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September 12, 1965 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-09-12

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See Editorial Page

Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom


Continued cool with
chance of showers

Vivian Discusses First Months as Congres.
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the sec- ly does seem like eight years." 13-member group of congressmen changing role of the Congress; year, Vivian had already joined naw), joined the state's Democrats changed the judge's mind, but it
end in a series of articles on im- Most congressional observers and congressmen-elect who began -Only recently challenged the other congressmen and congress- in Congress to support the chal- may have encouraged him"
pressions of Washington, DCthis gmAytrteSem rpVva
summer, where Daily reporter Kil- don't disagree with V i v i a n. in December of last year to call august L. Mendel Rivers (D-SC), men-elect in support of the Mis- lenge. Aft
lingsworth served as a congression- Throughout most of his schedule, for a voting rights bill, which was chairman of the House Armed sissippi Freedom Democratic Par- Vivian also flew to Selma - and several other congressmen be-
al legislative assistant and as The which usually ends in his office- signed into law only a month ago; Services Committee, who had sug- ty's challenge of the five Missis- prior to the major demonstrations gan to meet with members of the
as it did that day-sometime after -Traveled to Selma, Ala., with gested that it might' be feasible sippi congressmen, charging that there-with several of his col- White House staff and held num-,
By MARK R. KILLINGSWORTH 11 in the evening, Vivian seems other congressional colleagues to destroy Communist China's nu- Mississippi had excluded Negro leagues to view the voter-registra- erous discussions with Vice-Presi-
Special To The Daily intent on packing as much activi- prior to the massive beatings and clear capability; candidates and Negro voters from tion campaign then underway. The dent Hubert Humphrey and At-i
ty as he can into each day. the march on Montgomery to urge -And, in addition to greeting participation. group then reported back to the torney General Nicholas Katzen-
WASHINGTON-Close to 11:00 All observers believe Vivian will federal attention and interven- and assisting constituents, voting By opening day, the group, House. bach.
one evening several weeks ago, his be "running scared" in 1966. He's tion; on the House floor for the John- which started out with 13 mem- Vivian found the trip an unset- "We wanted to get a voting
eyes red from eight months of the first Democrat to represent -Testified before the subcom- son administration's Great Socie- bers, had rounded up 149 votes tling experience, rights bill moving," Vivian says
hard work as a freshman in Con- the second district since 1932, mittee on manpower of the Sen- ty program, and a number of oth- in favor of holding up the seat- "Negroes who tried to register of his discussions with adminis-
gress, Congressman Weston E. Vi- and he was elected by the razor- ate Labor and Public Welfare er activities, Vivian has also had ing of the Mississippi delegation to vote suddenly found it diffi- tration leaders, "and to get thei
vian (D-Ann Arbor) paused to thin margin of 1500 votes. Committee on the problems sur- to think about his upcoming fight in Congress until the House had cult to find jobs," he said. "Oth- issues in Selma and elsewhere re-
chat with a visitor. But then the experts take a rounding the granting of fed- for reelection in November of 1966. investigated the charges surround- ers lost theirs. Suddenly Negroes' solved before violence became un-
"How has your freshman year look at the record of Vivian's ac- eral research and development " Civil rights. Vivian's commit- ing their election. mortgages had to be paid off im- stoppable."I
been so far?" the visitor asked. tivities in Congress-and say that money; ment to civil rights is a natural It was not enough to win, but, mediately-and on and on." After the mass beatings of thei
may well change the political -Went before the Joint Com- outgrowth of his work as chair- as Vivian is quick to add, "It was "For some reason, the federal Selma marchers did take place, Vi-1
"Well," Vivian began earnest- equation. mittee on the Reorganization of man of Ann Arbor's Democrats, far more than anyone, including judge issued several injunctions vian kept in close touch with the
ly, "my first eight years here In his first eight months as Congress to urge that Congress who have always been active in the Mississippians, thought we'd requiring the local authorities to developments-and with the stat-
have been incredibly busy." the second district's congressman, modernize itself, and later voiced that field. get." Two Michigan Republicans, stop holding up registration us of some of his University con-i
Smiling and catching himself, the 40-year-old Vivian has: some surprising views about the Before he took his oath as a William S. Broomfield (R-Royal several hours after we arrived," stituents there,, several of whomi
he continued, "Sometimes it real- -Become part of the original federal government and the congressman on January 4 of this Oak) and James Harvey (R-Sagi- he said. "I wouldn't say the visit were beaten and jailed after tak-

ing part in demonstrations.
In late June, during voter-reg-
istration demonstrations in Jack-
son, Miss., Vivian again kept care-
ful watch of the situation and
again tried to help some of his
constituents there, asking the Jus-
tice Department to investigate the
situation and "to see what imme-
diate steps could be taken to in-
sure safety and due process of
law for the demonstrators."
He later helped organize an
informal hearing in Washington
with other congressmen, such as
William F. Ryan (D-NY). Wit-
nesses from Jackson gave detailed
charges of police beatings and
brutality after arresting demon-
Vivian, who has met with many
of the leaders of the civil rights
movement, including James Farm-
See VIVIAN, Page 2

