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September 17, 1965 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-09-17

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Reports of Shakeup in Russian Leadership Cc



Persistent reports of an im-
pending shakeup in the Soviet
regime are based on the apparent
inability of Premier Alexei N. Ko-
sygin and Communist party chief
Leonid I. Brezhnev to regain So-
viet leadership of the world Com-
munist movement.
The reports, which have been
confirmed by high Washington
officials, were first circulated
Wednesday night by the American
Broadcasting Company's diploma-
tic correspondent, John Scali. In
1962, Scali played a major role
as an intermediary in Soviet-
American negotiations during the
Cuban missile crisis.
According to the reports, the

successors to Brezhnev and Ko-
sygin may be Alexander Shelepin,
47-year-old former chief of the
Soviet secret police, and top Com-
munist party ideologist and theo-
retician, Mikhail Suslov. Both men
are regarded as significantly more
anti-American than Brezhnev or
Another report, widely credited
in Western diplomatic circles, is
that Anastas Mikoyan will retire
as president of the Soviet Union
by November. According to Scali's
report, Brezhnev would be ap-
pointed to succeed Mikoyan, while
Kosygin would be shifted to a
minor post. The position of presi-
dent in Russia is an honorary and
ceremonial one.

The next meeting of the Com-
munist Party Central Committee
is scheduled to begin Sept. 27. If
there are to be any major changes
in the Soviet leadership, they
would presumably be announced
during this meeting.
Soviet vacillation on the Viet
Nam crisis is pointed out as a
symptom of leadership difficulties.
Last week, editorials in the lead-
ing newspapers Pravda and Is-
vestia took widely divergent view-
points on the issue, an unprece-
dented occurrence in the strictly
controlled Soviet press.
As the deep ideological gulf be-
tween Russia and Communist
China has widened, diplomatic
observers have awaited signs that

Moscow might be regaining its
prestige among Communist parties
throughout the world. Soviet lead-
ership in these parties has been
slipping ever since the 1962 Cu-
ban missile crisis. The ouster last
October of Premier Nikita Khrush-
chev, who was highly popular
throughout the world movement,
also contributed to waning Soviet
Many high Soviet officials, pre-
sumably including Shelepin and
Susiov, have been deeply troubled
by the ascendancy of Communist
China in the world movement, and
some have felt that a stronger
foreign policy, with less emphasis
on "peaceful coexistence," might
help regain Soviet influence. How-

ever, Kosygin and Brezhnev have
continued to pursue a mild policy
toward the United States, even in
view of the Viet Nam war.
Soviet leaders face a policy di-
lemma, since Moscow faces risks
to its growing prosperity and in-
dustrialization by following a mili-
tant foreign policy. However, a
relatively mild policy toward the
West seems likely to cause a con-
tinued decline in Soviet prestige
and commensurate gains in Com-
munist Chinese influence.
It is believed by Western diplo-
mats that Suslov and Shelepin are
among the advocates of a more
militant line in foreign policy, an
attempt at a rapprochement with

Communist China, and a more
dynamic publicimage.
Soviet economic and farm set-
backs are also believed to have
contributed to the growing dis-
enchantment among top officials
with the Brezhnev-Kosygin re-
gime. When the new leaders took
power after the fall of Khrush-
chev last October, they completed
revolutionized agricultural policy,
providing for more investment,
lower rural taxes and increased
purchasing power for Russian
peasants. Up to now, this policy
has failed to improve the' im-
poverished conditions of most So-
viet farmers.
There are other important So-

viet officials who may rise in the
hierarchy if Brezhnev and Ko-
sygin are replaced. They include
Nikolai Podgorny, a high party
official who is a close associate of
Suslov. Podgorny's views are char-
acterized as slightly more mod-
erate than those of Suslov and
Shelepin is variously portrayed
as aggressive, ambitious and
tough, and as patient and willing
to wait his turn at Soviet leader-
ship instead of forcing a shakeup
in the hierarchy. Suslov has been
gaining power steadily in recent
years, and is now considered the
third most important official in
the government,
While Washington officials con-I

sider the reports of an impending
shakeup as reliable, Western of-
ficials in Moscow tend to discount
the reports of an immediate power
There has been little outward
sign of tense relations between
the Brezhnev-Kosygin team and
Shelepin or Suslov. But officials
are mindful of past Soviet leader-
ship changes, most of which oc-
curred suddenly, with little ad-
vance warning. The indications
now are that the Soviets may be
ready to abandon the idea of
collective leadership, or "govern-
ment by committee" to return to
a strong one-man government.
However, the identity of the one
supreme figure remains uncertain.



I F.





U .N.

