FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1965 TIDE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TR~a FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3,1965 TIlE MICHIGAN DAILI PAGI~ T~REK .s as ,a .-, isa ava u ;, 'Pakistani Forces Continue To Push into Kashmir NEW DELHI {P)-India said Pakistani pilots flew United States-made jets yesterday in aerial combat over Kashmir while Pakistan's ground units pressed five miles into Indian territory behind American Patton tanks., Indian officials acknowledged the loss of two towns, Chhamb and Dewa. It appeared an Indian 4 counter-attack had only slowed the advance of what India says is a Pakistani force of 3,000 men and 70 tanks pouring into the flat- lands of southwest Kashmir. Fighting Continues Hopeful talk about a dawn counter-attack had switched by night-time to an officials report that the fighting was continuing on a subdued scale but that the Indian soldiers are "putting up a vigorous fight." Though the exact battleground situation was hazy, it was clear the government was prepared for the worst-perhaps even a greatly widened conflict with neighboring Pakistan. Pakistani Planes Attacked A Defense Ministry spokesman said Indian planes were attacked by Pakistani planes as they flew reconnaissance. "Our fighting escort drove the Pakistani planes across the in- ternational frontier," he added. "All our aircraft returned to base after successfully completing their mission." There was no claim that any. Pakistani planes were shot down. India acknowledged it lost two planes Wednesday when Pakistani forces struck across the U.N. cease-fire line. Forces Continue To Press In Rawalpindi, Pakistani spokes- men said Pakistan's forces con- tinued to press unchecked across the plains from captured Chhamb. Pakistan radio said Pakistani forces captured about 200 Indian soldiers and 15 tanks in the first day of fighting around Chhamb. An Indian spokesman claimed In- dian air strikes destroyed or badly damaged 13 of the medium U.S.- made Patton tanks and 30 or 40 other heavy behicles were wrecked. Big Clashes Expected Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri told Indian political lead- ers his government expects very big clashes are ahead and that India's strategy must be con- sidered in a much wider context. One aspect of the government's policy appeared to be to put pres- sure on the United States because of Pakistan's alleged use of U.S. military aid and equipment. Indian leaders have been in-, censed for months over what they say is Pakistan's increasing use of U.S. equipment against India. An Indian spokesman said it was too early to tell who was win- ning, adding: "We ar, still push- ing each other around in the border areas." More Invasions He said one Pakistani spearhead crossed the international frontier and headed toward Jammu, Kash- mir's winter capital about 35 miles southeast of Chhamb. Another force crossed the cease- fire line in the Bhimbar area and overran Chhamb and Dewa. The Indians are .sensitive about the Chhamb area. About 35 miles to the: east of Chhamb lies the only highway into Kashmir from India proper. If this road was cut, all Indian forces farther north would be in peril. Srinagar, the regular capital of Indian-held Kashmir, is 95 miles north of Chhamb. Peace Efforts Kashmir was divided between Pakistan and India in 1949 after a U.N. cease-fire halted their war over the Himalayan state. With the present conflict tak- ing India and Pakistan near to war, peace efforts were opened by the United Nations, the United States and Britain. Secretary of State Dean Rusk is reported to have cabled the Indian government asking for an immediate cease-fire-an appeal also made by the British govern- ment and U.N. Secretary-General U Thant in a letter received yes- terday afternoon by Prime Minis- ter Shastri. Thant sent a similar letter to Pakistan, but a spokes- man in Rawalpindi said it had not been received! Tough Stand It appeared the Indian govern- ment was taking an extra tough stand and refusing to consider any settlement formula that even smacked of compromise. Thinking in New Delhi is that Shastri's government would settle only for complete Pakistani with- drawal from all cease-fire line areas in Kashmir and public ac- knowledgement by Pakistan that it is responsible, as India charges, for the bloody eruption of a guer- rilla war in Kashmir Aug. 5. Reports from