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September 04, 1965 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-09-04

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inwlt igaun


Cloudy with
occasional showers

Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom



LBJ Used Personality, Power, Persuasion

WASHINGTON (M-Personally
and with a platoon of allies, Pres-
ident Johnson turned on all the
persuasive powers of his person-
ality and his office in a success-
ful drive for a pair of long-sought
He kept telephones jangling on
Capitol Hill, and kept steelmen
negotiating under a watchful pres-
idential eye.
The President said no.
Whatever the label, it was clear
that presidential pressure had
been persistent in Johnson's quest
for a steel contract settlement
and potent in pressing for House
action on a bill to grant the Dis-
trict of Columbia a measure of

Johnson's two-front campaign
ranged from personal pleas to po-
litical reminders, from the dry
data of steel statistics to talk of
how nice it would be if he-and
contract negotiators - could get
their work done and go home for
the holiday weekend.
After lecturing the steel nego-
tiators and calling for periodic
reports on the talks, the Presi-
dent stepped in yesterday. It was
learned that he instructed Secre-
tary of Labor W. Willard Wirtz to
offer suggestions attempting to
compromise the reported differ-
ences of five or six cents an hour
between the two sides.
For the second straight day, he
had the White House send nego-
tiators their lunch at the bar-

gaining table so the talks would
not be interrupted by a meal
At the Capitol, Johnson's aim
was to get the signatures of 218
congressmen on a petition to by-
pass a balky committee and win
a House vote Sept. 27 on elected
officials for the nation's capi-
tal, now governed by Congress.
Burst of Signings
Administration persuasion pro-
duced a burst of signings - six of
them by Johnson's fellow Texans
-Thursday, and the petition
reached its goal yesterday with
the signature of Rep. George E.
Shipley (D-Ill).
"There had to be a lot of wheel-
ing and dealing to get this job
done," said Republican Rep. H.

R. Gross of Iowa. "It was the kind
of pressure you don't often see out
in the open."
Johnson dispatched a team of
political strategists to the House.
Then he got on the telephone him-
self, to tell some wavering con-
gressmen he had a problem and
needed their help.
Johnson's chief lobbyist - and
postmaster general-designate -
Lawrence F. O'Brien set up shop
in the office of House Speaker
John W. McCormack. O'Brien cap-
tained a six-man team that sum-
moned unsigned Democrats to seek
their support for the petition.
One Johnson call went to Rep.
Richard C. White (D-Tex). "The
President asked me if I would,
sign it," White said. "I did it

because the President had a prob-
lem. I did it to help him."
Another went to Rep. Charles
L. Weltner (D-Ga), who favors
the home rule bill but had some.
qualms about the petition route
around regular House, procedures.
Weltner signed, too.
Shipley said he got a series of
calls at his Olney, Ill., home -
one from the White House but not
from Johnson personally. He flew
back to Washington early to sign
the petition.
Rep. Earl Cabell (D-Tex) said
he signed the petition even though
he is going to vote against the
bill. He said a bid for his signa-
ture came from one of John-
son's aides.
"It was just a request that if I

could see my way clear, they would
appreciate my signature," he said.
Rep. Jack Brooks (D-Tex) re-
fused to sign despite pleas from
Johnson's men and from House
leaders. He had a list of about 15
people who had tried to talk him
into signing.
Steel negotiators, who went to
the White House Monday at
Johnson's behest, were under close
presidential scrutiny as they talk-
ed behind a guarded door of the
Executive Building.
43-Minute Lecture
Johnson stepped personally in-
to the steel talks Thursday with
a 43-minute lecture to both sides.
He told them Mrs. Johnson, In
Texas, was calling him every hour
or so to find out whether he'd

be able to get down to the LBJ
Ranch for the weekend.
He said he knew the negotia-
tors would enjoy being at home,
in peace, with their families.
He also tried a manpower
switch, instructing Secretary of
Labor W. Willard Wirtz to use his
influence with industry negotia-
tors and Secretary of Commerce
John T. Connor to try his luck
with the union men. He said their
efforts in reverse roles hadn't
Johnson told the steelmen he
hadn't come to twist any arms.
But, after a talk on steel statis-
tics, economics and the national
interest, he thought the negotia-
tors seemed relieved to see him







