I 014r mir4logan Baily, Lyndon B. Johnson-Tactics of Power, Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Where Opinions Are Free. 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth Will Prevail NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1965 NIGHT EDITOR: LEONARD PRATT Premature Protests Could Hurt Student Housing Support THE ISSUE of high-cost housing is cur- Business and Finance Wilbur K. Pier- rently coming to a head, but if stu- pont's' office to protest the University's dents do not build a solid "grass roots" current housing policies. foundation for their movement the re- Such steps taken prematurely, how- sult may be a fiasco for campus activists. ever, would alienate many students from Groups interested in improving student the movement because the protests would economic welfare have a concrete issue in seem to be motivated by a primary in- housing. It should be a common focal terest in demonstrating rather than im- point, bringing together the different fac- proving conditions. tions of activists in a united front so Furthermore, the entire low cost hous- that the true pressure of the student ing movement would collapse because body can be used to best advantage, there is nothing as pathetic as 30 or 40 students demonstrating for what they THERE IS HOWEVER a latent schism in claim is the cause of 30,000. The move- student attitudes toward the housing ment needs more support than its pres- problem. More militant activists have ad- ent following of about 200 before it will vocated such tactics as a sleep-in on the be able to stage effective demonstrations. diag and sit-in in Vice-President for Activism is a means to achieve an end rather than an end in itself. Some stu- dents have "Berkley complexes" and in reality do not seek reform but rather their own personal martyrdom in the Their M an defiance of the establishment. PRESENTLY, the administration seems N ANN ARBOR maintenance truck was to be responsive to student sugges- making its way down a local street tions about housing. Tuesday Pierpont several days ago about 9 a.m. Its crew was agreed to give a detailed breakdown of carefully erecting signs reading "No the University's financial costs in oper- Parking, 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. in a previously ating dorms and to review University in- unrestricted zone. vestment operations, and Vice-President Following along about a half block be- for Student Affairs Richard Cutler has hind was a motorcycle policeman giving announced that work has begun on the out parking tickets to all the newly-creat- establishment of a student advisory group ed offenders. who would help in the planning of hous- Local justice? ing projects sponsored by the University. -R. JOHNSTON Although these concessions are really drops in the bucket, they are a start, and they can be followed up. p MIi dl~jlijgn1jIn reality the University administra- tion and the students should be on the Editorial Staff same side of the housing battle. Although ROBERT JOHNSTON, Editor it may be true that some University of- LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM JEFFREY GOODMAN Managing Editor Editorial Director ficials do not wish to see low cost hous- JUDITH FIELDS.........Acting Personnel Director ingIn Ann Arbor because they are in LAUREN BAHR........... Associate Managing Editorin nAnArrbeasthy ren JUDITH WARREN .. Acting Assistant Managing Editor collusion with the real estate developers ROBERT RIPPLER ....... Associate Editorial Director it definitel is t that GAIL BLUMBERG ................... Magazine Editor of the town, i y rue LLOYD GRAFF ................ Acting Sports Editor other administrators seek lower costs for NIGHT EDITORS: Susan Collins, John Meredith, dorms and less crowding. Leonard Pratt, Peter Sarasohn, Bruce Wasserstein. ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Michael Badamo, WHAT IS CURRENTLY needed for the Clarence Fanto, Mark Killingsworth, Robert Moore, l o uv n Dick Wingfield.low cost housing st vd ent s . Business Staff build up of informed student support. It - CY WELLMAN, Business Manager is very easy to caricature administrators ALAN GLUECKMAN.............Advertising Manager and play with the emotions of a crowd JOYCE FEINBERG................ Finance Manager SUSAN CRAWFORD ....Associate Business Manager by demanding action, but it is much more MANAGERS: Harry Bloch, Bruce Hillman, Jeffrey difficult to think along constructive lines. Leeds, Gail Levin, Susan Perlstadt, vic Ptaznik, Stewart Gordon, chairman of Voice's Liz Rhein, Jean Rothbaum, Jill Tozer.StwrGodnchimn fVie' The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and Housing Committee, has displayed an en- Collegiate Press Service. lightened leadership of the movement so The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the far by researching statistics and facts use of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise pertaining to the issue. What is needed credited to the newspaper. All rights of re-publication of all other matters here are also reserved, now is a dispersion of this information, Subscription rates: $4.50 semester by carrier ($5 by and a continuation of meetings between mail); $8 yearly by carrier ($9 by mail). administrators and students on the hous- Scond class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich. ing issue. