A SUGGESTION ABOUT SGC See Editorial Page \:Y L Siri t Y A6F :43 a t I MILD High--S0 Low-55 Sunny and warmer with some clouds Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVI, No. 6 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1965 SEVEN CENTS ewMeasureToAonstruct By CLARENCE FANTO finance, told the Daily yesterday. psychology departments, McKev- the aid to a larger number of stu- to a doubling of this figure by Under the new Insured Reduc- to uni SeteterdaGrant Award itt revealed. dents, Streiff said. 1971 ed-Interest Loan Program, stu- up to enate passage yestrday of the A grant award of $1.4 million Senate approval of the educa- Congress has appropriated $163 dents would be able to borrow up the fe Higher Education Act of 1965 for a new graduate library has tion authorization will also af- million in NDEA loans for this Higher Grants to $150Q per year, with repayment cation promises increased financial aid already been made, McKevitt said. feet University scholarship grants, academic year. If the Senate pass- University students received an beginning one year after the stu- equiva for more University students and The new Senate measure would including those issued through the es the new Higher Educatin Act, average of $675 through the NDEA dent finishes his full-time aca- time new grants for construction of double the funds available in the National Defense Education Act. the 1969 authorization for the program last year. With new funds demic program. A maximum of 10 academic facilities and the library state for construction of under- NDEA program will total $225 released for the use of graduate years is permitted for repayment Alth system. graduate academic facilities, in- Student Loans million. This figure will rise to students, this figure will rise to has n The $4.7 billion authorization cluding $1 million needed for a The number of student loans a peak of $275 million by 1971, or $750 this year, and possibly $800 Scholarship Authorization this t covers the fiscal years 1966 new modern language building, under the National Defense Edu- about double the money made next year. Late last year, Con- A $70-million authouization for direct through 1971. The first-year au- housing classrooms and offices cation Act. has gradually increas- available in 1964. gress approved revisions in the scholarships is also written into there hDoAsprgram inreasirgbenefitdthef165eact.Theseafnds woud1whic thorization of $672 million is more north of Hill Auditorium. An ap- ed in recent years. During the NDEA program increasing benefits the 1965 act. These funds would which than twice as much as President plication for a grant to begin con- 1964-65 academic year, nearly 1400 The University approved loans to graduate and part-time stu- be made available to students from dition Johnson originally requested . struction on this facility is now undergraduate and graduate stu- totalling more than $900,000 last dents. low-income families and Could be would The increased availability of being processed, McKevitt report- dents received such loans. This year. One-third of this money con- There are three other types of combined with loans under the librar funds at the state level for dis- ed. year, that figure is rising to 1550, sists of federal funds received un- federal aid for students. The Col- NDEA program. The maximum progra tribution to various Michigan uni- reports Karl D. Streiff, assistant der the National Defense Edu- lege Work-Study Program in- amount of this scholarship would tional versities will have a major im- The additional funds expected director of financial aid in the cation Act. This year, the total creases opportunities for part-time be $800 per year. systen pact on several major University from congressional action would Office of Student Affairs. An in- University outlay for scholarships employment for students fromTse construction projects, " John G. also aid several projects still in crease in funds made available may exceed $1.25 million. Congres- low-income families. $129 million The new education bill also pro- tions McKevitt, assistant to the vice- the Planning stage, including new under the NDEA program will en- sional 4pproval of the new educa- is expected to be authorized for vides an authorization of $65 mil- ties i president in charge of business and buildin Vr the mathematics and able the University to distribute tion bill could bring about close 1966. lion for fiscal 1966 in assistance gaps. EIGHT PAGES "o versity libraries. Basic grants $5000 would be approved by deral commissioner of edu- , with supplemental grants lent of up to $10 per full- tudent. cough the University library io single pressing need at ine Dr. Frederick Wagman, or of the system, reports are several special requests may be made once the ad- al funds are available. These include an expansion of the Y's collection in area study 3ms, the purcoase of addi- periodical microflims, and a vatic review of the collec- in history and the humani- a order to fill any possible enate Passes ducation ill I - i What's New At 764-1817 Hotine Attempting to increase low-cost housing, the city council passed this week a resolution creating' an Ann Arbor Housing Commission. The commission would set standards and obtain figures necessary to qualify Ann Arbor for federal and local aid to housing. Acting Dean Charles W. Joiner and Prof. James W. White addressed the University Law School Legal Association last night to explain the operation of the Washtenaw Legal Aid Society, Inc., an, organization which is the outgrowth of a recent Michigan' Supreme Court ruling to allow junior and senior law students to act as legal counsel for indigent persons, under the guidance of practicing attorneys. An overflowing crowd attended the Homecoining mass meet- ing at the Union Ballroom last night. In contrast to the period themes of the past, the weekend of Oct. 15-16 will revolve around