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December 09, 1969 - Image 3

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Floating Opera
2nd-Love's Alchemy





of the National Violence Co
publicly divided for the first t
demned today the use of mass
obedience as a tactic to chang
But a six-member minority
mission - including its two bl
tended t h a t the tactic, whE
without violence, is perhapst
fective means of overturning
The commission divided ovE
of disobedience - restaurant
violation of segregation laws -
enactment of major civil rig
tion in the 1960s.
Speaking for the seven-ma
Houston Attorney Leon Jawo
views were a direct result of th
es of disobedience.
"We suggest," the majority
if in good faith the constituti
statute, ordinance or a court
be challenged, it can be don
by one individual or a small
page thr

panel splits
are majority the judicial test is in progress, all other
mmission -- dissenters should abide by the law involved
time - con- until it is declared unconstitutional."
ive civil dis- Disputing that argument U.S. Dist.
e the law. Judge A. Leon Higginbotham Jr., who is
of the com- black, said:
acks - con- "If the majority's doctrine of 'everyone
en practiced wait until the outcome of the one individ-
the only ef- ual test case' had been applied by black
unjust laws. Americans in the 1960s, probably not one
er te kndspresent major civil rights statute would
er the kinds have been enacted. I fear that the major-
sit-ins and ity's position ignores the sad actual history
- that led to of some of the most tragic 'legal' repres-
ghts legisla- sion of the civil rights of Negroes in this
an majority, Dr. Milton S. Eisenhower, chairman of
rski said its the commission, was on the minority side
ose instanc- of the question but unlike four minority
members did not issue a statement.
said, "that A source close to Eisenhower said he was
ionality of a strongly opposed to the majority view but
decree is to took a neutral public stance in order.not
e effectively to dilute his authority over the 13-member
group. While panel.

In eight previous reports since its in-
ception of the summer of 1968, the Na-
tional Commission on the Causes and Pre-
vention of Violence produced findings
bearing the unanimous stamp of its 13
The commission goes out of business this
week and will issue its final, comprehen-
sive report for next Sunday's newspapers.
Ironically, the majority includes Rep.
William M. McCulloch of Ohio, ranking
Republican on the House Judiciary Com-
mittee. McCulloch w a s instrumental in
House passage of the 1964 and 1968 civil
rights acts and the 1965 Voting Rights Act
- all of which followed widespread dem-
onstrations and civil disobedience by
blacks in the South.
'Our concern w i t h civil disobedience,"
the majority said, "is not that they may
involved acts of violence per se. Most of
them do not. Rather, our concern is that
erosion of the law is an inevitable conse-
quence of widespread civil disobediences."

on civil disobedience

77we /kuj e (p/a geM
8:00 P.M.

-Associated Press
U.S. DISTRICT JUDGE Leon Higginbotham discusses the
minority report in support of civil disobedience released yesterday
by members of the sharply-divided National Violence Commission.