Asks Hiring
Of Civilians
Personnel Shifts
To Cut Draft Needs
Within 18 Months
WASHINGTON (P) --Secretary
of Defense Robert S. McNamara
has ordered civilians hired to re-
place military personnel in non-
combat jobs. He estimated yester-
day it would reduce draft require-
ments by about 75,000 men.
McNamara told a news confer-
ence he had ordered the military
services to hire some 60,000 civil-
ians during 1966 as the initial
phase of the program which he
said would both speed up and
reduce the cost of the nation's
military buildup.
The 60,000 civilians, he said,
would replace some 75,000 officers
and enlisted men now handling
nonfighting jobs.
Manpower Savings
He said the 15,000 difference
represents manpower savings
through substituting "long tenure"
civilians for military personnel
whose duty tours are of short
A resulting reduction of 75,000
in the draft, McNamara estimat-
ed, will extend over about 18
Under a spur of a greatly in-
creased military buildup, draft
calls are planned to total about
35,000 men a month, about double
the level before the buildup.
Other Benefits
Another dividend from substitu-
ting civilians for military people
where possible, McNamara said,
will be a considerable reduction in
the number of military people
whose tours of duty have been
extended involuntarily for the Viet
Nam crisis.
On other matters, he:
-Pronounced himself "cau-
tiously optimistic" about the situ-
ation in the Viet Nam war.
It is "very clear in my own
mind," he said, that sharply in-
creased American combat forces
and the South Vietnamese blunted
an expected Communist offensive
to cut the country in two.
-Said the U.S. government
fully supports United Nations ef-
forts to settle the India-Pakistan
war, and estimated that those two
nations will not be able to sustain
major military operations for very
long because of a lack of supplies.
-Said there is no question in
his mind that U.S. armed force
was needed in the Dominican Re-
public last spring.
McNamara described as "an un-
fair attack on a very dedicated
and very able" public servant the
criticisms voiced by Sen. J. W.
Fulbright (D-Ark) of U.S. Am-
bassador W. Tapley Bennett Jr. in
Santo Domingo.

Foster Hits Moscow 's
'Polemics' at Geneva

Delegate Discounts
Possible Effects
Of Viet Nain War
sador Arthur J. Goldberg express-
ed belief yesterday -that the out-
look for the coming UN General
Assembly has been improved by
recent United States-Soviet col-
laboration in seeking an end to
the Indian-Pakistani war.
"I am optimistic about the work
of the 20th session," the chief
U.S. delegate said in an interview
in which he assessed the prospects
of the assembly opening next
Goldberg acknowledged that the
114-nation body faces serious dif-
ficulties, but he cited recent Se-
curity Council debates on the
Kashmir dispute as evidence that
the U.S. and the Soviet Union are
capable of cooperation. He noted
that they voted together on two
cease-fire resolutions "without
any evidence of cold war confron-
Hope and Expectation
"This serves to reinforce my
hope and my expectation that de-
spite all difficulties, we will make
progress here at the 20th assem-
bly," he said.
Goldberg discounted the pos-
sible effect of the Viet Nam war
on the assembly, despite the Soviet
bloc's stress on this issue in UN
debates on disarmament and
peacekeeping during the past few
"I do not believe that in light
so far as of the position the United States
soar was- has taken in reference to the
clear weap- Viet Nam war," he asserted, "that
oviet dele- our position will in any way ham-
per the work of the General As-
d the NA- sembly."
attempt by The U.S. delegate also chal-
slip West lenged those who contend that
lear club- the United States may soon be
denied by outvoted in the assembly because
of the great influx of neutralist
liCs' and nonaligned nations from Asia
aid Foster, and Africa.
in anger, Support for U.S.
'sarapkin's "I think the remarkable thing
is that the United States position
or three continues to be supported by over-
o me that whelming votes in the General
d itself to Assembly, so I do not share the
nament in view that we have lost our posi-
t today we tion, that we are going to be out-
onous po- voted. The facts do not sustain
that," he said.
te said the He urged the American people
mably did to be patient on UN peace efforts
the United and to recognize that there must
d the West be setbacks as well as successes.
o label the Successful Efforts
"fruitless." Despite the readiness of some to
it wanted criticize the United Nations, he
as soon as said, many of its peacekeeping
N General efforts "have been remarkably
own con- successful and are still continuing
sarmament to be successful." He listed UN
is expected missions to the Congo, the Middle
n January. East and Cyprus as among these.
Goldberg was asked why the
United States did not feel debate
by the Security Council on the
Viet Nam war would be useful.
"We have never excluded Se-
curity Council consideration of
r y Vit Nam," he declared. "Rather
we have consulted with our col-
leagues at the United Nations here
be boosted and it has been a rather general
th. He also point of view that the nature of
here is go- the Viet Nam problem is such that
a public confrontation would not
will be "a move the problem towards a reso-

