PAKISTAN-INDIA WAR, VITAL BUT NEGLECTED See Editorial Page tj:4 P ~43ya11 43a t CLOUDY High-70 Low-48 Morning fog followed by clearing in afternoon Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVI, No. 14 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1965 SEVEN CENTS Battle Over Dirksen Amendment: Inside k EDITO'S NOTE: This is the third man-one vote" ruling on legisla- state legislation-but it appalled tice Department's civil rights di- greatly concerned, as were many be put to a vote with any propos- The next day, the committee k sn afsis o hngosatiCl of i s- tive apportionment. many conservatives, who saw their vision, and others voiced a charge other senators, about the possibil- ed vote-weighting plan, rather met-and Dirksen, his position un- I summer, where Daily reporter Mark Included in the story behind political influence and their in- that was influential in securing ity that Dirksen's proposal might than solely when the vote-weight- dermined still further by the ab- li Killngsworth served as a congres- Dirksen's amendment are an his- terests, legitimate and otherwise, the opposition of numerous sena- permit racial gerrymandering. ing plan is first submitted, as in sence of three supporters, exercis- a siynal legaiative assistant and The toric Supreme Court decision, some in peril. tors-that the proposal would in- As a result, Javits said, he would Dirksen's proposal, which provided ed his privilege as the ranking Daily's Washington bureau.,'-brilliant parliamentary trickery, A 1964 attempt at preventing evitably hurt Negroes, many of oppose the Dirksen amendment. for a yes-or-no vote every 10 minority member of the commit- By MARK R. KILLINGSWORTH some political horse-trading, a the federal courts from exercis- whom live in large cities. The only vote-weighting plan he years thereafter on the vote- tee and stalled for time, asking s Special To The Daily , last - minute behind - the - scenes ing jurisdiction in matters of state The Dirksen amendment easily would support, he added, was a weighting plan; that consideration of the proposal v shift by the administration and apportionment passed the House passed a three-member subcom- proposal he was submitting as an -Insure that a vote-weighting be put off for a week. e . WASHINGTON - "It will not a tense showdown. but was filibustered to. death in mittee, but the situation in the amendment to the Dirksen pro- plan could not be racially gerry- That's that thought Dirksen's r die. I do not propose to let it die. The story began on June 15, the Senate. full Judiciary committee was far posal-which Dirksen had already mandered, and opponents..But they underestimat- There will be other proposed leg- 1964, when the United States Si- Then, in January of this year, from clear. told him was unacceptable to him. -The key difference between ed the Illinois Republican.e islation. There will be a place to preme Court, acting on a large Dirksen introduced a constitu- It soon began to appear that Javits said his amendment made his and Dirksen's proposal, and On July 22, he moved to callr hook it on. I may not succeed, number of suits concerning mal- tional amendment to allow the the still-undecided Sen. Jacob K. "basic changes" in the Dirksen the basis for Dirksen's opposition, up Senate Joint Resolution 66, to but this I must do for the people apportioned state legislatures, rul- people of a state to vote to ap- Javits (R-NY) held the deciding measure which would: Javits' plan also would "untie the call the first week in Septem-v of my state and the people of oth~ ed in Reynolds vs. Sims that both portion one house of their leg- vote in committee, which was split -Insure that population would Supreme Court's hands" and let ber "National American Legion er states." houses of a state legislature must islature on "factors other than eight for and seven against the always be a factor in apportion- it judge if a vote-weighting plan Baseball Week." Everett McKinley Dirksen, the consist solely of districts drawn population" if such a plan were measure. ment, unlike Dirksen's proposal, bore a "reasonal relationship to It turned out that an obscure s Senate minority leader, was fin- on the basis of substantial equal- then submitted to a yes-or-no ref- Then, July 19, Javits announc- while still allowing other factors, the needs of the state." Senate rule permitted Dirksen toa ishing up a classic Dirksen speech ity of population. erendum every 10 years. And the ed that while he sympathized with such as geography and land, to Javits' announcement meant an strike out everything in the reso- on August 4 as the Senate prepar- This pleased liberals-who had battle over the Dirksen amend- the .aims of the Dirksen proposal be included in the aportionment eight-eight tie vote in the Judi- lution after its enacting clause 1 ed to vote on his controversial long contended that rurally-domi- ment began. -to allow vote-weighting in state of ore house; ciary committee the next day, and substitute his constitutional - constitutional amendment to over- nated gerrymandered state legis- During hearings, Burke Mar- legislatures to protect rural and -Require that a straight-popu- and that the Dirksen amendment amendment. -t turn the Supreme Court's "one latures had blocked progressive shall, formally chief of the Jus- other interests-he had also been lation apportionment plan always would not get onto the floor. The liberals were stunned. Led EIGHT PAGES ftory by Sen. Paul Douglas (D-Ill). Dirksen's senior colleague from Il- inois, they began to mount the attack all over again. Majority Leader Mike Mansfield D-Wyo), who supported the Dirk- en amendment, did not actively work with Dirksen, but agreed to et Dirksen call up the baseball resolution, and helped secure agreement for the Senate to vote an the Dirksen proposal on Wed- nesday, August 4. In the meantime, political wheels had been spinning all over Washington. President Johnson, observers say, wanted to avoid getting into a political controversy over the Dirksen