Pakistan indicated President Mohammed Ayub Khan's government also was taking a tough stand, blaming India for the escalation of the fighting. Charge Aggression Ie bases his charge on the fact that Indian troops struck three times into Pakistani-held Kash- mir last month and seized several army outposts. India claims the attacks were necessary to halt in- filtration of guerrillas from Paki- stan. On all sides in India there were signs of preparations were being made for a'long struggle. The prime minister cabled his appraisal of the situation to the chief ministers of all the Indian states, declaring India was taking all necessary "counter measures" to meet what he called "Paki- stani aggression." Civil Defense In Calcutta, in eastern India, the West Bengal state civil de- fense organization began man- ning all control room's round the clock. Special guards put on vital installations in Calcutta, New Delhi and other cities. In the eastern state of Tripura, Chief Ministers S. L. Singh told newsmen reports had been re- ceived of "Pakistani mobilization" in East Pakistan, facing the Tri- pura border. He called on the people of his state to be vigilant. U.S. Admits Spy Charges; Ambassador To Meet with Yew SINGAPORE ()-Prime Minis- The prime minister had threat- ter Lee Kuan Yew, who has gain- ened-if the denial stood-to name ed a Washington admission that a presidential intermediary of high United'States officials engaged in rank who, he said, offered him "improper activities" here in 1960, the bribe in 1960. t is meeting today with the U.S. In Washington, there was a call ambassador to Malaysia, James for an explanation from responsi- D. Bell. ble officials of the State Depart- The prestige-conscious chief of ment and the CIA. Rep. Clement this newly independent nation has J. Zablocki (D-Wis), chairman invited press, radio, and televi- of tlie'House Foreign Affairs sub- sion representation to cover the committee on the Far East, said session in his guarded office at closed hearings will be peld after the city hall. the Labor Day recess. A probable topic is American Bell is believed to have urged diplomatic representation in Sing- Lee at a recent meeting to take apore, which the U.S. recognized a' more anti-Communist stand. following the island state's break- Sources close to the prime minis- away from Malaysia Aug. 9. ter said the ambassador told him Declined To Speak Based 200 miles away in Kuala Lumpul, Malaysia, Bell declined, to say in advance what he and Lee would disewss. The ambassador had declared Tuesday "there is no truth" to a news conference declaration by the prime minister that the U.S. gov- ernment offered Lee a $3-million bribe not to reveal that a Central Intelligence Agency agent was caught trying to buy state se- crets from a Singapore intelli- gence officer. There was a similar denial from the U.S. State Department. But the department backtracked when Lee produced a letter of apology Secretary of State Dean Rusk wrote in 1961, after the transi- tion from the Dwight D. Eisen- hower to the John'F. Kennedy administration. ithe U.S. government was per- turbed by his attitude toward Red 'China. Anti-Communist Lee maintains he is anti-Com- munist and most political an- alysts believe him. But he recent- ly authorized a Singapore trade mission to Red China and said he was prepared to establish dip- lomatic relations with Peking if it recognized his government. Speculation as to why Lee brought up the bribery t'nd spy charges centered on two theories. One was that Lee, worried by the fact few African and Asian nations have recognized his gov- ernrent, made the anti-Ameri- can charges to prove he is not a "neocolonialist stooge." Neutral Sphere The other was that Lee, want- ing friends in the neutral sphere, was bucking American pressure to The letter, written April 15, proclaim himself and Singapore 1961, apologized because "certain in the anti-Communist camp. Such U.S. government officials" had a move by Lee would end his been engaged in "improper activi- chances of being recognized as ties in Singapore." a neutral by the African and As- Although Lee, 42, rode to power ian nations. with the support of Communists, Observers here generally give he is generally believed to be more support to the first view anti-Communist. than the second. Democratic-Socialist Some had noted that Lee ap- Lee, a graduate of Cambridge iL- University, claims to