TWv~O IMILLA(YE PROPOSALS See Editorial Page C I 4 mJ 43tgaU ~~Iait COOLNESS Nigh--64 Lois-43 Cloudy, cooler, chance of rain Vol. LXXX, No. A (nn Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, September 9, 1969 Ten Cents Students t isutROTC, may aedsc By RON LANDSMAN tions like any other class disrup- Physical scuffles and screaming "We won't worry about things Shaw is chairman of the col- grades'" e said, although he cal- "I he and ERIKA HOFF ions," he said. "Whether one likes matches are not in the plans, other before they happen" le said, al- lege's administrative board, witlch edl such a course of action unlikely, who a Daily, News A nayis' it or not, ROTC classes are just organizers said. though he noted that the interim handles cases of academic stand- Vice President for Academic A- demic The plans are set---up to triee like any other classes." "We will entr lses and con- rles on student discipline, ap- ing and student discipline, fairs Allen Smith attended the said. dozen students will begin disrupt- He said there are three way the t'dc vtyiil h ts'co' proved by the school until the new With regard to the specific (the- SACUA meeting with Fleming ye.- kinda ing University ROTC classes this University handles disruptions-- - sayteeyhn teisrcos" said Barry Bluestone,grd Regents bylaws, including disci- turbances planned, Shawv said, "It terday. He reportedly will conider demic Thursay i"anhtnetthettonmkerdsctornarsactinbytheiollee. ilinat'y rules, are accepted. are still i fair to say that if the aprc the ROTC disruptions at his r - to pere it impossible for ROTC to operate recourse to the student judiciary "We h ntutrsy,'hs in fc. priate, discipline free xchange of ular monthly meeting with the . on camputs. system if the action violates Stu- 'This is Fascism 101.'" Education Prof. Joseph Payn'w ideas cannot go on, that would be deans of all the schools rind cl- demic Although the Univesity has yet dent Government Council rules, ordirpon"lesladfrtmrow tomblz ocutrtesuet' action by civil authorities. "We will keep doing this until chairman of SACUA last night diuponlessatdoromro. a pur pomlazte talkcontrdisut s's H de htteUnvriy i scerthtRT ant e- said the interim Hiles, althogh He declined to consider the cae le denied last night that theTh pntetaignoe adwpillnotgas "HeasdtedoptionthreeUndery i ate son erthis atcampus," he oieadded. not specifically endorsed by SA- in light of precedents of cases issue would be brought up becaus.e Theou not benigord ad il nt o "asth otin t poceduner "We will show that there are CUA. are generally supported by taken previously by the board the agenda was npcecl beorre clann utnnot iced. any of the options" and declined eog e~ewo u' ytl SACUA, the highest faculty body. nloting that the board prefers to the disruption plans were announ,.- "This will be discussed with the to predict now what the University eog eec fpol hi hjois s ywl h o go on a case-by-case basis. ed. He did say, though, that all tion s appropriate people before Thurs- aright do. prsneothibdewll10 The literary college is also set Shaw went on to note that the the schools and colleges already TheI day." said President Fleming, who The disruption plans do notltin- let it." legally to act if its students are faculty code allows fines and "some had sufficient rules on the books receiv met with thre Senate Advisory elude actions that would be likely But academic sanctions are de- involved in disruptions. odd things" as sanctions against to allow them to discipline d'knt its ac Committee on University Affairs to require police action. finitely in view. "Someone who disupts is stab- students, but added that the board stators that c earlier in the day to dicuss the "What we are aiming for is cie- Dean Stephen Spur' of the ject to disciplinary action,' As- has tiaditionally limited itself to Barry Bluestone took a some- sions i mat tei. ative dsuto, said one oftil gdae school declined toprdc sistant Dean James Shaw said. letteis of rpiad rbto. wa ein tiuetwr h withI He sid he asewil betreted organizers of the protest, Dennis what his school might do if grad- "We don't go out and apprehend expulsion and suspension. cml like other similar disruptions. Church. "Something coherent uate students were involved in the people, but if a complaint is made. "And we can't rule out such threat of academic discipline A ft "We would treat ROTC disrup- should be said" disruptions we can act." academic sanctions as ciatgilg against the disrupters compe Eight Pages r 0 iprn Lope there at'e a lot of '4eople ie willing to put their aca- standing on the line," he 'If there's going to be any of action in terms of aca- sanctions, that's not going vent me from taking ,)art." has nothing to do with aca- standing,- he added, "it is ely political act." ROTC questionl is ,oiilg h more nor'mal academic els in addition to the disi'up- slated to start Thursday. Senate Assembly has alr'eady ed a pi'eliminary report froml -ademic affairs committee cals at least fot' major revi- in the University's relations ROTC, and also considers ete sepat'ation. inal report is