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September 10, 1965 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-09-10

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See Editorial Page


Sir A


High-8 3
Cloudy, chance
of showers

Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom
Coordinated Budget May Lead to Less Con
By LEONARD PRATT money for their institutions than has always been a matter of in- In the spring, as University of- it hour loads and increased costs heads are in favor of it because has approved for each category
current "go it alone" methods. ternal negotiations and trimming. ficials got information on what per credit hour, rising salaries, of the work it saves them. are higher than the University
The budget which the admin- Eventually they hope to tie in The principal difference between the Legislature was likely to ap- prices, new programs, new bud- would normally have requested on
istraton Is readying for a trial the coordinated budgeting sys- this and a coordinated budget lies propriate for the next year, more ings and a "deficiency" allowance In addition, Lesch character- its own.
showing at the Sept. 24 Regents tem with a plan to request funds here; a coordinated budget re- discussions were scheduled to fit to make up for funds which were Ize chairmen as being relieved
meeting is based on a "coordinat- for the 10 state colleges as a lump quest is prepared with the ue of college budgets into the likely ap- needed in earlier years but were that they now do not have'to put This doesn't mean the Univer-
ed plan" which will have some sum. statewide guidelines. propriation. Final decisions were not appropriated. forth vague estimates in the fall; sity will necessarily get more
effects on University affairs when The coordinated budget form Normal budget preparations in made in early summer, following Lesch described the new process these estimates always had less money; that is still up to the gov-
it is fully implemented. has the same final result as the previos years have begun with the Legislature's action. as using the current year as a definite validity because they ernor and the Legislature. But
Michigan's college presidents, conventional one that the Univer- communications in the fall be- Under a coordinated budgeting base and adding to that the addi- were made so long before specific it does mean that it has state-
through their Coordinating Coun- sity has been using for years in tween deans of colleges and the system things are a good deal dif- tions dictated by rising costs with- enrollment and program costs wide approval for requesting a
cil of State College Presidents, that the same amount of money vice-president for academic af- ferent, as James A. Lesch, assist- in the six increasing categories. were available. He emphasized good deal of money, something
have long wanted such coordinat- would be requested from the Leg- fairs. After each department had ant to the vice-president for aca- After the increment for each that deans will still meet in the which it has always lacked.
ed budgets in the form of identi- islature no matter which were submitted its request, the total demic affairs, said yesterday. area is decided upon, they are summer to discuss their final Thus the University will now
cal application blanks which all used request was compiled. The new system operates by simply added to give the total budgets, thus retaining the meet- have a tacit lobby for its inter-
10 state colleges would use in re- So the real difference is the A brief period of talks then dividing the budget of all state University budget request, Lesch ings that were really important ests. "
questing money from the Legisla- form of the two budgets and the took place, as the vice-president universities into six primary cate- said. to them.
ture. They are hoping that this particular way in which each is trimmed department budgets down gories in which college budgets University reaction to the new In addition, Lesch mentioned
unified approach will lead to less prepared. to a more acceptable total than usually rise, he said. The categor- approach is fairly enthusiastic, Lesch said the increments that preparing a budget under the
confusion in Lansing and more Preparing conventional budgets the original. ies include increased student cred- L e s c h commented. Department which the coordinating council new system highlights a need for

the University to increase its em-
phasis on long-range planning.
While noting that the Univeri-
sity has been engaged in long
range planning, for years, Lesch
mentioned that the newer budg-
eting procedures place more em-
phasis in this area than the Uni-
versity currently does.
Because of this increased em-
phasis on long-term planning, he
said there may be possibilities of
beginning "five-year plans" for
University expansion. Such plans
could take into account desired
goals for the University, funds
available to it and then combine
the two to find how much money
should be requested from the Leg-
islature each year.