be a demo- pears to be worried by the i crati6-socialist. But his Socialist ness of someone close to him and that he is under tremendous strain le i s e i. to reorganize his government since h Lee claims he is not an anglo- separation from Malaysia. philo and says he hates "what the British pumped into me" when he Emotional Outburst was at school in England. Observers were startled by Lee's But Lee realizes the role the show of emotion when announcing United States is playing in South- that this tiny island state had east Asia. Despite his claim that been forced by Malaysia to leave he will "never have the Ameri- the federation. He broke down and cans" in Singapore, he knows wept while explaining the move at their presence is necessary for a news conference. In the past he his survival. had created an impression of being Observers believe Lee is unlikely fiery and tough. to continue to attack the United Some also were taken aback by States. He told newsmen Wednes- the prime minister's anti-Ameri- day "I have made my point. So can statements during a televised we ought to leave the position as news conference Tuesday. He said it stands." then the U.S. government had of- fered him a $3-million bribe not to reveal that a Central Intelli- gence Agency operative had been teel Tk caught and arrested for trying to buy state secrets. The U.S. State Department is- s sued a formal denial of Lee's charges. But after Lee produced a letter of apology written by' Secretary of State Dean Rusk, it WASHINGTON (P) - President said the denial was in error. Johnson said yesterday that White. r . ...... ";:::: i CHIN i i % e e f i 11I PAKISTAN......... . A v} J .:..... :;;...... -Associated Pre ARROW INDICATES PLACE wihere a Pakistani spearhead crossed the international frontier and headed In the direction of Jammu, Kashmir s w~inter capital, as fighting continued with' Indian troops. s :>k?: >j'i M ak:~{{:: ing:""": P ro g ress%?i::i} +( ri Urgs Setlemen WASHINGTON (M)-The House Appropriations Committee approv- ed Thursday a foreign aid money bill cut only $75 million below the authorized total-the. smallest. shrinkage in the program's 18- year history.r The $3.285-billion financing measure-about $35 million over last year's figure-was worked out last week by a habitually critical subcommittee headed by Rep. Otto, E. Passman (D-La) after Congress sent to President Johnson a $3.36- billion aid authorization bill. That measure setting spending ceilings was about $97.6 million below Johnson's original request of $3.45. billion for military as- sistance' plus economic loans 'and grants abroad for the fiscal year that beg'an July 1. Record Low One factor in the cuts being smaller this year is tliat Johnson's request was a record low for the program. Last year he asked for $3.52 billion and got $3.25 billion-, a cut of more than $200 million compared to this year's over-all reduction so far of $165 million, in authorization and appropriation' measures. The bill reported out Thursday totals $4,001,453,000, providing funds fora several other programs in addition to foreign aid. In- cluded is $102 million for the Peace Corps-plus $12.1 million is unobligated carryover money- about $1 million less than request- ed. The $4 billion total is $91.9 mil- lion higher than money provided the same programs in the 1965 fiscal year. Previous Slash The previous IQw slash in for- eign aid from authorization to actual a propriation was $198 mil- lion cut from the 1952 program. The figures approved Thursday would give Johnson all the $1.17 billion he asked in military aid funds to help 54 nations resist Communist encroachment. This is the biggest item in the measure and is $115 million over last year's appropriation. The bill includes these large al- lotments, which are for the amount requested or authorized except where differences are not- ed: -$202,355 million for technical cooperation and development grants to promote the social and economic progress of friendly na. tions-$7.6 million less than Con- gress authorized. --$144.755 million for U.S. con- tributions to international organ- izations and programs, including the United Nations. -$369.2 million in economic aid to help less developed nations ex- pdan their defense programs. Emergency Use --$50 million for emergency use to meet needs not now foreseen. -$89 million for expanded pro- grams of economic and social de- velopment in Southeast