91 HOUSING PROTEST HAS POTENTIAL See Editorial Page Y *6 6 1Mwt ta ~Ia it *CLOUDY High--68 Low-60 Light rain in morning, clearing in afternoon Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom VOL LXXVI No. 9 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1965 SEVEN CENTS Students Display Concern over High-Cost H EIGHT PAGES [ousing By BRUCE WASSERSTEIN The issue of high cost student housing was raised yesterday in an afternoon meeting between student representatives and Uni- versity administrators; 'a noon- time diag rally and an evening session of the Voice Housing Com- mittee. In an afternoon conference rep- resentatives from Student Govern- ment Council and Graduate Stu- dent Council met with Vice-Presi- dent for Business and Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont and Vice-Pres- ident for Student Affairs Richard Cutler. Cutler agreed to start working today on the establishment of a student advisory committee with- in the Office of Student Affairs which will actively participate in the planning of future housing projects: The possibility of setting up similar groups elsewhere in the administration was also discuss- ed, but no decisions were made. Pierpont agreed to make avail- able to "responsible students" more detailed information about the University's financial opera- tions including a breakdown of dormitory costs. He also express- ed a .willingness to discuss possi- ble shifts in University invest- ment policies with students. At the noontime diag rally, an estimated crowd of 200 listened to speakers complaining 'about the inadequacies of the University's present housing policies. This rally was basically a prelude to the more lengthy discussion of the housing issue in the evening. Russell Linden, '67, who repre- sented SGC at the afternoon con- ference, presented the results of the discussion with Pierpont to last night's meeting sponsored by Voice. In response to his report and an analysis of current problems in the student housing situation and possible alternatives presented by Stewart Gordon, '66, chairman of Voice's housing committee, the students present voted for the fol- lowing demands: -The University administration should issue a policy statement on its use of federal funds for hous- ing projects. Gordon charged that Pierpont does not use as much federal funds as possible in Uni- versity projects because of his "laissez faire" economic attitudes. According to Gordon, federal housing loans which he said could be obtainable at rates as low as 2.6 per cent would greatly reduce the costs of building apartments and dorms. -The office.of business and fi- nance should issue a detailed breakdown of the costs incurred. in running the residence hall sys- tem. Although Pierpont assented to this demand yesterday at the afternoon conference, the students at last night's meeting felt that they wanted to be sure that .this promise will be made good in the near future. Interim Report -University President Harlan Hatcher's Blue Ribbon, Commis- sion on Housing should issue an interim report .in the immediatel future. Gordon said that this com- mittee's report, which is supposed to examine the broad question of student housing, has been delayed since last May. Members of the committee have recently said that their report will be issued in four weeks. -The University should issue a policy statement on high rise apartment buildings. -Viable alternatives to the present housing policies of the University should be considered by administrators. Among the alter- natives suggested was the Uni- versity selling land to a non- profit student - faculty group, which, according to Gordon, would be eligible for federal housing loans under the College Housing Act of 1950. Gordon also pointed out other federal housing finance law of which the University has failed to take advantage. Present Demands The group agreed to present their demands to the office of business and finance this week and asked that an administrator publicly acknowledge the receipt of the student's proposals at a Diag rally Friday. The students voted to give the administration about a week to study the demands and proposals after which aUniversity official should give a public defense of present housing policies or an- nounce changes. If officials do not acknowledge publicly the receipt of the de- mands, students at the Friday rally will then vote on what course of action to follow. Meanwhile the students present at last night's meeting decided to hold a noon rally today to help drum up support for a low cost housing movement. In addition to the rally, tables will be set up in prominent positions for students to submit housing grievances and suggestions and a speaker's pro- gram will' be set up in the dorms to discuss the issue. Among the actions which may be taken at that time are a sleep- in on the diag or a sit-in in Pierpont's office. These two al- ternatives were mentioned promi- nently at last night's meeting. Speakers at the meeting stress- ed the need for a "grass roots" movement of students who are in- terested in the housing issue. Gordon said that overt student support in the thousands, rather than the present hundreds, is nec- essary for a successful low cost housing movement. What's New, I, At 764- 1817 Hotline "There are now over 1000 registered rushees, and we expect