f :Yl r e 4f ItIr q aw Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESD)AY, AIUUST 24. 1965 43'att]y VOL. LX XV t, No. 1 i, E x T R A C U R R C U L A R The hard task of education is to liberate and strengthen a youtht's initiative, and ct the same time to see to it that he knows 'what is necessary to cope with the on-going activities and culture of society, so that his initiative can be rclevant. It is absurd to think that this task can be accomnlis hed by so much sitting in a box facing front, manipulat- in g symbols at the (lirection of distant aidministrators. -PAUL GOODMAN Compulsory Mis-Education I rw