What's New
At 764-1817
The University's newest food service facility, the North
Campus Commons, will be open for evening meal service to
students, staff and the public beginning Monday, September 13.
Cafeteria service will be offered from 5:15 p.m. to 7 p.m. and
from 11:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. A snack bar is also open from
7:30 a.m. to 10 p.m.
The Dramatic Arts Center will present a festival of theater,
music and dance entitled "Once Again 1965" from September
17 through 19. Theproductions will be staged on the Maynard
Street parking structure and will include performances of
modern dance, films, electronic music, stage-sculpture and light
Erich A. Walter, assistant to University President Harlan
Hatcher and secretary of the University, will be the University's
host to Jack Lohrmann, assistant to the president of the Univer-
sity of Tuebingen, Germany, on Tuesday, September 14. Walter
will compare notes with Lohrmann on the duties of American
and German assistants to University presidents and will speak
at.a luncheon honoring the Tuebingen visitors.
Thirteen interns in dietetics joined University Hospital
August 30 to begin a one-year training program. The interns will
attend lectures by the medical staff and classes in food produc-
tion, management and normal and therapeutic diets,
Robert C. Schnitzer, director of the Professional Theater
Program, yesterday denounced rumors that the PTP would stop
producing plays in the fall if the Association of Producing
Artists stopped performing at the University. Schnitzer said,
"PTP is firmly committed to a permanent and continuing policy
of sponsoring a distinguished repertory company yearly. If APA
proves unable to re-assemble after' its suspension this winter, then
PTP will continue the Fall Festivals of repertory with other
notable troupes. But first we want to give every opportunity to
APA to re-group its forces."
The University is one of eleven Midwestern colleges conduct-
ing a feasibility study of an electronic' communications network
that would provide higher education with services including
computer conversations and educational broadcasting. The Com-
mittee on Institutional Cooperation is the sponsor of the one-
yearstudy, which will explore the possible benefits from operation
of 'a'wireline radio network transmitting material among the
universities on a round-robin basis.
The fifth "annual edition of the University Index of Labor
Union Periodicals has been published by the Bureau of Industrial
Relations of the graduate school of business administration. The'
Index contains over 131,000 abstracts of articles from leading
labor periodicals and is the only such reference guide to the
labor press.
The Ann Arbor Board of Education recently approved a
University Hospital work-study program for potential school drop-'
outs. The program would involve the employment of 16-year-olds
at the hospital for a 30-hour week at $1.25 per hour.
A record turnout of over 600 students attended Wednesday
night's Musket mass meeting, and over 260 students plan to
audition for parts. This year's production will be Leonard Bern-
stein's Broadway and cinema hit "West Side Story," and, en-
couraged by the tremendous turnout at the mass meeting, the
show coordinators are predicting great success.
Howard Abrams, a member of the United States National
Student Association, revealed to Student Government Council
' last night that there will be a shift in emphasis in USNSA activi-
ties. Abrams, a student at the University of Chicago Law School .
atnd, a guest speaker at last night's SGC meeting, said that
USNSA will be placing greater stress upon "the internal affairs
of college campuses." He said that there will be increased efforts
in the field of tutorial work and related campus projects. "This
is not a swing away from civil rights. Rather it is merely a shift
in priorities," Abrams said.
* * * *
"Undercrowding" in dormitories before the end of this
semester becomes increasingly possible, as residence hall officials
accelerate attempts to move students into regular quarters from
crowded, converted rooms. Director of Residence Halls Eugene
Haun said yesterday that there are vacancies currently at West

VPs PierDont.

Cutler Co-Author

Major Statement on

--vyr V rIN- IMW i \ i

'U' Housing

Issue Reply
To Demands
Of Students
Willing To Use Federal;
Money for Housing
EDITOR'S NOTE: In response to
a list of demands submitted to the
University administration yester-
day by Voice Housing Committee
Chairman Stewart Gordon, Vice-
President for Business and Finance
Wilbur K. Pierpont and Vice-Presi-
dent for Student Affairs Richard
L. Cutler drafted a letter explain-
ing the University's position on the
problem of student housing. The
full text of the demands and the
administrators' reply follows.
Student Demands
1) We request that Vice-Presi-
'dent Pierpont prepare a state-
ment on the use of federal funds
to build student housing. In ad-!
dition, we request a policy state-
ment on how the University will
aid student and student-faculty
non-profit corporations . . . in
their attempts to build low-cost
housing. Specifically, can land on
North Campus be sold to such
non-profit corporations ...?
2) We request that the Presi-
dent's Commission on Off-Cam-
pus Housing publish an interim
report immediately ...
3) We request that the Presi-
dent's Commission hold open hear-
ings within the next two weeks
in order to make further use of
student opinion.
4) We request that in the future
student opinion be more involved
in the planning of housing for
5) We request that the Uni-
versity make public its policy to-
ward high-rise apartment build-
ings and especially toward shoddy
ones which are potential slums
before being finished.
Officials' Reply
This is in response to your se-
ries of requests concerning our
mutual interest in solving the
housing problems faced by Uni-
versity of Michigan students. May
we state at the outset that all
of the issues you raise were dis-
cussed in a meeting between us
and Mr. Robert Goyer of the
Graduate Student Council, Mr.
Russell Linden of VOICE and Stu-
dent Government Counci and Mr.
Robert Johnston of The Michigan
Daily on Tuesday afternoon. We
believed at that time that satis-
factory agreements were reached
on each' of the points which you
raised and the following answers
See VP's, Page 6
Koufax Hurls
Perfect Game
LOS ANGELES ()-Sandy Kou-
fax of the Los Angeles Dodgers
pitched a perfect game last night
in a 1-0 victory over the Chicago



-Associated Press
DEMONSTRATORS PROTESTING the peace mission of United Nations Secretary U Thant were confronted by -police outside a Lon-
don airport hotel yesterday. Thant was inside the hotel conferring with British officials about the Kashmir crisis.
Thant Begins Peace
Pakitan s Figh tig Persistss

