DAILY See Editorial Page C I 4c Si41Fr4 ~Iaiti GARBAGE High--83 Low-60 Thunderstorms late today; clouds tomorrow Vol LXXX, No. 4 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, September 7, 1969 Ten Cents Eight Pages ONE !MILL IN(REASE: ,I Voters to consider tax Requiem for Mark 's coffeehouse? for law enforcement - I ailc--Randti- Ec3nxaiu. Co siiuillee to seek innovations in 11 nion By CAROL HILDEBRAND A student-faculty committee studying use of the Union and its control will meet Wednesday to write its proposals. The study is a result of last year's Osterheld report which recommelded that the Union be restructured to encourage its use by students and improve its financial status. An earlier accepted proposal by this committee resulted in the Union location of the University Store and the Student By BOB FUSFELDI and STUART GANNES The voters of Washtenaw County will be asked Tuesday to approve a new one mill in- crease in the property tax to bolster law enforcement facil- ities in the county. Voters will also be asked to con- sider a one-quarter mill increase in the property tax for acquisition of park and recreational facilities. The law enforcement proposal. which would raise slightly more than $3.5 million over a three year period, allows the County Board of Supervisors to allocate the funds according to a priority sys- tem covering 16 different areas of law enforcement. The system, as outlined in a re- port submited by the 10 man Washtenaw County Law Enforce- ment and Criminal Justice Com- mittee. gives highest priority to those programs emphasizing "the administration of justice" and se- condary emphasis to the "en- forcement of law" Opponents of the proposal, how- ever, contend that it is a "law and order" tax. designed more to bol- ster the county sheriff's hardware than to improve law enforcement. Supervisor D o n a 1 d Edmonds says he opposes the levy because there is no guarantee the money. will be spent on programs which favor the "administration of jus- tice." Edmonds, one of the three Democrats on the thirteen man Board of Supervisors, comments, that citizens have only "the word of the Board that the money will be spent according to the recom- mendations of the Law Enforce- ment Committee." Edmonds adds that a police training academy is desperately needed in th e community. "We have a bunch of ignorant, racist bigoted police running around here," he said. Edmonds, one of two blacks on the board, says "Because of the fact that black people are on the bottom of the economic t o t e in pole. they shoud get their money's worth for the taxes t h e y pay. There is simply no guarantee that this will be the case." However, the majority of the board backs the proposal, arguing that more money is needed and that the money will be spent as promised. The first items on the list are Federal Grant applications for which the county must provide matching funds including the es- tablishment of a training aca- demy "in the field of law en- forcement," a "crime prevention department," and a law enforce- 'ment study. Additional funds are expected to provide for the "further con- sideration of a public defender," as yet a nonexistent defense coun- cil for defendants without a law- yer. Sheriff Doulas Harvey com-j mented that the millage would "benefit the entire county. includ- ing the Sheriff's Department." The second proposal would raise approximately $879,000 over a per- iod of three years to acquire more park land for the county.' Opponents of the millage con- tend there are more pressing prob-E lems demanding county support and say voters are ah'eady over- taxed. Those in favor arue that park land is needed and can be pur-1 chased most cheaply now.I By DANIEL ZWERDLING Mark's Coffee House wood-planked home of the cream cheese bagel, black bread boor boy and splen- diferous soups. mother to lone guitarists, lunchtime politics and early morning chess, may have to haul in the potted tree and close its doors this fall to make room for another business. Campus Management tells Mark's it may not renew its lease when it expires in December. "I've had adverse complaints about Mark's from businessmen in the area, and residents," says Campus Management President Dwaine Lighthammer. "My personal friends in the Maynard House have com- plained to me about the people there." And even more importantly, Lighthammer says. he is negotiating with "some people" who want to rent Mark's and the two stores on the corner. "The people who want to lease the entire first floor may even want to buy it." observes Lighthammer. "We wouldn't want to jeopardize the sale of the entire building just for Mark's, which is only a small percentage of it," he says. Mark's occupies the single largest floor space of any of the three campus stores in question. What businessmen in the area are against Mark's.' The president of the State Street Business Association -58 merchants in the State Street. Liberty and May- nard Area--can't think of any. "The businesmen in the association don't have anything against Mark's at all." says President Joseph Edwards, who owns the Nickel Arcade's pipe and tobacco shop. "They think there should b, a place like Mark's where people can go. Every man has a right to do his thing." Edwards says the board of directors of the as- i Welfare mothers plan strategy sociation has evn ofieied to write a letter of support for Mark's should it need one to survive. Some merchants say personally they dislike Mark's -but add the clientele is not their business. "Some of the people there aren't clean." declares the owner of the Arcade's Caravan Shop. "They're funny dressers. and go barefoot, and act silly. These kids don't have any dignity. don't have any culture." she complains. But no one says they