SUMMER READING SUGGESTIONS See Editorial Page C I 4c Si1r t43Ufl BEaait Ju 0L E R Sigh-65 Law--5a Cloudy with afternoon showers Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVI, No. 12 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1965 SEVEN CENTS SIX PAGES 'U'Students See Action in Capitol's Summ er Jobs EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first While his statement has some in a series of four articles on im- mesrofhpblmstfte pressions of Washington, D.C., dur- -measure of hyperbole, most of the ing the summer, when Mark Kil- University's interns who worked lingsworth served as a congression- here would agree that it none- al legislative assistant and as The theless gives some indication of Daily's Washington Bureau, what working in Washington for By MARK R. KILLINGSWORTH the summer can be like. Special To The Daily Half the Fun WASHINGTON - "Despite my For most of the University's, several years of picketing and contingent of government interns, other campus political activity at like all the summer workers (who the University, I saw few tangi- numbered nearly 10,000 and came ble results. But in the short from nearly every college and uni- space of this summer, I person- versity in the country and also ally desegregated over 70 South- included numerous, non-college ern school districts!" young adults), getting there was Christopher Cohen, '67, one of half the fun-and also half the over 60 University students work- problem. ' Ing as summer governmental in- Basically, two kinds of jobs are terns, was reminiscing about his open for students - in executive experiences as a Justice Depart- agencies or in congressional or ment staffer in Georgetown's Sil- senatorial offices. A few Univer- ver Dollar here. sity students also worked in pri- vate concerns, as did Alan Gal- braith '66L who was with the law firm of Edward Bennett Wil- liams. Although a profusion of chan- nels to a Washington job exist' for the student job-seeker, the problem has always come in matching up the channels with' Form 57 A large number of the Univer- sity's Washington delegation sim- ply picked out an agency, sent in the famous government Form 57 to apply for employment, took the Federal Service Entrance Exami- nation-almost essential due to the civil service status of much federal summer employment-and waited. Others, with personal connec- tions, managed to land jobs in short-tcrm, non-civil service fed- eral agency jobs or in congression- al offices, where the individual congressman himself does the hir- ing. Still others, somewhat fewer, got their jobs through the ef- forts of organizations like the Michigan Center for Education in Politics. Ford Foundation Financed partially by grants from the Ford Foundation, MCEP secures job openings and pays part or all of the salaries for sum- mer internships not only in Cap- itol Hill offices of Michigan leg- islators, but also in political or- ganizations and interest-groups (locer to home, such as the Cham- ber of Commerce. the AFL-CIO, tne United Auto Workers, and the respective state nolitical par- ty central committees. MCEP, whose University repre- sentative is Prof. Jack Walker of the political science department, examines student applications and then recommends several students for each opening. The final choice is made by the potential employer. Other University students found out about what steps to take through the University's own pro- gram, which most interns feel is modest and underpublicized. Heady The University's program is di- rected by Prof. Ferrel Heady, the director of the Institute of Pub- lic Administration. Francis Pentti, '64, now a full- time official in the Maritime Ad- ministration, received a modest expense allowance under the pro- gram, and then set to work keep- ing students informed on the nec- essary examinations that were be- ing given and other information. Adequate Pay Pay varied from $50 to over $120 weekly, which most students found adequate to live comfortably on, and it came from many sourc- es, from MCEP to regular federal salaries to a special congressional internship appropriation. Tncreage One University congressional in- tern started out filing correspond- ence, then graduated to research- ing speeches, and finished his summer with all the duties of a full-time congressional legislative assistant and a salary increase from $75 (an intern's pay) to $125 a week. The University students who did get employment get all kinds of employment. Charlotte Greenfield, '68, em- ployed in the Agency for Inter- national Development (AID) in the State Department, worked with classified documents in an- alyzing aspects of economic devel- opment in nearly 80 underdevelop- ed countries. Desegregation Christopher Cohen, in addition to working in the civil rights di- vision of the Justice Department helping to process school deseg- regation applications, also had the job of writing % 150-page manual explaining procedures undcr the school desegregai.ion guidelines for the use of both the civil rights division and the equal opportunity section of the United States Of- fice of Education. Still another student, working in the Securities and Exchange Commission, analyzed complicat- ed statements of financial pro- ceedings submitted to SEC by banks, brokerage firms, and other financial institutions. Fascinating For some University summer in- terns, their experience was not only enlightening-but fascinat- ing. "I was attached to the plan- ning section of my bureau of -he State Department," one such summer worker relates. "I went to the staff meetincs concerned with program coordination as part of my work, and heard reports from my own and other divisirns on everything from current foreign aid negotiations to the effect of Defense Secretary Robert McNa- See COMPETE, Page 2 I e What's New At 764-1817 Hotline Prof. Kenneth P. Davis, chairman of the department of forestry since 1950, has been appointed acting dean of the School of Natural Resources at the University. He will