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September 01, 1965 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-09-01

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See Editorial Page

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Morning showers,
clearing in afternoon

Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom
Increased Draft Threatens Part-Time Student Defe


President Johnson's July 28th
decision to double the draft call
has begun to affect the nation's
colleges and universities. Under
many draft boards the pool of I-A
classifications is running low and
student deferments are being re-
Accorcing to Colonel Arthur A.
Holmes, State Selective Service
director, student deferments will
be harder to get. "In the past,"

Holmes said, "deferments have
been given on an individual case
basis, and generally we have been
lenient with the boys, particularly
with those going to school on
part-time credits."
The local draft boards, though,
are becoming more strict as in-
creased quotas continue to drain
the supply of non-students. The
State Selective Service headquar-
ters now expects students to com-
plete their programs in "the nor-
mally allotted time."

Although this ,would imply the
necessity of undergraduates car-
rying 15 credits per term, the Uni-
versity recognizes that carrying a
flexible number of credits is often
an advantage. Because of this, the
University considers 12 credit
hours to be the minimum for full-
time undergraduate students, and
10 credit hours the minimum for
full-time graduate students. Doc-
toral candidates working on dis-
sertations may receive special cer-
tification from the graduate school

but are expected to progress at a
normal rate in order to receive
their degree within three years.
A full-time student classifica-
tion is necessary. in order to re-
ceive the presently draft-free stat-
us as II-S, or student deferment.
Present System
Under the present system, draft-
able male students fill out selec-
tive service cards at the selective
service tables during registration
at Waterman Gymnasium each
fall. Freshman and others turn-

ing 18 and registering for the
draft during the school year are
sent to the selective services of-
fices in the Administration Build-
ing to fill out their forms. Under-
graduate students fill out form
SSS 109, and graduate and grad-
uate-professional students fill out
form SSS 103.
These cards are then processed
and then sent to the local draft
boards within 30 days. The local
boards process them and take ac-
tion beginning October 1.

The local draft board also has
the legal right to obtain from the
University a student's transcript
in order to decide whether he is
performing satisfactorily. Accord-
ing to Thomas Clark of the Reg-
istrar's Office, "such action is not
expected this semester."
The student deferment classi-
fication is valid for one year, from
'the beginning of one school year
until the beginning of the next.
If the student leaves school the

University is required by law to
notify the local board within 10
Undergraduates and graduate
students who did not complete
these forms should contact the
Registrar's Office. Students in the
profess onal fields should request
certification from their respective
deans' offices.
It is the student's responsibility
to keep his local board fully in-
formed concerning his status.

What's New
At 764-1817


The International Student Association ceased to function
over the summer months. Discussions have been underway for a
number of weeks with leaders of the various nationality clubs,
concerned foreign students and leaders of American international
student groups. These groups hope to develop a new program
structure to fill the gap left by the ISA.
* * * *
The new dean of the Law School probably will not be named
until late fall or earlyt winter according to incoming vice president
for academic affairs Allan Smith. Smith, whose appointment as
the successor to outgoing vice president for academic affairs
Roger W. Heyns left the law school deanship open, reported that
the school's faculty members are currently in the process of
compiling a selected list of law teachers from which University
President Harlan Hatcher will name a selections committee for
the deanship.
*** *
Advanced ticket sales for University cultural activities are
reaching all time highs. The University Musical Society's sales
for various concert series is now increased 14. per cent over a
year ago. Robert C. Schnitzer, executive director of the Profes-
sional Theatre Program, announced that Fall Festival subscrip-
tions are expected to top 7,000, of which nearly 60 per cent are
University students.
* * *' *M
About one-third of the freshman class have bought at least
some of their books at the Student Book Service, according to
its director Prof. Fred Shure of the nuclear engineering depart-
ment. He added that while the store now carries books primarily
for freshman courses, in the future it will handle some books for
upper-level courses. Shure further stated that though there have
been some problems with publishers, including delayed and
completely lost shipments of some orders, student reaction to
the Service has been quite favorable.
Charter Realty and Patrick Pulte, Inc., admitted yesterday
that 75 students who have signed apartment leases with them
are in temporary housing because their apartments were not
completed on time. The students are now living rent-free in
private houses, rooming houses or other apartments until they
are able to move into their regular quarters. Both companies
maintained that all the students would most likely be in their
own apartments by the end of September at the latest.
The Chairman of the Young Republican Club, Lyle Stewart,
grad, announced his resignation as chairman yesterday so that
he and his wife can become Peace Corps members in India.
Miss Betty Jo Smith, grad, succeeded Stewart as chairman. The
executive board selected Carl Ingevalson, law, and Dick Branch,
grad, to fill the posts of vice chairman and member at large
*.* * *
"The Office of Student Affairs has received several com-
plaints arising from non-discriminatory room assignments, but
no request for room change because of race or religion will be
honored," Director of Residence Halls Eugene Haun said last
night. "This is not a new phenomenon," he said of the com-
plaints. Haun pointed out that every student entering the resi-
dence halls is sent with his housing application the pamphlet
"Student Housing at Michigan," which notes that University-
owned residence halls operate under Regents' Bylaw 2.14: "The
University shall not discriminate against any person because of
race, religion, creed or color." Haun said, "I have kept policy
consistent with this statement." He explained his department re-
ceived "no information from Admissions" about the race, color,
religion or creed of students before placing them in the residence
Officials in the Off-Campus Housing Bureau are predicting
nine-month apartment leases by next year, it was learned yes-
terday. They have been advising the realtors on giving students
the shorter leases now that the trimester system is fully establish-
ed. Charter Realty had no comment to make on the report.
The Interfraternity Council President Richard Hoppe, '66
announced last night that IFC's membership committee is cur-
rently compiling a summary of all facts connected with alleged
discriminatory membership policies within the Sigma Chi na-
tional. If these practices are deemed inconsistent with IFC by-
laws, the committee will work with the local chapter in their
elimination. President Hoppe further added that should such
elimination be impossible, proceedings similar to those recently
held against Trigon will be instituted.