Asia. -$445.125 million for develop- ment loans in Latin America un- der the Alliance for Progress pro- grams, in addition to $75 million for technical cooperation and de- velopment grants in the same areas--$60 million less thani the President asked. Development Loans -$675.225 million for develop- ment loans outside Latin America -$105 mililon less than requested. -$32.265 million to help refu- gees from Communist Cuba, main- ly in the Miami, Fla., area. -$455.880 million for the In- ternational Development Bank- the total asked. -$104 million for the Interna- tional Development Association for development assistance loans. -$7 million for American- sponsored schools and hospitals abroad. House Barely Cuts Foreign Aid Funds Guardsmen Keep, Tense Peace As Natchez Awaits Marches NATCHEZ, Miss. ,()-Mississip-, pi National Guardsmen in battle dress enforced a tense peace here yesterday after city officials re- jected Negro demands for stepped- up desegregation Gov Paul Johnson sent the 650 guardsmen into this historic Mis- sississippi River port city, saying there was immin'ent danger of a riot. Negro leaders called off an af- ternoon march. They urged. Ne- groes to stay calm. Riot Guns Guardsmen, some with riot guns and others with bayonets on their rifles, patrolled the streets in jeeps. Their orders were to dis- perse any groups that formed. "We are not here to enforce integration or segregation," said State Adj. Gen. Walter Johnson, who commanded the troops. "We are here to enforce the law." The Negro demands generally called for total and immediate de- segregation of schools and other public facilities, employment of Negro police officers and an end to alleged police brutality. Theater Demonstrations They had warned that if these demands were not met, there would be marches and demonstra- tions.r "The Negroes have armed them- selves," warned Charles Evers, Viet Cong Rous ted, 22 Die, 46 Captured Mississippi field secretary for the National Association for the Ad- vancement of Colored People. Ku Klux Klan leaders also told of their followers taking up arms. Mayor John Nosser and the board of aldermen conferred with Negro leaders at city hall for more than two hours. Afterwards the board announced it would "make no concessions to any group under duress or intimida- tion." Proper Petition C ice tensions ease, the mayor ar a aldermen said, they would "in any normal and reasonable time consider a proper petition from any local citizens." The Rev. Shead Baldwin, a Negro minister' who acted as spokesman for thehNegroes pre- senting the list of demands, said formation of a biracial committee was discussed. He said the city officials maintained such a group would serve no useful purpose. The Rev. Mr. Baldwin said the city officials did agree to meet with the Negro delegation at any time. Rights Bombing The racial crisis broke was touched off Friday by the booby- trap bombing of a civil rights leader in his car. The victim, George Metcalfe, suffered leg, arm and facial injuries. He is in fair condition. In calling up six guard com- panies-all from the southern half of the state-Gov. Johnsol said there "is imminent danger in the city of Natchez of a riot, mob, un- lawful assembly and breach of the peace." He 'said Mississippi was deter- mined to protect its citizens and their property from injury or damage at the hands of mobs. House steel negotiations are mak- ing some progress, but informedi sources said union' and industry are still more than six cents apart. "I want them to keep hard at it," Johnson said after stepping personally into the talks for the first time since moving them here from Pittsburgh Monday. Johnson told negotiators for the AFL-CIO United Steelworkers of America and 10 major steel firms he saw no, reason why they can't reach a settlement, hopefully be- fore Labor Day, well in advance of next Thursday's 12:01 a.m. strike deadline. Hope for Settlement He would even like to see a settlement now so he could go to Texas for the weekend, Johnson said he told the negotiators in a 43-minute session. But sources inside the steel talks said progress was slow and that the two sides were still far from a settlement. White House press secretary Bill D. Moyers said the prospect was that the negotiations would con- tinue into the night for the fourth straight night. Compromise Proposal Asked if the administration had made a compromise proposal in