_---- i

What's New
At 764-1817





Construction on an addition to the General Library is sched-
uled to begin in the summer of 1966, according to John McKevitt,
assistant to the vice-president in charge of business and finance.
McKevitt said yesterday that the addition is planned to open in
the spring of 1968.
Fraternities will open their houses for inspection by the 1418
registered rushees at 2 p.m. today to begin what has been de-
scribed as the biggest rush in the history of the Interfraternity
Council. Rush registration will re-open Monday as men's fall
rush continues throughout the week.
Despite a shortage of student employes in the residence hall
system, the University libraries are not short on help, said
Frederick H. Wagman, director of University libraries. He had
not heard of any difficulty in hiring student employes. He said
that the only help shortages occur when the students have the
least time, and use the libraries the most, ie, at exam time.
Student Government Council has offered funds to the group
pressing for low cost housing for expert consulation. The Federa-
tion of Cooperative Housing will provide the consultation. Mon-
day night at 7:30 this group will hold a meeting on the second
floor of the SAB where they will discuss how to move as fast as
possible toward their objectives.
"A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum" is
the title of this year's Soph Show to be performed on Nov. 18-20
at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The cast includes Jim Hos-
biem as Pseudolus, Larry Glover as Lycus, Marcia Heuven as
Philia, and Bill Hunt as Miles.
The University has been ranked sixth among the nation's
colleges and universities by Poor's "Register of Corporations,
Directors and Executives" in the number of corporate executives
and directors who are alumni. The University, with 1,329 top-
executive alumni, follows Harvard (4,135), Yale (2,729), Prince-
ton (1,458), University of Pennsylvania (1,433) and New York
University (1,342).
Only six girls have dropped out of sorority rush, leaving
approximately 340 to go on to "second set," which begins today.
.4Robert S. Ford, associate dean of Rackham School of
Graduate Studies, has predicted 120,000 foreign students will be
attending college in the United States by 1970. If the University
maintains its present per cent of the total, 4.6 per cent, it will
have 4,800 foreign students on campus, as opposed to the present
number of 1265. Ford suggests a wider distribution of the students
among the smaller universities; at present 45 per cent of the
y students are concentrated in 40 universities. In the face of a
rising number of applications, Ford asserts that colleges and
universities must maintain high admission standards and admit
only those students with adequate preparation in English, to
ensure academic success.
The University Activities Center is going to take over the
total planning of the International Week, the last week in
October. Although it was planned jointly in previous years with
the International Student Association and Student Government
Council, ISA has dissolved, and SGC has limited the functions of
its international committee to concern over only the problems
of the international student. Both organizations claim this new
arrangement of UAC's concern with activities and SGC's with
the students' problems will eliminate much of the overlapping of
organization that has occurred in the past.
* * * *
Four large color prints of the British frigate, Java, and the
American frigate, Constitution, which clashed in naval battles
during the War of 1812, form a rare set now displayed at the
University's Clements Library.
A University co-ed reports that recently she received a bogus
phone call from a man who said he was taking a socio-sexual
survey. Upon calling the Survey Research Institute to ask about
the call, she was informed that research organizations never
take this type of survey over the telephone.

Indian Losses
Admitted To
Be Mounting
Conflict's HeaViest
Fighting Threatens To
InVolVe Eastern Front
NEW DELHI (AP)-The heaviest
fighting of the India-Pakistan
conflict was swirling across the
northern front yesterday and
spreading of the struggle to east-
ern sectors appeared imminent.
Pakistan claimed India's army is
now "wholly" on the defensive.
An Indian spokesman said "very
fierce battles-the heaviest battles
so far" were being fought in the
Sialkot and Lahore region of
northern Pakistan, where each
side struggled to protect its cities
against the other's tanks. Sialkot
is at thetnorthern end of the front
60 miles north of Lahore.
Prime Minister Lal Bahadur
Shastri warned India may have
to take counter measures in east-
ern areas of the subcontinent
against what he called provocative
Pakistani air raids against stra-
tegic Indian installations in east
There has been no large scale
ground fighting in the east but
the Indian government made clear
it will fight to halt what it says
are Pakistani threats to air fielcis
and supply routes leading to In-
dian units on the Red China front.
These threats include air raids
and what authorities in eastern
India said was a drop by Pakis-
tani parachutists Friday.
All in all, it was a gloomy pic-
ture for U.N. Secretary-General
U Thant, who arrived in Bombay,
India, and is to fly to New Delhi
today on the last leg of his paace
mission. His just-ended talks in
Pakistan generally were regarded
in New Delhi as unpromising.
Shastri said he wants peace and
President Sarvepalli Radhakrish-
nan said India does not regard
itself at war with Pakistan. But
the government made claims that
indicated India was very much at
The Defense Ministry, in the
first announcement of casualties,
said 1,472 Pakistanis were killed
in the period Aug. 5 to Sept. 8.
The bodies of 803 Pakistanis were
picked up, the ministry said, and
198 were captured.
Equipment, losses were put at
191 Pakistani tanks and 33 planes
destroyed, compared with 35 In-
dian tanks and 23 planes knocked
No newsman has been able to
get close enough to the battlefield
to verify any of these figures. But
it was unusual for New Delhi to
admit the loss of that many of its
own tanks and planes.