SGC Store
Won't Open
This Session
Lack of Coordination,
Cash, Able Manager
Delays Bookstore
The Student Government Coun-
cil bookstore, scheduled to be
ready for use in August, has failed
to materialize. This failure stems
from a lack of coordination within
the Council as well as within the
executive board in charge of the
proposed SBX, reliable sources in-
dicated yesterday.
The original plan was to acquire
books directly from the student,
take his name and address, and,
finally, notify him of the sale of
his books and of the money owed
him by the bookstore. However,
sometime in mid-July, the tem-
porary treasurer Michael Dean,
'67, and temporary chairman Jen-
nifer Jackson, '67, decided that
the venture would be more suc-
cessful on a cash-in-hand basis.
Dean said that the change in
procedure would provide a greater
savings on the part of the student.
According to Cunningham, stu-
dents will receive 40-50 per cent
of the original price on the books.
The initial allotment to the
bookstore, some $2100, had been
left in the account of a previously
unsuccessful SBX. The new plan
required more capital, however,
Gary Cunningham, '66, president
of the SGC, saidyesterday. The
result he said was an inevitable
delay until fall - the first time
Council could meet to allot addi-
tional funds.
Stumbling Block
Another major stumbling block
in the way of the bookstore's open-
ing on time, Cunningham com-
mented, was the lack of an able
manager, i.e., one who could assess
the value of books, and the "work-
ability" of the given situation.
SGC still has no one qualified to
fill this position, he added.
A fall opening proved "imprac-
tical" because of a lack of current
booklists for fal courses, Cun-
ningham said. A further difficulty
in acquiring books was the sparcity
of students on campus this sum-
mer to provide a satisfactory
source of used books, he remark-
ed. The new plan calls for a
"book drive" toward the end of
this fall term according to. Cun-
Cunningham also voiced the
committee's hopes to acquire a
permanent home for the SBX in
the winter. The choice location for
the bookstore would be, in his
opinion, the Union.
Cunningham's reason for the
choice of the Union is that it is
easily accessible to the students
and is impervious to the weather.
The scheme for fall opening in-
cluded a tent on the diag to house
the bookstore. Such an idea would
prove impractical for a winter
opening, he said.
The three members of the com-
mittee in charge of the bookstore
were Jennifer Jackson, '67, Mich-
ael Dean, '67, and Sarah Mahler,
'67. All three had taken summer
jobs outside of the city.
Thus, when the time came for
the final planning and work on
the new student service was to be
done, none of the authorities were
present. According to reliable
sources, the result was apathy on
the part of those who could have
The SGC members on campus at
the crucial time failed to report
to the Council office to offer their

assistance, observers said. The ex-
ecutives attempted to coordinate
the program by post card and
telephone, but then neglected to
rectify the lack of effectiveness
nf ths nroAramna sthev failed tn


Trigon s



Once more beset by University bureaucracy, long lines of students filled the first floor of the Administration Building yesterday waiting
for a chance at Window A.
Registration 's Chaos. Con tin ues
AsStudents ConfrotCounselorS

