SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1965 THE MICHIGAN DAILY IPAINMV +rtruv Steel Pact-8th without Jarring Strike n'AGE THREE 9 PITTSBURGH (R) - President Johnson's announcement of agree- ment on a new steel contract yes- terday marks the eighth time since World War II that the United Steelworkers and the basic steel industry have agreed with- out an economy-jarring strike. Fourteen contracts have been negotiated since 1946. There have been six strikes. The shortest was an eight-hour shutdown in 1955. The longest was a 116-day walk- outin 1959. Only the 1963 contract was settled without either side serving termination notice. Rewritten That was when the joint steel industry - union human relations committee rewrote the contract during year-long weekly meetings. No reopening notice was given. The contract provided improve- ments in pensions and other bene- fits valued at slightly more than 10 cents an hour, but it's major feature was the first extended 13- week vacation plan for the steel industry. Brainchild The human relations committee was the brainchild of Arthur J. Goldberg, former USW chief coun- sel who later became secretary of labor, a Supreme Court justice and serves as U.N. ambassador. The most famous settlement was during the wage strike of 1952 when the Wage Stabilization Board m a d e recommendations during a 59-day strike.'. William Simkin, director of the Federal Mediation and C Jncilia- tion Service, came to Pittsburgh twice this year. In April it was his plan that resulted in an interim agreement that averted a May 1 strike. He also played a key role in the agreement announced in Washington Friday night. Rundown Here is a rundown of results of basic steel-United Steelworkers contract negotiations since World War II: 1946-Union won 181/ cents an hour after 26-day strike. 1947-14.6 cents an hour, no strike. 1948-13 cents an hour, no strike. 1949 - pensions and insurance benefits, 45-day strike. 1950-16 cents an hour, no strike. 1952-16 cents an hour, 59-day strike. 1953-9 cents an hour, no strike. 1954 - 5 cents an hour, no strike. 1955 - 15.2 cents an hour, 8- hour strike. 1956 - 45.7 cents an hour, 36- day strike. 1959 - 40 cents an hour over two and a half years, 116-day strike. 1962-improvements in senior- ity, pensions, vacations, supple- mental unemployments benefits. Value about 10 cents an hour. No wage hike. No strike. 1963 - benefits improved about 10 cents an hour with industry's first 13-week extended vacation plan. No strike and no formal re- opening notice served, a first for the industry. 1965-"essential agreement" an- nounced by President Johnson. Meaning The settlement means that busi- ness can roll along without having to face an upsetting strike which would have closed down a vital industry. And it probably will mean that the pace of production in the steel industry will slow down now that users who have been stock- piling supplies as a hedge against a strike can start using up their heavy inventories. India Hits Planes in Two Pakistani Kashmir Viet Cong Down U.S. Helicopter Authorities Report 'Heavy Casualities' In Resulting Crash SAIGON (RP)-Viet Cong gun- ners shot down a troop-carrying United States Army helicopter yesterday as it flew toward a guerrilla center and a spokesman said all aboard were killed. The helicopter, capable of car- rying a dozen men, burst into flames after plunging to earth on a run toward Houjbo woods, 20 miles north-northwest of Saigon. Military authorities withheld the number involved on security grounds, but said the casualties were heavy. The flight was part of a scout- ing operation that turned up size- able stocks of Viet Cong ammuni- tion and uniforms in the woods. The area was blasted Thursday by B52 jets from Guam in their 17th such r'aid of the war. A reinforced company of Viet- namese troops, surveying the re- sults, was reported to have found caches including 126,000 rounds of small arms ammunition, 215 mortar shells, four submachine guns, and about 1,000 Viet Cong uniforms. Meanwhile government troops wound up an overnight sweep against the Viet Cong south of Quang Ngai City, 320 miles north- east of Saigon, with a report they had freed 150 refugees and 38 government soldiers from Red im- prisonment while killing 25 Viet Cong. Other operations included a militia ambush of a Viet Cong jdetachment in the Kien An area, which fronts on the Gulf of Siam, 125 miles southwest of Saigon. Briefing officers said they killed 18. No losses were reported among the militiamen. To date U.S. and Vietnamese planes posted a total of 532 sorties against the Viet Cong Thursday, the greatest number of such single flights in one day. Pilots said they destroyed or damaged about 300 buildings. They expressed belief they killed "a large number of Viet Cong"-total unestimated. American strike sorties against North Vietnamese targets in August, greater than in any pre- vious month, averaged 67 a day. It was announced U.S. 7th Fleet carriers launched 912. The U.S. Air Force announced Wednesday its total was 1,172. Yesterday's targets included bar- racks and supply facilities at points ranging 10 to 80 miles from Dien Bien Phu, which lies 185 miles west of Hanoi. Twenty-four U.S. Air Force F105 Thunderchiefs handled those mis- sions and the pilots said they en- countered no resistance. The bombings were reported to have set many fires. {"e "" - T"" - " " "When the Greeks oust their government, they certainly