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December 09, 1969 - Image 5

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Tuesday, December 9, 1969


Page Five

For Direct Classified Service, Phone 764-0
Monday through Friday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.


LINES 1 day 2 days 3 days 4 days 5 days 6 days add.
2 1.00 1.60 2.35 3.00 3.65 4.20 .60
3 1.10 2.15 3.10 4.05 4.85 5.65 .80
4 1.35 2.60 3.75 4.05 5.90 6.90 .95
5 1.55 3.00 4.35 4.65 6.90 8.05 1.15
6 1.80 3.40 4.95 6.35 7.85 9.25 1.30
7 2.00 3.75 5.50 7.20 8.85 10.40 1.45
8 2.20 4:15 6.10 7.90 9.75 11.45 1.55
9 2.40 4.55 6.65 8.70 10.65 12.60 1.70
10 2.60 4.95 7.15 9.30 11.35 13.60 1.80
1 2.60 4.95 7.15 9.30 11.35 13.30 1.80
2 4.90 9.50 13.80 17.85 21.75 25.40 1.80
3 6.95 13.50 19.75 25.50 31.15 36.65 1.80
4 8.90 17.35 25.55 33.45 40.95 48.30 1.80
5 10.70 21.10 31.40 41.40 51.15 60.50 1.30
Additional costs per day after six days.
Ads that are 1IA, 21/2, 3 , etc. inch size will be billed at the
overage of the lower and higher inch rate.

1957 DESOTO PICKUP, Class, character,
comfort. 665-2665. 39N79
TRIUMPH Gt-6. Red; black interior.
1968. 769-4378 between 5 and 7 p.m.
AUSTIN HEALY 3000, 1967 (Latest year
offered). Excellent condition. Call 769-
0437. NE
'65 TRIUMPH Spitfire. Good condition.
Best offer, must sell. 769-0681, Art.
1969 MGB. Must sell. $2,350. Wire
wheels. 769-2223 after 6 p.m. 35N7
1967 CHEVY, 2-door sedan. 6 cylinder,
automatic transmission, new exhaust
system. Cheap transportation. Call
483-4499 after 6:30 p.m. ND
- - - - --- ------
FEMALE-own bedroom in mod. 2-man'
apt. Jan.-Aug. sublet. Grad pref.
$100/mo. rent negot. 761-7256. 28Y79

BAND AVAILABLE, ideal for small and AKC Registered Norwegian ELKHOUND EMBROIDERED Afghan coat. Men's
medium size affairs, catering spe- PUPS. Also, stud service. Call 483- medium. Call 663-5023 after 6 p.m.
cially to University organizations. Call'59 TF 48B79
Vi in 7R--Ann .%Aan xR4tQnn- - - - ----° ......-- -......._.._.__.__ _ _______ _ _- .- _ ___ ______


end your Holidays with Autie M
Dec. 14-21. 668-6300.
Donald Hall, Robert Hayden,
Barriggan, Andrew Carrigan att
House, 802 Monroe, Friday, De
Al TfCfA T~fK IC

c. 12.

Eric 764-439 or483-40 457I
MUSICAL MDSE., OLIVE FORMAL, size 10-12, worn once.
PROFESSIONAL TYPING - Papers., RADIOS, REPAIRS ___-8-23 or -- -632. _ B7_
theses, dissertations, etc. Reasonable. I-_-___ ___ __ -- SWANNEE LEATHER CO.
Possible pickup and delivery. 822- GIBSON B-25 12-string cherry finish Handmade mocassins, vests, skirts, bags, 8-
9057, Detroit. 29Jtc plus case and extras. Call 769-7695. belts, capes, etc. Suede and leather
34X79 breeches. Calf, goat and buffalo fur.
EXPERIENCED SECRETARY desires -- 209 S. State St. 668-9100. Open every
work in her home. Thesis, technical ELEC. GUITAR AND AMPLIFIER. Ex. day till Christmas. 42B79
typing, stuffing, etc. IBM selectric cond. For more infor., 761-7344. 33X79 d tl rm F
Call Jeanette, 971-2463. 12Jtc -- -4 PIECE DRUM set, $95. Good condition.j
GUILD ELECTRIC GUITAR in ex. cond. Also new never-worn 8-m ski boots,
PROFESSIONAL typing-Papers, theses, Fie u.tone6andfat rnezck. $125 2 price. Call 769-1494 after 5:30 p.m.
dissertation, etc. Reasonable. Possible !or b-32B75
pick-up and delivery. Call 822-9057 F SALE-2 one-y aiplane tickets WI
(Detroit), 29Jtc ST E '- OFFf2 from London to N.Y. Departure July
22, 761-2290. 43B79
XEROX COPIES f I TBEFORE buying any type of sewing -