Chances of
Sleep Out
Gordon Hails Answer,
But Comments Vote
Will Determine Action
In an unprecedented and dra-
matic fashion yesterday, two vice-
presidents issued a major state-'
ment on University housing poli-
As a result of the statement,
issued jointly by Vice-President
for Student Affairs Richard Cut-
ler and Vice-President for Busi-
ness and Finance Wilbur K. Pier-
pont, the probability of a dramatic
student protest over housing-such
as a sleep-out-has been greatly
reduced, according to Stewart
Gordon, '66, chairman of the Voice
housing committee.
Gordon, upon receipt of the
statement, said that he was very
pleased with its proposals, but
cautioned that its acceptance
would be determined, democrat-
ically, by those students present
at a rally to be held today at noon
on the Diag.
Yesterday's Statement
Yesterday's statement by Cutler
and Pierpont was the culmination
of several weeks of meetings by
Voice and other groups, which had
attempted to organizer a major
student protest against what, they
considered were overly-expensive
and inadequate facilities for stu-
dent housing.
On Tuesday afternoon repre-
sentatives of Student Government
Council and Graduate Student
Council had met with Cutler and
Pierpont, and Cutler had agreed to
the establishment of a student ad-
visory committee which would
participate actively in the plan-
ning of future housing projects.
The results of the afternoon
conference were presented that
night at a general meeting of the
Housing Committee by Russell
Linden,;'67, who had represented
SGC at the conference. In re-
sponse to this report the general
meeting drafted a statement list-
ing five demands.
Although Cutler, and Pierpont
thought that the issues in the
VOICE statement had been cover-
ed in the Tuesday afternoon
meeting, they answered each of
the five demands, as far as they
were able, in some detail.
They assured the committee
that "The University's general
policy on the use of federal funds
is . . . to utilize every possible re-
source to solve our housing prob-
In response to another question
in this area, their statement said
that the University "is specifically
willing to cooperate with student
groups which are presently de-
veloping plans for the construc-
Fin- of, lm-c ,,irlmt. ms,ng

NEW DELHI Po)--Heavy fight-
ing between Indian and Pakistani
armies was reported yesterday as
UN Secretary-General U Thant
arrived in Pakistan on his peace
mission in this tormented subcon-
Forces of the two nations were
reported battling on the dusty
northern plains of India and Paki-
stan along routes conquerors have
used for centuries. India claimed
it had destroyed 75 U.S.-made
Pakistani tanks in the past 24
hours and now has knocked out
a total of 114.
Pakistan claimed all Indian
drives into Pakistani territory had
been stopped, and 10 Indian tanks
More Tanks
Both sides reported throwing in
more tanks and jet fighters. Un-
der these conditions there was
widespread doubt in New Delhi
that Thant could arrange a quick
cease-fire. There appeared to be
few in the Indian capital who
wanted one.
Indian officials tried to assess
the meaning behind Communist
China's repeated avowals of sup-
port for Pakistan and its con-
demnation of India as an aggres-
Officials in Washington and
London voiced similar fears of
Red China's intentions.

India followed up this drive
Wednesday by launching twin at-
tacks on a front near Pakistan's
city of Sialkot, 60 miles north of
Lahore; and 600 miles to the south
in southeast Pakistan. The In-
dians claimed the latter drive
penetrated six miles and captured
the town of Gadra.

Now the main battle appeared
to be on the Lahore front near
the Pakistani city of Kasur and
the Indian city 'of Ferozepore,
where Pakistan claims to have
made a penetration of Punjab.
Kasur is 30 miles south of La-
hore. Ferozepore is 10 miles inside
India, 40 miles south of Lahore.

In Washington, Mike Mansfield
(D-Montana) proposed yesterday
a pledge by the United States
and other nations to work through
the United Nations Security Coun-
cil to adjust foreign aid programs
to help restore peace between In-
I dia and Pakistan.

Undergraduates, Professors
Work on Research Projects

The zoology department is tak-
ing part in a National Science
Foundation program to bring un-
dergraduates in direct contact
with research in the sciences.
Prof.. David Shappirio, coordi-
nator of the NSF program for zoo-
logy, said "it gives perspective
about the real world of science,
difficult to get in a formal course."
He said the students involved,
most of whom continue in re-
search, "become associated with
creative work, doing something
The zoology department became
, n nrt. f fh .nrnram hnii

summer of eight to ten weeks at
full time. (50 to 60 hours weekly).
For an academic year the stipend
is $200, for a summer it is $600.
To be accepted to the program
the student must submit an ap-
'plication to the department.
"Most of the students involved
are juniors or seniors," Shap-
pirio said, and "they usually have
ideas about work to be done in
their fields of concentration, and
know professors doing research."
The student can work on an
"on-going faculty project or a
semi-independent problem," Shap-
pirio said. "The students work in

sional" one, the relationship being
the same as between other re-
search personnel.
The work being done in zoology
is part of the department's re-
search program, Shappirio said.
For example, Dr. Karel Slama,
from the Czech- Academy of
Science, is working on experiments
in insect hormones. Marian Dal-
sey, '66, is working with him un-
der the NSF program.
In another project, Thomas
Betz, Grad, spent a spring and
summer in Guatemala studying
previously poorly explored areas
of reptile and amphibian fauna
, mi7Vihaaiim R;;, n-.

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