the dispute, Moyers said "we have made no proposal whatever." Moyers said Johnson had or- World News Roundup By The Associated Press LANSING--Gov. George Rom- ney yesterday pegged the state treasury surplus at a record $135.5 million but warned that this un- expectedly high figure does not change the need for tax legisla- tion this fall. Romney said he is summoning tax negotiators back to see wheth- er the level of a proposed state in- dered dinner sent into the nego- tiators. Preyipusly, the negotiators had been leaving for a two-hour dinner break each evening. Moyers said .the President "told them to keep working and that he would provide the fare." Seek Breakthrough' Johnson's action appeared to be a further effort to push the talks toward a major break- through so he could go to his ranch in Texas for a long Labor Day weekend.' The President said earlier in the day he could not go as long as there was a steel dispute. Informed sources said the in- dustry had raised its offer to in- crease wages and fringe benefits to about 43 cents an hour over three years. The union reportedly held to its demand for 49.8 cents. Steelworkers now get $4.40 an hour in wages and fringe benefits. Abel's Very Able "This fellow Abel is a very able horse trader," Johnson said of the union president, I. W. Abel. "He has met his match with Cooper," Johnson added in a ref- erence. to the chief industry ne- gotiator, R. Conrad Cooper. At his meeting with the nego- tiators, Johnson gave them what he described as "some pious ob- servations." Johnson, who has said a strike would damage the nation's econ- omy and military strength, warned the negotiators again of the eco- nomic effects of a shutdown. Read and Use Michigan Daily Classifieds .I I SAIGON (A')-A Vietnamese task force pressed a drive last night against the Viet Cong in Quang Ngai Province, where a Red ef- fort to drive from the mountains to the South China Sea was crushed in early June. A United States military spokes- man said the troops reported they killed 22 Viet Cong, captured five and rounded up 46 suspects in the opening hours of the engagement, 15 miles south of Quang Ngai City. Government losses were de- scribed as light. It was in this region, 320 miles northeast of Saigon, that a rein- forced Viet.Cong regiment made an abortive bid last spring to engine jets from Guam blasted a suspected Viet Cong concentra- tion in woods only 20 miles north- northwest of the city. Lighter U.S. and Vietnamese planes provided counterpoint, fly- ing 120 sorties against suspected Viet Cong positions in the 24- hour period ended at 6 a.m. Pilots said they destroyed or damaged 520 enemy structures. The crash of a U.S. helicopter injured its four American crew- men. Briefing officers said the craft went down near An Khe, about 250 miles northeast of Sai- gon, apparently from niechanical failure rather than enemy fire. STUDENT EMPLOYEES- Student employees needed in Residence Halls for part-time food service jobs: busing, dishwashing, counter work, etc. $1.25 per hour-meals are optional Apply to Mr. Wagner, 2258 Student Activities Building DON'T SA Y you can't find it Mm All Additions or Corrections to Addresses and Telephone Numbers To Appear in the 1965-66 STUDENT DIRE(T iORY Must lBe Made, in Person at 2226 STUDENT overrun the city and plant its On Hon Matt Red flag on the seashore. Strikes against North Viet Nam included a raid by two U.S. Air Counter-attack Force- B-57 Canberra jets on ra- Counter-attacking Vietnamese dar installations on Hon Matt units and U.S. planes blocked the Island, in the Gulf of Tonkin 140 push. Nearly 200 government miles north of the border. troops were killed. Americans es- Newsmen were told the Can- tmated the Viet Cong suffered berras dropped five tons of bombs about 60 casualties. aon the target, but atmospheric. About 80 miles down the coast, conditions prevented an accurate .U.S. Army troops caught a 15- dltions p e ac--- Hope for Calm ; come tax should be reduced in t The governor was in Natchez light of the favorable treasury y during the morning for the fu- figures. neral of a University of Missis- * *K * sippi football player. Before re- TOKYO-Red China declared turning to his capitol at Jackson, yesterday it isn't afraid of war he expressed hope that there with the United States, but the would be no violence. Soviet Union is. Tirs the fitinstn in i "Soviet leaders are afraid of i I 111I 11