F over 1500 men to rush this fall," Interfraternity Council President Richard Hoppe, '66, said last night after ,a mass rush meeting attended by "approximately 650 men." Last fall 936 men rushed and 480 pledged. The. Professional Theatre Program announced yesterday that Rosemary Harris and Sydney Walker will be the leading players in its world premier production of Herakles, a new play by ' Archibald MacLeish. The Interfraternity Council executive committee last night levied a penalty of 400 man-hours of charitable work against Sigma Alpha Epsilon for' "assaulting" three girls-specifically, dragging one of the girls into a cold shower-who were walking across the SAE lawn, violating a fraternity tradition. Although the Scommittee recognized that there was no malicious intent. it ruled that, if the work is not completed by the actives and present pledges of SAE by April1, 1966, the fraternity-will be fined $1000. Fall term degree candidates who expect to graduate at the end of this term should submit a diploma application to the registrar's office not later than Sept. 17. Literary college students may obtain application forms at window A in the foyer of the Administration Bldg.; other candidates should apply at their school's office. Students who have already submitted an applica- tion gned not bother with this procedure. Approximately 33 per cent of all undergraduate credit hours in the literary college are in classes taught by teaching fellows, according to the Center for research on Learning and Teaching's "Memo to the Faculty." Freshman and sophomore classes have these graduate students as instructors in 45 per cent of their classes. oliere are more than 950 teaching fellows throughout the University, many "stepping 'to the other side of the desk' for the first time," the memo reports. In a bold move aimed at cutting into the lucrative parlor '4 game's market, the editors of Gargoyle have created "Michio- poly," and are distributing it in their new issue, on sale today. Included in this year's first effort are "The Diary of a Sorority Girl" and the mystery of "The Disappearing Freshman." The recent extension of the National Defense Education Act will provide fellowships for an increasing number of University graduate students, Associate Dean Freeman Miller of the graduate school said yesterday. According to a Department of Health, Education and Welfare announcement, over 3,000 three-year fellowships have been awarded; the fellowships are applicable to virtually'all major fields on study. * * * * In certain designated areas owners of motorcycles and scooters may park their vehicles at an angle to the curb without fear of being ticketed by the Ann Arbor police. However, angular parking in non-designated areas violates a local parallel parking ordinance which recently has been strictly enforced. The Interfraternity Council executive committee last night fined Alpha Tau' Omega $300 for excessive noise and the con- 4sumption of alcoholic beverages on Aug: 23. Wiretap In the face of mounting student pressures for low-cost hous- ing, a knowledgeable observer -of the Ann Arbor housing situation pointed to what he termed -"the basic impossibility of building well-designed and constructed housing at low cost within a rea- sonable distance of the campus." He pointed to rapidly rising construction costs, high University building standards and a general shortage of housing. as factors in his assessment. Long Distance The International Association of Universities, a worldwide S body of leading educators, has adopted for study a report advocating that professors spend their sabbatical year on the faculty of a university in an underdeveloped country. The action was 'takens Monday at the closing session of the organization's fourth general conference, held in Tokyo. University President. Harlan Hatcher was among the 500 educators in attendance. pm, WXstnn R_ Vivian (D-..Ann Arbor) vestervdav announced To Withhold Combatants' Military, Aid Thiant Flies To Visit . .. Both Warring Nations :.. By The Associated PressUnied United States authorities said yesterday there will be no deliver- v : ies of UhS. military aid to India and Pakistan while the two coup- triesare fighting. n However, they added that it is,.d to early to say whether economic aid to the two nations will also be discontinued. The U.S. is supporting United ' Nations Secretary-General U Thant's mission to the two war- ring nations and is awaiting a4 favorable response to the Secunity Council's appeal for a cease-fir; and withdrawal of armed peson- nel. Thant left for India and Paki- stan last night after a last minute conference with Arthur Goldbe g U.S. ambassador to the UN. Diplomacy h - Meanwhile, the Kashmir issue was theto of discussion tscon other diplomatic fronts: -Pakistan invoked the Central Treaty Organization Pact and The deepening und.. . formally requested Turkish aid to. help in the fight against India, but the Turkish government ap- E ARETE peared cool about offering the TE A BWEN Pakistanis anything more than claimed thatit had bea moral support; -While Chinese support for the Pakistani cause became increas- ingly apparent, the Soviet Union called for an end to the fighting;s O fy -Chester Bowes, U.S. ambas- sador to India, assured American residents of New Delhi that the U.S. embassy could evacuate