Page Two (HE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, September 9, 1969 Page Two I HE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, September 9, 1969 liormi dtory crowding continues as U' officials hiunt for room Controlle~td lfroiPage 1 temporarily housed in the Michi- gan Union. Thirty-six of the stu- dents had spent several days in Dining Room No. 3 in Markley Fall. The students are the victims of an unanticipated dormitory short- age which left the housing office with a large number of dormitory applicants who could not be ac- commodated in regular rooms. Those who elected to live 'in the temporary housing have been as- signed priorities for available dor- mitory space according to the date on which their housing deposit was received. Mrs. Mantyk said the students with the earliest deposit dates are the 90 freshmen occupying Dining Rooms Three and Four in West Quad. The West Quad dining rooms are considered by housing officials to be the "worst~ temporary quarters. "These students were assigned to the cafeteria because we knew they would be the first one's to be of- fered a permanent housing." Mrs. Mantyk said. The cafeteria occupants were informed last week they would be- gin to receive permanent rooming Feldlkamip said hie has set a assignment last Friday afternoon.' As of late yesterday afternoon, however, none had been offered permanent quarters, and they were mwa itre bu t .'They're getting restless." ,;aid Leon West, building' director ofc West Quad. "They're just about as tight as you can get." Each residence hall staff has been asked to telephone the homest "target date' of Sept. 15 for re- moving the students. "I have informal understanding with the Board of Governors of the Residence Halls on this," he explained. "But the time limit could be lengthened at our dis- cretion.- He added that students who could not be given a space by the deadline would be asked to find a LSA unit gives vote to students Continued fronm Page 1 "It would be unwise to put Stu- dents on the committee." he spid, "because the faculty is an ( xamnin- ing body performing its function for the state. The committee is an important extension of the fac'l7 ,L in that capacity, and we most therefore distinguish between t he examiner and the examinee," lhe said. Prof. Carl Cohen. assistant di- rector of the Residential College. also argued there should be no student vote on the committee since "such power would turn the committee from a working faculty committee to a battleground for struggles between students and faculty." However, he said. "It is ex- tremely important to increase student representation and re-{ Proqram Information: 662-6264 Shows at 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 P.M. WEDNESDAY ALL LADIES 75c Until 6 P.M. ACADEMYE AWARD WINNERit S5T DIRECTOR-MIKE NICHOLS JOSEPH E. LEVINE :(. A' MIKE NICHOLS LAWRENCE TURMAN THE GRADUATE AN AVCO EMBASSY FILM COLOR ...x ~oe sC waq~h W"YHAT IS THE -an all-campus orchestra!U --sponsored by MUSKET and G&S! -per forming 3 hit shows! DON'T MISS THE MASS MEETING SEPT. 15, 8 P.M.,-ROOM 3A-UNION UNIVERSITY THEATRE ORCHESTRA of the students who contracted! permanent residence "in the com- rooms but never arr'ived. If a stu- munity." dent indicates he does not intend to occupy his reserved space, the space will be given to one of the students in temporary housing. A similar attempt is being made to assign the foreign students to Vera Baits Housing, which is oc- cupied by graduate students. If the housing office is made to locate a student who has con- tracted for residence hall space by Thursday, his space will be offered to those who are waiting. According to University Housing Director John Feldkamp, reserved dormitory spaces will