SATtMDAY. SEP'M"ER I1,190 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PACE ".t'nftgg' 8ATh~DAY. surm'n~z~ U, itch THE MICHIGAN DAILY VA(W TTIWIrW! R ra ta ai A as av a:. EA rt Garcia', SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Riepublic (M-)-The way President Hector Garcia-Godoy handled his first serious crisis has many Do- minicans wondering about the ef- fectiveness-even survival-of the new provisional government. The young president put aside with apparent discretion and firmness a threatening mutiny in the military ranks by ousting a controversial officer, Gen. Elias Wessin y Wessin. In doing this, the president was believed yielding partly to the demands of the nationalistic sec- tor that advocates a thorough armed forces shakeup, starting Policy Causes with Wessin's removal. Balm for Conservatives It was felt Garcia-Godoy came up with balm for conservatives and antirebels by retaining, at least temporarily, the old military chiefs in office. A preliminary impression among critics on both sides of this di- vided city is that in trying to satisfy everyone the president has created an image of flexible lead- ership where, because of the rela- tively short life of his government, a quick and decisive hand is re- quired. The president's readily apparent reliance on the Organization of American States political commit- tee and the inter-American peace force for counsel and material support in booting out Wessin has drawn criticism among politically' prominent Dominicans who feel he should have first tried it purely on his own before resorting to, outside help. Prorebel Sympathies There is hardly any question he has further alienated conserva- tives who now regard the Wessin ouster as clear proof of prorebel sympathies. Deep anger and re- sentment among Wessin's troops were apparent to reporters. Still' before the president is the pos- Grave sibly even stickier problem of civilian disarmament, the most important phase of the national unification process. The rebel far left, clamoring for a united front against "Yan- kee imperialism," already has voiced opposition to demilitariza- tion. A considerable portion of weapons turned over to the civil- ian population, particularly on the rebel side, has either been smug- gled into the interior or hidden in the city for possible future use. Armed Civilians There is a gag among Domini- cans that arms smuggling was so intense that the civilian popula- Doubts tion is now better armed than the military. There have been verified re- ports of beatings by national po- lice and troops of rebel civilians attempting to return to their homes outside the rebel sector. The United States State De- partment confirmed yesterday that a U.S. plane took controver- sial Dominican Gen. Elias Wessin y Wessin for a ride-but declined to say whether he went "volun- tarily." Wessin was flown out of the country Thursday night. News ac- counts indicated he had consider- able armed escort. Pakistan Takes Advantage In Latest Kashmir Thant Finds Little Hope in Peace Talks Pakistan Insists on Plebiscite To Settle Kashmir Conflict RAWALPINDI, Pakistan (A')-U Thant pressed his peace mission apparently without success yes- terday in Rawalpindi while the Pakistani army announced it was aiming a drive at the northern Indian city of Amritsar. The UN secretary-general had a conference with Foreign Min- ister Z. A. Bhutto, but President Mohammed Ayub Khan did not attend. While no official word was giv- en on progress of the talks, a qualified source said: "Thant's visit is like a Boy Scout blowing his whistle-tweet, tweet - and telling us to be good. We have been good long enough and now we must fight." Insists on Plebiscite Official sources hinted Paki- stan was standing firm on its position that there must be a plebiscite in the divided state of Kashmir, the cause for the out- break last week of fighting be- tween the two nations. Pakistan feels such a vote would find most Kashmiris voting for Pakistan rule. The people of Kash- mir are predominantly Moslem, as is Pakistan. The Hindu Mah- arajah of Kashmir ceded the state to India in 1947, a step which lies at the root of the conflict. Fighting began after the 1947 cession and the United Nations stopped it. A government spokesman said Thant probably will leave tomor- row for New Delhi on the second leg of his cease-fire mission aboard U.S. Ambassador Walter P. McConnaugh's private plane. There are no commercial flights between India and Pakistan be- cause of the war. Pushing Forward A government spokesman said the Pakistani army is pushing for- ward in three sectors of the La- bore front about 160 miles south- east of Rawalpindi. He asserted Pakistani forces had captured a number of Indian po- sitions around Wagah, an Indian town near the border 20 miles west of Amritsar. India launched an offensive on the Lahore front Monday and pushed into Pakstan territory not far from Lahore, which