CHAPMAN and AL VALUSEK Eleven teach-in seminars on Alternative Perspectives on Viet Nam were held last night from 10 p.m. to 2:30 a.m. in Angel and Mason Halls. There were continuous showings of a Japanese film, "Story of a Soldier" by Kubo and an ABC Television Documentary, "The Agony of Viet Nam," in Aud. A. Although the purpose of the teach-in was mainly to discuss al- ternatives to the war in Viet Nam, some who attended the seminars still questioned the necessity of such. alternatives. Prof. Marshall Windmiller of San Francisco State University led a tense debate as he expained why this necessity existed. He said that the communist's greatest advances have not been achieved by military means, but by propaganda; therefore, this war is not destroying the bulk of what we are attempting to de- stroy. Outlines Action Instead of war, he went on to say, the following courses of ac- tion should be taken. -We must let China into the United Nations because we have to be able to negotiate with them; -We must have a way other than war to unite the Vietnamese, and a coalition government should be formed; -Instead of giving money to this new government, we should give them more advanced tech- nology through stepped up Peace, Corps action, and -We must let the Vietnamese choose their own form of gov- ernment. Nevertheless, Windmiller said, we can delay elections long enough to abolish some the the hatred that has been built up toward the United States (and democratid forms of government). Our Peace Corps, he added, and technological assistance are good ways to miti- gate this hatred. Capacity Crowd Aud. B was packed with 100 over its capacity for the 10 p.m. seminar featuring Arthur Miller, Prof. Anatol Rapaport of the psy- chology department and Carl Coh- en. Rapaport began by referring to the afternoon speech by Bob Parris of SNCC criticizing last year's teach-in for being too tech- nical. The basic question, Rapoport said, who to talk to the elite decision-makers in Washington or the U.S. people. Even if 60-80 per cent of the people were vociferously against the war in Viet Nam, Rapoport contended, the fighting would con- tinue because the U.S. govern- ment "is a virulent military dic- tatorship, a self-perpetuating, un- stoppable juggernaut which dic- tates U.S. foreign policy." Cohen objected to this diag- nosis, insisting that U.S. leaders are rational men who can and must be influenced. Several list- eners agreed and stressed the twofold need for action to orga- nize public opinion and to pressure U.S. policybakers directly. Next to speak was Arthur Miller who asked if the individual could affect the course of events. Miller said, if he (the individual) con- cedes that events are beyond his control, he must accept responsi- bility for whatever happens be- cause his silence has given con- sent. Miller warned that through inaction the individual may be- come an accomplice of evil. One appropriate form of action is the teach-in, which,' Miller, ar- gued, may have a great effect. Johnson, Miller said, is in a state of conflict-he's not really sure of what he's doing and is thus open to persuasion. Miller added he "could not remember a leader saying before that we were fight- ing to negotiate." World War II, Miller continued, was a question of absolute right versus wrong and the U.S. de- manded unconditional surrender; but today, an internally divided leadership needs student opinion. Miller said that Johnson just doesn't have the right information and that the students can give it to him. Cohen and a listener sub- stantiated federal myopia with anecdotes of personal experience. Miller stated that Johnson is soothing the people by toning down the war with euphemisms so that he will be re-elected. "Johnson can be reached," Miller said, "by teach-ins on a large scale." He added that people in other countries get from our culture the idea of a vital, fast-moving, free- wheeling place where things are really happening. Then when the State Department moves in, Miller said, the U.S. image is destroyed. Fifty students heard Ajit Singh, specialist on underdeveloped coun- tries from the United Kingdom, Prof. Charles Moskos and Prof. William Gamson, both of the so- ciology department, Prof. Otto Feinstein of Wayne State Univer- sity and Dom David Steindl-Rast. of the Mount Savior Monastery in New York discuss the Viet Nam situation in 25 Angell Hall. NLF Demands Gamson and Moskos said the main demands of the National Liberation Front as preconditions to negotiation with the U.S.-Viet- namese army are: -That they recognize, and agree to negotiate with the NLF as a separate entity; --That any interim government formed as a result of negotiations include the NLF as participants, and -That the 1954 Geneva agree- ments are still valid and merely need to be enforced, not rene- gotiated. Feinstein commented that the first bombing of North Viet Nam, ostensibly in retaliation for the Tonkin Bay incident, was actual- ly designed to stress the U.S. con- tention that North Viet Nam had a controlling part in the war. He concluded that it had shifted the emphasis from fighting internally with the South Vietnamese to fighting externally with the North Vietnamese. War Miller Says free Speechu In Danger Lord Brockway, Oda, Mazey Featured at Evening Program By-CHARLOTTE WOLTER "You know something that previous generations could only theorize: that there is a right and a wrong to war," said noted play- wright ArthurMiller, addressing an audience of 4000 gathered in Hill Aud. last night for a speaker program of the International Conference on Alternative Per. spectives on Viet Nam. Included in the program with Miller were Lord Fenner-Brock- way, former Labor niember of the House of Commons now in the House of Lords and chairman. of the British Council for Peace in Viet Nam; Makoto Oda, novelist and leader of a non-Communist peace movement in Japan; and Emil Mazey, secretary - treasurer of United Auto Workers. Brockway outlined the activities of British groups working to end the war in Viet Nam, including a National Ballot on Viet Nam: He expressed regret that the British government, "instead of encouraging you, has let you down" but assured the audience that "in Britain there are hun- dreds of thousands who oppose the war." Brockway concluded his remarks with a call for coordinat- ed effort on a world-wide scale among peace groups. Oda, who spent some time in the United States as a student six years ago, said he found much in this country to compare with ancient Athens. Like the Athen- ians, Oda said1, Americans "feel democracy can solve everything." Mazey prefaced his remarks by saying that he was "disappointed in President Johnson's lack of candor in talking to the American people about the war."~ Mazey said that he would an- swer: the President's expressed reasons for staying in Viet Nam such as protecting the democracy of the people and keeping prior commitments by saying that they are now living 'under a military dictatorship. He also said that "if we made a wrong commitment then, by God, we should change that commitment." Leaders in Business, Government, Education Begin Analysis of Political Developments in Southeast Asia By ROBERT HIPPLER Associate Editorial Director Special To The Daily RACINE, Wis.-Leading repre- sentatives of the business, aca- demic and governmental world vesterday began here a three-day under President Eisenhower; Ches- ter L. Cooper, an Asian specialist on the present White House staff, and William Henderson, manager of international government rela- tions for the Socony Mobil Com- pany. The total number of partici- "Sukarno is exploiting the issue of Malaysia" for two purposes: first, to create a nationalist en- thusiasm to unite populous Java with the outer islands which make up the remainder of Indonesia, and, second, to force the powerful, right-wing Indonesian army to York Nniversity asserted that a Chinese drive toward the South Seas has been evident throughout history "from the Ming Dynasty to the Chinese republic to Mao Tse-tung." He concluded that a continued U.S. presence, bolster- ing the countries on the Chinese South Vietnamese economist," as- serted that "most Vietnamese have lived under the law of the gun for over 20 years," and respect only that. He characterized the Viet Cong as merely the best organized min- ority in South Viet Nam. Neither