do a job!" PEACE JUNTA: Dominican Strife Settled wit New Provisional Government 3attle -Objects to Use of U.S. Jets, Tanks Shastri Calls for Larger Home Guard; Step Up War Effort NEW DELHI (P)-Prime Minis- ter Lal Bahadur Shastri warned in a somber speech last night the 'hour of serious crisis" is upon India and it may have to suffer damage from Pakistani air raids. The prime minister spoke in a nationwide radio broadcast at the end of a tense day in which India claimed its forces had shot down two Pakistani jet fighters and advanced in ground fighting in southwest Kashmir. India also declared Pakistan never would have dared to attack in Kashmir without planes and tanks furnished by the Americans. It sent Washington a protest against Pakistan's use of United States war material. Enlarge Guard He said he was calling on his 480 million people 'to rise"-to enlist in the Home Guard, increase defense production, and preserve communal peace between Hindus and Moslems. Shortly before Shastri spoke, an official spokesman charged Paki- stani pilots flying American-made jets bombed and strafed a mosque -a Moslem house of worship-in southwest Kashmir and killed 35 to 40 civilians. He said 40 other persons were seriously injured. The mosque, located at Juarian in the Chhamb sector where the fighting has raged, was destroyed, and more victims may be buried in the rubble, the spokesman said. Cease Fire Shastri said he would reply to the cease-fire appeal from U.N. Secretary-General U Thant after giving it the "careful attention it deserves." He insisted his govern- ment wants peace. _ He made an obvious reference to the support the U.S. and Brit- ain have given to Thant's appeal. Air Fire, In the air 'war, official sources in Karachi, Pakistan, said an In- dian plane was shot down and conceded only that one Pakistani plane was damaged. They reported the Pakistani plane landed in friendly territory. Both sides seemed to acknowl- edge that the fighting had stabil- ized in the Chhamb area of In- dian-held Kashmir northwest of Jammu, the winter capital of In- dia's portion of the disputed Hi- malayan state. An Indian spokesman asserted that counterattacks had halted the drive of Pakistani tanks and troops five to six miles deep in- side Indian territory on the Chhamb front. Roads Threatened It seemed that Pakistani units were threatening vital Indian roads behind the front lines that supply troops were using, including the main highway from India proper to Srinagar, the Kashmir capital. India reminded the U.S. that former President Dwight D. Eisen- hower assured the Indian govern- ment in 1954 that U.S. arms given Pakistan never would be used against India. As Jha summed it up for re- porters: "We have made no bones about the fact that this equip- ment should not be used against us. And we have asked: 'Will you please live up to your assur- NATCHEZ (/P)-Negro and white shoppers mingled 'on the sidewalks under a hot Southern sun yes- terday as National Guardsmen patrolled the streets with orders to prevent crowds from forming. A Negro boycott of downtown stores, ordered by Mississippi's chief civil rights leader Thursday, appeared to be having scant ef- fect. A 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. curfew re- mained in effect, as did a ban on the sale of liquor. The curfew and liquor ban were put into effect three days ago as a precaution when racial tensions mounted. Tension Remains Although this town of 25,000 persons-nearly half of them Ne- gro-appeared calm, Mayor John Nosser warned that plenty of tension remained. Some 650 National Guardsmen were ordered into Natchez Thurs- day by Gov. Paul Johnson, who said racial rioting was imminent because Negroes and whites had been seen with weapons. There has been no violence since STUDENTS RENT your BED LINEN a week ago when a Negro leader was wounded in the booby-trap bombing of his car. Deny Negro Request Nosser denied ' a Negro request for use of the city auditorium for a rally last night, saying there is "too much tension to have a meeting of any kind now." He said when tensions relax, the audtor- ium will be available to any group. Charles Evers, state field sec- retary for the National Associa- tion for the Advancement of Col- ored People, called Thursday night for an economic boycott by Ne- groes of business district stores. He sent pickets into Negro neighborhoods yesterday afternoon to build up support for the boy- cott drive. His call for a boycott and in- creased Negro voting registration came after Nosser and city ofi- cials rejected Negro demands for a speed up of desegregation here. The city said it would not be co- erced but would talk with Negro leaders at any time. Joseph B. Harvey of Los An-1 geles, a member of the lawyers' committee for civil rights under law, announced he has asked the Justice Department to file suit to desegregate schools here. Desegregate Schools While in Selma, Ala., pupils registered yesterday without a trace of trouble at three white schools in this west-central Ala- bama city that was for months the center of the civil rights struggle. Nineteen Negro children signed up to attend classes with white pupils while city police stood guard, Classes start next Tuesday. At Greensboro, Ala., about 50 miles west of Selma, the white high school admitted six Negro girls whose transfers had been ap- proved. When about 75 other Ne- gro children showed up seeking to enroll they were turned away by the principal. About 35 Negroes attempted to enter the white school at Akron, a small town near Greensboro. No transfers had been approved, and the group was met by police and left without incident. -------------.