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NEWS PHONE: 764-0552

1 '
r}/ I
t '
rj/ 4 4
> 1

Tuesday, December 9, 1969 Ann Arbor, Michigan Page Three

n ews tday
by The Associated1 Press and Colleg~e Press Service




Nra eu i

persons under 18
not admitted

THE SENATE voted yesterday to maintain certain tax bene-
fits now available to wealthy citizens who receive pension plan
A provision to eliminate the tax benefit was removed from the tax
reform bill on a 50-37 vote. The move was denounced by Sen. John
Williams (R-Del.) "as one more step in whittling down the tax re-
form in this bill."
HOUSE AND SENATE COMMITTEES slashed at the embat-
tIed foreign aid program as major battles loomed today over spec-
ial aid to South Korea and fighter planes for Nationalist China.
The House Appropriations Committee, setting a record $1.6 bil-
lion low for the program, included $54.5 million for Nationalist Chi-:
nese fighter planes but cut a special $50 million grant to South Korea.
Meanwhile, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee approved a
bill setting a $1.9 billion ceiling on the program and containing no pro-
visions for either the Nationalist Chinese planes or the special aid1
to South Korea.
President Nixon's original proposal called for $2.6 billion total in
foreign aid.
DEFENSE ATTORNEYS yesterday sought the dismissal of all
charges against Army Lt. William L. Cafley Jr. in the My Lai
massacre court-martial.
The attorneys argued that widespread publicity and statements'
by government officials had made it impossible for Calley to receive
a fair trial. The lieutenant is charged with the deaths of 109 Viet-;
namese civilians.
Lt. Col. Reid Kennedy, the military judge in the case, set a hear-
ing Jan. 20 for oral arguments on the motion to dismiss the case.
Meanwhile, the Army was expected to announce by mid-week
whether it will court-martial a second soldier for his alleged involve-
ment in the massacre.
INCUMBENT PRESIDENT Tony Boyle and challenger
Joseph Yablonski closed their heated campaign for presidency
of the United Mine Workers with last minute appeals for votes. 1
Some 200,000 miners, active and retired, go to the polls today
in the climax of one of the angriest campaigns in the history of
organized labor.
The campaign has centered around charges that the union1
is not responsive or responsible to rank and file members.
~ - - - - - - - -
Th nousandsrei


-As~sociated Press

POLICE PROVIDE COVER for the officers who finally entered a
Los Angeles Black Panther headquarters yesterday after 11
Panthers inside battled more than 300 police during a four-hour
seige. The police had warrants to search for illegal weapons.





LOS ANGELES (M - More than 300 police held a four-hour
seige outside a Black Panther headquarters yesterday as 11
Panthers held them off with sporadic gunfire and several
home-made grenades. The Panthers finally surrendered when
police issued an ultimatum of "come out or we'll come in."
Three officers were wounded, one critically. Two Panth-
ers were wounded in the exchange of gunfire.
Police said they were attempting to serve warrants on
two Panthers and on an illegal cache of weapons reported in
the building. They said they found two submachine guns,
three sawed-off shotguns, six hand guns, 12 rifles and car-
bines, and quantities of ammunition on the first floor. Debris
prevented them from reach- _

ing t h e second floor imme-
The raid was one of three on



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U 6 U11 1 l i U x.irU Los Angeles Panther locations j
yesterday. About 14 persons were Ger man
arrested in the two. other raids "Y
As where no resistance was encount-
Arove proseutio ered. hr,
Police said all of those arrested 0
" at Panther headquarters would be 1 f
of tiai' oti sellersbooked for investigation of assault MOSCOW (M~ - West Germany
with intent to commit murder. and the Soviet Union opened long-
Those arrested elsewhere would awaited negotiations yesterday on
WASHINGTON (M - The Supreme Court approved yes- be held on a variety of bookings, nutual renunciation of the use of
terday prosecution of sellers of untaxed marijuana and nar- a spokesman said. force, taking a major step toward
cotic drugs in a 6-2 ruling. Charles Garry, legal counsel for improving their traditionally tense
the Black Panthers denounced the relations.
The court, in an opinion by Justice Byron R. White re- police action. Of the police state-
jected the argument that drug sellers are the victims of un- ment that the raids were uncon- The 90-minute opening session
constitutional self -discriminatio. nected with those made on Pan- was held in a "good andtbusiness-
thers ineothrdcitieiheisai:o"Thatlike atmosphere," a West German
Justices Hugo L. Black and William O. Douglas dissented. 'sen in other cities he said: That Embassy spokesman said. The
They said the government part anid package of a national next meeting will be held swift-
does not supply order forms scheme by-the various agencies of ly," he added, although no date
sIVEN for illegal narcotics deals and government to destroy and com- was set.
should n o t be permitted to mit genocide upon members of the Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei
punish people for not comply- Black Panther Party." A. Gromyko led the Soviet side in
In Illinois, meanwhile, demands the opening session. Ambassador
ing with an impossible regula- were raised for an investigation of Helmut Allardt spoke for the West
tion. the shootout last week on Chica- Germans.
This represents the largest whecorthl Csontreedto decide s ther leadeSidet death forn- The talks came amid numerous
total since 1945, when militarywh.ter ion requires others were tndealongwftr signs that Moscow is responding
manpower reached a World Juies f 12 people in stbte crim- therslwemen favorably to Chancellor Willy
mapwrianu Widinal trials, two policemen. Brandt's overtures for better re-
War II peak of more than 12 na . . Mayor Leonard Chabala, May- B s r r
II L tIha cII UII f r Vl a, d IAnc with ikm C nni cU i t. ti -