Viking Sewing Center, 110 W. Huron
itting hours: 12-5:30 Mon., Wed., Fri.
Creative Photography
EDDINGS and portraits. Professional
quality at student rates. Call John
Evans at 769-0053 for appointment to
see portfolio. F60

Contact Tyler Volk at 761-1392
land Health Spa for Women. Figure
contouring salon, Whirlpool and
Sauna. 971-2720. 6Ftc
Nice mod. apt., close to campus, 4 mo.
lease. Call 761-4442. Today! FB
monds, 1209 S. University. 663-7151.
XMAS SKI-10 days at Jackson Hole
and Alta, Est. cost $170-200. Call Bred



2 ROOMS TOGETHER or SEP.: $50/ LARGE 2 Bedroom Apt., great location. HOSPITAL-CAMPUS2LOCATIC
mo./rm. Assume lease to sprg. 765- Small bldg. with good people. CallI Rmmate needed with 2 med.1
5965. Will bargain. 15C79 769-2831. FF 1 sr. LSA, 410 Observatory No.
_______-__-conditioning and dishwasher.
ONE PERSON NEEDED for 4-man, mod. ROOM FOR WOMAN Student. Meals, mo. 665-2757 evenings.
apt., large rooms, balcony. $66/mo. linens, bike provided. $100/mo. 668-----n----m in
761-561S eves, 16C79 6647, 41063 GIRL, PRIVACY. Own room in
____ __ - - - --- --- 2 bdrm. $75 bargain. Good loc.,
Ring. 769-0175.
Friendly roommates. Call 761-29.4EE ROOMMATE WANTED for
18C79 Fina namnus AvntmAnt. Anr. Close to campus. 855/mo.

5, air
Jan. -
o. 663-1

-Perfect copies now only 7c on over-
night service, use correct-a-tape or
unlimited erasures and yet be as-
sured of copies that even look better)
than the original from the new Xerox
3600. We supply 20 weight copy paper,
free. Documents stored in office safe
for complete safety on request. Im-
mediate service during business hours
9e per page. Discount Photocopy Serv-_
9c per page. Discount Photoepoy Serv-:
ice, 1217 S. University, 769-0560. 8Jtc
Does It All!