insist Maik's must move. The crucial party in Mark's demise or survival ap- pears to be the potential lessees, whose identity Cam- pus Management is keeping a mystery. Businessmen in the area, who often know what goes on behind Ann Arbor's closr'd financial doors. can't discover who is involved in the negotiation. Even a local real estate agent---who has been trying to relocate an Ann Arbor hi-fi store--had no idea Campus Management was even remotely considering leasing or selling the stores. In fact. the only merchant in the area who seems to know anything about the deal is Sarah Magnuson, owner of Magnuson's clothing. "I am not at liberty to say anything about it." says Mrs. Magnuson. She says she has been looking for investment properties, but refuses to disclose whether she has been negoti- ating for Mark's. In the meantime. Mark's doesn't know how long it will survive. Lighthammcr first told co-owner Paul Melton several months ago he would not renew the lease in December--but now Mark's is trying to nego- tiate a lease for half a year, or even on a month to month basis. Mark's would even like to buy the store. if it could find the money- -but sources say Lighthammer quoted '25.000 as the price Mark's must pay. Lighthammer says, however, 'I )could guess the value is around $S00 000, maybe $150.000." See REQUIEM. Page 8 -D.1>' -'aidvEdiuontl' By MARCIA ABR AMSON Associate Managing Editor Although county welfare mothers have demanded an average of $120 per child for school clothing allowances, the state and county say they'll et only $27.50. When the county offered no money for clothes last year, the welfare mothers won a special $70 allotment per child after a series of demor trations with students at the County Building, culminatiina. in some 240 arrests. So far, the Welfare Rights Committee (WRC) - the mothers' organization---has not yet determined how to got the county to bolster its $16.50 share of the clothing allotment. ADC mothers plan to meet today to discuss tactics - and groups of white, middle class Credit Union. Certain longer proposals will Wednesday meeting, according to Wally nn of the C06 tte(' and be finalized at the Strombero2 chair- president of University Activ- ities Center. Stromberg says a temlaltive. pro- posal is to turn the Stdint Ac- tivities Building into an 'ei ht to ive-type office buildin, giving needed space to the ad nssions of- fice and financial aids office. St u- dciti organizations such as Stu- delit Governmnn'it Council, Panhel. Inter-Fraternit y Council and In- ter-House Assembly wo' Wuld move into the Union. Should the shift from the SAB take place. Stromberg says it is likely that rent for Union space will "come from each organiza- tion's budget." The Union is al- ready earning from the Universit >1tore a nid the Ciedit U nion. With more student-related ac- iivities in the Union. Stromberg sees the need for a change in the Unions Board of Directors. Cur- reuntly there are three student votes (UAC members. three alumni votes. three faculty votes, and the Unon general maa ger vote. Stromberg would propose that "eight students and six non-stl- dents" make up the governing board. They would be either elect- od by the student body or ap- pointed by UAC 'I'l(, Ann Arbor Tenant.' Union will launch plans tomorrow night for a new rent strike at a mass nmeetiig in the Union. Stuart Katz. member of the strike steering committee, says the new strike will mobilize students who have chaniied apartments. adding pressure to landlords still fighting effects of the strike start- ed in February. Monday's mass meeting will in - clude discussion of demands and goals of the Tenants' Union, land- lord strategy, and the role of or- eanizers and other workers in the strike. The meeting tomorrow will be followed on Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday by workshops for orG"ani/ers. Since the strike gained national recognition in newspapers and magazines this summer, colleges from across the country have re- quested help to organize their own strikes: Steering committee mem- bers predict the same recognition will attract greater numbers of strikers in Ali Arbor this fall. -D)aily -Sarai"K rulwi'im Where*5 liyIbikde The University got rid of all the bikes it has impounded over the last year at an auction yesterday- where bicyclists could pick up some new cheap transportation. or repurchase the bicycle they lost. FOUR LEADERS: Coalition ides Nrth01 i 'Vietnam white mothers will also meet to offer their support. The mothers expect to announce their plans later this week in a press conference. No one is sure what action they may take. But Bent Neilsen, chair- man of the county board of super- visors, has already told the moth- ers that restrictions concerning the use of the County Bldg. will be in force this year. and all vio- lators will be arrested. Neilsen's statement was tacked on to an announcement by the supervisors that they would not negotiate with welfare recipients. The supervisors maintained the County Social Services Board is: entirely responsible for negotia-, tions with WRC and other welfare recipients. But the social services board has issued its final allotment-$16.50 per child, along with the state allowance of $11 per child. And if the mothers demand more money. they will not be able to obtain it from the social services board. Alfred Brose. county social s-rv- ices director, explained yesterday that any supplemental allocation will have to come from the county board of supervisors or the state. But. Brose added. both the suner- visors and the state have indi- cated that there are no more available funds. After last year's confrontation, th? state provided $40.000 in emergency funds and the county allotted $50,000. But Glynn Barnett, chairman of the social services board, h a s warned the mothers that things are different this year. "Last year the county had a surplus." he ex- plained. See WELFARE. Page '? TOKYO O'.