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September 01, 1965 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-09-01

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Hint Arms Agency Unrest;
Russians Hit' Nuclear Plan

Congress Leaders Urge
Quick Steel Settlement

Dirksen's Apportionment Move
Snags Imnigration Proposal

Special To The Daily
WASHINGTON-Some officials
in the United States Arms Con-
trol and Disarmament Agency
feel that U.S. disarmament policy
"does not go at all far enough,"
it Was learned here-while at the
Geneva disarmament talks, the
Soviet Union formally rejected the
most recent U.S. proposal for a
nuclear proliferation treaty.
Soviet delegate Semyon K.
Tsarapkin told the 17-nation dis-
armament conference no such
treaty can ever be concluded un-
less it bars West Germany from
any direct or indirect access to
nuclear weapons.
He described West German 're-
venge-seeking militarism" as the
greatest danger to world security
and declared that the Western
powers are pretending to seek a
halt to the spread of nuclear
weapons while plotting to give
access to such weapons to the
"West German militarists."
Tsarapkin also accused the
United States and Britain of
dragging their heels on all aspects
of disarmament, of automatically
rejecting Soviet proposals while
deliberately putting forward sug-
gestions which they knew in ad-
vance to be unacceptable to the
Soviet Union.
A Disarmament Agency source
said that a minority of the Agency
staff support the proposal of Sen-
ator Robert F. Kennedy (D-NY)
that the U.S. must be prepared to
scrap its plans for an Atlantic
Alliance multilateral force (MLF)
should the Soviets indicate a will-
ingness for a similar concession.
These Agency sources believe
such a move would measurably

improve chances for a disarma-
ment treaty.
Chief U.S. negotiator William C.
Foster on Aug. 17 proposed a
treaty under which all nuclear
powers would promise never to
provide non-nuclear nations with
nuclear weapons or nuclear know-
how while non-nuclear nations
would promise not to acquire such
But the proposal also contained
a loophole allowing an atomic
power to set up a MLF with non-
nuclear nations if it retained a
veto on the force's use--and an-
other clause which, it is believed,
could have allowed several non-
nuclear nations to band together
to develop a communal nuclear
force of their own.
Yesterday Tsarapkin cited state-
ments by Foster and British dele-
gate Lord Chalfont that the treaty
draft would not prevent the crea-
tion of some form of North At-
lantic nuclear force in which West
Germany and other non-nuclear
members of the North Atlantic
alliance would share a voice in
the West's defense.
Replying to Tsarapkin, Foster
repeated the Western argument
that the proposed Atlantic force
would not constitute proliferation
of nuclear weapons.
He said if Soviet concern over
nonproliferation is genuine, the
Soviet Union has no valid pretext
to oppose the treaty.
"But if the real Soviet aim is
to divide and weaken the Western
alliance or prevent the growth of
political harmony in Western
Europe then we will never satisfy
the Soviet Union at this con-

Some of the Agency officials,
however, believe "very strongly"
that the U.S. should be willing to
concede on its MLF drive.
"But the political consequences
of such a move would be very
great, and possibly disastrous for
the political health of the
Agency," the source commented.
"Besides, the State Department-
Defense Department line strongly
favors the MLF for supposedly
necessary diplomatic and military
reasons, and it has prevailed," he
No Report
He added that no Agency of-
ficial has yet received a copy of
the recent top-secret report of
the Presidential panel headed by
former undersecretary of defense
Roswell Gilpatrick.
The report is known to have
urged that a disarmament treaty
be given much higher priority
than establishment of an MLF.
Yesterday in Geneva, however,
Foster reassured the West Ger-
man government that the North
Atlantic Treaty Organization
countries "will not permit the
question of their collective nu-
clear defense arrangements to be
a subject ofnnegotiations with the
Soviet Union."
Foster went out of his way to
stress -this point after a speech by
Canadian delegate E.L.M. Burns
last week threw the Bonn govern-
ment into a panic.
The West Germans interpreted
Burns' speech as meaning that
the West was prepared to nego-
tiate with the.Soviet Union over
an Atlantic force and even give
them a say in its eventual form.
The Canadian government has-
tily assured Bonn that Burns did
not mean this at all.