I / ( \


A Laic %,U"4vuo ziptu Aulu"La

riy a. vuss.p uv. p.vvl ......
N](l4 oftar 7(1 t m

1335 S. U.-665-8825 32 ate1p J - / -Typing, Printing, Transcribing
MAN NEEDED to complete 4-man, mod. 48Ctc -F3
furnished apt. $65/mo. 665-6624. --- WANTED: Female for 3-man. Sublet Conferences and Mailings
19C79 APT.-TWO-MAN. $80 month, Call 769- 665-5586.32Y79 C l The Profession s
------------ ~~7356-persistently. Males. 41C78NED :1giltcopee4mn
5-MAN, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Girls. 75-essety ae.7 NEEDED: 1 girsto-comiplete 4-3n3an9 . Al46O 4
769-6 45, r7 79 ____,b t s ____- - Heritage House. 769-6457. 33 797 1 4.o 4
FEM. RMMATE. NEEDED. $60. Mod., --- -
SINGLE ROOM. $80/mo. Refrigerator. 1700 Geddes bi-level near campus. 761-6258. FAST, ACCURATE
428 Cross. Grad. man. 663-3886. 9C79EALHE ER ECR_._.. 35Y79 PO SIN Y G
AFFABLE MALE grad student needed 761-1717 MALE ROOMMATE NEEDED. Modern
to fill vast, rustic 4-man apt. on Nothing immediately available 3-man, own room, $67/month. 607 T t
campus. Avail. Dec. 15. 663-8440. 10C79 For possible Jan. sublet call 665-8825 Hill, apt. 3. 662-7863 after 2 p.m.
Available for occupancy the first of the ~ NEED ONE GIRL for 3-man house with
year. 1 and 2 bedroom furnished and H ELP WANT ED yard and pine trees. Own bedroom. Free
unfurnished. Including carpeting, air--- parking. Jan.-April $70/mo. 665- Service
conditioning, private door system, EDUCATION STUDENTS! Want to9
pool, garbage disposal and dishwasher; expand on the present School of ROOMMATE WANTED (girl)-Rackham 741IPackard
all utilities except electricity. Four Education Counseling System? Want area. Own room. $62.50mo. 3 con- OPEN 8-5
blocks from Pontiac Trail and Broad- to help other students progress in 'eilromts(rd) al71
way. Bus transportation within2 the School of Education? Want more 763 a1roommates7(grads).oCali3 or Call 769-5462
blocks. For appointment call 761-2227 relevant information available to stu- 40J79
or 761-3958, 414 Kellogg, Apt. 101. dents? Do you want more experience GIRL NEEDED-Jan.-Apr. Private bed-
11C79 in relating inter-personally with room. Abbey 5-man. Call 663-6047. TRANSPORTATION
----------a-ehos fr other students? Then be a counselor 25Y78
HAVE1 ROM n lrge on e fr 1 in the student organized, student -
student from Jan. thru April. Drop staffed Education Students Advising 4TH ROOMMATE needed-$65/mo. (ne- RIDERS NEEDED. Dayton, Ohio. Dec.
In at 929 Church or call 761-7504. office. We need several counselors who gotiable). Jan. 1-May 1. Close to cam- 20. Tom, 761-0467. 48079'
12C79 are willing to commit 5-6 hours per pus. Utilities paid. Call 769-4164. 26Y79 .-.. - -
week. Inquire in Room 2009 UHS for - - - ---- WANTED--Riders to Denver, Dec. 18.
APARTMENT-Fully furnished on cam- information and application. Appli- GRAD OR WORKING GIRL wanted to Return Jan. 6, either or both ways.
pus. Modern. 663-7396. 13C79 cations will be taken up to Jan. 16. share 2-bedroom, 2-man apartment 663-3974. 49079
Apply early. 36H78 Jan.-Aug. $70month. Call 761-8487. -A
3 BEDROOM APT. No lease. 1600 sq. ft. '- - - -15Y79 NEED A RIDE to New Jersey? Leaving
bi-level, balcony. $150/mo. 426-3197 JOBS! JOBS! and more JOBS! Stu- I----Dec. 17, call 761-2846, 'round 6 p.m.
'til 2:00 a.m. 1C78 dents, Teachers. Statewide and Inter- FEMALE ROOMMATE, to share large. 50G79
