THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER $,1965 TIDE MICHIGAN DAILY PANIC AVIC Peking Avows "People's " .wwe avcmf .vra.w.u.1l. n f y a niv[;Lr' - ~ *S~la m Wars" in Leadership Grab By CLARENCE FANTO In a major bid for ideological leadership of the world revolution- ary movement, Communist China has renewed the call for a de- feat of the American "colossus" by "people's wars" in Asia, Africa and Latin America. 4 But the latest information still shows Communist China reluc- tant to enter directly into the Viet Nam conflict. A major doctrinal article which appeared in major Chinese news- papers last week on the twentieth anniversary of the surrender of Japan carried the views of De- fense Minister Lin Piao, third- ranking leader of the Peking re- gime. Marshal Lin quoted Mao Tse- tung, chairman of the Chinese Communist party, as calling for a worldwide effort to destroy the United States and other "im- perialist, reactionary" nations. "The seizure of power by armed force, the settlement of the issues by war, is the central task and the highest form of revolution," Chairman Mao said. According to experts on Com- munist China, the purpose of the lengthy article was to put forth Mao Tse-tung as the principal leader and architect of world rev- olution. The statement urged left- ist revolutionaries, including the Vietnamese Communists, to strike at U.S. forces without fear of nuclear retaliation. "Wars of liberation" in under- developed areas of the world should be undertaken in order to weaken and eventually destroy the capitalist powers of North Amer- ica and Western Europe, the ar- ticle continued. The basic strategy for achieving world Communism is the Maoist theory of revolu- tionary war, Marshal Lin declar- ed. The new Chinese ideological po- sition envisions Peking as the doc- trinal center of a new world or- der. The Soviet Union was de- nounced by the Chinese leaders as now being dominated by a "heretical philosophy opposed to people's wars and dedicated to capitulation before U.S. power." "It is imperative to adhere to a policy of self-reliance in people's wars," the statement warned. In an apparent reference to the war in Viet Nam, Marshal Lin de- clared that revolutionaries "must be prepared to carry on the fight independently even when all ma- terial aid from outside is cut off." The article appeared to under- score Peking's reluctance to be- come directly involved in the Viet Nam conflict. Although it prom- ises that "the Chinese people will do all in their power to aid the Vietnamese people in compelling the departure of the last Ameri- can soldier," an earlier offer to send volunteers and military aid to North Viet Nam was not re- peated. Marshal Lin emphasizes that Peking did not envision full-scale war with the United States un- less China is attacked by Ameri- can air or ground forces. At the same time, he expressed confi- dence that Peking could easily de- feat the "few million aggressor troops" of the United States. Emphasizing the importance of ground wars, the article down- grades the role of nuclear weap- ons. "The spiritual atom bomb that the revolutionary people possess is a far more powerful and use- ful weapon than the physical atom bomb . . . In the final analysis, the outcome of a war will be decided by the sustained fighting of the ground forces, by the fighting at close quarters on the battlefields, by the political consciousness of the men, by their courage and spirit of sacrifice," Marshal Lin declared. The strong tone of the new doc- trine may be a result of recent Communist Chinese reverses on the world scene including: -1Tbe recent failure of Afri-' can and Asian leaders to back Peking in its desire to go ahead with a scheduled conference in Algiers during the summer -Increasing reports of North Vietnamese willinigness to begin considering a negotiated settle- ment for the Viet Nam war. -Reports of cooling relations between Peking and North Korea, once one of Peking's stanchest supporters in the ideological dis- pute w'th the Soviet Union. -Dismissai of Communist Chi- nese cadres from Tanzania and Burundi, two new African nations. -Sigrs of an unspoken Amer- ican-Russian agreement not to allow the Viets stroy a gradual West cold war. Nam war to de- thaw in the East- Far Eastern experts feel that Peking may te considering itself increasingly Isolated on the world scene with a "bourgeois conspir- acy" between tre U.S. and Russia working against Communist Chi- na's revolutionary brand of world Communism. At the same time, growing in- dustrialization and the develop- ment of a small nuclear arsenal may be causing Peking to think twice about risking these gains in a direct confrontation with the Western powers. - Marines Blow Up Batangan Tunnel, Kill 66 Viet immigrant Bill Gains Approval Passes Senate Judiciary Committee By Large Margin WASHINGTON (M)-Prompting a cry of "blackmail," the Senate Judiciary Committee yesterday cleared Sen. Everett M. Dirksen's (R-Ill) legislative apportionment amendment in order to vote ap- proval of a new immigration bill. By a 9-7 vote, the committee sent to the Senate without rec- ommendation the Illinois Republi- can leader's second attempt to override a Supreme Court popula- tion-only ruling for legislative membership. Immigration Bill Cleared It cleared by a 14-2 margin the immigration bill to strike down national origin as a standard for determining immigration quotas. But it left a subcommittee amendment that for the first time put a ceiling on immigration from Western Hemisphere coun- tries. Sen. Joseph D. Tydings (D-Md) said the committee had been "blackmailed into reporting a con- stitutional amendment that a ma- jority of that committee does want so it could get action on the im- migration measure. Key Feature The key feature of the immigra- ,?