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December 09, 1969 - Image 8

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Page Eight


Tuesday, December 9, 1969

THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, December 9, 1969

University of Michigan
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Return Sunday, January 4th

Figh ting




By JOEL GREER A complete turnabout ocurred goalie Bob Johnson skated to the 8-6 and was praised by Coach
in the second period as Michigan Spartan bench and was imme- Al Renfrew. "The defense played
minetheoucogaeofensedoce began to fore-check the Spartans. diately replaced by Dick Duffet. real well considering Cartier was
mined the outcome of both hockey It finally paid off as Michigan Since Duffet put on such an suspended. Jerry Lefebvre filled- .
tacklay ormt Fkdy niht as- began their 4-goal burst at 17:45. admirable performance Friday in real well." Punch Cartier and
tack lay dormant Friday night as Bsn a se h emd State's Jerry DeMarc were sus-1 k
they managed only two "gift"; Basone was asked why he made Stt'sJrrre roee u
MICHIGAN STATE coach Amo the switch for Saturday's game. pended for the remainder of the
goals. . Bassone described the outburst as "I always alternate my goalies. series for fighting Friday night
Saturday, continuing their in- a "complete collapse of our de- But Duffet's won the job tonight." Going into Saturday's game at
consistant play, Michigan exploded fense." The icers exploded and The third period was a free East Lansing, Michigan's big line
for four goals n a span of 66 sec- flooded the helpless Spartans with skating affair where State twice of Captain Dave Perrin, Merle
thdsrand countd seightsll to- their finest plays of the season. closed within two goals. Falk, and Paul Gamsby was a
the atga s eImmediately following the fourth tnajor disappointment. The line
Ithe 3-a loss Friday at the quick goal embarrassed St a t e MICHIGAN HELD on to win had only one point after three
Coliseum, marked by numerous- - games. The single tally came on
fights, the tenacious fore-checking a goal by Falk in the Wisconsin
of Michigan State kept Michigan Is sla glier PigSene
frustrated in their own end. Ga s s a ' h e efe a htteln a
p ig frs gol iaynot producing and completely r e
Michigan's first goal Friday mpdhsntrofne.Hpu
Mcascaon a pass-out from the cor- "* vamped his entire offense. He put
er byaBrsa Slack. The puck M s i Gamsby on a line with Slack and
naoe dBrian Satk aeD1 D nrBl' Gagnon, he made up a combina
uffet off the well positioned tion of Don Deeks, Perrin and
Pashak, and he put together the
skate of Buck Straub. The other Washtenaw County Sheriff Doug Harvey has successfully clas third line of Falk, Shaw, and
Wolverine tally was a similar ed with dissident students, traffic violators and. . . .......... Straub.
play but, this time, the puck slid but Sunday he was turned back in his attempt to take on the Ann Until the second period scoring<
off a Spartan skate as Barney spre i appareytht th chnge
Pashak shot from a near-impos- Arbor police department. spree it appeared that the changes
sible angle. This time, the game was football. And before a cheering and would not brighten up the offense.
That was the extent of the chilly crowd of 1000 fans, the Ann Arbor Police department "Goats" Michigan State continued to fore-
Michigan offense. Most of the shut out the Sheriff's department "Pigs", 19-0, in the nation"s first check with authority but the icers
time Friday the Wolverines were "Pig Bowl." began to beat the Spartan press
The move paid off as Gamsby
whatin te actuallymere out threo "ur u emwsdfae, adSeifogHrew wt uc hr asg
what they actually were out there played halfback for the "pigs", "But money-wise and toy-wise, we came out of his scoring slump with
for. wvon." two goals and three assists.
Harvey estimates that about $3,000 was collected to buy Christmas Still the Wolverine were not -Daily-Thomas R. Copi
THlE GAME took on what look- gifts for needy children. paiggo oiinlhce n MCIA EESMNTn ar nese lpfo
ed to be a brawl as Michigan couldrpdadmnde nodddpmrtso alshoceo MICHIGAN DEFENSEMAN Tom Marra unleashes a slap from
do nothing right. So they turned While the two teams collided in the mud filled field, members defense. Tom Marra was constant-
to the only thing they could at of the local veterans groups fired cannons and guns to record ly caught in the opponents zone the point as Paul Gamsby is being checked by Michigan State's
all. They spent most of the game the score. "D. J." a pig provided by Sheriff's Cpl. Charles Broderick, and a forward was always having Dwight Lewis. Spartan Gilles Gagnon attempts to block the shot
Friday in their own zone looking balked at appearing on the muddy field and slept throughout the to move back to his defensive posi- in the game which was played at the Coliseum last Friday. Michi-
for green sweaters to skate into, game. "Fuzz," the Ann Arbor police department goat, bleated and tion. Their only other problem on
State played fine positional moaned but was continually paraded around the soggy field. defense is clearing rebounds. gan State won the game 3-2.
hockey and waited for the Wol- In an after-game ceremony, the police department was awarded
verines to come to them. The icers the "Pig Bowl Trophy," a battered pig slopping can. As he accepted TEAM WINS SEVEN MEDALS
made a mistake in their own zone the trophy for the police department, Lt. Thomas Minick, captain
and the Spartans won the game
by sof the "goats" remarked he had "never seen so much esprit de corps.
Don Thompson took the puck I'veneverseen the police department and the Sheriff's office co- e d 1 m
from the corner and sent it to Bill amn thsu ever before." rG y.Rhdae
Fifield who scored the winning Game casualties included Sheriff's Cptl. Richard Sober, who B gTnme