S- ~ - - - -- - national Jobs. Recreational Jobs; mod. apt. 761-1288 after 5. 27Y79 - - - - -
2 BEDROOM apartments available for Year-round Jobs; Summer Jobs. All - - ---- RIDE WANTED to Chicago, Dec. 10, 11
occupancy from Dec. 22 on. Campus occupations and trades. Enjoy a va- $76 PER MONTH for own bedroom in or 12. Call Ariela, 764-9799. OF
and hospital location. 663-6448. 2C79 cation while you earn. Hurry! The charming house. Forest Ct. Call 761 - --- -------------
____--- -- - - - best jobs are taken early. Write: P.O. 7219. Girl. 50Y79
FOR SUBLET-An Aug. Efficiency apt. Box 475, Dept. CP13-1, Lodi, Calif.------- -- Prepre fr Europe 1970
$110/mo. 662-8386, 3C79 95240. 33H8 COZY, CUTE, COMFORTABLE! Costs
L E b o p c s oCut-$45 per month-1 or 2 girls-2nd lNTERNATIONAL CLUB
LARGE 2? bedrom apt. across from BABYSITTER WANTED for winter semester to share Apt. with 2 others.
law quad. $210/month with utilities, term Mon., Wed., Fri., 11:45-3:15. 761-4648. 1Y79
2-4 man. Call 769-6251 persistently $1.00/hr. Near Burns Park. 665-8170. National Students Division
after 10:00 a.m. CB 35H79 NEEDED-1 girl to complete mod 4-
----- - - ---man 3 bdrm. apt. 761-0563. 35Y9
SINGLE ROOM near State and Hill. COLLEGE REPRESENTATIVES NEEDED - - City National Bank Building
$15/wk. Available now. NO 2-2466. 4C79 to sell Volkswagen bus tours of ARBOR FOREST PENTHOUSE-4th girl across from OSU campus
Europe in Summer, 1970. $100.00 com- needed winter term, 4 mo. lease $751
PRIVATE ROOM-Male, I block from mission per sale. Write VW Adven- mo. or negotiable. 761-6338. 27Y9 Columbus, Ohio,
campus. Kook Fasx. 4 mo. lease. $60/ tures, P.O. Box 7999, Austin, Texas -
mo. 665-7253. 5C79 78712. 34179 FEMALE ROOMMATE needed for 4-
man apt. Ideal location. New apart- CAMPUS REPRESENTATIVE-- ,
ROOMMATE WANTED to share twoCAT KEEPER needed for two furry ment. If interested call 697-8511.
bedroom apartment with grad stu- creatures over Christmas vacation. 40Y79 BaarTaor7-81
dent, stereo, TV, and furniture. 4 Willay. C 7-C sB Barbara Kelly-769-2710
month lease. 761-0200. 50C79 - FEMALE to complete modern 4-man. 48078-
1 block from campus. OAKLAND. (4- - - L
ROOM FOR WOMAN or student girl on TE M PORARY month). Jewish? 662-0286, Vicki. 24Y78 DRIVERS NEEDED to San Francisco,
4th Street. Meals, linens. $25. 668- . ---- - ------------ 21 years or over. Share gas. Leave
6647. 38C78 XMAS SEASON GIRL ROOMMATE wanted for 2 man, approx. Dec. 17. 434-1523. 45078
HOUE~------- -~ - EA ONwinter term, prime location. 769-0966. ------- -- - -- -_
SHARE HOUSE with 3 other girls. Own WE NEED PEOPLE FOR A TEMPO- 26Y71 RIDE DESPERATELY need to Miami
bdrm. $72.50 Incl. bills. 665-9295. C RARY PROJECT IN OUR BINDERY. - ---- --- -- --- or anywhere in Florida. Weekend of L
--~~- ~ -- ----- - IMMEDIATE OPENING DAY OR 1 OR 2 GIRLS NEEDED for January. Dec. 20 (or even a little later). Will
PARKING SPACE AVA LABLE NIGHT, APPLY IN PERSON AT Mod. 2 bdrm apt. 761-3354. 22Y69 share driving costs. 764-3924. 46G781
721 South Forest, 663-6052 L I TH OCRAFTERS 4TH GIRL NEEDED WINTER TERM! NEED RIDE to Boston, Dec. 19 or 20.
Mod. apt., close to campus, 4 mo. Will share- usuals, of course. Call
___7201 JACKSON ROAD lease. Call 761-4442. YB Thoryn, 761-6683. GB
7 TT A Across from Enterprise Drive -- - ___ ----- - - - -- - _ _