-Daily-Richard Cooper
MOTORCYCLES PARKED parallel to the curb except In specially marked places are legal. Those parked vertically are illegal. Also
those parked between parked automobiles are illegal.
City Parking Poses Enforcement

Appeal to.
Both Nations
To End War
Kosygin Sends -Letters
To Leaders Offering
Aid to Negotiations
MOSCOW ()-The Soviet Un-
ion broadcast its readiness yes-
terday to use its good offices to
settle the Indian-Pakistani con-
flict. But at the same time it gave
its full support to the United Na-
tions peacemaking effort.
To emphasize its interest in
ending the conflict, the govern-
ment took the unusual step of
calling a news conference to read
out letters sent by Premier Alexei
N. Kosygin to Prime Minister Lal
Bahadur Shastri of India and
President Mohammed Ayub Khan
of Pakistan.
The letters of Sept. 4 appealed
to both countries to end the con-
flict and settle their disputes
60 Correspondents
About 60 correspondents were
called to the foreign office to
hear the letters read, first in
Russian, then in English.
Earlier in the day, a letter
from Shastri replying to Kosygin
was delivered to the premier
thanking him for the proffer of
good offices but apparently hold-
ing any request that they be used
at this time.
Instead, both India and the So-
viet Union appeared.to feel that
first efforts to bring peace should
be left to U Thant, UN secretary-
The letter from Shastri was de-
livered to Kosygin by the Indian,
ambassador, Triloki N. Kaul. Kaul
said through an embassy spokes-
man that the Soviet leader "fully
supports the action taken by the
secretary-general of the United
Nations and wishes him every suc-
Wish Success
The spokesman indicated In-
dia's agreement by commenting
that, "Nobody wants to do any-
thing which would interfere with
the work of the secretary-general,
since everyone wishes him suc-
As :n the past, the Soviet pre-
mier blamed the United States for
stepping up tension in Asia and
indicated "outside sources" were
not averse to seeing the India-
Pakistan struggle escalate into
more bitter war. The letters to
Shastri and Ayub Khan, nearly
identical, said:
"The trend toward further es-
calation of the military conflict
further heightens the tense sit-
uation in southern and southeast
Asia created by American imper-
ialist aggression.


At last year's Ann Arbor police
banquet, Police Chief R. J. Gain-
sley opened a brief talk by say-
ing, "I want to compliment our
parking enforcement officers on
the fine job they are doing."
He proceeded to produce the
receipt for a ticket he had payed
that afternoon.
His wife had parked her car
overtime on N. State St. while at
the beauty parlor .
Mrs. Gainsley's ticket was one
of only 117,655 parking tickets
written out in Ann Arbor last
U Students Too
And between 30 and 40 per cent
of those tickets went to Univer-
sity students.
The offenses ranged from park-
ing motorcycles between parked
cars ($5) to meter violations ($1).
The basic problem, only 9,300
parking spaces in the campus
area, compounded with such stu-
dent dilemmas as two-hour classes
with - one-hour meters makes the
situation something of a daily

don't have as much trouble with
students as we do with towns-
Parking enforcement in Ann
Arbor is so complex that even a
doctoral thesis would hardly do it
First there are three motor-
cycle men who patrol university
streets. They work for and are
paid by the City of Ann Arbor.
Then there are three meter
maids who walk the streets
checking meters. Then there are
several other officers who police
university lots with compact cars.
The meter maids and lot polic-
ers work for the Ann Arbor Police
Department. Their salary, how-
ever, come out of funds paid by
the Board of Regents to the city
for policing parking lots.
Confusing Rules
"Sometimes it gets confusing,"
admits meter maid Pat Hoyt. Cer-
tain lots allow certain permits.
There are Student Publication,
Staff Metered, Loading, Hospital,
Service, Guest and other permits.
A meter maid cannot ticket in

located at such places as the
Union, on Geddes near Forest, by
the Frieze building or near Mason
To park legally in a normal
parking space, a police officer
Jan Sumola suggests, "Imagine
you are driving a Mercury wagon."
"We used to have 10 or 15 cycles
lined up angularly against the
curb," he went on. "But it didn't
work. Once I saw a line of 21
cycles topple like dominoes."
How fair are the police in is-
suing tickets?

"Really, I think everyone gets
a pretty fair break," says meter
maid Hoyt.
For those offenders who don't
think they got a fair break, there
is recourse. Every Friday morning,
Ann Arbor Police Traffic Lieu-
tenant Sloop holds a hearing for
irate violators to review cases.
Most are resolved there. A few
go into the court of Municipal
Judge Francis L. O'Brien. Judge
O'Brien considers such claims as
malfunctioning meters and wrong

Pierpont, Cutler React
To Voice Grievances.
Assistant Managing Editor
Administrators at the University demonstrated this week that
student grievances and demands will not be ignored by University

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