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September 06, 1969 - Image 1

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Partly cloudy,
warm, humid

Vol. LXXX, No. 3 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, September 6, 1969 Ten Cents
Th e -mak "i ngof a vice fpres ident '69.. '7. .
By DANIEL ZWERDLING These include, say some members, Acting done in five minutes. The committee does staff who have worked years in their po- mittee must grapple. Right now it ap- whether the+
Selecting vice presidents for student, Vice President for Student Affairs Barbara want someone who identifies with stu- sitions and don't want a student telling pears the members may split down the Fleming will
affairs isn't easy, and after five months on Newell, Alan Guskin of the psychology de- dents. The problem is trying to objectify them how to run their job. middle. "neming t
the job, the committee chosen to select partment, and former SGC Vice President that and actually decide." Housing Director John Feldkamp is one But when the committee does decide to to find sever
a new one for the University is not much Robert Neff. Faculty members on the committee professional who doesn't want to see a make a final decision, no members are plains Nissen
closer to filling the office than when it B gets down to the voting, won't discount the possibilities of appoint- student as vice president. sure how they will make it. "We have no one to prese
started last March. members of the committee will riot likely ing a student to the post. Experience, in- "It would be a significant loss to stl- formal guidelines for choosing the candi- Such a m
ieach any consensus.daesasammr.W sttdopi
With about 60 candidates filtering telligence and dynamism, not age, will be dents if a student were appointed vice dates," says a member. "We started Oper- would allowi
through its hands, sheer overload p'ohi "The conflict is between the students, the determining factors, they say. Exper- president," declares Feldkamp. "A chief ating on the assumption we would ar- woman for
bited the committee from choosing a new who tend to favor a student for vice (ence. however, is often synonymous With executive officer has to hold his own rive at some consensus." Newell, one o
president, and the faculty, who generahly
vice president ralast A hhefagunay,; o r age-a 21-year-old student simply hasn't among other officers, and command pro- What happens if the committee never If it comes
b Api.gee'.al prefer a faculty member, says co-chair- had the chance to chalk up the adminis- fessional respect."
target. , says co-cspeat. does reach a consensus? Students a re vote on one
The committee couldn't meet during thlie an Steve Nissen, Daily City Editor. trative years of someone 10. perhaps 20 "The Office of Student Affairs has suf- considering issuing a separate report if prove any ot
"The question is whether' we want some-
summer and when it did meet last spring one, wyho 'ih identify his source of legiti- years older. Iered already from lack of professional- they and the faculty members n e v e r to accept th
all the members did not always attend. nacy with the students, or someone who But when it comes down to the final ism," says Feldkamp. agree' Barritt, for
And the committee-which meets next will see his support lying with the admin- question, Barritt notes, age shouldn't be However, Will Smith, assistant to the "Separate reports will only be the right "If we can g
week for the first time this fall-still has istration." explains a student member. a problem. "I am interested in qualities vice president, doesn't see the issue that strategic move if we reach an impasse," we should," h
more candidates to interview. At least one faculty member on the other than whether the person carries the vay. "A student with the right approach, says one student. "We're not- at that point feeling on t
After some informal screening processes, committee doesn't see it that way, how- label 'student." one who could transcend inexperience and respecting ea
members have managed to agree on "half ever. Fleming, however, warned committee relate to the needs of people. could do a yet." r"My ownf
a dozen" top contenders, according to co- "If that wer the only question," says members a student vice president would hell of a job," he says. Even if the committee can agree on be a matter
chairman Frank Kennedy of the lav school. education Prof. Lorren Barritt, "we'd be tend to antagonize professionals on the These are issues with which the coin- acceptable candidates, it is not clear decide," he a

Six Pages
committee itself or President
make the final choice,
old us, when we first started,
al acceptable candidates," ex-
, "and then he would choose
nt to the Regents."
cove, say student members.
Fleming to select his man or
the job-very possibly Mrs.
f the top contenders.
to that, says a student, "I will
candidate and refuse to ap-
hers. That will force Fleming
e committee's choice."
one, doesn't see that problem.
yet a consensus then I think
te says. "I think there is good
he committee, with everyone
ch person's views."
personal guess is that it will
of months before we finally