schleduled for tion Oct. 10 Stud ents get vote on LSA unit Consider action 1Win ih1ree of nine seats on curtriculum ttcmmtiittee By JIM BEATTIE The literary coliege faculty yesterday granted full voting rights to the three student members of the LSA curriculum committee but delayed designating a mechanism for choosing the student mlembers. The action of the faculty culminated work on restruc- Wring the committee which began last October with a strong impetus fr'om efforts of both Student Government Council and the Radical Caucus to seat voting student members. Although the app~roval of representation came after con- siderable struggl ie, it was not unexpected, and former Cur- Harvey_ inquiry dropped?. City officials and a spokesman for the U.S. Attorney's office in Detroit yesterday refused to con- firm or deny rumors that tihe Jus- tice Depar'tment has dropped an investigati101 of Sheriff Douglas Harvey. A one-paragraph story app~ear- in~g in Sunday's issue of tihe De- troit Free Press said tile probe bad been dropped. T 1h e investigation was reportedly ot'det'ed in response to complaints f r o in Atnn Arbot' citizenls about Sheriff Hat'vev':' handling of tile South University disturbances last June. "This office never confit'med or detnied that tile inlvestigation was open., That statemenlt by the dis- trict attor'mey still stands." said Assistant District Attorney George Newman. Ann Arbor o1ffi'ials, while con- firming thlat tile investigation hlad been takeni up, would not. s a y whether or not thiey knew it was being dropped. ''Newmlan is the nianti'~itik'ipal- ly involved in tile investgation,'' said City Attorney Jerry Lax:. A two-manl city Comnmission is cut'rentlyl investigating Har'vey's actions onl Soutih University. rictilum Committee Chairman James Gindin admitted that "both the student members and faculty ex-officio mem- bers had informally voted all during last year." However, yester'day 's resolut ionl stipulates that faculty ex-officio mlemlbet's w~ill not have a vote in tile fuitui'e. Despite tile apprtoval of student votin~g rigihts, somel faculty mein- bet's viewed the refusal to set up a selection process yesterday as a possible target fom' continuing pro- test. Louis Orin of thle Neat' Easternm Lanlguages and Literature depart - ;ment suggested that mlethlods for selection of the students be made explicit to calml studetnt suspicions that the cturrent nmethod of ap- poitmen~t by tile LSA executive commllittee and SGC mlighlt con- tinlue. "I can jutst hear students now saying that tile students onl the board ar'e unrepr~iesenltative because they at'e appoinlted by unlelected faculty boards." Orlinl said. The faculty r'efused to act u- Sniediately, but directed tile Execu- tive Committee to designate the lanlner' of selectinlg tile studett tmlemlber's. In ap~proving student voting rigihts onltile commtlittee, tile fac- ulty also defeated amlenldmnlts to have eithlet' 110studlentt oting metmbet's or equal student ii d faculty trept'esentationi. Prof. Jacob Pi'ice of tile lisi"in y dlepartmenlt at'gued thlere sholiid he io student i'epresentation 0o1 grounlds thlat students andd lacutlty canniotlper'fort'hie same f11ic1(t tll att a univer'sity. See LSA, Page 'I Daily - Erit'P' eau ,x Iarv meetslhis conistlit tleicy Rep. 'Marvin Esch iR-:Bich) met last night with about 15 members of the White Panther Party at his Ann Arbor office. The Panthers asked for Esch's aid in securing the release of John Sinclair, Panther minister of information, who is serving a 91,E to ten year sentence in state prison for pos- session of marijuana. Esch said he would study the case. PROPOSED FOR MINORS: against for ca By :MARTIN IHIRSCHMAN President Robben Fleming has initiated discussions with the faculty on the possibility that professors participating in a campus strike against the Vietnam War this fall should be penalized if they violate teaphing obligations. In a letter dated Aug. 7 to the Senate Advisory Committee onl Univet'sity Affairs. tile top faculty ' body , Fleming suggested som~e ac- tionl mlighlt be taketn against pr1o- fessot's , vho canlcel classes to participat Ein tile strike. Asked yesterday if lie nmighlt take unilater'al actionl againlst striking faculty member's, Flemitng declined to rule out tile possibil- ity3. we 'll think about and discuss whenl tile time comes,", he said. Inl his let-t'r, Fleming stressed tile problemn of possible disruption of University activities by faculty mnember's, as well as the questionl of classes cancelled by striking pro'fessors5. l S]~~ A nlumlber' of faculty mlemlber's DIRK atre planntinlg to plarticipate int ant Oct. 15 strike against tile war. Orghe d tt'ik .isbion wiodimlasis,- ~ t'gastizei edOlaincordinaidebasis. cally by tile Ann Ai'boi' Antiwar Coalit ion-New Mobilization Comn- miittee.le Fleming atnd Vice President for e Academic Affaim's Allan F. Smitil discussed qutestionls outlinled in the president's letter withl SACUA yestet'day at a regular'ly sch1eduled W SI mleetin~g.WSH Flemnmg declitled to comlment oil yesterday d' the discussion, but Pt'of. Payne,' Kinley Dirk SACUA