JUDGE CROCKETT RE VISITED See Editorial Page Y SirA Iztit& SYMBIOTIC HIgh-35 Low-20 Sunny, possible snow flurries Vol. LXXX, No. 79 / Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, December 9, 1969 Ten Cents Ten Pages Baits tenants give demands consider strike By CAROL HILDEBRAND The Baits Housing Tenants Union is seriously considering a rent strike if the demands it presented yesterday to Univer- sity Housing Director John Felkamp are not satisfactorily met. Petitions signed by 454 Baits residents demand an "im- mediate and substantial rent reduction, retroactive to the beginning of this academic year." Feldkamp promised to write a formal reply early in January. The union, organized by Chet Kulis, Grad, and some 20 other Baits residents, made the following demands: -"That the University recognize the right of student tenants to collectively bargain with the University concerning rent and living conditions in State may draft Lall I-As X 101111 S inassacre WASHINGTON )-- President Nixon last night denounced the alleged U.S. massacre of Viet- namese civilians at My Lai, but added that administration inves- tigations indicate it was an iso- lated incident. Speaking at a nationally tele- vised news conference, Nixon ad- mitted for the first time that a massacre had actually taken place. "What appears was certainly a massacre and under no circum- stances was it justified," the Pres- ident said. Nixon also told newsmen there has been no significant change in the Vietnam war since his Nov. 3 policy speech to the nation. In response to one question, the President praised Vice President Spiro Agnew for his recent state- ments criticizing the news media, adding, "I don't want a bunch of Intellectual eunuchs writing the news or interpreting the news." However, Nixon said he felt "the news media have been fair in re- porting on his administration." Nixon also reiterated his pledge to veto the tax reform bill if it contains the Senate-approved pro- vision raising the $600 personal income tax exemption to $800. In discussing the incidents at My Lai, Nixon noted that other Americans have helped the Viet- namese in ways such as building roads, pagodas, and churches. "This record of generosity and decency ought not be allowed to be smeared," he said. In discussing Vietnam, the President declined to speculate on timing of withdrawals or the num- ber of men involved. "We can go forward with our troop withdrawal program." he said. Asked about a negotiated peace, Nixon said he does not rate the chances as very good, saying he does not foresee "any progress on the negotiating front at this time.., He added that the pressures on the enemy will increase with the improvement of the Vietnamiza- tion program Nixon once again cited lower rates of Communist infiltration and of American casualties this year as compared with 1968. "Looking at the future if that situation continues I believe we can se that the Vietnam war will come to a conclusion regardless of what happens at the bargaining table," he said. University housing; --"That the office of University housing negotiate with the Baits' Tenants Union equitable rent re- "luctions; and -"That the University negoti- ate with student tenant unions broad questions of policy." Feldkamp said he recognized the need for a student representative group at Baits. "There has never been one," he noted, and said "effective communication is diffi- cult without an organized group.", Feldkamp said he was not sure what "collectively bargain" meant as used in the first demand. He said a rent strike at North- wood apartments a few years ago "opened up some communication." But regarding Baits he said, "Un- til they have the facts, I don't think such action is necessary." The Baits Tenants Union has' formed a joint committee with the Ann Arbor Tenants Union. Kulls1 expects the Baits union will ask formal admittance to the Tenants Union early next year. Kulis conceived the idea for the union about a month ago when he realized "students don't get what they pay for." At Baits a 12' x 12' room rents for $122.50 a month. But a Northwood apartment, with a kitchen, more space and more privacy rents for $95 a month plus utilities, Kulis notes. Response to the petition was overwhelming, said Kulis. Six out of every seven tenants contacted signed, he said. About 1,000 stu- dents live at Baits all together. Some students have been con- cerned that. the University will withhold academic credit if a tenant decides to rent strike. Le- gal advisors are checking the legality of such a move. Kulis believes that in such "ten- ant-landlord" relationships the University would not be able to impose academic discipline. -Dailv-Thomias R. Pigs lPIh~f } 'The Ann Arbor Police Department Goats battled with Sheriff Douglas Harvey's Pigs in Sun Pig Bowl. The Goats won 19-li and Police Chief Walter Krasny, center, accepts the winner's tr from Harvey (21). Story appears on page 8). SEVEN 1J BUILDINGS: By RON LANDSMAN Managing Editor The head of the state Selec- tive Service System yesterday warned that many Michigan men with I-A draft classifica- tions can expect to be drafted next year - no matter how high the number they drew in the national draft lottery last week. Col. Arthur Holmes Jr. warned defered men with high lottery numbeis not to drop their defer- ments because the state may have to draft every man who is eligible, which could include those with lottery ,number 366. Holmes' statement directly con- tradicts predictions made by many other officials that those with numbers above 244 would be safe from the draft, while those be- tween 120 and 244 would have a chance of not being drafted. Holmes based his statement on the fact that Michigan has drafted 19-year-olds consistently for the CI~U1 past three years. With draft calls at about the same level as that predicted for day's 