serve until Dec. 31, 1965, or until a new dean is appointed. The natural resources department has recently combined five de- partments into three and taken in the landscape architecture department. Prof. Davis' main task will be to develop new cur- riculums and to carry through the changes which have already been made. The Ann Arbor Board of Education has approved a Univer- sity Hospital work-study program for potential school drop-outs which will involve the employment of up to 25 local 16-year-olds at $125 per hour for a 30-hour week. The program, entitled "Training Opportunities for Public Service" (TOPS), will be submitted for funding under the Equal Opportunity Act, said Jules Schrager, director of the hospital's department of social work. Dean -Phillips of Tuskegee Institute and Vice-President for Student Affairs Richard L. Cutler will be the guest'speakers at a program and reception for the Tuskegee exchange students on Friday, Sept. 17. This welcome will launch the Michigan-Tuske- gee exchange program, should include University students attend- ing Tuskegee Institute within the next few years. Sponsors are Sigma Theta sorority in conjunction with Panhellenic Associa- tion, Student Government Council, and the Office of Student Affairs. Barry Bluestone, president of the University Student Emplo- yees' Union, announced that a "Know Your University Day" will be held on Thursday, Oct. 7, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. "Conference people from all over the state who have a concern with higher education in Michigan are being invited to attend," said Blue- stone. At the conference, members of the labor community, the clergy, high school principals, journalists, state legislators and civil rights leaders will be able to learn more about their state university and discuss problems connected with making higher education financially feasible for all qualified citizens. Acting on recommendation of the United States Public Health Service in anticipation of an influenza epidemic due to a re-occurring two to three year trena, the University Health Service will hold influenza vaccination clinics on Tuesday, Sept. 14. Students, staff and their spouses can take their vaccinations at a charge of $1 for students and $1.50 for staff between 8 and 11:30 a.m. and 1 and 4:30 p.m. at the Health Service. Those who have had influenza vaccinations since July, 1953 should have one dose, and all others should take two. Clinics for second treat- ments will be announced. Greene House President Stuart Adler, '68, Fletcher Hall President Samuel J. DeMan, '69, and other quadrangle residents are continuing to press for an Inter-Quadrangle Council presi- dential election, contesting the right of Lee Hornberger, '65, to occupy the office of president of Inter-Quadrangle Council. Although East Quadrangle Council had dropped its case against Hornberger, there are other interested quadrangle residents who were previously pressing for such an election and plan to continue their efforts. The case will probably be heard first by the Inter- Quadrangle Judiciary Council. * * . * For the second consecutive year, the Young Republican's. Diag sign has been mutilated. Last year during George Rom- ney's visit, the oil cloth was torn from the sign and this message was left: "This was a large oil cloth. It was ripped off. Come see the governor anyway." An equally intelligent communique was left this year: "This cloth was not ripped off, but care- fully removed to prevent destruction." Long Distance Sources in California have reported that implementation of the controversial Byrne Report is proceeding quite rapidly in spite of the initial hostile reaction from University of Califor- nia Regents. The report was released last spring following the Berkeley riots and recommended sweeping changes in the struc- ture of the statewide university system to give more autonomy to the individual campuses, less day-to-day control to the uni- Fix Crowded Conditions in Dormitories 'Thaw' in Residences Allows Transfer Out Of Converted Rooms By NEAL BRUSS Dormitory overcrowding is being reduced as students transfer from converted rooms in a period of thaw following the residence hall freeze. As of September 7, the residence hall system was undersubscribed by 38 students, although high rates of overcrowding exist at specific halls. There were 164 vacancies at Markley Hall, 87 at Oxford Apart- ments, and 35 at Lloyd Hall. Five n othersresidence halls posted vac- ancies. Student preferences in dormi- tory selection were evident in over- crowding levels at specific halls. South Quadrangle listed 105 stu- dents over capacity, Stockwell Hall, 87, and East Quadrangle, 124. Popular Residence hall officials have difficulty transferring students out of these three halls because of their popularity. However, Direc- tor of Residence Halls Eugene Haun said that by September 18, he expected that all students wishing to transfer from crowded halls will have, been granted the opportunity, and only those wish- ing to retain residence in crowded accommodations will remain in converted rooms. Haun attributed the decrease in residence hall occupancy to with- drawals made by upperclass stu- dents. He said that the Office of Residence Halls allowed students in converted quarters to break their contracts if they wished to move into off-campus housing. By September 18, Haun expect- ed residence hall employes would be able to move out excess furni- ture from the converted rooms. However, because of a shortage of employes, Haun said this proc- ess would take several weeks. The shortage of workers in resi- dence halls extends into kitchens and other facilities greatly un- derstaffed. Haun said that resi- dence halls are understaffed on all levels, and many work oppor- tunities are open to students. When the residence halls open- ed this fall, new and returning students had found a much-im- proved situation in University residence halls, as compared to the overcrowding of last year. Un- like last year, there were only 440 students who had been assigned to converted rooms and there was no need for the temporary hous- ing in dormitory attics and stor- age places that had been institut- ed in past years. Gordon Approves Reply to VOICE Housing Demand -Daily-Richard Cooper RAPT LISTENERS Lauri Lipson (left) and Patricia Lindgren (right) hear Los Angeles law student and suspended police offi- cer Michael Hannon describe violence as the only alternative to success in nonviolent civil rights protest. 