What's New
At 764-1817


The turbulent office of student affairs is in for still further
shuffling. Vice-President for Student Affairs Richard Cutler
has let it be known he is in the market for a professional psy-
chologist to run the counseling program. Mrs. Elizabeth Daven-
port, currently holding that position, would be moved else-
where in the organization.
* *' * *
After a lengthy debate, Student Government Council has
seated Lee Hornberger, '67, as official Inter-Quadrangle Council
president. Pull recognition of Hornberger will depend upon deci-
sions of the quadrangle judiciary and the Joint Judiciary Council.
One legal snag: Hornberger as acting president must appoint a
chairman for the quad judiciary which will hear his case.
* * * *
Vice-President for Business and Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont
has agreed to discuss grievances over local prices and the hous-
ing situation with complaining students. He has already met
with some student leaders, plans future meetings with others.
According to sources in the sorority system, Vice-President
for Student Affairs Richard L. Cutler and Residence Hall Director
Eugene F. Haun are considering the possibility of allowing some
of the women pledging sororities this semester to break their
residence hall contracts and move into their houses the first
week in October. This opportunity, a result of the overcrowding
in the residence halls, would only be offered to sororities that
have submitted membership recommendation forms to SGC
Membership Committee by Oct. 1, the date recommended by
Panhellenic Association. Reportedly, Haun will know if this
move is possible within the next two weeks.
Long Distance
University President Harlan Hatcher, attending an inter-
national conference of educators in Japan, is hearing papers on
topics like these: Who is entitled to a higher education? How
can an administration be independent when it is receiving sub-
stantial support from the government? How can education spur
cultural and intellectual development?
* * * *
Research officials .reserved judgment yesterday on an an-
nouncement by the state department that it is establishing a
foreign affairs research council to weed out government-financed
research projects considered detrimental to the national pur-
pose. The University has not been involved in studies of com-
munist activities in Chile and Brazil which drew strong criticism
from those nations.
Wire tap
Dormdwellers, both male and female, are reported to be
furious with new restrictions on quad social activities requiring
participants to keep their doors open at a 45-degree angle and
to leave two room lights on. Administrators are in the dark about
possible quaddie reaction, but the dormant opposition may come
out into the open after all the angles have been studied.
The University is reportedly preparing to submit two record-
shattering appropriation requests-a capital programs bid of
over.$18 million and an operations budget surpassing $60 million.
Administrators are studying and worrying about the rela-
tionship with the State Controller's office concerning building
funds. The controller was given control of planning funds for
many 'U' buildings, including the residential college and the
architecture and design building. The Regents are. expected to
take up the relationship at their September meeting. Possible
solution: a law suit filed jointly with other institutions claiming
the current planning arrangement is a violation of constitutional
The administration is putting the finishing touches on two

Home Rule
Moves Closer
In Capitol
Administration Wins
Battle, Gets Majority
On Discharge Petition
WASHINGTON (R) - Jubilant
backers of home rule for the Dis-
trict of Columbia got their last
needed signature yesterday on a
petition to force the bill to the
House floor.
President Johnson called it a
decisive step toward victory in
"the final battle of the American
The House District Committee,
headed by Rep. John L. McMillan
(D-SC), has been the graveyard
of Washington home rule bills for
a dozen years. The discharge pe-
tition takes the bill out of that
committee. The Senate has passed
six home rule bills, including one
this session.
Last Signature
Rep. George E. Shipley (D-Ill)
flew through the night from his
Olney, Ill., home to be on hand
when the House convened at noon
and affix his name.
Shipley's signature was the
218th-making a majority of the
House. Shipley said he got a call
from the White House at Olney,
but not from the President him-
Meanwhile two other Demo-
crats, Reps. William L. Hungate
of Missouri and Gale Schisler of
Illinois, made separate journeys
back to the capitol in case their
signatures were needed.
No Elections
Shipley said the three of them
decided informally yesterday
morning that Shipley would have
the honor. He whipped out his
pen to sign as soon as the House
chaplain concluded his opening
prayer at noon.
This federal city of 800,000 has
not elected its own officials since
1874. Its population is more than
half Negro, the only major city
in the country where this is true.
Southern Opposition
This explains in part the oppo-
sition to home rule by McMillan
and other Southerners on his
committee, who reportedly fear
domination of the city government
by Negroes.
The bill would create an elected
mayor and city council. At present
the District is governed by three
commissioners appointed by the
president and by the House and
Senate District committees. Con-
gress has traditionally kept a tight
hold on the city's purse-strings.
Govern Themselves
Johnson said in his statement:
"Today the last major federal
territory of the American conti-
nent has taken a decisive step
toward full membership in the
American Union.
"A majority of the House of
Representatives has signed a pe-
tition requiring consideration of
home rule for the District of
In spite of the petition victory,
the way is not completely smooth
for the bill.
Thursday night, McMillan called

-Daily--Frank wing
No, wait. Don't ride away. You're one of the parking violators whom police are cracking down on. It violates one local ordinance when !
scooters and cycles are not parked parallel to the curb. A second violation is committed when the back wheels are more than 12 inches
from the curbs. Violators will be ticketed.
SGC Hopes toBuild Up, Support
For 'U'Bookstoreo Byl aw Change