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday morning -BRUCE WASSERSTEIN 4, r " i. 'S rE~r ; y , , ~l~ei}+ ir~.; r:AOr .-, . ..: " .tr i, 9 , , ?{ : . : By CHARLOTTE WOLTER ALTHOUGH presidents and their activities have long been a favorite topic of discussion and gossip, the myriad recent analyses of the character of Lyndon John- son have tended to emphasize the mystical or puzzling qualities of his personality without examining the actual basis of his political success. Perhaps the fact that Johnson has not encouraged more pene- trating analyses is itself a clue to his psyche. Speculation and dis- crepancy, when not countered by confirmation and consistency, have for the past 30 years been building an image of the Presi- dent, which may be his most powerful tool. A good part of this is the na- tural complexity of an intelligent and ambitious man. His closest friends and advisors claim to be still fascinated and sometimes puzzled by his actions and sudden changes of mood. BUT TO GO beyond the almost mystical nature of the Johnson image, one needs more than the picture of a dominant and com- plex personality, and this is where the subject of power and its cul- tivation becomes very relevant. That Johnson loves power is evident. He has worked diligently throughout his career in govern- ment to acquire it and to use it. In the Senate, long before he had assumed any executive office, his reputation for using pressure and political maneuvering was wide- spread. In his earliest days as a rep- resentative during the New Deal, Johnson was a hard taskmaster. He pushed himself and his as- sociates to the limits of exhaus- tion and was constantly cultivat- ing the favors of those who would be useful to him in later years. This can be seen in the bevy of advisors who surround the President, who can be trusted to support and reflect his policies. There are men like Abe Fortas, who argued a dispute in Johnson's first congressional election over the vote count. Other names such as Jack Valenti, Walter Jenkins and Cyrus Vance, though less fa- miliar, are tangible evidence of the human following and support that a man like Johnson can collect. IDEOLOGICALLY, Johnson has always remained in the forefront of what may be termed the "lib- eral cause." A large part of his legislative career was spent in pushing or nursing liberal social and economic legislation through reluctant Congresses, culminating in the most obvious and most dis- cussed manifestation of Johnson's use of political power, the legis- lative record of the 89th Congress. Throughout the spring and sum- mer, a parade of Administration- initiated legislation has passed through the House and Senate with no overt objection, no threat of filibuster and an extraordinary lack of revision. The pressing need for many of the provisions and the excellence of some of the pro- grams cannot be denied. The question then is what are the in- gredients of Johnson's unprece- dented success? At this point the phrase "arm- twisting" is likely to appear as an explanation of Johnson's "wiz- ardry" in dealing with Congress. This phrase, however, gives an inaccurate picture of the methods of persuasion which Johnson-as well as most presidents before him-have used. The actual use of a threat by a president is unlikely simply be- cause there is little that he can really do to -a congressman. In a local election, it is the repre- sentative or senator, not the Pres- ident, who makes an impression on the electorate. Roosevelt, at the height of his power in 1938, di- rectly named several Southern congressmen whom he wanted to have defeated yet produced no effect. EVEN THE MOST direct forms of influence on congressmen, such as a personal call from the Presi- dent, are conducted on very polite terms, which neither would admit to be pressure. Often, however, all the President has to do is tell the congressman that this bill is very important and ask if he would support it. The congress- man, because of the institutional deference between Congress and President, the need for support for a program of his own or an un- definable fear of retribution, how- ever vague, will often agree. But if Johnson is using tactics not much different from those of his predecessors, what other fac- tors may account for his unusual success in Congress? Most obviously, Johnson has cultivated Congress to a far great- er degree than other presidents. His brand of persuasion is highly personal, combining hominess and a shrewd knowledge of the man with whom he is dealing. Also, he has not let upon his efforts to contact, inform and, thus, per- suade congressmen. SECOND, in sheer numbers the liberal representation in this Con- gress is highly favorable to his programs. An overwhelming ma- jority of the freshmen congress- men have voted straight Adminis- tration. And again, the Johnson image must be considered. His famous reputation from his senatorial years as the politico, the "arm- twister," impresses the congress- man. Real or imagined, the con- sequences which might result from disagreement or refusal of sup- port are a powerful influence. An example of the use of this power is the passage of the Dis- trict of Columbia Home Rule Bill. The measure has been tied up in the House Rules Committee by one recalcitrant representative who opposed it, Although the bill was