machine, check our price and service TENT WITH US to California. Need Barr, 764-2455 of 449-2668. 39F79
policy. EXAMPLE: New National port- one person (preferably female) to pay
Handling Fisher, Scott, Sony, able complete $39.90. Viking Sewing r of gas. See L.A., San Francisco, Las MATCH A DATE
Panasonic and Garrard components. Center, 110 W. Huron. 761-3094. 34Btc Vegas, Disneyland, Rose Bowl, the
Compacts. TVs -- -- --_ ___ - -cheapest possible way. Leave, Dec. 26,! For Free questionnaire write 104 W.
CW SPCE 1 N '65 CORVAIR, 4 speed. Call 769-3762 return Jan. 7. Call Jim, 663-3912 42F78 Huron, Municipal Court Bldg. Ann
LOWEST PRICES IN after 6. 44B79 -- - __- ----- Arbor, Mich. 11F34
,'-KARAT Diamond engagement ring, BLOOD DONORS
Call Joel, 764-9002 extra fine quality. Reasonable. 761- Mustgbe wie r testud en .BO1N R
30X79 1795, 39B76 M~ust be wife of graduate student, 17-
30X79 1795.39B7 29 years old, non-Catholic, native URGENTLY NEEDED
KENWOOD KR-44 AM/FM STEREO SKIS-195 cM Fischer COMETS. Bind- American, not pregnant. Call Merilee
Receiver. 1st choice of 1970 Consumer ings, size 81 Men's Kastinger Boots. day or night, 764-9552 or 665-0007. ati$7.50 Rh positie. $10Rhi
Guide. 18 mo. warranty. New $187. Nice deal. Call 761-0902. BF Wed. 1-7 18-21 years old need par-
Ask,140 66-173.41X77--_et'esMnpTerm ssiTr Fi 94
Ask $140. 663-1733. 31X79 - - -2 NEW ALTA SNOW TIRES-G78 x 14. JIM AND HELEN FORSYTH ask all of ents permissCon
KLH MODEL 20. Almost new. $350, 209 Only 500 miles. Sell at loss. Phone their friends who are driving to the Michigan Community Blood Center
S. State. 769-6035, 27Xtc 665-5924. BB Rose Bowl to stop in at Claremore, 483-1894
- ------.-------~~- Okla., and say hello. Call Jenny Still-
DYNACO tape recorder, model 2000. Was WINDJAMMER CRUISE TICKET - er at 663-0839 for address. FB Ftc
$575 new, $250 or best offer. 2 Bogen MUST SELL. 10 days in Caribbean Is. SKI & ROSE BOWL vacation? I'd like
professional 5 channel mike mixers, incl. food. 665-4480. 31Btc LARGE 21 bedroom apt, across from to but want 3 people to share. Bernie
new $200 each, want $200 for pair, law quad. $210/month with utilities. 4-9432-4-5159, 42F78
769-5455. 32X78 AKC Registered Norwegian ELKHOUND 2-4 man. Call 769-6251 persistently
. . _.-- .. pups. Also stud service. Call 483-5973. after 10:00 a.m. FB Free-Lance PROFESSIONAL Photog-
GIBSON J45 and case, exl. cond., 1 mO.- USED MATTRESSES and box springs------- -- -- --- -- - - rapher available for limited assign-
o, $180-5813. -28X78 for sale cheap. Call 769-3010. 38Btc HONDA 50cc. $100. Unused, in garage ments. Call Richard Lee, 764-6653.
RECORDS! Oldies! 20,009 in stock. Send since June. Call 761-6744 dinner-time. 764-0561 or 763-3510. FB
.35 for 2.000 listing catalogue. Mail BIKES AND SCOOTERS _ _ _______FBI2EMALES needed to complete 4 man
orders filled. RECORD CENTER, 1895 - ---- -- ---- WOULD LIKE to know if anyone is apt. Prime location, excel. facilities.
