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September 07, 1969 - Image 6

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Wage Six


Sunday, September 7, 1969


Buckeyes lead AP poll

Seymour out indefinitely

By The Associated Press
Ohio State's loaded Buckeyes
are favored to roll on to a sec-
ond straight national collegiate'
football championship.
With 40 lettermen. including 18
of the starters in the 27-16 vic-
tory over Southern California in;
the Rose Bowl, back and battling
for positions, the Buckeyes are so
deep that they had to be an over-'
whelming choice to be number one
again in the Associated Press' an-
nual pre-season poll.
Twenty-six of 33 sports writers
and broadcasting experts in the
national panel picked Ohio State
riding a 14-game winning streak,

for the championship honor in col-
lege football's centennial season.
The Buckeyes are deep and
talented and so are the teams
picked to finish right behind-Ar-
kansas, Penn State and Texas--
in what shapes up as one of the
most exciting seasons in years.
Top pre-season honors went to
the four winners of New Year's
Day Bowl games. Now they'll have
to prove it on the playing field.
It won't be easy.
Arkansas, 16-2 conqueror of un-
beaten Georgia in the Sugar Bowl,
was picked for second. Penn State,
unbeaten now in 19 straight gans
and 15-14 winner over Kansas in
the Orange Bowl, was the third

choice, and Texas, which blasted
Tennessee in the Cotton Bowl, vas
the No. 4 selection.
Picked to move up were '_)kla-
homa, 11th last season. Hovmon.
18th and Mississippi, which was
Mississippi is an outstandiig ex-
ample of what's coming up in the
new season. Ole Miss walloped Vir-
ginia Tech 34-17 in the LibertyI
Bowl but still didn't make the Top
20. But the Rebels, like Ohio State,
have 40 lettermen back for an-
other campaign.
The Top 20. with first place votes in
parentheses. Points awarded for first
15 picks on basis of 20-18-16-14-12-10-9-
1. Ohio State (26) 611
2. Arkansas (2) 420
3. nn State (3) 390
4. 'Texas (1) 343
5. Southern California 290
6. Oklahoma 264
7. Houston (t) 231
8. Georgia 219
9. Mississippi 211I
10. Missouri 209
11. Notre Dame 204
12. .Michigan State 148
I3; Alabama 120
14. Indianta 98
15. Tennessee 67
16 Stanford 53
17. LUCLA 52
18. Purdue 42
1. Minnesota 40
20. Auburn 31
Other teams receiving votes, listed at-
phabetically: Air Force Academy, Art-
?ona State. Colorado, Florida State,
Kansas, Kansas State, Kent State,
Louisiana State. Memphis. & i a m i ,
Fla., MICHIGAN, Nebraska, North Caro-
linia State, Ohio U.. Oregon State, Richi-
mond, South Carolina Southern Meth-
odist, Syracuse, Virginia Tech West'
Virginia, Wyoming. 1

Defensive end Phil Seymour be-
came the first major Wolverine
casualty as the Michigan football
squad held what Coach Bo Schem-
bachler described as an unsatis-
factory scrimmage yesterday in
the rain.
While the extent of Seymour's
injuries are not yet definitely
known, it is feared that he will
be lost for at least four weeks
and possibly for the whole season.
Schembechler considers the loss
serious saying. "It's not very good
if we lost players of this caliber.
That's the risk we're running by
holding scrimmages, but we have
to have them."
Though he is concerned with
the loss of Seymour, Schembech-
ler had other reasons for beingL
dissatisfied with the session.
Though from a superficial glance
.it appeared that the offense had
no trouble moving the ball, the
coach was not at all pleased with
its performance.
He attributes their success
against the defense to the play-
ing conditions, which despite the
advantages of Tartan Turf, were
less than ideal. It seems that the

artificial turf is as slippery as
rass whon it glts wet and bath
sides had traction troubles. This
s harder on the defense as they
d-n't know their moves until the
offense makes their's and quick
cuts were virtually impossible.
One of the offensive problems
which the coach was concerned
with was the blocking by th- of-
fensive interior line. This is a
problem which he acknowledged
earlier and so far nothing h a s
happened to solve it.
A major cause of the lines prob-
lem is the center position. Three
of the five centers on the roster
are injuried. The other two are
sophomores who have not yet
mastered the technique of snap-
ping the ball and then blocking.
Schembechler admits that this is
going to be a problem as he
doesn't know when his other cen-
ters will be combat ready.
The offensive backfield w a s
also unimpressive yesterday with
the exception of quarterback Don
Moorhead. Moorhead, who h a d
several good runs despite the wet
field and appeared to be master-
ing the quarterback option, had
a "real good day" according to


Phil Seymour (91) poises for ( tackle
Newconi 'e, Roche win;
Ashe trails Laver, 2-0

Ro Schemrnbechler

Schembechler. The same can not
be said for the rest of the back-
field. Though the defense w a s
slipping and sliding it still w a s
able to catch the ball carrier be-
hind the line of scrimmage on
several occasions.

8:00 P.M.-Union Ballroom
Organizers Workshops

John Newcombe and Tony Roche,
two young products of Australia's
tennis assembly line, kept their
footing and their poise in rainy,
slippery conditions yesterday and
striked their way to the semifi-
nals in the $137,000 U.S. O p e n

Sept. 9,


1 1 at 8:00

CALL 763-3102, VISIT 1532 S.A.B.

Readers and or assistants for library work are
needed by blind students. Volunteer or for
pay. May specify preferred reading areas
(e.g. French, technical material) , and wheth-

Newcombe, 25, needed only 13
minutes and the benefit of a
questionable line call to finish off
fellow countryman, Fred Stolle, in
a match halted after 3 hours
Friday by darkness. The final
score was 7-9, 3-6, 6-1, 6-4, 13-11.
Then, after a delay of two hours
and 35 minutes because of a heavy
shower, Roche, 24, took the rain-
soaked center court at the West
Side Club to erase Earl "Butch"
Buchholz of St. Louis 6-1, 9-7, 7-5.
Favored Rod Laver, playing
hide and seek with the raindrops,
won the first two sets 8-6, 6-3 and
was t i e d at 12-12 in the third
when darkness halted his dramat-
ic, slashing, semifinal duel with
defending champion Ashe.
The Laver-Ashe match will be
completed, starting at 1 p.m. Sun-
day and the winner will go against
one of two rugged young Austra-
lian pros, John Newcombe or
Tony Roche, who came through
delayed quarter-final tests.
Laver, a frail-looking little red-
head dangling from a left arm as
big as a wagon tongue, was look-
ing for his 29th straight match
victory and moving within a step
of his second grand slam.

er wish to read
tact: Student

in person or for taping. Con-
Affairs Counseling Office,



ak Ip

-Daily-Richard Lee
Sportswriter, girl wed
The Sports Staff offers its congradulations to Tom and Pat Copi upon the taking of their nuptials
yesterday at the Depot House. Tom has been a long time sports photographer and occasional writer,
while Pat has served in the capacity of news editor and moral supporter. We honor their divine








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