I TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14,196b THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 196i~ THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE Buildup Exceeds LBJ 's Goal as 5000 Troops Land U.S. Buildup At 125,000; Over Plan Estimate 50,00 More Troops to S.E. Asia By End of Year By The Associated Press The speed of the U.S. military buildup in Viet Nam was partly disclosed yesterday by Secretary of State Dean Rusk who. said the 125,000-man goal President John- son set July 28 already has been raised. Rusk gave no new figures but said "I think the numbers are somewhat larger." He added that he does not think an exact new goal has been selected. Told of Buildup The secretary spoke briefly to newsmen about the buildup after briefing the Senate Foreign Re- lations Committee on the tensions in Asia. It has been known that the 125,000 figure would be raised but not precisely how much or how rapidly. Johnson himself made it clear in setting that goal in July that "additional forces will be needed later, and they will be sent." Some unofficial estimates are that 50,000 more troops may flow into the war zone by the end of this year. Goal Exceeded The 125,000 goal, in fact, is being exceeded with the arrival of the 20,000 members of the 1st Cavalry Division, Airmobile, which began landing its main forces Monday at Qui Nhon. No specific %figures were provided in South Viet Nam, but military authorities had announced that U.S. troop strength in the embattled Asian country had reached 107,600 last week.. This is a buildup from the 23,000 U.S. forces in South Viet Nam at the beginning of this year. The American commitment has risen steadily since the end of 1961. Began with Taylor The rise in U.S. forces began after Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor, then the late President John F. Kennedy's chief military adviser, made a survey of the deteriora- tion in the area and recommended increased American support for the South Vietnamese forces. Soon after Taylor's mission, the number rose from 785 to 2000. By the end of 1962 the total stood at 11,000. A year later there were 15,500 Americans in Viet Nam and in the fall of 1964 this rose to 18,000. Johnson, in his July 18 an- nouncement, said he was sending 50,000 more Americans to bolster the anti-Communist forces, linked it to raising draft calls from 17,000 a month to 35,000 "over a period of time" and stepping up the volun- tary enlistment campaign. -Associated Press UNITED STATES AMBASSADOR to South Viet Nam Henry Cabot Lodge watches as new troops of the First Cavalry Division landed on the beach at Qui Nhon yesterday. The troops were brought by ship from the U.S. Lodge served with the old First Cavalry in 1930. ECUMENICAL COUNCIL: Cavalrymen Go Ashore, Met by Lodge Johnson's Announced Goal of 125,000 Men Already Exceeded SAIGON, South Viet Nam ()- Five thousand more Americans swarmed ashore Monday in South Viet Nam, continuing the biggest single U.S. troop landing of the war. As the "Flying Horsemen" of the U.S. Army's 1st Cavalry Di- vision, Airmobile, moved up the beach, they were met by heli- copters-and U.S. Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge. Lodge, introducing himself as the only old horse cavalry soldier in Viet Nam, shook hands with troops before they boarded the helicopters to be airlifted to secret bases, believed to be in South Viet Nam'secentral highlands. Cavalry The arrival of the Ist Cavalry. which recently took over the colors and the name of the old 1st Cavalry Division, pushed American troop strength in South Viet Nam past-President Johnson's announced goal of 125,000. No figures were disclosed, but U.S. military authorities announced last week that U.S. troop strength i South Viet Nam had reached the 107,600 mark. Advance elements of the 1st Cavalry began landing Sunday at Qui Nhon, 260 miles northeast of Saigon on the South China Sea. The division, especially trained for guerrilla warfare and using helicopters for mobility, is ex- pected to be deployed in the cen- tral highlands. Its home base is Ft. Benning, Ga. the ships Buck- ner and Darby stood by as the troops went ashore. The Buckner brought 2,180 men, and the Darby 2,705 men. Elsewhere A spokesman said other troops are expected to land soon but had been delayed at sea by a typhoon. Elsewhere in Viet Nam, U.S. military spokesmen reported: -U.S. planes kept up bombing of a Mekong River delta area where a Viet Cong regiment- normally 2000 men-was believed encamped 50 miles west of Soc Trang. The planes were trying to hit canals which the Communists might use to escape. U.S. officials said they believed the guerrillas were trapped in the region but ground troops were not committed because of heavy rain and the large size of the Viet Cong force. -No air strikes were reported in North Viet Nam, but a military spokesman said this did not