is 15 miles inside Pakistan. The Pakistani counter-offensive opened Thurs- day, Indian Troops Driven Back Pakistan says all Indian troops on this front now have been driv- en back across the border. The spokesman gave these de- tails: In the Sialkot sector 60 miles north of Lahore, where Indian troops invaded Pakistan Wednes- day, all Indian attacks have been "completely foiled." On the front 600 miles to the south of Sialkot, the Indian forc- es that invaded Pakistan Wednes- day have been thrown back across the border. Extensive damage was claimed bn a string of airbases raided dur- ing the morning, including Path- ankot, northeast of the Lahore front; Jodphur, 375 miles north- east of Pakistan's port of Ka- rachi back of the southern front, and Janagara, on the coast 240 miles south of Karachi. Intense Diplomatic Activity Meanwhile, there was intense diplomatic activity in New Delhi Am mnv natin n n rssur on Battle Land Force Pushes Back Indian Army Indian Optimism Dims As Hope for Quick Victory Fades NEW DELHI, India (P)-Paki- stani troops and tanks took the offensive on the northern plains! yesterday, driving back invading Indian troops and dimming In- dia's optimism for a quick victory. New Delhi charged Pakistani planes raided a key airbase in eastern India. Defense Minister Y. B. Chavan told a somber Parliament that Pakistani artillery was shelling Ferozepore, 10 miles inside India in the north-and indication that Pakistani -troops had broken " across the border. However, there was no sign New Delhi wanted to call off the fight. Meeting on the eve of the ar- i7 f k . 1' i THE. F 1aHT FAN I Ii ii rival in India of UN General U Thant on a sion, Prime Minister dur Shastri's political mand said, in effect: ing down." Secretary- peace mis- Lal Baha- high com- "No back- -Associated Press THIS BURNED WRECKAGE IS ALL THAT remains of a car that stood in front of the Indian embassy in Jakarta, capital of Indonesia. The car was turned over last Thursday by a mob of 500 Indonesians who stormed the embassy in protest to India's conflict with Pakistan. U.S. TRIES NEW TACTICS: 198 Viet Cong Killed in Four-Day Peninsula Stvwep By The Associated Press A major operation on the Cape Batangan peninsula by a U.S. Marine regiment and two South Vietnamese battalions ended yes- terday, and Military officials re- ported 198 Viet Cong killed dur- ing the four-day sweep. A U.S. Marine spokesman said 38 of the enemy were captured, 265 Viet Cong suspects detained and 22 weapons confiscated. Marine and South Vietnamese troops suffered light casualties, it was reported. 21st Bombing In addition, U.S. Air Force B- 52's, making their fourth announc- ed raid in a week and their 21st of the Viet Nam war, bombed a suspected Viet Cong stronghold yesterday in the central highlands of South Viet Nam, a U.S. mili- tary spokesman reported. Reliable informants said the strike was carried out against what was believed to have been a Viet Cong communications center 30 miles northwest of the town of Quang Ngai, about 325 miles northeast of Saigon. They said other aircraft followed up the B- 52 raid and helicopters then fer- ried U.S. and Vietnamese troops into the target area. Military spokesmen under se- curity regulations, gave no de- tails. Viet Cong Flee But informants said the troops found communications wire and crude bamboo structures and spot- ted a number of Viet Cong flee- ing. One body was found. No American or Vietnamese casual- ties were reported. In ground action, 10 Viet Cong were reported killed Thursday in the central highlands and the Mekong River delta. Vietnamese losses yere reported to have been light. In another encounter in the delta, 100 miles southwest of Sai- gon, helicopter crewmen estimat- ed they killed 14 Viet Cong in a rice paddy. Toy Raid Meanwhile, U.S. Air Force planes aimed another "toy raid" over North Viet Nam Thursday, drop- ping packages of soap, school school supplies and toys on five population centers. The raid was in observance of Children's Day in Viet Nam. A psychological war- fare expert said 24 million leaf- lets explaining U.S.-Vietnamese policies have, been dropped over North Viet Nam since mid-April. He said Radio Hanoi and publi- cations in North Viet Nam have assailed the drops, and he added: "We feel we are hitting a sensi- tive spot." Getting Nowhere A dispatch from Rawalpindi, the Pakistani capital, indicated Thant was getting nowhere on the first leg of his peace mission. Pakistani officials were reported firm in demanding a plebiscite in Kashmir-the cause of the cur- rent fighting-to see whether that divided Himalayan state prefers Indian or Pakistani rule. Both belligerents got an appeal from Moscow to end the fighting. Communist party chief Leonid I. Brezhnev said India and Pakistan should withdraw their forces to their old positions. Two allies of Pakistan in the Central Treaty Organization, Tur- key and Iran, agreed in Istanbul