chairman, said committee; appointmeil memlbers did not express great Ealr conlcer'n fox'tile problems tile pr'e- Eryn sident outlined, to be a sha Payne said SACUA mnember's Dirksen. getlerally agi'eed thlat a 30-day By 11 a. strike, fox' example, could not be lican policy toler'ated, but that there was a The ba' questionl of whether "you ar'e go- See FLEMING, Page 3 all the deep faculty strike City Council defeats obscenity ordinance City Council defeated last night a pr'oposed ordinanmce wichd would hlave pr'ohibited the distributionl of obscente mater'ials to people below the age of 18. Tile ordiinanice. proposed by Counciltnan James Stephenlson (R-Thit'd Ward), sp~ecifically' bar- red tile distribution of visual r'ep- r'esenltationls of "nludity 01' sexual conduct-wihich is "hlar'mftul to The'or'dintance also pr'ohibited the diistibutionl 01 verbal narra- tives of sexuaml conlduct or sexual excitemlenlt. Aftex' a 40 mlitlute debate, coutncil voted 8-3 againlst passage. Tile ot'diinance was supported by the thriee Republican councilmen and op~posed by tile sevenl Democratic councilmenl and Mayoi' Robert Harris. According to Stephenson, tile ,-U' HUJNrTS FOR ROOMS Housing future bleak for 290 or'dinatnce was itnteinded to siupple- mlent an already existinlg state law prohlibiting tile distribution of ob- scenle material. "Tile itntenlt is to provide tile city of Ann Ai'bor witilall effec- tive obscenity ordinanlce whlichl gives validity to our' traditionlal stanldards of protectinlg mnotrs from all soi'ts of thinlgs." Stephen- sonl said. He mlade specifimc refer'ence to allegedly obsene words anld pic- tures published by the Ann Arbor Argus and the White Panlther Partty'. . Alluditng to tile P a n1 t 11 e r s Stephlenson said, "We presetntly hlave a group dedicated to destroy- ing out' democr'atic iilstitutiotns. "Thlis nmakes it tobsetityj a par'ticular probleml at thlis timle." Argus editor' Kenl Kelley was arrested last week on tn obscenity chlarge resultinlg froml a pictur'e published inl the Argus shlowing Stephenson sittinlg at a council mleeting holding a large. hanld- dr'awnlnemnis. Whlile exprte>.iilg a feelinlg of "offense" at tile picture, Harris said. "The issue toinight is tnot wvhetiher we disagr'ee with tile I Argusi editor's. but whletiher'out' disagreemlent. should be tranlated into the passage of an ordinanlce forbidding the distributionl of Citizen group b~acks ADC clotlinig demand -Da ily--Azidty Sacks~ Pr'esident Robben JV. Fleming EN SUCCESSOR: OP prepares for d ership battle BY WALTER SHlAPIRO D~aily Washington(Cor'respondet' NGTON ---- Although the Senate was not in session due to the death of minority leader Everett Mc- ksen, most senators were ill their offices and few nts were cancelled. morning marked the beginning of what promises arply contested battle to elect a replacement for -.m. "rumors were rife" around the Senate Repub- committee, according to one staff member. attle for minority leader promises to bring out pliberal-conservative divisions which have afflict- By ROBERT KRAFTOWITZ Sonmc 290 students t'enmained inl temlpo- rary ilousinlg last nighlt as University offi- cials were able to locate permlanett i'i- leilce hlall space for onl n'inite of tile over- flow dorm residients. Tile Inine spaces became available yester- day aftei' the West Quad building staff comlpleted its sut'vey of possible vacancies. Marletle Mantyk, coor'dinator' of place- mlent, said tile iousing office is awaitinlg simlilart'surveys fr'omiltile othert'residence iDulls before assigninlg any m~ore permanent spacs to tile students. Edward Salowitz, associate director of By JUDY KAHN A newly for'ted citizens' c'0ns- mlittee failed yesterday inl its at- temlpt to ihave tile coutnty Board of Supervisors call all emergenlcy mleeting to conlsider' additional: school clothinlg funlds foi' welfare recipients. Tile commllittee is a loosely -ot'- gatnized group of about 25 "conl- cer'ned citizens," mxostly mliddle- class nmother's. Their aim is to More tihan tenl comnmittee rlv'ni- bers met yesterday with U.S. Rep. 'Mar'vin Esch (R-Ann At'bor) and tequested thlat lhe use his influenlce to arrange an emergency mneeting~ between tile Board of Supervisor's and tile welfare mlot hex's. Escil told tihenmother's tihat he has no control over' the board of supervisot's, Mrs. Erlichl said. Later inth ie day tile mothers mlet wvith memllbers of the .Socal' Ser'vices Board and other c anty ed the Republican party f o r over a generationl. Tile front-runnmer appears to be tile moder'ately libce'aIllminority whlip Hughl Scott of Pennsylvania who is currently s~rving as de facto mninot'ity leader. Tihe conlservatives am'e expect- ed to support. it lwtr bon, Ronman Hruska of Nebra. ka. vh:Io probab- "ly would ilave ben Dirk-sen's per- tsonal choice, or S °l. Gordon Allot 'of Colorado. gener'ally considered >to be mlore populat'. Scott defeated Hruska by a vote of 23 to 20 for nlnority whip inl eat'ly January. a t the same tinme Ted Kennedywa being elected nmajority whip. Waiting fot' a ;potential d~adlock ar'e two mlodettes w ho have been I I I?"r ion