a mathematical theme, "nUMber '65." Interest reflected at the meeting led General Co-chairmen Barbara Nepstad and Andy Falender to anticipate "a highly successful and fun-filled Homecoming." The residence hall system is experiencing the annual short- age of student employes. Robert L. Wagner, assistant to the busi- ness manager of the residence halls, said the response to ad- vertisements has increased and the shortage will probably be filled soon. He had not heard reports that the shortage of ex- perienced workers was caused by many upperclassmen moving out of the quadrangles last year. Administrative souices feel that availability of financial aid has meant a decrease in the number of students needing work. ** * * ' Police Chief Rolland J. Gainsley said yesterday that the police department will try to control traffic congestion by cracking down on illegally parked cars, motorcycles and motor scooters. The University is working with him to solve traffic problems, Gainsley added. The third high-rise building announced this week will be constructed, starting Nov. 1, on State Street near Packard, according to yesterday's announcement by Ronald E. Mitchell. Mitchell, who heads the investment group that will construct the 13-story apartment building, said the building will be ready for occupancy at the beginning of the 1966-1967 fall trimester. Panhellenic Association -announced yesterday that to date 311 women have registered for fall rush, which is not open to freshman women. Last year, 329 women rushed University sorori- ties in the fall and 153 pledged. Students wishing to register today may do so in the rush office, 2542 Student Activities Building. Wiretap "E" Stickers-student driving permits-are being given out more sparingly by Joint Judiciary Council's Driving Committee, an official source said yesterday. Many reasons for having cars at the University that previously would have been accepted by the committee are not being accepted, the source said. Long Distance The University Medical School will be able to award scholar- ships of up to $2,500 per year through a new federal program of aid for medical and nursing education. The $787.5 million bill was approved by the House of Representatives this week. The meas- ure now goes to the Senate. Two current programs have been extended for another three years. These are a $160 million per year program in matching grants to aid in the construction and replacement of teaching facilities, and a $25 million per year pro- gram in funds for student loans. * * * *3 Rep. Weston Vivian (D-Ann Arbor) yesterday announced two federal grants for University research projects. The Public Health 'CutlerSas ' To Plan Apartments OSA Works on Idea For Establishment of University Bookstore By LILLI VENDIG The University is considering plans for building unsupervised housing like apartments for sin- gle upperclassmen, Vice-Presi- dent for Student Affairs Richard L. Cutler said at last night's Stu- dent Government Council meet- ing. Building this type of housing involves the problems of rent lev- el and private versus public de- velopment, he added. Further action depends on the report from the President's Blue Ribbon Housing Committee with- in two to three weeks. High on the priority list now are apart- ments for married graduate stu- dents which will enable them to live more cheaply. Cutler's office is working on plans for a University book store, he said. The opening of a book- store would necessitate change in the Regents' bylaws. Any change would require an accumulation of public opinion and student sup- port. Without it, the project would fail, Cutler remarked. He called on SGC to get student support for the project. Student activism is "an issue, not a problem," Cutler said. It marks a latent moral revolution, a concern by students about how people treat one another, he said. Cutler stressed that 'activism be aimed toward a positive goal, rath- er than toward destruction of an institution. He expressed caution lest insti- tutions b° destroyed because of some evil in them. He also warned that activism not be an end in it- self. Cutler added that he wants stu- dents on this campus to have maximum freedom in the areas of speech and personal action. He maintaine that people find best their purpose in life when they have the freedom t - test them- selves and society. "Increased freedom must be accompanied by increased responsibility," he claim- ed. He aso said that, although he encourages freedom, he will be, strict with those who abuse it. Cutler called on SGC to take action, rather than pass paper resolutions. He said that for stu- dent government to be useful, it, must know the facts on which the University takes action, and be; participants in the decision-mak- ing process. He remarked that the council now represents a "constituency which does not exist"-the gen- eral student body. The student body, he said, is composed of various interest groups,nsome ad hoc, some continuing. The trick of having representative govern- ment is to find a way to appeal to all these parochial groups. EVEN BUREAUCRATS CAN SMILE After the battle with Congress for appropriation funds has been won, government officials are all smiles and graciousness. At least that's what The Daily's reporter-photographer Mark Killingsworth found on Aug. 24 when he stopped by the White House to witness the signing of a bill extending the Peace Corps with a $115 million authorization for 1965-66. Killingsworth, serving during the sum- mer as a legislative aide in Washington, captured (left to right) Peace Corps Director Sargent Shriver, President Johnson and Vice- President Hubert Humphrey wreathed in smiles. Naturally, Lyndon was passing out pens to highlight the festivities. SPECIAL REPORT: SG C Seeks To Bttle HighCot legislation Now Faces Joint Talks Programn To Provide Federal Scholarships For Needy Students WASHINGTON ()-On a 79-3 roll call, the