1970,- 260,000 -- and while the ophy country was going on an oldest- first basis, in each of the last three years Michigan has drafted men with the lowest priority, 19- year-olds. "Every year we have drafted men when they turned 19 because all the older men were taken," he explained. Therefore, Holmes said, it would noth be unreasonableto assume that draft boards would continue to draft men with the lowest' priority-- the highest numbers in the national draft lottery. A Selective Service official in Washington confirmed that some tration areas would draft all 1-A men, mmfoiis, and Holmes said that was the situ- raduate ation in Michigan. The regional variation results y since from the way the lottery is used. es more Each board is assigned a certain r capi- quota each month and uses the d. The lottery ranking to determine which federal men it will draft and which it s made won't. One board may run through student all its 1-As long before another board does. dned to Part of the problem of drafting tructed 19-year-olds was that other eli- re foot. gible men weren't taken because er stu- they hadn't been examined or were, said. tied up in appeals of their classi- ie said, fication. President Nixon has re-. the fee portedly ordered draft boards to con- clear il)the backlog of men with short lown lottery numbers. pledges Holmes last night discounted that factor as contributing to un- isserted equal drafting practices, and also, not be indicated lie had not yet heard 11 -.-of the administration action. despite numbers -Daily-Thomnas R. Copt . ettor Tu ber Smith cites preceden I SpeehI1)y Sen. Huber disruptedbyradical s By LINDSAY CHANEY The second open meeting of the College Republicans last night turned into a three-ring circus with the guest speaker, State Sen. Robert Huber, in all three rings. The crowd of about 50 in the multi-purpose room of the UGLI contained mostly radicals, some of whom said they had come just to interrupt the speech. There could be no doubt that they succeeded. Huber tried to begin his prepared speech by explaining how the Special State Senate Committee on Campus Unrest, of which he is chairman, had -- ----- for Il tuition increa By ROBERT JERRO Seven University buildings now in use or under construction were funded at least partially through increases in tuition, Vice President for Academic Affairs Allan F. Smith said last night. At a meeting with Senate As- sembly's Student Relations Com- mittee and the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs. Smith reaffirmed in the strongest words he has used so far his de- sire to have an IM building con- structed on Central Campus. He said that even a strongly negative student referendum vote on the proposed assessment of student fees to fund the building, would not preclude the possibility of his recommending the fee to the Regents. Smith said he believes an in- crease is the best way to bring in money which can be pledged to borrow the huge amounts of money necessary for the construe- tion of the new building. The building's construction rests on the availability of new funds. The seven buildings funded by student fees are: The Michigan League, the Michigan Union, the Events Bldg., the Social Facilities SACUA to reconiined11 review Food Service, the Adminis Bldg., North Camnpus Con and the Harlan Hatcher Gr Library. Student fees are necessar the state rarely appropriate than $10 million a year fo tal construction, Smith sai only other sources are the government, gifts, and loan possible by pledges ofs fees, he added. The IM building is desig be 100,000 square feet cons at a cost of $38-45 per squa This would ental a $7.50 p dent per term fee, Smith s However, it is possible, hi to postpone a levying oft until after the building is pleted. financing it with term loans not requiring during thle constrution. Some students present a. h new" buildingxxouldr used by the majority of thos ing for it. Marty McLaughli dent Government Council dent, mentioned his inabi obtain handball space present building because faculty's privilege of reser beforehand. Smith said a final decis the building will have to be ed by Feb. 1, 1970, if consti is to begin Jan. 1, 1971. On Smith is certain about is 1 cessity to postpone any p1a a North Campus facility, he said would be an additi a replacement. of teacimig fellows' By JIM MeFERSON The Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs (SACUA) will recommend that the Senate Assembly review the pay and conditions of employment of the University's teaching fellows. The recommendations xviii be tpresented to Assembly at its re- gular meeting Monday. Assembly j is the representative body of the University faculty. S A C U A' S recommendations come as an ad hoc steering com- mittee is working to establishment of a teaching fellow's union. Th? committee needs 4,-(0 more sig na- tures before the State L a b o r Medation Board can conduct an election to determine union repre- sentation. Possible goals suggin d for the union include increased pay, re- striction on class size and gri 'v- ance procedures for teaching fel- loxx's SACUA Assembly's executive committee f-- ormulated the re- commendations at its meeting yes- terday.- At the same time, SACUA re- commended that the Civil Liber- Slate vote on Myers' presidency as Insurgents renew attack e i u lV tics Boar,, another Assembly come ittee. review a proposal urg- ing that faculty members be in- fernmed of "the legal background of the teaching fellows efforts to organize for collective bargaining" and of legal restrictions on inter- ference with those efforts. Jim Bass, chairman of the TF's steering committee, said last night that SACUA's action "only em- phasizes the need for continued collective action. 