of in- terest to only a few congressmen from adjacent districts, the Ad- ministration was able to organize the necessary majority for a dis- charge petition to bring it to the floor of the House. IF THIS KIND of strength can be mustered for a relatively minor bill, then it is not surprising that Johnson has been able to push his massive social and economic leg- islative program through the Con- gress. It is true that at certain, points in this legislative session Congress has collectively become balky or annoyed at the constant push of the Johnson Administration. It is significant, however, that there has been no "revolt," no effort to defeat any of the major proposals. The record of the present Con- gress, then, is a measure of the political skills of the President, major components of which are his personality and image, which remain to some extent obscured. What is obvious, however, is that Johnson has used this am- biguity in a highly effective man- ner to advance his political aims, and the success of these tactics can be seen in his present political ascendency. * 1 Urban Blight, Negro Plight Plague U.S. By WALTER LIPPMANN DOING NOTHING in particular for a month, yet unable not to read the papers and keep up with what is going on, I have been doing some worrying. The sub- ject of my worry has been the number and size of the problems that are in front of us and how we are to find the time, the at- tention and the energy to deal with them. I am not thinking only of Viet Nam, which is for the present an insoluble predicament, but of how the demands upon us are com- pounded by what the Los Angeles riot has revealed about the Negro revolution. We are committed to working out on our own respon- sibility the new relationships in Asia between the Western powers and the Asians. This will mark an historical epoch. At the same time, the same President, with the same Con- gress and the same electorate, is compelled to inaugurate and set in motion more far-reaching changes in our society than were ever contemplated in the Johnson consensus. IN THE Los Angeles riot we have seen how explosive. is Negro discontent set in the environment of a great city. The United States has done many great and good things in this past century. But our progress has been marred and marked by two enormous failures. The one has been the failure to make free men of the great mass of the descendants of the emancipated slaves. The other has been the failure to make our cities, which are destined to be the home of the great majority of Ameri- cans, civilized and safe. In the slums of Los Angeles, and in the slums of other great cities, there are the Negro poor-un- educated, untrained men for mod- ern industry, left behind in the cultural progress of the nation, coming from broken homes and without Negro leadership. They have no coherent program of de- mands, but they find a spasm of relief by going on a rampage of burning, wrecking, killing and hating. Probably, in fact almost cer- tainly, enough is known by some of us somewhere to reduce the grievances and remedy the misery. But fatally this enormous task cannot be done quickly. It is optimistic to think that the social and family conditions and the cultural backwardness which are producing an unem- ployed and desperate remnant can be reformed in one generation. Al- though there are always individ- ual. exceptions, in the mass the young rioters are very close to being past saving, and we have to face the grim question of how they can be induced to remain quiet while the necessary reforms for the benefit of other Negroes are worked out in the slow pro- cesses of political democracy. We shall not erase easily the consequences of slavery and of the half-freedom which has fol- lowed it. OUR OTHER great failure-the failure to make cities civilized and safe for the masses who have been moving into them-will compel us to replan, reconstruct and re- organize much of the work and living of an increasing part of the nation. We have to do this, although the public institutions of the the counties, the municipalities and the federal government itself were formed in the 18th century when the vast majority lived in the country or in small towns. The American political system stems from a time when there was as yet no problem of the cities. The remaking of the cities will be a much bigger task than is as yet generally understood in this country. But the task will have to be attempted, for a nation which lives in cities (the President says 80 per cent will live in cities by the year 2000) must have cities fit to live in. I COME BACK to the subject of my worrying. It is not about the great costs of what has to be done-we can find the money. It is not about the disturbance of vested interests-that can be en- dured and absorbed in a nation which is in the main so well off. I am thinking of the politicians and the civil servants and the voters who must carry out these vast and intricate measures and of how they already have too much to do and where they are to find a fresh source of energy within themselves. It is reassuring to think of Pres- ident Johnson's success with his legislative program. It shows that our political system can be made to work. And yet, looking at the legislative program-at Medicare, education, the war against pov- erty-what we have achieved so far is