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - President
Johnson, who won an eight-day
postponement of the steel strike
threat Monday night, kept up
the pressure for a settlement yes-
terday in his weekly meeting with
Democratic congressional leaders.
The party chiefs from the Capi-
tol came out of the breakfast
session reporting that the steel
situation was discussed extensive-
ly, and urging that the negotiators
stay in session as long as neces-
sary to reach agreement.
They made their remarks to
newsmen shortly after representa-
tives of the AFL-CIO United
Steelworkers Union and 10 major
firms that produce 80 per cent of
America's steel had gone back to
the bargaining table just across
a private street from the White
"Management and labor should
stay in Washington until this mat-
ter is settled," said Sen. Mansfield
of Montana.
And, echoing sentiments stated
by House Speaker John McCor-
mack, Mansfield expressed hope
that steel mills will remain in
operation even if a settlement is
not reached before the expiration
of the eight-day grace period.
Both at home and abroad, Mans-
field said, "there is too much at
stake which the country will have
to pay for if there is one"-a
Less than eight hours after the


negotiations were shifted Monday
from Pittsburgh to Washington at
Johnson's request, agreement was
reached to postpone the strike
deadline from 12:01 a.m. Wednes-
day to 12:01 a.m. Sept. 9.
Federal mediators, headed by
Secretary of Labor W. Willard
Wirtz and Secretary of Commerce
John T. Connor, now have the
tough job of trying to reconcile
what Johnson had described Mon-
day as the "very hard positions"
of both sides.
-The union is demanding a 17.9-
cent hourly increase in wages and
fringe benefits in each year of a
three-year contract.1The indus-
try's last offer was 13.5 cents per
Johnson has indicated in the
past that he expects a settlement
within White House wage-price,
guidelines that would limit the
raise to 3.2 per cent with no price
increase. He did nothing Monday
to change that impression.
Presidential Press Secretary Bill
D. Moyers said two negotiating
subcommittees spent yesterday af-
ternoon in dealing with the two
major issues of the dispute-wages
and pensions. The subcommittees
consisted of two industry and two
union representatives each.
Informed sources said union and
management were further apart
on pensions than on any other
The two sides disagree over
how much the union's demand for
an early, retirement provision at
age 55 would cost. They also re-
portedly differ on when the new
pension plan would go into effect.
The union was said to want to
begin next May and the industry
in September.
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By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-The adminis-
tration's immigration bill got
caught in a squeeze play Tuesday
with Senate Republican leader
Everett M. Dirksen's fight over
state legislative reapportionment.
The Judiciary Committee dead-
locked, 8 to 8, over reporting out
the Illinois senator's proposed
constitutional amendment to wa-
ter down the Supreme Court's
one-man, one-vote apportionment
When it did this, Dirksen ex-
ercised his right and asked that
action on the immigration bill be
put over for a week.
President Johnson has been
pushing hard to get the new im-
migration bill passed and Dirksen
said the White House had called

him twice Monday to urge action His plan would let state legis-
on it. latures use geography and politi-
Dirksen said he isn't opposed to cal subdivisions as well as popula-
the bill. tion in one house for an appor-
"I'm for it," he declared and tionment factor, if the people in
said he had assured the White each state approved in a referen-
House of this. dum.
"It's their move," he said when Afte,' _ r sid hP

asked if he expects administration
help to shake it loose from com-
The Republican leader claimed
he wasn't concerned whether the
committee approved his amend-
ment or just reported it out with-
out recommendation.
He just wants it on the calen-
Dirksen earlier tacked his orig-
inal reapportionment amendment
to a minor bill and lost by seven

tibl IZ11g, Llh :1 al le
would keep on trying.
Sen. Thomas Dodd (D-Conn)
said Dirksen is still in a "very
strategic position" to block action
on the immigration bill again next
week. And he said if he "has to
pay the price" of voting to report
it out to get the immigration bill
passed, he'd be inclined to do it.
As for his action in blocking the
immigration bill, Dirksen said,
"You preserve your rights with
every weapon you've got."


Greer Crisis
Thwarts King;
Council Called
By The Associated Press
ATHENS, Greece - King Con-
stantine Tuesday called a crown
council for Wednesday night, but
it appeared doubtful that the
meeting could provide any im-
mediate solution for Greece's mar-
athon political crisis.
The council, comprising party
leaders and such former premiers
and other political personalities as
the king chooses to invite, can
only offer advice. And most pos-
sible and practical courses open
to the 25-year-old monarch al-
ready have been proposed.
They are:
-A return to office of former
Premier George Papandreou,
whose ouster touched off the
crisis, a solution the king ada-
mantly rejects.
-Immediate elections, a solu-
tion advocated by Papandreou but
rejected for the present by the
king and many politicians, includ-
ing some Papandreou supporters
who hate to face the heavy cam-
paign costs.
A possible compromise that
could come from the crown coun-
cil would be agreement among all
parties to accept a caretaker gov-
ernment for a matter of months,
until tempers cool, and then hold
But Papandreou, who still com-
mands a majority in the 300-
member Parliament, is considered
unlikely to accept such a solution.
Papandreou's parliamentary ma-
jority twice previously has oppos-
ed Constantine's other proposals
to resolve the crisis.
Two premiers named by the
king, both defectors from Papan-
dreou's Center Union party, have
been voted down in Parliament by
a coalition of Papandreou's Cen-
ter Union supporters and mem-
bers of the Communist-line Unit-
ed Democratic Left-EDA.
So long as Papandreou can hold
on to this majority he is in a
position to frustrate practically
any effort of the king to solve
the crisis-except by calling new
Article 31 of the constitution
provides that the king may ap-
point and terminate his ministers
subject to parliamentary endorse-
ment. He is not limited in whom
he selects or in the number of
premiers-designate he may sub-
mit to Parliament.
Under Article 69 of the consti-
tution, however, elections must
be held at least every four years.
The next election must be called
before Feb. 15, 1968.