neces- sarily mean none was made. -Units of the U.S. Army's 173rd Airborne clashed with Communist guerrillas near Bien Hoa, 12 miles northwest of Saigon, and killed one Viet Cong. 4h' " 1. h OR st r .. r"'hf'd"i i.. t K 7?. WEA(; ,' a Renovation of Church to Continue in Last Session VATICAN CITY (P)-The Vati- can Ecumenical Council begins its fourth and final session Tues- day to complete efforts to modern- ize the Roman Catholic Church. Pope Paul VI and more than 2000 bishops from around the world officially begin the session at dusk with a procession of pen- ance from Rome's Church of the Holy Cross to the St. John Lateran Basilicia. Working sessions begin Wed- nesday, and the church fathers have 11 documents-or topics-to consider. There was talk in the Vatican of winding up this ecumenical council, called first by Pope John XXIII in 1962, by Christmas. The Pope will be the central figure of a religious ceremony in St. Peter's Basilica and will de- liver an address. Theme Its theme was not known, but the Pope warned his bishops two days ago in an encyclical letter against a too liberal course in seeking church renewal. His council speech is expected to encourage the bishops to move along with the final agenda of fall but was put off at the last 11 topics while respecting the minute because a few bishops basic body of Catholicism's dog- wanted more time to study it. It mas. says every man has the right to A leading progressive cardinal exercise his religious beliefs with- said the council would definitely out outside force or interference. end by Christmas and not carry The topic on the church's atti- over into the new year, despite its tude toward non-Christian reli- heavy agenda. gions, the so-called . "Jewish Three Years schema," says the Jews must never It has taken the council three be regarded as rejected, cursed or years to complete work on five guilty of "deicide" (killing God) documents. because of the crucifixion. Julian Cardinal Doepfner of Arab nations have put on pres- Munich, Germany, said at a news sure to kill that passage for poli- conference that the council would tical reasons. "get into port before Christmas Approved without infringing on the freedom The document got initial ap- of the bishops and without proval in the council last fall by "strangling the council itself." He 1,651 votes to 99-with the "dei- said the 11 remaining documents cide" passage included. have been whipped into a state Cardisal Doepfner, one of the that allows swift action. moderators or directors of the Cardinal Doepfner was optimis- council, said the topic on modern tic about major topics on religious world problems would represent liberty and Catholic relations with "the crowning of the council." Jews. He said the two were now None of the previous 20 councils clearer and more complete than of Catholicism ever took up a ever. topic like it. It deals with the Document church's attitude on such things The religious liberty document as birth control, nuclear war, was ready for an initial vote last peace and social justice. .I City Attorney Revealed as Klansmian NEW ORLEANS, La (P)-The' government surprisingly produced a list of 151 names-including Bogalusa's city attorney-in fed- eral court Saturday and said they were members of the Ku Klux Klan. Minutes later the defense law- yers came up with another un- expected turn by resting imme- diately after the Justice Depart- ment concluded its case. During the federal court pro-' ceedings, three black-robed federal judges called a reluctant witness off the stand and lectured him for five minutes. Witness Named The witness, Clayton Hines, who said he was former secretary of Klan Unit No. 2 at Bogalusa, squatted on the dais behind the judge's chairs. Circuit Court Judge John Minor Wisdom and Dist. Court Judges Herbert Chris- tenberry and Robert Ainsworth turned their backs to the court- room and talked to him. The Justice Department wants a court order blocking the Klan, the Anti-Communist Christian Association and 38 individuals from harassing, coercing and in- timidating Negroes and civil rights workers at Bogalusa, scene of repeated racial trouble during the past spring and summer. Told To File Briefs Judge Wisdom, who presided, told opposing counsel to file briefs simultaneously by Sept. 21 and the court then took the case under advisement. The typewritten list of names was introduced when the govern- ment called Hines as a surprise witness. Hines said he had been "sworn out" as a Klan member three or four weeks ago after serving as secretary for nearly a year. "I learned the identity of this man about 2 o'clock this morn- ing," said Justice Department at- torney D. Robert Owens of Wash- ington after the defense objected to Hines' appearance. Submits List Saxon Farmer, the grand titan, -No. 2 man- of the Bogalusa Klan and vice president of the Anti-Communist Christian Asso- ciation, gave the