200 Gather In Diag- Rally On Problem Call Vice Presidents' Answer on High-Rise Apartments 'Vague' By CHARLOTtE WOLTER "The group feels that it has enough power that the University, in an unprecedented way, has re- plied to our demands in 24 hours," said Stewart Gordon, chairman of the VOICE Housing Committee, addressing a crowd of about 200 gathered on the Diag for a rally to consider the problem of expen- sive and inadequate student hous- ing both on and off campus. Gordon had preceded these re- marks with a reading of the VOICE committee's five demands for better housing and the reply to these demands issued yester- day by Vice-President for Student Affairs Richard L. Cutler, and Vice-President for Business and Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont. Gordon said at that time that he was generally satisfied with .or had received clarification of all of the specific replies to each demand, except the point concern- ing a University policy statement on high-rise apartments. 'Vague Reply' He stated that the reply was "vague" and that it indicated "... that they will do almost noth- ing." At this point a heavy rainfall forced the rally to adjourn to the Fishbowl, where about 50 students stayed on to hear discussion con- cerning the next measures to be taken by the committee. Gordon again led off the dis- cussion with his estimate of the group's success up to that time. He said that they had "D won recognition of their strength, in that the University had made a major policy statement, and 2) won a commitment to talk on°a lot of issues." Start Talking He added that the group would start talking and only if the Uni- versity did not come through would they use action. The next speaker was Eric Ches- ter, also of the Voice committee. He thought that before, the Uni- versity "did nothing, and now they do little," and added that the ambiguity of the statement by the vice-presidents "seemed to give something but gave noth- ing." In the open discussion that fol- lowed, the group was divided on what their immediate response should be. A motion was intro- duced which moved that a com- mittee should be set up that would hire snmenn nf evnertise nthe Police Officer Names Violence as Substitute for Non-Violent Protest By PETER R. SARASOHN A Los Angeles policeman and a last-semester law student iden- tifying himself as a democratic socialist declared yesterday that "the only alternative to the suc- cess of nonviolent civil rights pro- test is violence. I am not advo- cating violence-just stating a fact," he added. Michael Hannon, suspended for six months from the police force for activities in the Congress of Racial Equality and peace move- ments, spoke to a crowd of ap-' proximately 150 people on the police role in the recent Watts riots. Hammon approved of civil dis- obedience because, before, the civil rights movement was not "moving fast enough. Social pressures are piling up and are going to explode eventually. They won't disappear. They must be dealt with now," he said. impoverished Negro, he said. It' was not a race riot as some people thought because there were no organized gangs fighting. The riots "all went on in a defined area of the Negro ghetto in L.A.-the most depressed area." Therefore it was not an all-inclusive Negro riot as some newspapers portrayed. The basic characteristic of this area is extreme poverty. "Early in the morning one can see crowds .a t f i r Boiling Over of men waiting to take buses out The Watts riot was a boiling to farms to pick truck crops for over of social pressures on the one dollar an hour. After paying I I six bits for a peanut butter sand- wich, which the boss thoughtfully provides, and $4 or $5 for the bus, a farm laborer is lucky if he makes $8 a day," Hammon said. And there are actually men fight- ing for a chance at these jobs, he added. It is not a question of segrega- tion but one of poverty. "These people don't have jobs now and they have no chance for jobs in the future. The civil rights groups have come up with no solutions and there isn't even a poverty program in L.A." This is because "the politicians couldn't agree who would hold 'onto the purse strings," he added. Strike at Symbols sThe Negroes were striking out at the symbols they hated. The first targets were the black and white police cars. Then they struck the "cockroach merchants" -those small merchants living off the poor people by selling on credit and then repossessing the article as soon as one payment isl overdue. He then mentioned the "gold- mien" avi , ..n oal aa Ann Arbor To Host Bi-Lingual Conference On Alternative Perspective on Viet Nam By ROGER RAPOPORT Brockway, a British political fig- turn to the United States. University participants include ure, and Jules Roy, a distinguished Buddhist Monks Marshall Sahlins of the anthro- A major international confer- Algerian-French writer, whose ar Several Japanese B u d d h i s t pology department, biomathetician ence, Alternative Perspective on tides have appeared in Le Monde. monks will be present and should Anatol Rapoport and Carl Ogles- 'Vet Nam, will bring a host of The conference, which grew out provide for an interesting con- by, who is president of Students distinguished scholars, humanists, of the teach-in movement that be- frontation with a number of for a Democratic Society. artists, and religious leaders to gan in Ann Arbor last March, is Christian monks planning to at- Ann Arbor September 14 through snsnored .by the Inter-Universi- tend. The general session at 1 p.m.