>Allo Iouse
Alter Pledge Vows,
Constitution, Ritual
To Meet Bias Rule
After Trigon announced changes
made in their constitution and rit-
ual, the Ihterfraternity Council
executive committee voted unani-
mously last night to allow Trigon
to retain full membership in the
fraternity system.
Lat January 12, the IFC Exec-
utive Committee, consisting of the
five senior officers of IFC and
representatives from each of five
fraternity districts, had discover-
ed religious discrimination in Tri-
gon's rituals, which is .a violation
of IFC Bylaw Article X, Section I.
Trigon was directed to make
the necessary changes for com-
pliance with, the bylaw by Sept.
1, 1965, or face possible explusion
from IFC. Such a move would deny
Trigon participation in IFO-or-
ganized rush and fraternity intra-
mural athletics.
Decision Upheld
The IFC Executive Committee
decision was later upheld by the
Fraternity Presidents Assembly,
the legislative arm of IFC and
the appeal body in judicial cases.
Trigon 'President Robert Ples-
nick, '66, said yesterday, "In a
decisive vote cast last Sunday, the r
Grand Council of Trigon approved
changes in the Trigon constitu-
tion and initiation ritual. The pur-
pose of the changes was to bring
the Trigon documents in line with
the IFC bylaw which prohibits
consideration of religion in mem-
bership selection."
"Believing itself to be non-dis-
criminatory in practice, Trigon
found difficult to abandon the
traditional wording of its official
papers. Nevertheless, it was felt
that Trigon could best display its
true ideals not by resisting
change, but by reflecting the prin-
ciples of Trigon in documents
which clearly disassociate the'fra-
ternity from religious discrimina-
tion," Plesnick remarked.
"Significantly, the changes
made by Trigon follow this policy
as they are not merely revisions
calculated to meet the demands of
IFC. Being on a much greater
scale than those suggested-by IFC,
they include deletions and addi-
tions in the Trigon constitution,.
initiation ritual and pledge vow.
It is the opinion of Trigon that
our actions should prove to the
campus community what we have
known all along: that the essen-
tial purpose of Trigon's ritual is
not the exclusion of any reli-
gious or ethnic group but tl~e in-
clusion of the ideals upon which
Trigan was foundei." Plesnick
Rea Comments
IFC Executive Vice-President
Kelly Rea, '66, pointed out that
the action against Trigon was not
an attempt to make all fraterni-
ties thesae.u

The registration battlefield has
moved with the aid of the com-
puter from Waterman Gymnasium
to the counselling and depart-
mental office.
Crowds of unfortunates hoping
to change sections, drop or add
courses have now moved with their
atmosphere of confusion to Angell
and Haven Halls.
In the English department,
much of the havoc that accom-
panies registration time has been
quelled-at least for the professors
if not for the students-by creat-
ing the position of office man-
ager. Robert D. Marble, appointed
to this position, runs interference
between students and professors,
signing drop-add slips, telling stu-
dents that a course is closed and
accepting or rejecting reasons for
time changes. In the past many
students went directly to their
professors fortpermission to drop
and add.
Under the new system students
find it extremely difficult to beat
the system of 8 and 4 o'clocks
with excuses that have worked in
the past. Marble, a retired United
States Army major, was said to
be "very tough" by many of the
students waiting outside the Eng-
lish department office.
One student said he won't ac-
cept "any sob stories." He just
"will not listen," he added. An-
other said "he wouldn't even take
good excuses."
Thee trneral repnonse from Eng-

office, this is certainly true as
there was a steady stream of stu-
dents in and out of his office for
two days.
However, students replied gen-
erally that he was "like a com-
puter." He seems only to respond
"in a very limited way to a few'
questions" one girl said.
Prof. Morris Greenhut of the
English department commented
that the position of office man-
ager is "necessary" due to the
growth of the department and the
University in the last ten years."
The size of the English depart-
ment has doubled in this time.
He added that "we are paying

the penalty of size-and at times
the individual gets lost."
In the philosophy department,
extra confusion was caused as
some advanced courses were listed
as being closed when actually they
were still open. This was due to
the fact that advance enrollment
figures submitted by professors
last spring as indicators for the
purpose of reserving a classroom
were mistaken as proposed limita-
tions to the class size.
More Confusion
Also adding to the confusion
was the dropping of entire courses
for which students had pre-regis-
tered, due to the changing of the
time schedule. "Stating plans for

a semester so early the previous
year upsets much of what pre-
registration tries to accomplish,"
Prof. Carl A. Ginet of the phi-
losophy department said.
Assistant Dean George R. An-
derson of the literary college said
that registration is "better this
year" because there are more
freshmen going through summer
orientation, and this fall 92 per
cent of the freshmen are pre-
classified. He remembered 1%/
years ago when they needed a
policeman to control the Angell
Hall crowds in which a coed was
almost crushed to death. "On bal-
ance," he added, "registration is
smoother now."



Council Approves High-Rise

Council over-ruled its own 18-
story height limitation Monday
night when it gave permission for
a 26-story building to be erected
at Maynard and William.
At its regular session, Council
ordered the Department of Build-
ings and Safety Engineering to
issue a building permit to Flint
developer Peter Kleinpell of the
William Street Co. Kleinpell had
requested relief from the height
limitation two weeks ago, telling
Council his project would "suffer
Seaver hardshin" if he were forced

was unsure of its legal position.
It feared that, in court, the 18-
story ordinance, passed at first
reading only, would be considered
insufficient basis for denial. of
Kleinpell's request. It also felt
that a zoning compliance permit
might provide enough equity to
force issuance of a building per-
Second Ward Councilman O.
William Habel said Fahrner had
"placed a question mark" at the
end of his opinion regarding' 'the
proposed building. "I'm much con-
cerned about our legal position,
I would hate to see the city be

house students. Prof. Robert
Weeks of the nuclear engineering
department, a City Council mem-
ber, doubted the likelihood of a
structure one block from campus
excluding students, and also voted
against issuance of the permit "for
aesthetic reasons."
The building pledged to provide
75 spaces in off-street parking for'
residents of the high-rise, and
Council demanded a $150,000 bond
to be posted when the permit is
granted to insure the construction
of those facilities.
The ' council stipulated that an
occupancy permit fdr the building




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