court a hand- written list of 39 members of the secret white supremacy organiza- tion after having been threatened with jail last Thursday when Judge Wisdom recessed the hear- ing because of Hurricane Betsy. Farmer then had listed 47 other Klan members "from memory" after saying the organization de- stroyed its records "when the FBI began harrassing us." Hines said he helped Robert Rester, Bogalusa city attorney, nr'nrP the £ tvn.wxli ilist - "cv- Mexican Handicraft Sweaters Potterye MAYNARD HOUSE LADIES' DAY STARTS WEDNESDAY FREE TO FIRST 20 at Each Theatre-Diet-Pepsi . . . To the Next 25 at Each Theatre-Schafer "HillBilly" Bread. And While They Last 45 RPM Records from WPAG Radio. Woolen Goods Sara pes Gifts 524 E. WILLIAM LENOY IMPORTS DISTINCTIVE GIFTS Chief Justice Warren Cites Need for World Law At International Peace Conference in Washington WASHINGTON (AP)-The World Conference on Peace Through Law opened here yesterday and Chief Justice Earl Warren told justices and lawyers from 110 nations if mankind is to survive, the quest for a world ruled by law must succeed. A procession of more than 100 Supreme Court justices from as many countries opened the es- sembly. Many were clad in the robes of their offices, some purple and vermilion. Warren and Sir Percy Spender, Austrialian president of the In- ternational Code of Justice, were principal speakers at the open- ing session. Need Law "Achieving and maintaining a rule of law strong enough to regulate actions of nations and in- dividuals in the world community is no more dreamy, impossible or impracticable than was the idea of putting a man on the moon, or sending a missle to Mars a few years ago," Warren told the as- sembly. He added: "The only provable harness for the peaceful containment of power yet developed by the mind of man is the rule of law. I for one be- lieve we can create just as mightily in the law field as our scientific brethren did in the field of science." Quaison-Sackey, Ghana's for- eign minister as well as president of the UN assembly, suggested that members give the United Nations more effective authority to pre- vent domination of international affairs by "the power of the big states and the flexing of muscles by the great powers." He told a luncheon meeting of the conference that if two-thirds of the member states pass a reso- lution on any given problem, such a resolution "should have the force of law." The chief justice of Japan, Kisaburo Yokota, asserted "never before has the search for peace been as important or as urgent as today." "The threat of nuclear war and missile weapons hang ominously over every corner of the earth," he said in a speech prepared for 'delivery, adding the solid base upon which peace can be main- tained is through law. Another speaker, Harold E. Stassen, chairman of World Law Day, proposed the establishment of a World Court of Equity. Sir Percy said that the hopes after the two world wars to se- cure peace by peaceful methods proved to be "an illusion." He warned the conference that "it can discharge its purpose best by recognizing its limitations." Percy Acceptance of law in interna- tional affairs "can not be done by resolution, it can not be re- duced to a formula. It needs the constant attention of all of us over a long period of time," Sir Percy said. The international president told the justices that their task will be "not only to persuade the leaders of their respective coun- tries" to accept international law, but also to educate their own people to "make clear to their own leaders that that is what they need and demand." The peace of the world is "fragile thing in deed," Sir Percy continued, and added that "the sands of time are running out" because there is a distinct pos- sibility that nations that do not possess nuclear arms will possess them sooner or later. YT4A T4n cot the S. W, WORLD NEWS ROUNDUP: Divers Probe Mississippi for Barge Carrying Chlorine MICH GAN By The Associated Press BATON ROUGE, La. - Divers battled strong currents, muddy waters and shifting sands as they" probed the Mississippi River for a sunken barge and its cargo of deadly chlorine. As the men labored under water, to 60,000 persons if released, White House sources said. * * * LIMA, Peru-President Felrnan- do Belaunde Terry's cabinet, under fire from the Chamber of Depu- ties for allegedjy being soft on Communists, resigned yesterday. The 12 cabinet ministers, in- army last week. * * * PARIS-France hopes to hurl a small space satellite into orbit be- fore the end of the year, officials said yesterday. The satellite would be fired from the French research base at Ham- maguir in the Sahara. air base at Jammu, Kashmir, de- stroyed all six transport planes parked there. The transport planes were being used to send troops and ammunition to battle areas, the broadcast said. WASHINGTON - The Senate Aoronriations Committee approv- PAY ONLY ' _4 r