4464 and
Jonathan Logan.. .o
swinging twosome
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snappy double knit wools. ..so gracefully shaped
and delicately accented with a touch of wool lace. 25.00 each.
A. Shift. 7.15 junior sizes. Black, oxford.
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--Associated Press

Four Negroes enter the Hayneville, Ala., school which previously had been attended solely by whites.
The group integrated the school without incident in the troubled county, which has been the scene
of the slayings of Mrs. Viola Liuzzo and ministerial student Jonathan Daniels, both civil rights
Call Desegregation Compliance
In South 'Deepl Encouraging




WASHINGTON (P)-President
Johnson said Tuesday that 4,463,
or 88 per cent of more than 5,000
school districts in 17 Southern
and border states, are preparing
to comply with the 1964 Civil
Rights Act's desegregation pro-
visions. He said this is an increase
of 291 in the last week.
The government, Johnson said
in a statement, has tried to bring
about voluntary compliance and:
"The results have been deeply
In Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana,
Mississippi, Virginia and North
Urban Affairs
Bill Approved
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - President
Johnson can have an eleventh
Cabinet post with a stroke of his
pen. The House yesterday passed
and sent to him for approval to-
day a bill authorizing a new De-
partment of Urban Affairs.
The department will put under
one roof the Federal Housing Ad-
ministration, the Housing and
Home Finance Agency, and other
urban-oriented programs now
scattered in several governmental
Johnson had urged creation of
the Cabinet position to deal with
the affairs of cities, giving town
dwellers the same kind of voice
i" +1% 'him 0n..1M.O of mn--

I and South Carolina, Johnson said, reporting school districts that


538 school districts have complied
with the law compared with 317
a week ago. Whereas 172 districts
had taken no action to meet the
requirements a week ago, the
number has gone down to 135
now and is shrinking rapidly,
Johnson reported.
Night and Day
He said he has directed the
Office of Education to stand by
day and night this week to work
with the communities that have
not yet submitted compliance
plans or whose plans have not yet
been accepted.
Johnson's statement was issued
shortly after the Office of Edu-
cation said it had informed non-

the absence of any word from
them by midnight Tuesday it
would assume they were not in-
terested in receiving federal aid.
117 Holdouts
In its latest compilation, the
Office of Education said it still
lacked word from 117 school dis-
tricts in Southern and border
states as to whether they intend
to participate in federal aid pro-
The Civil Rights Act requires
that in order to be eligible for
federal aid school districts must
file acceptable data that they will
conduct their activities without
discrimination as to race, color or
national origin.

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A sassy tassel moc-
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World News Roundup ]

By The Associated Press
NEW YORK-General Electric
and Westinghouse lost a $16 mil-
lion suit Tuesday for a multi-
million-dollar price-fixing con-
spiracy involving generators.
The case, one of some 1,900 by
private utilities and public power
agencies over the nation, resulted
from the government's breaking
a 20-year criminal conspiracy
among 29 electric equipment man-
ufacturers in 1960 and 1961.

Gaulle and undersecretary of state
George W. Ball discussed the
western alliance Tuesday in a
talk personally ar'ranged by Presi-
dent Johnson.
Neither U.S. nor French officials
disclosed details of the conversa-
tion. But the impression persisted
that the United States was taking
renewed interest in the possibility
that de Gaulle may assume a
more active role in the search for
settlement of the war.
T.ANSTNG.-Gov. George Rom-

making it a federal offense to
deliberately destroy or mutilate a
Selective Service draft card has
been signed into law by President
Offenders could be imprisoned
for five years and fined $10,000.
The House Armed Services
Committee said the legislation
stemmed from "increasing inci-
dences" of public destruction of
draft cards by pacifist groups.
WASHINGTON - Russia has
been "terribly far behind" in an-
+icnhmainP warfar pabnhilities








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