W 25th St., Cleveland, Ohio. Record HONDA 50cc. $100. Unused, in garage interested in the following proposi- $55/mo. per man. Call 662-5385. FF
Tapes. 28Xtc' since June. Call 761-6744 dinner-time,. in rn n eods n ewl --- - - ----------
ZB tion. Bring any record(s) and we will- --- -
ZB make an 8 track stereo cartridge from STUDENT DESIRES WORK, changing
MISCELLANEOUS WANTED-Girl's used racer. 769-0765. it for $3.50. Price includes cost of screens, storms, handyman jobs of
__ tape. If interested, call 769-0062 after all kinds. Call 662-4736. FD
HONDA-CB 350 3M, '68-Adult-owned, 7. FB ---- -
SUBJECTS NEEDED dealer maintained. $550. Also '68 - - - -_INTERIOR PAINTING-Desired by stu-
TRIUMPH T100R. 419-472-4782 after STUDENT'S International Pilot's Assoc. 1dent.Reliable, 4 years experience.
NOW and OVER VACATION. Subjects 6 pm. 45Z64 is now offering a student membership Call 662-4736.
for student pilots. $50 to join. 1969
needed for paid psychology experi- TRIUMPH TR-6. Very good condition. Cessna 150, $9 per hour. Cher. 140, FOUND- Small male cat with big ears,
ients. Call 764-6336 weekdays 9-5 or Call 663-8541, ask for eat. 263, then $11. Call 663-2883. 18Mtc Orange and white, on Vaughn St. Call
as o ae ~ _769-2831. FF
665-3337 after ho-r. 27b179TRY OUR SAUNA - Private and coin-
- . . DOWNTOWN HONDA: New and used munity rooms. Basic membership $5. NO MAN is an island, complete onto
PIECE DRUM Set, $95. Good condi- cycles - parts. Accessories, service, Ann Arbor Gymkhana, 662-9200. 10Ftc himself, Peace on Earth, Good Will
tion. Also new, never worn 8-M ski storage. 310 E. Washington. 665-8637. -K--I APE----N------- topalMshkrndd
boots, 1 price. Call 769-1494 after 34Ztc SKI ASPEN-Need couple to share driv- -- ___® - --- __
,:30 pm C 7 32475 4ZF ing expenses. 6 days, 7 nights. About WANTED TO BUY
-:3____'$140 ea. inc. lift fees. 761-7848. 10F57 W N E U s d ----- t - _ - -o e
--- WANTED: Used Stereo tape recorder
UptiQht with AA Prices? PERSONAL GUARANTEED TO RAISE YOUR Call Alan, 663-7978 after 4 p.m.
CAMPUS COLLAGE- - - -- ----- - - - GRADE POINT average and your self 6K79
A student-run concern to serve the NEED A SINGLE ROOM for winter confidence with a minimum of effort. --------------- -
student. We carry: Panasonic, costume term. Kitchen fac. if possible. Willing Doubtful? Send today to: Better i1 BOY'S and 1 GIRL'S USED light-
jewelry, panty-hose, men's watches to accept any decent offer. Call Gary Speech, Dept. B-4, 4926 N. Monticello. weight multi-speed bicycles. Buy or
and wallets, black lights, and more. 769-2237. FF Chicago, Illinois. 38Ftc trade for leather goods. Swuanee
Quality merchandise at student-rated --~~~ ~~~~~ -----~---Chicago, Illi-ois------- trade-for-Leather Co e gd668-910 . w4K79
4th GIRL NEEDED for winter term. TVs for RENT
CriA P CLLAGE Friendly rmmates. 761-2494. 17C79 19" Zenith portables, free service and WANTED--5k hoots xomen's s' 8-