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goal. was examined at 6t. Joseph Mercy Hospital for a possible cartilage
For most of the game Saturday damage in a knee, and Deputy Robert London who had an ankle
the situation was the same. The bruise.
first two Michigan markers came Throughout the game, cheerleaders for the Pigs kept up a
as Tom Marra intercepted errant rousing charge, "One, two, three, four, who are we for - PIGS!! ! !"
State passes. After the game, Sheriff Harvey announced he would be "retiring
and hanging up my number". But he added, "For all the bumps and
"M..- C- UPON.... bruises, it was worth it. In this rainy weather either the people loved
football or they came for the laughs."
I ; Ann Arbor Police Chief Walter Krasny, who coached from the
' sidelines, commented, "We're the goats on a lot of occasions and
anyway, names are just names. Most of the time you couldn't print
D 177, the names we're called."

By JERRY CLARKE not give a true impression of the
Michigan's gymnastics picture relative strengths of the compet-I
brightened considerably last week- ing teams, as many teams were
end when the Wolverines, led by not fully represented. "No team
Sid Jensen, won seven medals in trophy was given, so some schools
the Big Ten Invitational Tourna- sent only some of their individual
. metitors..

ment. Jensen took three medals
himself, including a first p la c e
award for his finish on the rings,
showing his versatility and mak-
ing Michigan the strongest team
in the tournament.
Coach Newt Loken praised his
team for the improvement they
showed over their performance in
the eirlier Midwest O p e n, but
added that "I just wish we had
about three more of these openI
meets before our Big Ten start."
He also noted that the meet did

MICHIGAN WAS the only con-
ference team to receive m o r e
than two medals. Indiana State,
one of the schools from outside
the Big Ten that was invited to
compete, had four medalists for
second best.-
Jensen was by no means t h e

his "best ever." Defending NCAA
champion and team captain Ron
Rapper took second on the par-
allel bars, only half a point behind
Yoshi Hayasaki of Washington.
Even a pair of newcomers got
into the act. Dick Kaziny, a soph,
omore, finished third on the side
horse, Michigan's weakesthevent
last season. On the rings, where
graduation took away b o t h of
last year's specialists, freshman
S k i p Frowick finished third,
which, together with Jensen's first,
demonstrated that that event will
not be as weakened as many had

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This Week
BASKETBALL-Duke at the Ev
SWIMMING-Michigan at Min
HOCKEY--North Dakota at the
SWIMMING-Michigan at Wis
HOCKEY-North Dakota at th

only Wolverine to perform well in feared.
the tournament. Ed Howard fin- ALSO ON THE rings, sopho-
ished second on the high bar with more Mike Sale performed well,
a 9.1, a routine that Loken called doing a routine that Loken called
"The highlight of the meet as far
as any individual was concerned."
Other Michigan gymnasts gave
in Sports oodperformances. George Hunt-
zicker did well in both floor ex-
ESDAY ercise and vaulting. Freshman
Ward Black w a s another solid
vents Building, 8 p.m. competitor in floor exercise. Be-
SDAY sides the rings, Jensen won medals
mnesota for vaulting and side horse.
The team will now stand idle,
DAY practicing for the beginning of the
Big T e n season on January 10.
e Coliseum, 8 p.m. Improvement has been made in
consin the last week, and a continuance
RDAY of that trend could pave the way
for a repeat of last season's
e Coliseum, 8 p.m. championship.

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last twenty years,
only one newspaper
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