offensive" lution."
their allies. He said many peonle had assum-

Troops and
Planes Hit
Strikes in Viet Nan
Inicle First B-52
Raid on Mekong Delta
SAIGON (A)-United States and
Vietnamese p 1 a n e s continued
bombing targets hundreds of miles
apart in North and South Viet
Nam today, U.S. military spokes-
men reported.
On the ground, U.S. and allied
troops pushed their big operation
to take control of Viet Cong-
dominated jungle around Ben Cat,
about 30 miles north of Saigon.
No major contact with the elusive
guerrillas has been reported since
the drive began Tuesday with an
airdrop of 1,100 Vietnamese para-
troops in driving rain. Elements
of the U.S. 173rd Airborne Brigade
and Australian and New Zealand
contingents joined the operation
by armored convoy and helicopter
In the continuing air offensive
U.S. B-52s made their first raid
into the Mekong River delta south
of Saigon, striking a suspected
Red target 90 miles below the
capital in Vinh Bnh Province.
Northern Strikes
Far to the north, 20 U.S. Air
Force planes hit the Co Dinh
military barracks, 13 miles west of
Thanh Hoa in North Viet Nam,
for the second time this week. Co
Dinh was a target of U.S. planes
Tuesday. Other aircraft hit the
Hon Me Island storage facilities
nine miles off the North Viet-
namese coast and 177 miles north
of the frontier.
At the Vinh army barracks, also
in North Viet Nam, five Navy
Skyhawks destroyed six buildings
and damaged four others. Six
other Skyhawks destroyed two
buildings and damaged three
others at a petroleum depot at
Under security regulations, there
were no details on the B52 at-
tack, the 25th reported raid of
the war by the big Guam-based
jets of the Strategic Air Com-
mand. The other B52 raids have
been mostly in Zone D, a Com-
munist stronghold, and in the Ben
Cat area.
171 Missions
Spokesmen reported that U.S.
planes flew 171 missions against
targets in South Viet Nam, hit-
ting river shipping, fortified posi-
tions, supply areas and troop con-
centrations. The planes had been
averaging about 290 missions a day
earlier this week.
A tragic aside to the war claim-
ed 39 lives when a Viet Nam
commercial airliner crashed short-
ly after taking off from Quang
Ngai, 300 miles north of Saigon.
One American was among the
dead. There were no survivors.

Sunday, Sept. 19
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lecture and discussion
Social Pain: Can We Take It?
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7:00 P.M.
502 E. Huron St.

GENEVA MP)-United States
Ambassador William C. Foster
accused the Soviet Union yester-
day of using poisonous words to
blacken the reputation of the
American government and blunt
humanity's hopes for disarma-
He described as a tragic dis-
tortion charges by Soviet delegate
Semyon K. Tsarapkin that United
States policies block all progress
toward arms control.
This constitutes "poisonous po-
lemics," Foster told the 17-nation
disarmament conference. He was
supported by equally strong
words by Britain's Lord Chalfont,
who spoke of "simpleminded po-
'Imperialist Adventures'
Tsparapkin accused the United
States of "launching into imper-
ialist adventures" in the Congo,
the Dominican Republic and Viet
Nam. Such actions, Tsarapkin
said, have increased world ten-
sions and made it impossible to
have meaningful disarmament ne-
The Czechoslovakian and Polish
delegations supported the Soviet
U n i o n' s position, conference
sources said.
Foster and Tsarapkin clashed

as the disarmament conference
recessed to report to the UN Gen-
eral Assembly in New York.
The report spoke of a useful
clarification of national positions
since the disarmament talks re-
sumed in Geneva on July 27. As
a result, it said, prospects of agree-
ment exist when the conference
meets again early next year, par-
ticularly on such measures as halt-
ing the spread of nuclear weapons
and stopping underground nuclear
The general tone of the report
was optimistic-an attitude for
which Foster fought.
Tsarapkin, on the other hand,
told the delegates "Alas, we have
achieved nothing again." He main-
tained there was a link between
what he described as aggressive
American policies overseas and
the blocking of arms control meas-
ures in Geneva.
Tsarapkin said there can be no
hope for a treaty to prevent the
spread of nuclear weapons so long
as Washington pushed the multi-
lateral force concept of Polaris-
armed surface ships manned by
sailors of various North Atlantic
Treaty Organization countries.
"If the West goes on with the
idea, then we have no common

ground for agreement
nondissemination of nuc
ons is concerned," the S
gate said.
Tsarapkin maintaine
TO force plan was an2
the United States to
Germany into the nuci
a charge repeatedly
'Poisonous Polem
An American source s
more in sorrow than
shook his head at I
speech and said:
"Over the past two
weeks it has seemed t
this body has devoted
the problems of disarn
a business-like way, bu
have been given pois
The American delega
Communist side presu
this to heap abuse on1
States in particular an
in general and to try t
work of the conference
The conference said
to resume discussions
possible after the UI
Assembly finishes its
sideration of the di
topic. The conferencei
to resume in Geneva i

Read and Use
Michigan Daily Classifieds

Fabulous F

ISHER Produets
We meet
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Come in and see
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Senators Hit Fulbrig ht Attack on Poli4

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-Both Republi-
cans and Democrats were critical
yesterday of Sen. J. William Ful-
bright (D-Ark) for his attack
Wednesday upon American actions

ment with President Johnson's
Dominican policy.
"A good many people had al-
ready been killed in Santo .Do-
mingo. The Communists were
building up their strength. The
ran nitn1emldhaovp hen tnn

ing a much bigger ship to the
moon than the American three-
man Apollo, which will be launch-
ed from earth to the moon.
* * *
VATICAN CITY-American and
northern Tnnan hishons nnshed

probably will have to'
beyond planned strengt
reported the fighting t
ing "surprisingly well"
Taylor predicted 1966
year of initiative and
for the Americans andt

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