not be held past Thursday unless the students contracting for the space have re- quested otherwise. This solution to the dorm ing problem may not make easier for the students hi There has been a notable of off-campus housing, anc students spent last week se the classified adds and to down vacant rooms. Plans for prevention of a situation next year will cussed sometime in October, Vice President for Student Barbara Newell said ycster, "We were very much to surprise by the students'c for University housing," Mr ell said. "I hope that in vear'twe can more pr1opelyi to this demand." crowd - life any iowever,. sc arcit y d an Ba nning ,racking similar be dis- acting A ffa irs .day. OOPS! WE GOOFED ! DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN official pu0blicat ion of the Univer- sityv of Michigan. Not ices should he seut in TYPELWRITTEFN f o r im to Room 35?8 L.S.A. Bldg., before 2 p.m. of the day preceding publi- cat ion and by ? p.m. Friday for Sat urday and Suanday. General Not ices miay be published a miaxi- Nnm infitwo tiimes on reqluiest ; Da;y CalendtarIitemsi' appe'ar oncee on lv. St udent organ iz at ions niotic~es a r e not accepted for publication. For more inufor mat ion, phone 76 -9'NO. Day(Ca len da r b~asic lir,'uniush ip Tralininlg Course lit: ('il Defense Traiing ( Cnter, North Camin. 8:00 a ,in. Degree Reci talI: Jaiine. Sharp. organ: Hill Auditorium, 8:00 p.m. Degree Recital :Dennis Jacono baritone: School of Music Recital Hall. 8:00 pi. ,stronouac:Il Colloquium. 3:30 ~i Room 807 Ph'. -ics-Ast ronoin Bldg. Her- bert J. Rood. Department of Astron- omy, Wesleyan University, will speak on "A Photographic Study of Galaxies near the Center of the Coma Cluster" General Notices Films for the "Basic Operastion of th IBMi 029 Keypunch" will be shown ;'eptember 10, 11, 12 and 15th thru 19th Avith 81h0r1-'n. at 3. 4. 5, 7 and 8 pm. in the Seinair fRooni of the Comput- ing Center. The above* will be shown on- the hour along; with the film "Ad- vanced Use of thte 029 Keypunch' he- luig shown on the half hour. The filmh 'Basic Oper'ation of the NITS" will be shown on September 22nd thru 26th with showings at 3, 4. and 5 This will also be held in the Seminar Room at the Comput- ing Center. If you need further in- formation, contact Milss Jacqueline Parker at the Computing Center, 704- Application for Graduate Student Dis- sertation Grants may be made through the closing date of October 1. 1969. Late applications cannot be accepted. Two other opportunities for application will be provided during the y'ear: onie in January. another in March. Exact (eawl-, lines will be announced. The .t udet s are expected to have a cersae menrt of the research probrlm togethel' with :the estimated cost rofteach m;ajor expenditure connected with it, The project shoutld have been reviewecd by members of the doctoral chairman or or the chairman of the department. Guidelines and a forinat for this sub- mtission canu be obtainted in te Fellowy- ships Office, Rackh ami Build i: ig.Room 1014; information by culing: exten lion 4-2218. Graduat e Record Examnilationi: Ap- plicat ion~ blaniks are ava~ilable in Room- 3014, Rackham Building for the Grad- uiate Record Examination, The next administration of the test will b on Sat urday, October 25, and ; pplicat lOs are due in Princeton, New;vJersey be- fore October 7. F or eign lVisitors Thec followting individual canl be reached throtigh the Foreign Visitor Division o1 the Visitor and Guest Rela- tions Office. Rooms 22-24, Mchigan Union. Telephone: 764-2148. Mr.,John Edgar Lowe; Assistant Di- rector of the Office of 'rests and Mea- suzreneiits; and Chairman of English Entrance Examination Commit tee, American Uniiiversit v. Eeirutt Leban - Mr. Frie'drichi (4cyer; Manager of the Division on st andardization of la boratorv equlipmen t inl the DECHEMA German Society; of Apparattis in the Chemical Field). Germane~. Sept. 9-10. Mir. Walt her Dunhil; Dean of the Instit ute of Construction of Institutes of higher learnling with the Univeristy of Stutttgart, Germany. Sept. 9-10. Mir. M1einrad Bueche; iii charg-e of platnning and development of the Tech- mical Unlivei>itv of Karlsruhe, Ger- many. Sept. 9-10. tr. Friodtheim Heskie; Staff Member of the Association of the Chemical In- dtustry in Heidelberg. G;ernmany. Sept. 9-10. 3'200 SAi.. stuldentsb in last y'ear or semester, loc-. April grads, seniors or grad. stuadents. Rtegistration meetilug for Placement Services, General and Educational Dt- vi ,ions, and information on Summer Placeinit, and Career Counseling. Tuesday. Sept. 16. Atid. D . Angell Hall. come at 3 or 4 p Im. Ci met openings, not interviews on ORGA NIZAT.RION NOTICES Art Print Loans: Sept. 9th, 3:00-5:00 and 7:00-9:00 p.m.: Sept. 10th, 7:00-9:00 pm.; Sept 1th. 3:00-5:00 p.m. In i'ooms 3516 and 3532, Student Activ- itles Btiliding. Bach Club meeting. Thursday. Sept. 11. 8:00 p.m.; 1236 Washtenaw (corn- er of S. Forest and Washtenaw, near S. Unliv). Speaker: Dr. David Craw- ford. "Bach and Handel - A General Coimparison.'' Refreshments and fun af- terwards. Everyone welcome!(Mtisical knowvledge tinnecessary)u. For further information call 663-2827. 761-7356, 665-'6806. Leadershuip Training Cotirse-199. Sept.- 11, 7:00 pin.. 3529 S.A.B. Offered by the Office of Student organizations for developing pers~onal leadership skills aiid identifying problems of university leadership. Open to all sttidents for 2 hotirs c'redit. For more infornmat ion cail 764-7421. Youniig Social ist Alliance meeting. oi Sept. 9thi. 7 :30 3532 SAB. Mr. Patil Luclico. Socialist Workers Partyv Candidate for Detroit Common Couin- cii. speaks on "The Fight for Socialism inl Amueica.v Join the Sports Staff camp~us, call 764-7160 for appli City of Portage. Mich.: R Director. new grati or exper. p park ping. Local University Office: Clerik tion, 40 hr. wreek for 6 week 20-30 hours for 6 more weeks, terminates tintil spring semest+ on same scitoti. Branch C'ounty Probate ('our water, Mich. : County ile-ile investigate, couinseling, case~oo pref. SSsoc work sci. mliii. Detroit Puiblic Schools: Jr. a Electrical Engrs, for Audiovisi gineeringDept. EDUCATION DIVISION Pet ersburg, ilch. : Substittt er~s are ineedled for elenmeitary condary grades. 60 hotirs of credit requtired. Ypsilanti. Mich,.: Elemnitary music'. Part-timhe position. Deg certificate irequired. For addt ionail informnation Eduication Div.. 764-7462. ken by spect in the decision-making of demand tihe Univer'sity. If you admit that s. New- students have the right to vote anrother' 01 these committees, then there 'espondisd no10 reasonl why there should not be equal representation." he said. LSA Associate Dean James Rob- e' tsoni. director of the Residential Collcee, replied, however, that there w~as no philosophlical r'ea- son that would be under'cut. if the motion for I'epresentation wer'e 44ae d." "The Cut'riculum Committee is it. unto:; a body to look at all dimenisions creation of courses. If we expect students I ib1icto look at the comlmittee seriouisly and not as a sanldbox operationi :'al zPo5i- then t hey should be givenl voting ks. then t h e ni ptowpr i''he said. oer, then We havo all'eady used such a syvstpmn in tile Residential College t, cold- anld it has somletimes been har'd officer. fol' us, But it has made us think, k, MSVw and 011 the whole it. has worked iid Asst very well." Rober'tson said. Ca Iw US tonihlit eteach- Tile Radical Caucus will hold its and se- college first meeting of the year at 8:00 p~lm. tonight in tile second floor v ocalI hallway of tile Studenlt Activities roe anid Building. The discussion will focus contact on R.O.T.C. and the bookstolre is- sue. Our ad staff initially offered season tickets at prices far too low. We must stand by our announced prices. So while our staff is back in training, you get a $14 season ticket for $8 and a $17.50 season' ticket for $11!