them O f if necessary-a possibility he cal-.fnd s ed unlikely, and -Secretary of State Dean Rusk, speaking on a nationwide tele- vision broadcast, labeled the In- By CgAR CF dian-Pakistani conflict a uthreat The deepening, undec to the containment of Commun- between India and Pakis ism. sents a grave threat to th Aims for Peace balance of power in Asia, In announcing the arms freeze, ing to diplomatic obse State Department Press Officer major world capitals. Robert McCloskey said the pri- mary concern of the U.S. is to officials, especially in s obtain a cessation of the fighting tonisepi. ilsth and fullest support for the peace o isthe nsasliaty to mission being undertaken . by UNfighting to increase its pc Secretary-General U Thant. petg.Pkn a u A State Department spokesman ptusands of trpe san declined to anticipate what edge d1hunsofmtmens pise I fct he utbeakof ullsclong Indo-China fonti wfreweouldrhave on ulcges scene of brief, heavy fig wararewoud hve n Cngrsslat .1962. If India is w where appropriations for the for- addvre ytecr eign aid bill must still be voted frictwtaisaPk on. Congress authorized $3.3 bil- tkavnaeo h p lion for the worldwide aid pro- to push into northeaste gram. but appropriations are us- ually less than the amount once again. authorized. The de facto war place "As far as I am aware no de- ington policymakers in ad liveries are presently under way since both India and Paki to either country," 'McCloskey considered friendly to the said. This referred mainly to mili- States. Furthermore, Pa tary deliveries, he added. a close military and eonc The United States promised In- of the U.S., in spite of i dia last June to extend $435 mil- willingness to accept Co lion in economic assistance for its Chinese aid. It is also a development program. of the Central Treaty 0: U.S. officials asked for post-tion, aortegionalhgroup ponement of a July meeting at supportedbyteUSan the World Bank where* a pledge defense commitment to P ar .X....R. Air Raid on ~...CHIA :Capital City .nt Paktan Stals RyngwapniBme ong the frntier betwen the tNEW unErHIs India (Agrond Indiajr ndian Kraci er.bobe b claimeds- thus its orc beasof Pakper- e staidbers tring tob attac on Areenehin istry'spokiesman tior n o Indian sses in eaeia sai, hamae was caued ing cnicaptals , a mano men- Je _ skimish. n train igt Air raid siren soundeds at 2:45 ionrew h and c otinuedb 10d mcinuegs. Thit a had ..ol o epwrbewe h w ain wapecedgea rad, intali. aio for ow aythe a- Pki.anha .on2r"omeda Iendians irike aryns.da a'n aita htteepei Kahib agaistn heaipor a Rawalpind4, m. rs.M:_R Paki:Y:':-: beh' ;J:}YJJ~i'Ti:vt"ind e. nda; prdoinntl H i ndu, ed'":":: . v\+::mp:is4.:\{4: and Pak~t'y+J. .}..}:^.'i>is.\t,yva Mslem a ~ton, A akstnispkema sidth 4a S reeve s-\ {\\\\{Bvtri~ti ended 4£i:'t colony~y\ial ruloe oyct fteMses ££ k aid rer~i"ict.'"Ft '>+ }43"#,,tedly La 'r ligius i v'3~noritie re- a d edethevyrsitacei E a d::ivrionary main in oth nations, ontribut- onlytwo miles acrss the border itrtin evra trs f heMoles n te aswad ieacrossround Thest- attmp tocrateNoforaldelartin o wr wrereoresith Pakistans Ltndtoanx ailyareohlttefihig.e Rawalpindi.otedtoe ~emb whn te Nethercoutry s ecnomcla md igovereetoffspante Pakistan and India escalated yesterday as air battles raged al ten off a Pakistani attempt to bomb New Delhi, while Rawalpi icials Fear Rej Vew- South,-Asia TO ared war tan pr:e- e current accord-I rvers in s of most Washing- at Com- use the ower and dreds of d on the er, the hting in weakened ent con- ing may ortunity :n India s Wash- dilemma, istan are e United kistan is omic ally ts recent rmmunist member irganiza- strongly A with a akistan. tary aid deliveries to the two disputants, and U.S/ economic as- sistance programs are now being reviewed-and these aid programs give the Johnson administration plenty of leverage to exert pres- sure on the disputants. The United States has granted more than $6.5 billion in aid to India since 1956, not including a monthly shipment of 600,000 tons of wheat to alleviate the Indian food deficit. Pakistan has received more than $5 billion in American economic aid since 1951. However, Washington is celay- ing the fulfillment of foreign aid commitments to that government because of President Mohammed Ayub Khan's dealings with Com- munist bloc nations. Ayub has de- clared that Pakistan will not sever its new ties with the Communist states. Indian Criticism The U.S. has also come in for criticism from India's Prime Min- ister Lal Bahadur Shastri, who has attacked American policies in the Vietnam war and specifically has called for an immediate halt to the bombing of North Viet Nam. In addition to economic aid, the U.S. has provided both India and Pakistan with arms. Pakistan has the arms supplie used against eac in Washington n sume both Indi have employed especially jet bor U.S. Bac "Support for eff ed Nations and General, U Thar cease-fire has be of U.S. diplomacy flict. Thant left Pakistan last nigl representatives o the U.S. is stro peacemaking atti Meanwhile, Wa cerned by auth that Pakistan h surances of Con assistance in an with India. Thi, would consist of Chinese military disputed northea with India. The origin of t ing was the in weeks ago of Pa into Kashmir to disorders amongi ulation in the1 area. The Pakis that India three Kashmir last Dec I I i