'While we appreciate the sup- steerig committee recognizes that port shown by this statement, the it is only because of our collective action that we received any sup- port at all,,' Bass said. The recommendations were or - ginally contained in a statement by the executive committee of the Unive'sity's chapter of the Amer- ican Association of University Pro- fessors (AAUP. Geology Prof William Far- rand. a committee member, said the purpose of the recommenda- tions were to mak? "all faculty members aware of how legal pro- ceedings in labor problems go on." "They should know that if they interfere with the organization of the union, it could be considered bx' the State Labor Commission as cause for a suit against the University." Farrand added. Education Prof. Joseph Payne, chairman of SACUA described the flflflflfFl n tiflfl,' 0 ''0ffinc cac>- Se pay- n, Stu- presi- ility to in the of the ving it siolf on reach- ruction e thing the ne- ans for which on, not prevented the passage of legis- lation which would restrict students and colleges. After his first sentence he was interrupted by a general rumble from the audience and a few dis- tinguishable cries of "Restriction of what?" His reply was lost in a round of jeering. At this point a young man began cavorting on the speaker's platform and Huber invited him to make the speech. When Huber was given back the rostrum, someone shouted a ques- tion about how much taxes cor- porations pay. His reply which be- gan with the figure of 60 per cent wxas drowvned in a chorus of "Let's have a benefit for corporations!" and "We want you for governor!" "If you believe in the right to be heard, you should believe in the right to let other people talk," said Huber. Glenn Gilbert, president of Col- lege Republicans, pleaded with the crowd to be more orderly, and explained the plan was to have a question and answer period after the speech. It was decided to pro- ceed immediately into the question and answer period. In the course of the questions and answers Huber managed to explain that his committee was not another Joseph McCarthy witchhunt. Criticize housing propsal By RICK PERLOFF A series of amendments which wvould strengthen a proposed new ,ity housing code wvere introduced ait an open hearing of City Council last night along %vtih objections that the code would isolate land- lords as solely responsible for hous- ing violations. The proposed code, sponsored by Councilman Len Quenon (D-Sec- 3nd Ward.) xas passed by council unanimously on first reading Nov. 17, and will come up for the final v'ote at next Monday's council mneet ing. SA key amendment to the code, introduced last night by a mem- ber' of the Washtenawv County Legal Aid Society, wvould allow tenants to place their' rent into ai private or city-established escrow account if the city failed to in- spect the dwvelling within 10 days after the tenants filed a comnplaint with the city, providing the owner See ASK, Page 6 (Ottoday's * More than 300 police hold a four-hour siege against a Black Panther headquarters in Los Angeles. * A bare majority of the Na- tional Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence condemn the use of massive civil disobedi- ence as a tactic to change the law. 'SOARING' COSTS By T'I BRANDYBERRY The dispute over the legitimacy of the election of Inter-H o u s e Assembly president Jack Myers will be decided at IHA's meeting tionight when a vote on officers is expected. Insurgents in IHA claim that Myer's election last Feb. 11 was invalid because a quorum of the organization's members was not present. The challengers - IHA treas- urer William Thee and Adminis- trnii p Vir rcirlr~rTe','kinp,~z Myers yesterday defended the legitimacy of the election, saying that the new constitution was not ratified until April -- 2 months after the election. The old con- stitution states presidents of houses which hav paid their dues are eligible to vote. Only about 27 houses were paid up at that time, so the 16 mem- bers present formed a quorum, Myers said. Myers also cited an IHA resolu- tion from 1968 which said mem- the Board of Governors," which for many years has said all IHA members can vote, regardless of dus payment, "all members should have had an opportunity to vote," Brown said. Even the most recent M y e r s appointment, Judy Kursman. who was selected to replace Miss John- son as vice president, concedes Myers' foes may have a point. "It sounds like they have a case." she said last night. "If they are right, I'm all for bringing it H.ike in~ By ROB BilE I Daily Newsaly "Things have simply caught; up with us," says Associate Di- rector of University Housing Edward Salowitz, chairman of the Residence Hall Rate Com- mittee. Now, with a substantial room and board increase in the of- fing "things" are catching up vith the dorm residents. And " nfohin ''iln" nhn hi,' moonne dorm rates predicted Gerald Burkhouse, building director at Stockwell Hall and also a committee member, sums up the situation, "We're guess- ing in the range of $20, but I can see the increase from $75 to $120." One factor they must consider is the soaring inflation r a t e. This year's food costs were pro- jected to rise five per cent. But xvith the .year only half crnrnp fhp n ha pnlrpnnA rivr'n ed to them, but it's validity is upheld by Salowitz. "I sent a memo on these fig- ures to (Acting President for Student Affairs) Barbara New- ell and (Vice President and Chief Financial Officer) Wilbur Pierpont and they haven't said we're wrong and they haven't said we're right," Salowitz says. "From that," he adds, "I can only infer that the figures are which the rate committee now faces. The immediate problem is how to reduce the impact of rate hike. One suggestion for a decrease is to transfer some staff costs from the housing office's ope- rating fund, made up of room and board payments into the general fund, which is part of the state's appropriation to the University. Hn,innos '~ts Maid ifor .by the