- ABSURD TICKET BARGAIN! UNIVERSITY PLAYERS ,DI..8EII FL .AYD ILL 1969 -70 THE BALCONY GENET OCTOBER 8-1 1-Trueblood Theatre TITUS ANDRONICUS SHAKESPEARE NOVEMBER 5-8--Trueblood Theatre AMERICA HURRAH VAN ITALLIE DECEMBER 3-6-Trueblood Theatre "The Nation's Finest Ensemble!" -Walter Kerr, N.Y. Times in 3 Brilliant New, Productions Prior to N.Y.! Sept. 16--Oct. 26 PTP Subscription Office Open DAILY 10OA.M,-1 P.M., 2-5 P.M. MENDELSSOHN THEATRE 764-0450 ARK OF THE MOON RICHARDSON AND BERNEY JANUARY 38-3I--Trueblood Theatre ES ERANZA SHAW FEBRUARY 18121--Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre LIFE IS A DREAM CALDERON MARCH II1- I4--Trueblood Theatre PLOUGH AND THE STARS O'CASEY APRIL 8-1 1--Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre TICKET INFORMATION The Box Office will open for Season Subscription sales f rom Sept. 29 to Oct. 11. Thereafter it will be open weeks of performance only, Monday and Tuesday, 12:30-5:00; Wednesday thru Saturday, 12:30-8:00. Mail orders will be filled prior to the opening of the Box Office. PRICES: (SEASON SUBSCRIPTIONS OFFER SAVINGS AND PREFERRED LOCATION-) Seacnn S~hscrintion: REGULAR (Wed. and Thurs.)-$8.00 WEEKEND (Fri. and Sat.)-$1 1.00 MIXED (weekdays and weekends mixed)-add 50c for each Friday or Saturday ticket ordered to regular season price above INDIVIDUAL TICKETS: WED. and THURS.-$2.00, $1 .50 FRI. and SAT.-$2.50, $2.00 NOTE: The higher priced tickets are the first 1 7 rows of orchestra and tirst 4 rows of balcony. ALL PERFORMANCES AT 8:00 P.M. SHARP! LATECOMERS WILL BE SEATED AT THE CONVENIENCE OF THE AU- DIENCE. NO REFUNDS. EXCHANGES, WHEN POSSIBLE, UNTIL 4:00 P.M. DAY OF PERFORMANCE. FOLLETT'S FOIBLES /' N + 9 "S , 9~ i 1 ,-, ... i G - : By E. Winslow APR 5 With a good-as-new psychology text. I RE LN SEASON SUBSCRIPTION : *ODRBAKNAME-------------------------------------------Weekend H " V" £ADDRESS-----------------------------------------Regular 'Mixed 71 ' P! oace -I *Point CITY ----------------------. STATE ------- INDIVIDUAL TICKETS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Z!P __ _ ___-_Prefer Orchestra H f-HNE---------------- ,Balcony H Are you on our mailing list? _----__ FacultyLI Student 7' Ann Anbor E Visitor; " ___ Wed. :;___Thurs. __ Fri. i Sat.___ No. j Price Offlice Use " -_BALCONY_______ ______I__I_____ _____"_____ TITUS l I- ' "_ _ _ __" ' AMERICA !DARK ___ _ _ _ - _ _- - - . - _ _ _ _ .- _ _ _ u LIFE- _ __ _ _ _ _'I_ _ PLOUGH TOTAL (Season Price or Individual Tickets) -----------------(for mixed seasona 1 add 50c for each Friday or Saturday ticket ordered to regular season price.) a CHFCK O CNE: I enclose stamped, self-addresssed envelope. Please mail my tickets in September " I enclose no envelope. Hold my tickets at the Box Office. I will pick them; I " act.(See. hou rs ae. - 71 TRUEBLOOD BOX OFFICE: 764-5387 MENDELSSOHN BOX OFFICE: 668-6300 A short-on-cash coed was hexed With a fear of being over-sexed. Folletts helped her probe deep And cure herself cheap w w lY IMI III III Y I 1 + Your savings on used textbooks can cure Imoney s 5 oco t l vl hnltFolltts hepyc lot of '1*11p s -save uget to theroot of some ofyourproblems.Thefrst one e solve foryou s where to get alyour requredtextsWith tiesat' ngone-stop efficiency. Next, e'll presci e 'i 1l .J- 1 god;-ne,., used books to re-vitalize your frailt fnances.