Senate yesterday passed a $4.7-billion higher edu- cation bill providing federal schol- arships for needy students and funds to strengthen colleges strug- gling with the enrollment boom. Under the scholarship plan i the Senate bill, which follows President Johnson's recommenda- tion, an estimated 140,000 needy students would get payments averaging $500 in the first year. The grants could go as high as $1000. The student aids title of the bill also would establish a pro- gram of federal insurance of re- duced interest rate private loans for college students, and would broaden a work-study program which enables students to earn money for their education. Work-Study Plan About 260,000 students are ex- pected to get jobs under the work-study plan. The bill also would establish a national teacher corps whose members would serve in poverty- stricken areas to improve educa- tional opportunities for disadvan- taged youngsters. The 79-3 vote on the bill sent the legislation to conference with the House which passed it in dif- ferent form by a 367-22 vote Aug. 26. Sponsors Confident But sponsors of the measure said they are confident the dif- ferences will be settled quickly and amicably. The bSenate version authorizes $672 million the first year as com- pared with about $650 million in the House measure. Most sections of the Senate bill include funds for four additional years. The House is expected to go along with a Senate provision to establish a national teacher corps whose members would serve in poverty-stricken areas to improve education for youths in those areas. The Senate version author- izes $672 million the first year compared to $650 million in the House measure. Long Fight Passage of the bill capped a long fight by senators interested in education legislation to set up a federal scholarship program. The Senate has voted for this be- fore but it always has been re- jected in the House. But this program is certain to be in the final compromise bill this time since the House went along with a modified scholarship plan in passing the higher educa- tion measure. It designated the payments as opportunity grants. The only major amendment attached to the bill in the Senate yesterday was one which would By ROBERT MOORE In two separate resolutions last night, Student Government Coun- cil moved to organize students to help themselves against high book prices and rents. In one, SGC passed a report that said a student bookstore should have University support, and that a Regents' 1929 bylaw banning this would have to be repealed. In the other, the council passed one part of another report-tabl- ing the rest until next Thursday- giving its support to Voice Politi- cal Party plans to organize a stu- dent "economic and political pres- sure group." Voice will begin its efforts - now with SGC approval-on Tues- day -with a rally and continue through next week with actions aimed at uniting students for fur- ther action. The statement that was tabled included a long report on the present situation and three more motions. One of the motions tabled ask- ed for SGC support -of either "greatly enlarging" the present University Off-Campus Housing Board or of discontinuing Univer- sity rental agreements. The tabl- ed report also asked for bi-weekly meetings with Vice-Presidents Cutler and Wilbur Pierpont and increases in low-cost married stu- dent housing. The bookstore motion, passed completely, asked for widespread publicity for the proposed book- store. If the Regents were to re- ject a University-financed book- store, the motion said, overt stu- dent and faculty support (peti. tions, letters, etc.) to administra- tors and state legislators should be brought to bear on the Re- gents. Labor Union Funds If that does not work, the mo- tion continued, funds from labor unions and other institutions should be used to found a stu- dent cooperative or private dis- count bookstore. In other action, SGC decided to give $1,050 to finance and co- sponsor an Oct: 7 citizen's confer- ence, suggested by the University Student Employes' Union (UM- SEU; which will be intended to study and discuss student econom- ic welfare. A UMSEU representative said that "Know Your University Day" would attract about 300 civic lead- ers; a committee of seven UMSEU members and two SGC members will run it. SBX The temporary officers of the SGC bookstore gave their report last night, explaining that the "SBX," which had been slated to open this term, had missed its opening date because of lack of capital .and of an experienced manager. Several SGC members complained that the failure was due to the fact that SGC did not really function over the summer.. The housing report, ssubmitted by Chairman of the Off-Campus Housing Advisory Board Russell Linden, '68, raised several impor- tant points. -First, it estimated that Ann Arbor realtors are making a 20- 38 per cent profit, whereas in most markets profits run from 10-13 per cent. It also cited the aver- age rent in.the campus area as $60 per month. Criticism -It criticized the University for making decisions "slowly and jpcorly" concerning its housing plans. It cited Bursley Hall, which was originally planned in 1958 but not actually begun until last year, as an example of the slow decision-making process. It further stated that University. residence halls and married stu- dent housing are as expensive as privately-owned housing. -It charged that the Universi- ty's rental agreement, which seeks to protect both the realtor and the' student, actually does little on behalf of the student. "It serves realtors because it al- lows the University'to withold the student's reregistration if he fails to pay his' rent, while it holds no _._._ . _ Smith To Speak at Viet Parley Among the keynote speakers when the International Confer-I this time participants will discuss foreign policy and try to agree On the Ann Arbor advisory committee for the conference are I