--As North Vietnam mourned the death of President Ho Chi Minh. Hanoi radio an- nounced yesterday the nation would be ruled by a collective leadership of obedience to his will. It did not say who was in the leadership pledged to carry on Ho's fight for a united Vietnam. FOUR-WAY RA(CE1: r * By RON LANDSMAN MAnaging Iditor Mary V. Beck and her "Broom Brigade' pledge to sweep city government clean. Walter Shamie promnises to stop the city government's waste of mony. Roman S. Gribbs vows to bring justice and order uider law. And Richard H. Aus in offers "Leader- hip - that's the difference.'' These four are the acknoled;gd front- riumers in the campaign for the mayor of Detroit. which faces its first formal test in the primary Tuesday. ces mayoral primary But they almost certainly included the four strong men of Hanoi. The four are Le Duan, who as first secretary of the Communist party has a strong grip on the party machinery: Premier Pham Van Duong; Thuong Chinh. chair- man of the National Assembly and leading party theoretician, and Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap, the defense minister and master military strategist. The broadcast seemed to pre- clude, at least for now, a n y struggle for power among them.' "A collective leadership of of- ficials and fighters, who h a v e been selected and well trained by our beloved President Ho C h i Minh. will continue to battle for freedom and independenc? of all our people and all our nation until the last American aggressor is driven from our land, the South is completely liberated. and our fatherland united once again." the broadcast declared. "\Ve assure the people." Radio Hanoi said. "that th-re will be tight unity around the Central Committee of the party. of which the political department is the clared it was the duty of "all Viet- nanmese compatriots to achieve Ho's cherished dream of a free, in- dependent and united Vietnam." "Our fighters must transform their sorrow into urgent desire and firm determination to greatly intensity their fighting until the aggressors are driven out and the traitors overthrown," the p a p e r concluded. North Vietnam has been in mourmning since Ho died of a heart attack Wednesday, but the 'Vietnam News Agency said the official period began yesterday and will continue through Tues- day. Ho's burial will be Wednes- day. Police fire hose SOMERVILLE, Tenn. (A - Police used fire hoses to disperse about 100 blacks demonstrating in this small West Tennessee town yesterday, and the mayor imposed a dusk-to-dawn curfew. A black state official there as an observer said he was sprayed "near full force" as he watched. Police said 16 persons were ar- rested and charged with violating the city ordinance they were pro- testing. It bans courthouse lawn meetings and carrying picket signs. Mayor 1. B. Yance said the cur- few will remain in effect "as long as we think it is necessary. This is nothing new. We've had curfews here before." Yesterday's march was the third in as many weeks. Cornelius Jones. black executive director of the Tennessee Com- mission on Human Development. a civil rights agency, said he and Archie Allen. a commission staff m-mber. had been invited by the black group as observers. "I was standing across the Sreet from 5 to 30 yards awa f'om the march when the hoses were turned near full force on me. The same thing happened to Al- len." Jones said. Two weeks ago. 115 persons were arrested. including Baxton Bryant, head of the privately fi- nanced Tennessee Human Rela- tions Council. He was charged then with inciting to riot, and w as arrested again yesterday and charged with violating a chancery court injunction issued against him. Last week. abot 200 blacks-. ues' of them from Memphis - mnarched onto the courthouse lawn and carried picket signs without incident. Both actions violated an ordinance passed in 1963 which resulted in the earlier arrests. The demnonstrations began over the alleged beating of a black mo r ami. r tv'rs i h j ', b y ir. apolis won a clear victory after' the incum- bent mayor declined to run for re-election. New York sems to be following a similar line. Incumbent John Lindsay lost to a conservative Nc'w York state senator in his o'"n party's primary and is now running on Liberal party and independent tickets. Mario Procaccino. who claims to be a iberal but is attracting the law and order vote. won the Democratic primary as form,- er nie er Robert Wagner and Bronx bor- w-h resident Herman Badillo divided h' major liberal \ote. Lindsay's bad administrative record ob- small white liberal segment, He has also won the endorsement of the powerful United Auto Workers. a major factor in anv Detroit election. Austin has run a generally low-keyed campaign. as befits his personality, leaving many liberals. black and white, somewhat dismayed. Many liberals had been pressing William Patrick, president of New Detroit. Inc. to run. but he declined. In the middle are Wayne Coun' y Sher- iff Roman Gribbs and businessman-pro- nmoer Walter Shamie. Shamie has made economy the major issue of his campaign. C rout1p to recommen(1 edluicatioiial ref oris LANSINGr P --- The Milliken administration's education reform commission may announce with- in the next two weeks its ideas for changing the administration and financing of elementary and se- condarv education in Michiean. the place of such othir contro- versial education matters as paro- chiaid. But Detroit papers said last week Milliken would ask for a hike in state incoms taxes. Thus far there has been no com- mission concensus on the subiect