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WASHINGTON (R'2) - Thou-
sands of young men are being
prosecuted for draft-law viola-
tions as a result of the most
intensively organised war-resis-
tance campaign in the nation's
history, official figures show.
And judges are getting tough-
er in their crackdown on youths
who refuse induction.
Asst. Atty. Gen. Will R. Wil-
son said in an interview that
the nation's courts and federal
Student Book Service

prosecutors are being burdened
with caseloads swollen by youth
opposed to the Vietnam war.
Presently, he said, prosecu-
tions are being initiated against
more than 300 young men each
month. This is about the num-
ber for an entire year only three
years ago.
Wilson said 1,839 young men
were prosecuted for draft viola-
tions during the first six months
of 1969, and 915 were convicted.
Most of the remainder, he said,
chose to go into the armed
forces and charges were drop-
Wilson said prosecutions to-
taled fewer than 300 for each
year between 1960 and 1965.
During the 1969 fiscal year
-extending from July 1968
through June 1969-3,455 young
men were prosecuted, he said,
and the number continues to

million in the armed services.
Now, less than athird that
many are in the fighting forces,
with only 480,000 it Vietnam.
Wilson noted that convictions
and the length of sentences are
on the upswing. He said the
average prison term imposed on
draft violators was 32.1 months
in 1967, compared to 37.3 in
1968. Advance estimates indi-
cate a still higher figure this
year,'he added.
In 1945, there were 2,890 con-
victions for draft law violations.
During the Korean war, with
approximately 3.5 million men
in the armed forces-about the
same as now-there were only
425 convictions in 1954 and 345
in 1953.

in ne samei case, rom F'oriaa a on01s w ~ uommunls rasL ur-
awood, Iii., where Fred Hampton
the court will decide whether a good Il, wsk ed Hamton'ope.
defendent must notify the pros- tion, claiming evidence that all In the past, the Russians have
ecutor in advance that he w ill tehe shooting was done by police demanded that B o n n recognize
Iresnothractnesth' and calling the deaths "a blatant East Germany, renounce the West
In other actions, the court: act of legitimized murder." German claim to speak for a 11
- Upheld t h e government's 'German people, accept the post-
power to punish ex-Communists war realignment of German bord-
and gamblers for filing false reg- ers and abandon all efforts to ob-
istration statements. M ove t acquit tain nuclear weapons.
- Ordered a new hearing for a . West Germany has satisfied the
Bronx narcotics addict sentenced Chicago 8 fails'nuclear weapons demand, just
to life in prison for the murder of last month having signed the nu-
a housewife. The action tempor- clear nonproliferation treaty.
arily postponed court considera- CHICAGO (P)-A motion for Brandt al s o has moved toward
tion of the common police practice acquittal in the trial of the seven recognition of the Oder-Neisse
of detaining suspects for question- men charged with conspiring to line as the border with Poland.
ing without arresting them. incite rioting during the 1968
- Agreed to review a Texas law Democratic National Convention
that bars the publication, print- was rejected yesterday. The Michigan Daily, edited and man-
, tht brs he ubliatin, rin- 'aged by students at the university of
ing, sale or televising of anything "The court, at this time, must Michigan. News phone: 764-0552. Second
"which is obscene." consider more favorably the evi- Class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich-
-_dence presented by the govern- igan, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor,
ment" sid US. istrct our Michigan 48104. Published daily Tues-
ment," said U.S. District Court day thrcugh Sunday morning Univer-
Judge Julius J. Hoffman. The en- sity year. Subscription rates: $10 by
tire morning session was spent carrier, $10 by mail.
arguing the defense motion. Summer Session published Tuesday
The motion for acquittal came through Saturday morning. Subscrip-
after the close of the prosecution's tion rates: $3.00 by carrier, $3.00 by
case which lasted 10 weeks. _mail.
- __I__ ___ _ ___


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