Delay release



RIO DE JANEIRO !Y- An unexplained delay developed
last night in efforts to free kidnaped U.S. Ambassador C.
Burke Elbrick in exchange for 15 political prisoners of Brazil.
Mexico may have cleared the way for the exchange by
providing political asylum for the 15.
"The Mexican government has opened the doors," a
foreign ministry spokesman said in Mexico City. He said the
Brazilian prisoners were expected to arrive in Mexico by
plane this morning.
The Mexican announcement may have cleared up an unex-
plained hitch that developed last night in negotiations by Brazil's
military junta to swap the prisoners for the veteran U.S. diplomat.
Brazilian Foreign Minister Jose de Magalhaes had been sched-
uled to go on nationwide radio and television to broadcast word of
the exchange at 10 p.m. (8 p.m. EDT) but postponed the broadcast
until today without explanation.
Sources in the government security force said some of the
prisoners whose release and departure had been demanded by the
ambassador's abductors were unwilling to be flown out of Brazil.
There was no official confirmation.
Chile has already officially announced it would grant the prison-
ers asylum. The kidnapers had nam d Mexico. Chile and Algeria as
possible destinations for the prisoner: but later asked that the 15 be
sent to Mexico.
Still another possible cause might be that some of the prisoners
were being held in prisons far from Rio. At least two of them were
known to be jailed in Recife, 1,100 miles northeast of here.
The country's military junta had agreed to free the 15 political
prisoners and fly them to Mexico in exchange for the veteran U.S.
diplomat who was abducted Thursday afternoon.
The kidnapers had promised to release Elbrick when the 15
prisoners-14 men and a woman--reached their destination safely.
They had vowed to "execute" Elbrick if the junta failed to meet a
deadline for the swap.
In a note to his wife, Elbrick asked that, Brazilian authorities
obey the kidnapers because they "are very determined."
Word of the postponement caught the U.S. Embassy staff by
surprise and raised fears among diplomats that something had gone
It was announced afterward that the Brazilian cabinet would
meet today to review Elbrick's abduction.
The security force sources said the two prisoners who declined to
be flown out of Brazil were first-time offenders and felt they stood
a good chance of getting out of jail soon for good behavior.
They were identified as Ricardo Vilasboas de sa Rego and Maria
Augusta Carneiro, both of whom were arrested in Rio May 1.
The kidnapers also insisted that Brazilian police call off their
manhunt for Elbrick. Earlier last night, security force spokesmen,
said the search had been suspended.

Pi Phi
Sorority d(rops
bindinig alumnae
Pi Beta Phi sorority has
eliminated binding alumnae
recommendations of n e w
members and will begin rush
on Monday after a lapse of a
The sorority suspended rush last
December when they were unable
to comply with a Panhellenic As-
sociation resolution prohibiting
such recommendations in order to
fully comply with the Regents by-
law which prohibits discrimination
in student organizations.
Although nineteen sororities
signed the resolution to end the
potentially discriminatory prac-
tice, Pi Beta Phi was unable to
convince their National Grand
Council to grant a waiver of the
national binding recommendation
Rather than leave Panhel and
lose University recognition, Pi Beta
Phi did not rush and began work-
ing to change the national rules.
Finally, the national decided at
its June convention to allow each
chapter to decide for itself wheth-
er to use binding recommenda-
tions, said Lynn Woodruff, vice
president of the local chapter and
alternate delegate to the conven-
"We didn't meet the animosity
expected," she said, Even Mrs.
Dorothy Morgan, who strongly op-
posed abolition of the recommen-
dations a year ago, voted in favor
of the change. Mrs. Morgan is the
Pi Beta Phi grand president.
The move for change came from
many chapters and was presented
by one from Virginia. "That way it
wouldn't come from one in the
north," Miss Woodruff explained.
Under the previous system, a
girl was required to have a favor-
able recommendation b e f o r e
pledging and any negative recom-
mendation could cancel a positive
one. Now, no recommendations are
Miss Woodruff said she is very
"optimistic" about the fall rush.
The Pi Phi house is now at only
half its capacity because it did not
rush last year.
New Corui1
head namned
ITHACA, N.Y. OP--The Cornell
University Board Of Trustees A-

