Page bgb
Sunday, September /, I9b )
Page E~gbt THE MICHIGAN DAILY 5undoy, September 1, I 9~~s~
Requiem for Mark's
our first Bra Slip
Countmued from Page 1I
In any case, "we don't want to
:lose down," says Melton. But says
Lighthammer: "If Campus comes
to an agreement with the people
who want to lease it. Mark's will
have to move.,,
Since Mark's decked out its
black awning with its incon-
spicuous scrawl in February 1968,
thousands of different people have
made it a home. whether for a 103
minute's cup of espresso or a daily
love affair-where once only
middle-aged ladies sat while
having their hair beautified.
"I wanted to follow the classical
tradition of the coffeehouse," says
Melton, who left a travel agency,
to run Mark's and make its
tureens of soups. "I didn't want the!
coffeehouse oriented just to art-
ists, or just to politics, or just tor
hip groups -but oriented to every-
body, as a general coffeehouse.
"San Francisco or Greenwich
Village Houses are too tourist
oriented, too cute, too precious,"
feels Melton. "Everyone there is
a spectator, not a participator. I
want Mark's to find a spirit all its
Marks' does have its own spirit.
It's a coffeehouse where people
can go and find acceptance and
sit down and enjoy themselves
without being hassled, says Mel-
ton. Clientele seem to agree: the
elderly couples who drop by after
the theater for a hot chocolate,
or music buffs who descend to the
remodeled downstairs for movies,
electric jazz trios or brass en-
sembles. Or someone who sits at
a front table with his baklava
watching Ann Arbor walk by the
store front picture window.
If Mark's has to go, it will leave
the building $11,000more disir-
able than when Melton and co-
owner Lloyd Cross-President of
Sonavision, and financial adviser
-found it.
"It was in awful condition," re-
calls Melton. "We spent three
months remodeling it, doing all
the work ourselves, bringing the
building up to code, rewiring it,
scraping old crud off the floors,
sanding them and polishing them."
All this will be lost in the
shuffle if Campus refuses to renew
Mark's lease.
"Whatever they agreed to in
the lease is what they'll get," says
Lighthammer. Eleven thousand
dollars of improvements and
hundreds of man hours of worka
are not in the lease.
Mark's will lose more than ma--
terial improvements if it closes.
It's clientele will suffer a loss'
simply because there is no other
coffeehouse in Ann Arbor like it
not Canterbury, the Ark, or any
of the other coffeehouses scattered
over the campus. No place where
Trotskyites. banjo buffs, noon
businessmen and fraternity men
can meet on the same level--and
enjoy each other.
"This town needs a place like
Mark's,' siCys a student, who fre-
qu nts the coffeehouse. "If people
hang around on the sidewalks,
they're told not to loiter. When
they go to Mark's they're moved
"Now if they go to the streets."
adds the student, "I suppose the
police will club them.'
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10, 7:30
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Michigan's Pamela Anne Eldred screams with delight as she is
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D .
Austin, Gribbs lead
Detroit mayoral race
"Co "mtiiled Irunii pae I
Gribbs' role is further confused
by the vagueness of his political
positions. Major Detroit business
leaders and the usually conserva-
tive Detroit Police Officers Asso-
ciation endorsed him. But outgo-
ing Mayor Jerome Cavanagh and'
the Wayne County AFL-CIO gave
him their approval as well. The
UAW endorsed Austin but called
Gribbs acceptable.
He is far from being a "dumb
cop." He is a lawyer who was first'
appointed to the sheriff's job and'
won election on his own last year.
And although he disavows the'
"law and order" approach, always
emphasizing the issue of justice,
he is still feared by some Detroit
They dislike Gribbs because of
the attitude he exhibited toward
civil rights a few years ago when
he was in the county prosecutor's
office and took a hard line
against demonstrations.
The difficulty came to a head
when Gribbs was allegedly attack-
ed by an aide to U.S. Rep. John
Conyers (D-Mich.) at a fund rais-
ing party for Nicholas Hood, a
liberal incumbent black city coun-
Gribbs and Conyer's aide both:
deny the attack. Gribbs said ie
hadn't planned on staying at the
fund-raising and left w h e n he.
planned to.
Austin's campaign has h a d a
similar problem. Black voters
comprise only about 36 per cent
of the city and to win Austin must
attract a significant majority of
whites. To that. end he has at-'
tempted to ignore the race issue..
declaring that race is not a factor
in the campaign.
That tactic suffered a serious
blow however when a Detroit
newspaper' revealed that Austin's
campaign manager. John Millen-
der, sent a letter to local Demo-
cratic party officials saying that
race was a factor in the campaign.
Austin defended the letter, say-
ing that he was not inserting race
as an issue, but that leaders kept
telling Millender that Detroit
"wasn't ready for a black mayor."
Mayor Cavanagh h a s avoided1
playing a role in the campaign'
since he announced he would not
run, some say because he didn'tr
want the record of his adminis-f
tration injected into the cam-
His staff honored his request
that they stay out of the cain-
paign as w e l1 until he released
them. which he finally did in ear-
ly August. He t o ld them at a
breakfast meeting that he would
not mind their working either for
Gribbs or Austin.
The staff was reportedly evenly
split between the two.
The other races - city council.
treasurer and clerk - have been
marked by a fight over the "name
game. " Election laws allow can-
didates with similar names to use
ballot designations to distinguish
This time, however. city clerk
candidate George C. Edwards III,
an attorney, challenged the prac-
tice of procuring candidates sim-
ply to get the use of the designa-
The City Elections Commission
first refused to act, but finally did
when ordered to by Wayne Coun-
ty Circuit. Judge Victor Baum.
One of the candidates went back
to his court to challenge the com-
mission's decision in three of nine'
cases, and Baum again reversed
S i x others wveren't challenged
on their merits, but one candidate
asked the State Court of Appeals
to consider the case. It did, over-
ruling Baum on the grounds that
he should have read the law strict-
However, the case , was t. h e n
taken to the State Supreme Court.
which upheld Baum. After each
decision, Baum ruled on the five
cases that had not been taken to
the higher courts, each time fol-
lowing the higher courts' istrue-
t ions.
Through the whole process the
elections director w a s paralyzed
from printing ballots. He finally
let the absentee ballots go o uit
with the designations that were
finally struck, but the machine
ballots will follow t h e supreme
court's ruling.
University researchers plan to
study th: Detroit River's water
pollution problem from the air.
The technique is called remote
s,2nsing. Each material in the
water can theoretically be detect-
ed long distance.
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