---- l -Associated Press STEELWORKERS FROM a Pittsburgh plant have a toast after wage agreement was announced in Washington. Natchez Remains Peaceful Despite Negro Store Boycott Full-Gospel Student Fellowship extends an invitation to you to: f rom l)' Meet new friends SANTO DOMINGO (P)-A pro- visional government pledged to peace took power yesterday after diehard rebels at a boisterous rally across town watched with gestures and slogans of defiance as their regime gave up. The last lingering rebel cries demanded withdrawal of "Yankee troops." Hours before the twin climax an American soldier became the latest casualty of the more than four months of Dominican strife when a bomb or gernade exploded in the supply corridor patroled by the inter-American peace force. The soldier was on duty at the command post of Company B, 307th Engineer Battalion, when the blast came three minutes after midnight. Impartial Government In his inaugural address, Pro- visional President Hector Garcia- Godoy, 44, lawyer and former dip- lomat, promised to lead an "ab- solutely impartial government" dedicated to creating a basis for peace, progress and constitutional order. Shortly before the deliberately muted ceremony at the battle- scarred national palace, a noisy throng of more than 20,000 jam- med the inner court of Ozama fortress in the downtown rebel quarter to witness a flamboyant resignation ceremony staged by the rebel regime. Chanting anti-U.S. slogans and carrying placards demanding im- mediate withdrawal of "Yankee troops" the crowd gave its loudest cheers to resigning rebel Presi- dent Col. Francisco Caamano Deno when he again denounced U.S. intervention in the Dominican Re- public. OAS Negotiation The provisional government was created out of weeks of pains- taking negotiation by an Organ- ization of American States poli- tical committee between the rebels and the rival civilian-military junta which controlled most of the country. The junta resigned Mon- day night rather than accept the peace formula. Under the formula, the gov- ernment will remain in power nine months-until general elec- tions next May. The withdrawal of the peace force will be negotiat- ed between the new government and the OAS. In his address, Garcia-Godoy' appealed to all Dominicans to unite and 'make the stay of the foreign interventionists in our land as brief as possible." He add- ed that it was up to "us Domini- cans also to accept with dignity the economic assistance needed to rehabilitate our republic." Garcia-Godoy also spoke of the legacy of corruption and abuse of power by the military from a his- tory of dictatorship in the Domin- ican Republic, including the long rule of Rafael Leonidas Trujillo. The deeply imbedded nationalj ills must be eradicated if the country is to have peace, he said. The rebel resignation ceremony drew one of the largest crowds within memory in Santo Domingo. Denounce U.S. Caamano Deno, the young of- ficer who broke with the military to lead the rebels, denounced the landing of U.S. troops after the revolt first flared April 24 in a vain attempt to restore the exiled ex-President Juan D. Bosch. He said the dispatch of U.S. troops-at first to save the lives of American and other nationals, then to prevent a Communist takeover-was gross interference in the internal affairs of another, nation. The principle of noninterven- tion was "so brutally unrecognized that even now the echo of the apif4t.V LAUNDRY NO 2-3123 For $1.00 per wk. you get 2 sheets of fine linen I pillow case of fine muslin 2 terry bath towels 2 face towels 2 wash cloths Minimum of 3 students per order Deposit required $5 per student 2) Participate in a devotional service 3) Hear and meet Rev. Russell Cox, national college Chi Alpha leader 4) Enjoy fellowship and free refreshments Sunday, September 5, 5:00 p.m. Evangel Temple 407 S. Division--Ann Arbor U It's Attention to Details That Make the Difference in Dry Cleaning World News Roundup Sport coats are the most versatile garment in a man's wardrobe, it's one of the few garments equally acceptable for casual or campus dress- up affairs. As such, it needs the special atten- tion to details necessary to give your garment a completely correct look for campus wear. At Greene's, you can, be sure three button jackets are properly rolled to the third button .. . (we even have a special retainer to hold the lapels in place). Sleeves are always rolled. Tweeds and flannels all get an extra soft press to retain their natural texture. Of course, necessary minor repairing is done on all garments. Green's customers expect to get these extras. Ifis nvon', a n min; r won'c ;t'c t+mp +n By The Associated Press LAMBARENE - Dr. Albert Schweitzer regained consciousness again yesterday and spoke clearly to his staff, but officials of his jungle hospital cautioned against ontimism. the Soviet news agency Tass re- ported yesterday. This was the second such multi-launch an- nounced this summer by the So- viets. The first multi-launch went up on July 16. The five satellites which are of the Cosmos series' offered by companies since their liability would be less in some fields. The new federal program in- cludes separate hospital and medi- cal care plans, both effective next July 1.