50 Cents
Settlement Still Mst
Be Ratified by Union
Wage Policy Board
WASHINGTON (R) - President
Johnson announced last night that
steel negotiators "have reached
essential agreement" on a new
contract that would erase the
threat of a nationwide strike.
Johnson, who made the an-
nouncement in a hastily arranged
radio-television address, said the
grim threat of a steel walkout
"has been met and overcome.
"The settlement is a fair one.
It is squarely within the 'limits
set Wy the national wage - price
guideposts which are designed to
prevent the inflation which would
damage our prosperity. It is also
within the guiding spirit of free
cellective bargaining."
Later, it was reliably reported
the contract-running through
1968-contained increases for each
steelworker amounting to 46-48
cents per hour. Some 450,000
workers in the basic steel industry
currently average $4.40 an hour.
The United Steelworkers had
sought a contract they estimated
at 48.9 cents and which the basic
steel industry calculated at 55
cents. When the negotiations
were moved to Washington earlier
this week the bargainers were re-
ported about six cents apart.
The union won one of its big-
gest goals, sources reported. This
was retirement after 30 years of
services regardless of age. The
union also won an advancement
in the area of pensions.
Barely three hours before mak-
ing the announcement, Johnson
had sent Secretary of Labor W.
Willard Wirtz and Secretary of
Commerce John T. Connor to pre-
sent to the 10 negotiators spe-
cific administration suggestions
aimed at compromising their dif-
ferences and reaching an agree-
See Related Story, Page 3
Thursday the President met per-
sonally with the company and
union representatives to appeal for
a settlement before Labor Day and
to avoid a strike which he said
could be more damaging than a
national recession.
Johnson moved the negotiations
from Pittsburgh to Washington on
Monday. That night he obtained
an agreement to postpone the
strike deadline from 12:01 a.m.
last Wednesday to 12:01 a.m. next
Then he sent the negotiators -
six from the United Steelworkers
Union and four from 10 compan-
ies which make about 80 per cent
of the nation's steel-into inten-
sive sessions in the Executive Of-
fice Building.
In his radio-television appear-
ance, Johnson went directly to the
major point, saying:
"The representatives of labor
and management in the steel in-
dustry have reached essential
agreement. After details are work-
ed out-including some noneco-
nomic issues-and one. the agree-

Although Student Government
Council intends to press ahead
with its plans to open the Stud'ent
Book Exchange as a temporary
solution to the problem of high
priced textbooks in Ann Arbor,
the long term solution will be a
University sponsored bookstore,
SGC President Gary Cunningham,
'65, said yesterday.
However, the SGC's temporary
solution to the bookstore problem
-the student book exchange -
failed to open this fall as had
been initially planned. Cunning-
ham is hoping for a winter open-
ing of the exchange.
Cunningham, also commented

that a show of widespread student
support for the project would be
necessary before the Regents
would repeal the bylaw restrain-
ing the University from compet-
ing with private enterprise in Ann
Arbor, and eventually sponsor the
University Bookstore.
Musters Support
To muster such support, he said,
the SGC authorized $300 at its
Thursday night meeting, which
will be used to sponsor student
petitions and hearings on the
The authorization was made
after SGC voted to accept the
report of Mickey Eisenberg and

Stephen Daniels on the bookstore
Profit Margins
Among the important points
made in the report weren:
-Commercial bookstores make
their profits mostly from soft
goods which include pencils, pens,
and paper rather than on text-
book sales. The report estimated
that profits for such soft goods
average from 40 to 50 per cent
while the margin of profit on new
textbook sales does not, in most
cases, exceed 10 per cent and 50
per cent for used texts. In the
case of used texts, however, stores
run the risk of purchasing books

from students which will become
outdated. In figuring the profits
of the bookstores, one must also
deduct overhead costs such as
rent and salaries.
-In order to establish a Uni-
versity bookstore a minimum of
$100,000 initial capital outlay
would be needed.
-Every other school in the Big
Ten and most of the state-sup-
ported schools in Michigan have
student bookstores.
The following recommendations
were included in the report:
-The bookstore should remain
open all year;
-There should be a branch
convenient to the Central Campus
and with a branch on North Cam-
pus "very desirable."
-The bookstore must sell below
list prices on most items.
Eisenberg and Daniels also
pointed out in their report that
the Regents bylaw which prevent-
ed the competition of the Univer-
sity with private business was in
reality no longer in effect. They
pointed to the newspaper stand
in the Union, and the MUG as
examples of the violation of the
1929 bylaw.
The report reasoned that .the
reduction of book costs was a
vital concern in the economic

Residential College on Brink
Of First Financial Foothold.

Faculty planners of the propos-
ed residential college last night
expressed delight at the news that
their project is one of the high-
priority items in the University's
capital outlay request, which will
be released today.
The office of business and fi-

This money could be supple-
mented by private gifts. In addi-
tion, eight dormitories must be
built with University sources in-
cluding self-liquidating funds.
The ultimate product will be a
self-contained liberal arts college
for 1200 students-a separate en-

real commitment made in behalf
of the Residential College," he de-
Perkins has been known to be
worried about the University's lack
of support for the college. While
a group of faculty members and
students have been working out
curriculum and educational goals.




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