General Merchandise Distributors

ment 66. Song of the day: "I Wonder
Who's Kissing Her Now." What's a
"now"? FF

delivery, no deposit required. Call 8z., Call 764-7959. 5K79
Nejac TV Rentals, 662-5671. 9Ftc -

screens, storms, handyman jobs of
all kinds. Call 662-4736. - FD

Subscribe to
The Michigan Daily

w 1 Work in LONDON this suImmer. Iter-.

LOST: grey cat, female with white ested? Call Ginny, 764-7903. 5-7 p.m.
trim, red collar. Vic. E. Ann and'40F79
State. 663-3747. 13A79 BUSY DEC. 14-21? Visit MAME. 668- -
FOUND-Beautiful kitten near dental 6300. 1F78
Sbrown and black, back white belly. PEACHES, be a good goose and show tlOr a i ert l s ua4
Owner or any interested party. Call u ortrl.47
971-1430. AB JEANETTE, Happy 20th. Ich liebe dich
FOUND -Prescription sunglasses. Ask me1r als Gestern, weniger als Morgen1965 SUPER HAWK. $300, well taken
for Ralph, 663-6169. AB Jim. 5F78 care of miles. Will sell to highest
DINA-because of Krazy Jim's immi- offer by Nov. 1. Andy-761-5930. Z2
LOST from apt, on Vaughn St.-A very tations. Only I can provide genuine
light 1 yr. old Siamese cat. If found Kosher Zion. Yoel. 6F78
please call 761-3549. Please call - I
can't survive exams without her. Want to meet a hip auntie? Call MAME.
11A79 Dec. 14-21. 668-6300. 3F78
LOST-Large black German Shepherd FEARLESS LEADER-alias "card car-
with black collar. 761-7718. 3A67 rying commie"-thanks for the spir-
3 mjST 7 . oldj maIe uttbc tual and supplemental wisdom. FB
LOT-3m.odmale mutt, black + _ ______--__
body, light brown head, 2 light brown Ha y Birthday, Candy cngHh
lar and no tags. Contact 764-9648. 9A9 From TED,
F78 (is here)
LOST-Grey and black tiger-striped fe-- __
male cat. Last seen vicinity of West ALL COATS AT COST-Maxis start at 2 Homecomings are always better than
Park. Answers to Toulouse. Reward. $20.00. The Wildflower Botique, 516 one! I love you! lap FF
Call 761-9893 or 793-3102. Ask for Lynn E. William, above the Campus Bike
or David. AF Shop. F
FOR SA L E FOR YOURSELF and others at Christ- Re and Us DAILY C s'
FO e dD IYSL atmbeautiful clothes at beauti- / d se1e,, asliu
-- - -- ------ - ful prices. The Wildflower Botique,
TWO for the price of one. Stereo rec- I 516 E. William, above the Campus
ord player and portable TV. Best of- Bike Shop. F
fer. Call after 6 p.m. 769-6895. 49B79 -- - ------------ -

dish,, balcony. $68.75/month 4-man 32H79 GIRL ROOMMATE for 2 man, 2 bed-
Call Jill, 769-0518. 23C63 CARETAKEo___ T -sd , room at $75/mo. 4 mo, lease. 769-0331
CARETAKERS - Two male students, after 6 p.m. 17E63
grad or undergrad for religious foun- . ------------
SULET70 n 1 dation on campus. One bedroom apt. ROOMMATE WANTED-Own bdrm. in
High Call 665-3283 between 12-8dp en and salary. For appointments call house. $62.50/mo. Good loc. 909 Mary
p.m. 19C65 663-4129. 29H79 St. 769-3528. 20Y70
ROOM FOR RENT in profess. frat; YOUNG, attractive, coed, good cook, 4TH MAN wanted for apt, at 1000
quiet, near campus, kitchen, park- affable. Second semester, free room Oakland. Free meals involved. Call
ing. TV, study facilities, washer and and board. Cook one meal a day, 761-3403. 21Y79
dryer. $55/mo. Call house manager, minimal housework, private room ---- --- --
761-5357, 35C78 with bath in bachelor house. Call 4TH MAN needed for modern apt. Many
STDOAPSbetoentdo 769-5217 after 6:00 p.m. 30H78 extras. Air-cond., swimming pool.
STUDIO APT. Sublet. Modern studio---------- ------------_--- - $70'month. Call Dave: 761-1485. YB
apt., one block from central campus. WAITRESS WANTED-Part time, 11-2
Reserved parking. Available on 24 p.m. Apply in person, The Golden Fal- FIFTH MAN needed; winter term, mod-
r otice. 769-2798 early mornino36Cr con, 314 S. Fourth Ave. 27Htc ern, bi-level, close to campus. $66/mo.
-- 668-8505. 8Y79
BARGAIN CORNER WANTED-2 men to share room in a
3 bedroom, 5-man; or 4-5 people to
lease entire apt. 769-7269. 11Y78