% tion measure is the abolition over the next three years of the 41- year-old system of allotting im- migration quotas to nations out- side the Western Hemisphere on the basis of the national origins of the U.S. population in 1920. Under the bill, up to 170,000 im- migrants exclusive of spouses, chil- dren and parents of U.S. citi- zens would be accepted each year from outside the Western Hemis- phere. But not more than 20,000 would be admitted from any one country and preference would be given to immigrants with close family ties with U.S. citizens and to those with special skills. Ceiling The ceiling on immigrants from Canada, Mexico and other West- ern Hemisphere nations would be 120,000 annually, exclusive of spouses, children and parents of United States citizens. This would take effect July 1, 1968. The Western Hemisphere limi- tation first was written into the bill by a Senate judiciary sub- committee by a 6-2 vote. Whether an attempt will be made to knock it out in the Senate is uncertain. The committee agreed to allow a week for the filing of majority and minority reports on the bill. Dodd Comments Dodd said he voted to report out Dirksen's reapportionment amend- ment "with the greatest reluc- tance" but did so to break the deadlock in the committee and to keep the Senate's legislative busi- ness from being "severely dis- rupted." Strife Goes on In Torn Greece ATHENS, Greece ()-Ex-Pre- mier George Papandreou said last night that Panayiotis Cancello- ..!'.a ".4v wcr., , :. " ti v c...1 .r_ ilch +li * '. ...- A } yet j, r c Cong Massive Manhunt Goes - On 'Operation Piranha' Seeks To Rout 1000 Viet Cong in Vicinity SAIGON (P) - U.S. Marines sweeping South Viet Nam's Batan- gan peninsula in a massive hunt for guerrillas blew up a tunnel yesterday and killed 66 uniformed Viet Cong, a Marine spokesman said. It was the biggest strike against the enemy made by the estimated 5000 Marines since they and an undisclosed number of South Viet- namese troops launched a great assault on the peninsula at dawn Tuesday. The Vietnamese killed 74 Viet Cong, military officials said. Some of the guerrillas in the tunnel were heavily bandaged and apparently had been wounded ear- lier. Little Resistance The Marine force continued to meet little resistance in their sweep aimed at smashing a re- ported Communist buildup in the area, 330 miles north of Saigon. Intelligence reports had indi- cated as many as 1000 Communist guerrillas were in the area. But a U.S. intelligence officer said he believed the Viet Cong began pull- ing out three days ahead of the attack. Maj. Gen. Lewis W. Walt, the Marine commander in Viet Nam, confirmed the count of tunnel dead, which raised the toll of Viet Cong killed in the two-day oper- ation to 146. Earlier reports from the penin- sula, 20 miles south of Chu Lai along the South China Sea, said Marines had killed six Viet Cong. Vietnamese forces, operating to the south, presumably ran into remnants of fleeing Viet Cong units. Marines reported one casualty, a wounded helicopter crewman. South Vietnamese have reported light casualties. The assault, .named "Piranha" after the man-eating South Amer- ican fish, was expected to continue today. Twenty miles south of the U.S. air base at Da Nang, a large Viet- namese force was engaged yes- terday in its fourth straight day of rugged fighting with the Viet Cong. More Casualties An American adviser with a Ranger group, one of the outfits engaged in the fight, said, "We have taken more casualties in the unit during this operation than al- together in the past three years." At the little post of Kien Thien, U.S. Army helicopters landed un- der heavy Viet Cong fire and evacuated 50 civilians reported wounded in the air strikes. The civilians swarmed to the landing helicopters, pushing and scram- bling to get aboard. As the last helicopter took off, the Viet Cong opened up again with mortar fire. Pilots flying over the area, seven miles south of Vin Thanh, re- ported spotting 150 to 200 Viet Cong in the open. Another 70 to 80 Communist guerrillas were seen moving along the road. The pilots estimated the terrain concealed about 1000 uniformed Viet Cong in all. Civilians in the area said the Viet Cong appear- ed to have about 600 men, identi- Pontiff To Make First Visit to U.S. Plans To Addres United Nations I Bid for Peace VATICAN CITY (A')-Pope Paul VI, already the most widely trav- eled Pope, will go to the United States Oct. 4 to address the Unit- ed Nations and to offer a public mass for peace. It will be the first visit to the United States by a reigning Pope and the longest papal voyage in history-4,066 miles from Rome to New York. It was believed possible in the Vatican that the Pope would meet President Johnson in New York. The White House