-Associated Press
CHARLES E. ELBRICK.U.S. ambassador to Brazil, who was
kidnaped Thursday in Rio de Janeiro, poses with his wife on
June 27 before leaving New York for Brazil.
Nixon WIS delay in
scool desegregation
WASHINGTON - - With reluctance, Supreme Court
Justice Hugo L. Black gave the Nixon administration a delay
yesterday in desegregation of 14 Mississippi school districts.
After a week's consideration, Black accepted the admin-
istration's view that there could not be complete and orderly
implementation of desegregation at the start of this school
But he virtually urged attorneys for the NAACP Legal
Defense and Educational Fund to press their fight for speed-
ier desegregation when the'
Supreme Court returns next
And he promised that his own
position at that time would bei
cluded from a public school on
account of race or color must be
vindicated at once.
The case was brought to Black;
because lie is the Supreme Court
justice for the fifth, or southern
district. The fund had, therefore,
asked him to dismiss an Aug. 28r
decision by the U.S. Circuit Court
in New Orleans that school de- s
.egrecgation can be delayed tintil
Dec. 1.
The Justice Department, which
had pressed for the delay in the
New Orleans court, did so again
when the case reached Black.
This was the first time 'the fed-
eral government had asked the
Supreme Court to delay desegre-
gation since the court. in 1954'

-Daily-Richard Lee

Lo~okinig (own. o itregistraltionl

Countless cards mount igh,
th-eii vanish into bureaucracy

Ex-ery registration, tons of little
white, green, pink and gray cards
are prepared and shipped to

from his racial origin (optional) addresses of all students register-

"But after the ambassador is liberated we will start a thorough Waterman Gym from the Univer-a
investigation in order to locate the terrorist group," a spokesman s data processing center.
Instructions to the government on when and where to release And as some 12,000 students file
the 15 prisoners were in two notes yesterday, one found in a Rio machine, each fills out at least
church and another one dropped in a supermarket suggestion box. eight or nine cards 'ecording all
Each was accompanied by a letter from Elbrick to his wife, Elfie. sorts of personal information---

to the name of his landlord.
But what do they do with all
those little cards? Some, like the
red and green home and local
address cards, are quickly sent by
air freight to a reading computer-
scanner device in Iowa City, Iowa,
then returned to the University
within days.
"We'll have a reel of tape back
here Wednesday morning with the


ed," says Assistant Registrar Har-
ris Olson, who designed the cur-
rent computerized registration sys-
tem and seems intimately fam-
iliar with all its details and short-
Olson knows, for example, that
students who keep the same home
address throughout their entireI
college career must fill out the
same card the same way at least
eight times in four years. "We'd
like to improve that, but right
now we don't have the personnel
needed to change the system," he
"When you get locked into onej
system it takes a lot of effort to
snake a change in it," he adds.
Some idea of the size of the
registration operation can be
gained from the fact that this
week 150,000 class elections were
processed. The bulk of the job
- translating class election cards
into class cards and lists of stu-
dents in each section - is done
entirely by computer.

re S a





Will Ann Arbor become the
scene of riots in the streets or
disruptive campus activism
this fall?
Despite activities on other
campuses last spring, and des-
pite the violent street disturb-
ances on South University Ave.
in June, most of the 30 stu-
dents interviewed yesterday ap-
parently feel that it can't hap-
pen here --- or at least that it
isn't very likely.
"Kids here are very hassled
in school and aren't willing to
initiate unrest," said Judy Tell.

"The only way riots could
start is if the pigs start them,"
said Barbara Kehhl of the
Sunnygoode Street Commune.
"The.revolutionaries aren't to-
,ather enough."
"If Washtenaxx County
Sheriff Douglas) Harvey comes
in here again, I'll shoot his
teat'gas back at him," pro-
claimed a lacy student who said
he was on the street during last
June's disorders.
Several students would not
make a definitive prediction on
the chances of a blow-up. "Fif-
ty-fifty," said a passerby. "Put
me down for fifty-fifty."

Many students wonder why it is pointed Dale R. Corson as presi-
so important to PRESS HARD dent of the Ivy League Univer-
wx'hen filling out the white infor- sity yesterday, succeeding James
mation card called a registration- A. Perkins whose tentative res-
naire. It's simply because the - ignation last spring followed a
registrationnaire muit make three building seizure on campus.
cai'bon copies. Corson, university provost, was
The top copy is filed at the reg- given full administrative authority
istrar's office in the LSA Bldg. for{ to run the university after Perkins'
a record of the student's enroll- announcement that he would re-
ment. The second copy goes to the

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