RIDE WANTED to New York December
20 by charming, but desperate couple.
Call 769-3215. GB
WANT RIDE or riders to Colorado be- k
tween Dec. 10-15. 764-1075.I 43G79
tween Dec. 19-22. Call Mary, 763-1162
between 8-12 noon or 663-5512 other
times FF
RIDERS WANTED to N.Y. City. Approx.
Dec. 9. Call 769-2831. GF
RIDE WANTED to California-Leaving
Dec. 18 or later, returning Jan. 5 or
earlier. Will share driving and costs.1
Call Michael, 769-4289 eves., 5-7. OF

MENS SKI BOOTS: size 81, double
boot, good cond. $12.00 662-8585.
50B79 -
- - -I - - - - - -


Sam's Store
LEVI'S Galore For
Gals and Guys!
Button Fly ...... $5.98
(Guaranteed to Shrink)
Super Aims ...... $6.50
Dungarees .......$6.50
"White" Levis . .. $6.98
(5 Colors)
Nuvo Hopsack . . . $8.00
"Stitches" ......$6.98
Corduroy........ $7.98
"White" Levi's.....$5.50
(5 Colors)
Corduroy White . .. . $6.50

Los Angeles/San Diego/Tijuana
Earn Tours and/or Cash
Call 761-3596

TWO MALE GRADS need third for four
man apartment. Own bedroom. $73!
mo. Call 761-3674 after 5:30. 14Y79-
NEEDED-1-2 females for mod, apt.
$65. Winter. 663-4980. 3Y74
TWO GIRLS wanted to share 2-bdrm.,
4-man apt. Call Peggy, 769-7479. YB-
GIRL ROOMMATE needed, winter
term, 2-man, apt., modern. 663-3791.
1 block from Diag. 12Y79
4TH GIRL needed to complete 4 man in
U Towers, winter term, 4 month lease,
662-6814. 38Y10
GIRL NEEDED-Own bdrm. In 3 man
winter sublet. $60/mo. Close to cam-
pus.6 63-2014. 16Y79

WILL SOMEONE take care of our lovely
cats over Xmas vacation? Call 769-
0029. 39T79
LOVABLE, well-trained four-month-old
puppy needs a home. 769-2617. TBI
SIAMESE KITTEN, male, ready to leave
mother. Call 663-7259. 36T9

Uptight withA A2 rices
A student-run concern to serve the
student. We carry: Panasonic, cos-
tume jewelry, panty-hose, men's
watches and wallets, black lights, and
more. Quality merchandise at stu-
dent-rated prices.
General Merchandise Distributors

!qzQ & Suivan Soce4
is now filling positions for
the production staff of
any interested persons may apply to
The Gilbert & Sullivan Society at 2531 SAB, 663-5408




I 21169 u
- OWN ROOM for grad girl in house
WANTED TO RENT shared with puppy, kitten, 2 grad
girls. Need car. Winter term, $60/mo.
NEED A SINGLE ROOM for winter 663-7848, 510 p.m. 18Y79
term. Kitchen fac. if possible. Willing GIRL ROOMMATE wanted for 3-man I
to accept any decent offer. Call Gary, good location. $65/mo. 761-7776. 19Y97 I
769-2237. F _



WANTED: own bedroom in house or,
apt. for winter term. Approx. $60. Call
Dina, 761-4043. 41L79
man room(s) for 7 ios. 769-0652.
MARRIED COUPLE seek one bdrm. apt.
From Jan. 1 to approx. June 20. 971-
6557. 40L79(

Call GR4-4324. Farmington. 49JFF
761-2519. 1J79'
TYPING on thesis, term papers, etc., ".
expertly done at home on IBM Se-;

Our Infirmary service and
Night Emergency Clinic operations

Mold a mousse tonight!




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