said there were no plans for P, meeting but it did not rule out the possibility. John- son has accepted an invitation to dine in New York Oct. 3 with Ambassador Arthur J. Goldberg and other members of the U.S. delegation to the United Nations. Pope Paul has visited the Holy Land; and he flew to Bombay, India, a distance of 3,954 miles- last December. His stay in New York will be less than 24 hours. His arrival is scheduled for 10 a.m. (EDT). A tentative Vatican schedule said he will leave that same night, ar- riving in Rome next day. After speaking to the UN Gen- eral Assembly-apparently with an appeal for peace-the Pope will celebrate mass for Roman Cath- olics in one of New York's huge stadiums. In addition, Vatican officials make no secreto f their hope that the trip may help bring about U.S.-Vatican diplomatic relations. Is the Church Evolving--or Undergoing Revolution? Is the Unchanging Church- Changing? Come Hear Fr. Thomas Hinsberg "The Changing Church" Fri., Sept. 10, 7:30 P.M. Gabriel Richard Center 331 Thompson LENOY IMPORTS DISTINCTIVE GIFTS Mexican Handicraf t Sweaters Polter y MAYNARD HOUSE Woolen Goods Sara pes Gifts 524 E. WILLIAM r So you've only got 50c ('tit yon hear from dad)? FOLLOW THE STUDENT CROWD to the AAUW 13th Annual Used Book.Sale (Records and Magazines, too) Thurs. 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.-9th Friday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.-10th STUDENT ACTIVITIES BUILDING scholarly editions in the humanities literature-history-philosophy modern poetry-fliterary criticism livres francais-deutsche buecher highest prices paid for all USED QUALITY PAPERBACKS ann arbor's largest selection always on sale at 30-50% off the centicore bookshop 1321 South University between Forest & Washteuaw Open until Midnight all week I ATTENTION... ALL GIRLS RUBBERIZED RAIN PARKAS ALL SIZES AND COLORS -Yellow, Red, & Olive Drab$84 specially priced at -Teal Blue, Navy, Denim, Black . . $480 MARK RICHMAN DIVISION OF BUD.MOR AGENCY 1 103 S. University (Above Wikels) 'FROMA THE SHOREs OF HNISFAWOLA, TO T~lE IL~L Of VIET NAI.N.:".i vN i t IY4L C world News Roundup Sylvia School 0/ Director: Sylvia Homer, L.I.S.T.D. 32nd Season By The Associated Press SAIGON-Premier Nguyen Cao Ky has issued a sharp warning against corruption and malprac- tice by government officials, Viet Nam Press reported yesterday. The official government news agency said Ky made the warn- ing in a note to government agen- cies stemming from complaints that wives of some officials had used their husbands' positions for personal gain. "Nobody, including my relatives, may capitalize on my privileges to reap personal interests," Ky wasL quoted as saying. The note said the government welcomed complaints from the people to correct possible short- comings. . * SAIGON-A medical expert sent to. South Viet Nam by President Johnson announced yesterday the formation of a rehabilitation pro- gram for disabled South Vietna- mese. Dr. Howard A. Rusk, who laid the groundwork for a similar pro- gram in Korea under President Dwight D. Eisenhower, estimated 10,000 to 25,000 persons in South WASHINGTON - The Senate Foreign R e 1a t i o n s Committee unanimously approved yesteiday President Johnson's nomination of Postmaster General John A. Gro- nouski as ambassador to Poland. It also approved unanimously the President's selection of Negro educator Dr. James N. Nabrit, Jr., of Washington, as U.S. represen- tative to the UN Security Coun- cil. No opposition was expressed to either nomination at a brief hear- ing. Gronouski, whose p a t e r n a 1 grandparents were born in Po- land, said his primary assignment is "to find ways and means of increasing the really historic ties of Poland to the West." He said there are "good pros- pects for increased trade" and other relations between the Unit- ed States and the entire Eastern European group of nations. * *.* BANGKOK, Thailand-A uni- versity similar to the University of California, with separate di- visions and colleges s p r e a d throughout Thailand,has been in- cluded in the 1966 budget. * * * NEW DELHI, India-India hopes to put into circulation by the end of 1965 coins of a new aluminum- magnesium alloy. MEXICO CITY-A team of ex- perts from the Smithsonian In- stitute will begin a year-long arch- aeological exploration program in southern Mexico's Oaxaca Valley in January, it was announced here. It will operate from the Uni- versity of the Americas Research and Study Center at Mitla, head- ed by Dr. Kent V. Flannery. * * * MIAMI, Fla.-Hurricane Betsy pounded Florida's Keys yester- day with sledgehammer winds that drove an angry, destructive wall of water across rich, metro- politan areas on the state's south- east coast. Large sections of Miami, Miami Beach and Fort Lauderdale - as well as many smaller communi- ties in the Florida Keys - were flooded by the highest tide since the hurricane of 1926. Abandoned automobiles tumbled crazily in a crashing surf that reached far beyond Miami Beach's GRADED CLASSES IN CLASSIC BALLET IDance Academic Division-Combined Curriculum of Dance Pointe, Supported Adagio, KinderBallet 525 E. Liberty 0 established 1932 0 Phone 668-8066-668-7227 t U 1 I ALL-CAMPUS OPEN GOLF TOURNAMENT FOR WOMEN STUDENTS U t I, AMEENTRY BLANK* 1 NAMF CL ASS