amendment-which might be scuttled in committee anyway --and was also extremely reluc- ant to challenges Dirksen direct- See DIRKSEN, Page 6 hat's New t"764-1817 Hotline Administrative insiders predict state legislators are in for a shock later this month when the University unveils its operating budget request for the 1966-67 fiscal year. The budget's total is reported to be close to $70 million. That's more than $14 mil- lion above what the Regents requested last year and over $18 million more than the Legislature appropriated. The figures include money to support the final phase of transforming Flint College into a four-year operation. City Administrator Guy C. Larcom announced at last night's City Council meeting that the developer of the new 26-story high- rise, Peter Kleinpell, had approached him during the last week to negotiate a better parkingspace agreement than the 33 per cent now required. Such agreement would be beyond limitations set up by the city permit and more in concurrment wit hthe recom- mendations in the high-rise report. Because of the developer's willingness to negotiate, he felt that further proposals to bring the structure more in line with such recommendations were unnecessary. Also in regard to high rise, City Attorney Jacob Farnum sub- mitted a report which stated in effect, that the fact that the Council issues a permit to a developer does not mean that further limitations beyond those stated in the permit cannot be demanded. Rev. J. Edgar Edwards of the Guild House, Allan F. Smith, vice-president for academic affairs, Herbert Kelman of the sociology department and the Center for Research on Conflict 4 Resolution, Dom. David Steindl-Rast, a Benedictine Monk, and Jules Roy, a distinguished French writer, will be the first speakers at the International Conference on Alternate Perspectives to Viet Nam. They will lecture today from 9 am. to noon at Rackham Aud. The joint committee of low cost housing decided last night to be an independent organization welcoming any other organi- zations on campus for backing. They also decided to separate into small committee units to further investigate into the present housing situation in Ann Arbor. Construction of the ten-unit Cedar Bend housing complex on North Campus is proceeding rapidly. The co-educational facili- ties designed for 1,200 students is expected to be ready for occupancy by next fall. "Krapp's Last Tape," an avant-garde play by Samuel Beckett, will be added to Archibald MacLeish's "Herakles" in a double bill in the forthcoming 1965 Fall Festival in Ann Arbor, Sept. 28 to Nov. 14, sponsored by the University's Professional Theatre Program. Beckett's play was described by critics as 4 "fascinating theatre of the absurd." Donald Moffat who played a leading role in "War and Peace" last fall, will star. One-hundred-seventy freshmen-30 fewer than originally ex- pected-began attending class at the University's Flint College branch yesterday. Largely because of the new freshmen, enroll- ment at the formerly junior-senior branch is now at a record high 832. The school's future, however, is still up in the air: al- though the State Board of Education recommended last April that no freshman classes be enrolled after this year and that the branch itself soon be replaced by an independent foui-year in- stitution, sources have indicated that the University would rather continue admitting freshmen so that a smooth transi- tion from the branch to the new school can take place. 4 * 4 * The Ypsilanti Greek -Theater has engaged two Greek com- posers to write original music for the classical productions of the theater: Manos Hadjidakis, composer of the score for the film, "Never on Sunday," and Iannis Xenakias, noted for his experimental music. Hadjidakis will write the scores for the Greek comedies, and Xenakias for the tragedies. In addition, Alexis Soiomos, artistic director, predicted that the theater would probably be commissioning new translations of the Greek, since most of the present translations are too academically oriented. Busy Signal The University Health Service will hold influenza vaccina- Thant's Peace Mission Stalled; 4 Rusk U.S. Upholds Pakistan- Aid Program Nine Nations Plan To Commit Resources For Nation's Progress WASHINGTON (P) -'Secretary of State Dean Rusk advised Com- munist China yesterday to keep out of the India-Pakistan con- flict' and let the UN Security Council settle the undeclared war over Kashmir. A State Department spokesman also strongly indicated the United States will hold up a new eco- nomic aid program of about $250 million to Pakistan as'long as the shooting continues. Nine nations including the United States are scheduled to meet with the World Bank Sept. 23 to pool resources they are will- ing to commit in support of Pakis- tan's economic development. Seeking To Explore Rusk, speaking to newsmen after a closed, hour-long meeting with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, expressed the view that Communist China has been fishing in troubled waters in seek- ing to exploit the India-Pakistan fighting. "Our own advice to Peking would be to stay out and let the Security Council settle it," he said. Noting that the UN Security Council, including the Soviet Un- ion, was unanimous in calling for a cease-fire, Rusk said he thinks the Soviet attitude has been help- ful thus far. In Moscow And in Moscow, a statement distributed by the government news agency Tass seemed to be taking Communist China to task because it has sided with Pakis- tan, and raised once more the threat of new hostilities along the Chinese-Indian border in the Hi- malayas. It also accused the United States of exploiting the fighting over Kashmir to distract attention from the war in Viet Nam. "There are, however, forces which seek to profit by the wor- sened Indian-Pakistani relations," the statement declared. "By their incendiary statements they push them toward the further aggra- vation of the military conflict." In Pakistan a report said the ambassador had succeeded