something like an architect's plan for the foundations of a structure and a few holes in the ground. To realize that extraordinary demands will be made upon us is not yet wisdom. But it is the beginningof wisdom. (c)1965, The Washington Post Co. A Broadside Against Pop OfIs' "Look, Fella - Things Are Tough Enough" '4 To the Editor: ONE AMONG MANY things that provide continual irritation to me is the opinionated campus "pop-off." By this I mean the student who feels that unless a newspaper specifically and daily touches upon an issue dear to his heart in a manner acceptable to him, it is not only unfair, biased, and stupid, but irresponsible, left- ist and quite possibly an uncon- scious communist dupe. The pop-off is further identi- fied by his threat ("I dare you to print this."), a not-so subtle at- tempt to force the editor into giving his ill-thought and usually unimportant gripes space simply because a so-called "moral" issue of free speech is raised. I'M TIRED of hearing the "un- represented" and knowledgeless dissents cutting The Daily. I would suggest they get off their opin- ionated cans, stop polishing apples and grubbing grades, and spend a few evenings a week working at 420 Maynard. -George Abbott White, '65 Quad Conduct To the Editor: MESSRS. FARRELL, Herstein, Winter: Do you guys mean to -say that given a little privacy, you'll ac- tually act out your perversions? If the University lets you close the door, you'll be homosexual with your buddies? Or that (also with closed door) you'd really se- duce the girl friend, hetehosexual though it may be? And are you really so weak (as well as perverted) that you need that lack of privacy to restrain you? The University may or may not be able to provide privacy. But personal standards and conduct are still your own. -Jon Torre, '67 U.S. Policies development of the two countries further. Not only has the United States supplied each combatant with its arms, we have further set an ex- ample of settling conflict by force and outside the United Nations, in the Dominican Republic and in Viet Nam. Our reluctance to bring either of those "wars" before the world legislature certainly must provide impetus to these two Asian combantants, who, for the past several months have been glaring angrily at each other across boarders without meaningful ne- gotiation or United Nations in- tervention, and who now are in open conflict. THE FIRST TASK facing the United States and the world com- munity is to settle the India- Pakistani dispute before it gets further out of hand. A second task for this nation is a total and long- overdue re-evaluation of our for- eign policies, which have encour- aged the development of this un- fortunate situation. -Steve Zarit, '67 Campus Parking To the Editor: THE UNIVERSITY has reduced the number of parking spaces available for motorcycles. It has also announced that recently painted angle parking spaces must be used for cycle parking. How- ever, Ann Arbor has a city ordi- nance requiring that cycles paral- ley park and have their rear tires not-more than 12 inches from the curb. Violators will be ticketed. Congratulations to the Univer- sity for figuring out still another way to separate students from their money and congratulations . to Ann Arbor for figuring out such an effective way of minimizing the city's already painfully limit- ed parking facilities. -Edward Herstein, '66Ed Complaint To the Editor: THE DAILY has done it again as they have consistently done it in the past. You take a picture -oh, look at the large crowd- isn't this or that group influen- tial. If one looks at the picture on page 2 of the Sept. 8 Daily (purporting to be a representation of a crowd of 200), one will find that there are a total of thirty- three people in the picture and of these only eleven are looking at the speaker. IN THE name of truth, give us the facts so that the 99.3 per cent of those University students who were not there can be well in- formed. -Kenneth L. Yeasting, '67 A Help Parents Learn Facts of Life' And Stamp Out Moral Decay By ROGER RAPOPORT A SHOCKING REPORT just re- leased by Ohio State Univer- sity sociologist John Cuber re- veals that "A very considerable number of people living at the top of American society seek adul- terous relationships in an effort to achieve emotional fulfilment." (rh t9 f,.. T_ -- a ..c+ s a of mnr adult moral decay must be placed on this nation's college students. College students and other young adults have ignored the moral upbringing of their parents -with dreadful consequences. In a word, they have failed to help their parents develop proper moral attitudes. Simple guidelines are needed to r,.,rr artths-ztinn_ T nia rp Answer their inquiries, honestly, fully and with an air of detach- ment. Don't be reticent-encour- age your parents to discuss their problems naturally. The nature of the discussion naturally depends on your par- ents' sex problem. If it is merely frigidity perhaps you should rec- ommend several good books. Be nrenarr1 tn iscuss any bin- Patiently explain to them the disadvantages of the double stan- dard, wife-swapping, adultery and the like. Try to make them under- stand that extra-marital relations are a dubious sort of thing at best. Let them know that if publiciz- ed this sort of thing could cause you, their child, no end of em- barrassment. And were an acci- I