to send the Pakistanis guns, am- munition and aviation fuel but balked at furnishing jet fighters, informed Turkish sources report- ed. Invasion Not Going Well Chavan's announcement of the withdrawal on what has come to be known as the Lahore front was the first official word that the invasion that began there Monday was not going well. Parliament, which had cheered Monday when he announced the invasion, listened silently as he said: "In the Kasur sector, the Pakistanis have put up very heavy counterattacks with tanks and we have had to withdraw from our forward positions. Some shells have fallen on Ferozepore." Chavan claimed that on the whole, India's objectives in the three-pronged invasions of West Pakistan-the drive Monday to- ward Lahore and the two Wed- nesday in the far north and south -had been achieved. Outnumbers While India's army of about one million men outnumbers Paki- stan's by 5-1, the actual odds are less than half that because India must keep an army posted on the Himalayan border opposite Red China. Red China's ominous rumblings the past few days have led to fears it may start a diver- sion along the border to help Pakistan. The report that Pakistani troops on this front had invaded India came from a spokesman in Rawal- pindi. He asserted Pakistani forces overran Indian border po- sitions and were aiming their drive at Amritsar, 20 miles inside India and 50 miles north of Feronzepore. National Roundup UNITED NATIONS N.Y. (A)- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., in a talk yesterday with U.S. Ambas- sador Arthur J. Goldberg, urged a reversal of United States policy toward admission of Communist China to the United Nations. At a news conference after an hour's visit with Goldberg, King expressed concern about recent belligerent statements coming from China, but said it was time for the United States to "serious- ly consider" its negative attitude toward giving Peking a UN seat. * * * NEW ORLEANS, La. (P)-Hur- ricane Betsy, merciful of life but a ravager of property, smote New Orleans yesterday with possibly its greatest natural disaster. Betsy wasted away into a tropi- cal storm over northeastern Loui- siana after claiming 11 lives-six in Florida, four in Louisiana and one in Mississippi-during its er- ratic, 2,500-mile life. WASHINGTON (k')-The Agri- culture Department said yesterday crop production prospects increas- ed nearly one per cent during August to a record high of four per cent above the previous high set in 1963. * * * PHILADELPHIA (R) -- Father Divine, a Negro whose worldwide followers of all races revered him as a god, died yesterday in his palatial mansion after a long ill- ness that had left him bedridden. LADIES' DAY STARTS WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 15th FOR TH- STATE MICHIGAN THEATRES At the speciat~ s Ahl)ffA i DISTINCTIVE GIFTS FROM THE UNIVERSITY OF PRAGUE CZECHOSLOVAKIA UAC Presents MILAN OPOCENSKY speaking on COMMUNISM-AN UNFINISHED REVOLUTION followed by a panel discussion Monday-Sept. 13-Union Ballroom &##i#5ss Usss~ssi sssissss~s 556 55 % #sssiisistatsss~iisistlt59i!#96% iatii ..r. Mexican Handicraft Sweaters Pottery MAYNARD HOUSE Woolen Goods Sara pes Giffs 524 E. WILLIAM LENOY IMPORTS OFFICE OF -ED UCA TION: Schools Must Submit Data To Receive Federal Aid This one doesn't just fit, it snuggles. (Thank the patented UnimocV Construction for that.) The style is dateless,the color is choice, dazzling. What more could any girl ask? WASHINGTON MP)-The Office of Education is weighing what to do next about nearly 100 school districts that have not qualified for federal aid under the 1964 Civil Rights Act, a spokesman said yesterday. The law requires that school districts, to be eligible for aid, must submit documentation that they will conduct their activities without racial or other discrim- ination. The government has been prod- ding the states and their districts to qualify in time for the school current thinking is that hearings will have to be ordered for them to provide a legal basis for formal findings that they are not eligible. The spokesman would not iden- tify the individual districts nor list the states. He said about half the 17 Southern and border states are involved. Voluntary Desegregation Plans As of yesterday, the office said it had accepted voluntary deseg- regation plans, statements of compliance, and desegregation court orders from 4,535 of the 5,044 districts in the 17 states, or the basis of preliminary reports. Both said preliminary reports indicated there has been wide- spread acceptance of desegrega- tion under the alternatives allow- ed: freedom of choice of schools for pupils, geographic attendance areas, or a combination of the two. 'Free Choice' Working Well Quigley said it appears that the freedom of choice procedure is working well. This alternative has been cri- ticized by some civil rights leaders sinep annnetpm0anit rof a art. CORDO BLACK