in re- moving obstacles to the evacula- tion of Americans from Pakistan after a meeting with Z. A. Bhuttp, Pakistani foreign minister. An air- lift was expected to begin by mid- week.. Warns China To.Stay Out -Daily-Steve Goidstein These unfortunates wait for the Hill Aud. box office to open for a chance at the remaining Kingston Trio tickets. Some armed with army blankets waited in line all night. SOCIOLOGY COLLOQUIUM: Project Camelot Creates Danger For Research in Social Sciences U.N. Offieia1 ,Meets with Intransigence Little Progress Made On Cease-Fire Plan During Discussions NEW DELHI (W)-United Na- ions Secretary-General U Thant's mission to end the fighting be- tween India and Pakistan appear- ed stymied last 'night and there were signs he ' would seek help from world powers. Reports of victories in the field hardened India's stand on its terms for a" cease-fire. Pakistan voiced similar claims of victory on the western front around Lahore and Sialkot in Pakistan. It showed no willingness to compromise. Thant met with Foreign Minis- ter Swaran Singh and later met privately with the Soviet charge d'affaires in New Delhi, Alexei A. Rodionov. A UN spokesman said they discussed the possibility of Thant's return to UN headquarters in New York by way of Moscow. OnlyChange Planes While UN officials said this would be only a stop to change planes, there were reports Thant .wanted to see Premier Alexei N. Kosygin. A short time after Thant met with the Soviet envoy, word reached New Delhi of a new Soviet appeal for ap end to the fighting. A Soviet statement carried by the government news agency Tass said the Soviet Union is seriously alarmed by the hostilities and voiced fear that it might involve the entire world. The Soviet statement appeared to be aimed at Communist China, which supports Pakistan and once again has raised fears of a renewal of the 1962 border con- flict between India and China. Indian officials privately ac- knowledged that if anything could force an end to the conflict it would be pressure by the Soviet Union and other powers, especially the United States and Britain. The United States has contrib- uted more than $6 billion to In- dia's economic development since 1951. Any threat to cut off this eco- nomic assistance--military aid al- ready has been stopped-would bring great pressure on Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri. Shastri did not meet Thant Monday, but called into session his full Cabinet and later its emergency committee to discuss his meeting with the secretary- general Sunday. Compromise It was clear that a show of compromise by Shastri could ser- ious~ly jeopardize his political fu- By MICHAEL HEFFER Prof. Irving Louis Horowitz, not- ed sociologist and author of books on counter-insurgency, radicalism and the implementation of so- ciology in underdeveloped nations, spoke yesterday of the "crisis in the system of sociology" created by "Project Camelot," a now de- funct program financed by the De- fense Department. The program was designed to study the nature of insurgency and counter-insurgency in under- developed nations. It was begun in 1964, and was disbanded recently because of charges by social scientists and the government of Chile that the federal government was attempt- ing to use them as "spies" in Latin America., Horowitz, who is at the Univer- sity for the International Confer- ence on Alternative Perspectives on South Viet Nam, spoke at a sociology colloquium on the im- plications of "Project Camelot" on sociology. . . The general purposes of the project-as stated in a memo that solicited participation by promi- nent sociologists and social psy- chologists-were to offer opportu- nities to participants to predict and control conditions leading to "internal war" (i.e., social revolu- tions) in various countries. and to identify actions which a govern- ment could take to undercut the elements supporting these views. "Camelot" was oriented towards Latin American nations, the memo said, and foresaw the establish- ment of a field office somewhere in South America. The memo was sent to approxi- Conference To Center Attention On Stud ents' Economic Welfare mately 25 experts on Latin Amer- ican society. It discussed the Unit- ed States Army's "positive role" working "against insurgency" and "for progress" in underdeveloped nations. It emphasized actions de- signed to reduce "sources of qis- satisfaction" in these nations. Horowitz said he was one of the few people, and the only one of the nation's approximately 7,- 000 sociologists, to attempt to in- vestigate what had gone on in the program and why it had stopped., This he considered a sad commen- tary on his fellow sociologists. Horowitz expressed concern for the future of sociology and social science research generally because of several aspects of the "Came- lot" program. For example, the project was using the largest amount of money ever expended on a sociology program. Horowitz saw this as a possible avenue leading to further and more direct federal control over research work. As one aspect of the program, its directors offered $2000 to social scientists to participate in a pro- gram covering several weeks in the summer. Many of those at- tending, or asked to attend, were from Latin American nations, By RUTH FEUERSTEIN. Barry Bluestone, president of the University of Michigan Stu- dent Employees' Union, announced Saturday that "Know Your Uni- versity Day" will take place on Oct. 7. According to Bluestone, the policies of the university," Blue- stone pointed out. "In recent years, the university has become less egalitarian and less concerned with the interests of the lower class," he said. According to UMSEU policy, educational opportunities offered by i Trehiran iunitnvrsties "shoul~d explore alternative financial plans to those currently in effect. Uni- versity-built low rent apartments financed by state funds or Uni- versity owned stocks and bonds will be among the possibilities dis- cussed. Day's Highlights The highlightsR of the day will