Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, December 7, 1969 Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, December 1, 1969 LETTER TO FLEMING: Secretary charges U d cr t Pilot Program runs cheaply, reaps praise Mm" l) I1ScL 1111111!aJI LL0JI (Continued from Page 1) Students, with minimal staff (Continued from Page 1) Briggs says this was the only help, have also begun setting up' personnel office, both say that trouble she encountered at the an arts and crafts center where she was recommended highly by University. their talent can be developed. MHRI. This has not been the first In spite of the abundance of Later in the summer, the socio- charge of discrimination against projects currently underway, the logy department reportedly be- University, though Reister ad- pilot program has no definite for- lieved she was not meeting full mits they are "occasional." mulation of policy. "We don't reiementheofas n-t mandisgewasIn 1965, a University Hospital know where we're going but we try making typographical e r ros nurse, Mrs. LaVerne Hill, charged to keep all avenues open," Lobe' mrigcalle ty hitaes r rrthe University with discrimination. frankly admits. errors that any secretary might Her case is still before the state "From the start we emphasized make." t civil rights commission. that it would be experimental Mrs. Hill, then a supervisor in he continues, "and students would The sociology department in- the hospital operating room, had create their own programs." formed her she was not competent personality conflicts with her em- In the case of the seminars, enough to continue as a C-n sec- ployes and resigned, Reister says. students need only to have an idea retary, gave her two weeks notice Later Mrs. Hill wanted to re- for a course and find a faculty and referred her case to the per- tract her resignation and return to member to sponsor it. sonnel office. her former supervisor job. She "As long as room is available, Chauncey believes the secretary entered into a grievance procedure the students can have the class "was not given the chance to real- filing complaints with the nursing arranged if they get a faculty ly develop herself and get used to school, hospital administration arranged ftheygte cuty the job." Her errors were "normal" for any secretary, he says, and believes if she were white the de- partment would have been more reluctant to "get rid of her." In her letter to Fleming, the secretary charged that Reiss "pre- ferred not to come into contact with me" as much as he could, that "Reiss went to considerable lengths to convince me that I should seek lower classifications,, and ultimately Reister says, with! Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Wilbur Pierpont. The University, explains Reister, would not give her her former job but was willing to hire her in an- other capacity. He believes Mrs. Hill was not satisfied and four months later, filed a complaint with the civil rights commission charging that the reason she was not rehired was because of dis- says pilot coordinator Storey. Because it is separate from the literary college, the pilot program is ableto innovate and experiment more easily. fA governing board of faculty a n d administration maintains little restrictive control. "The board has been extremely gen- erous," says Storey. "This is not an overstructured program by any means.'' and that the allegations of typo- crimination. "We don't have any obtrusive graphical mistakes were exag- The case is still pending before rules here," agrees Lobe. "It's an gerated. the commission and a hearing easygoing atmosphere. Our con- "I'm sure that if my color had was held this summer. cept of dorm life is allowing stu- not been black I would have been --- - --------dents to do what they want." spared the embarrassment and * This easygoing environment at- humiliation of being informed of ESIEC. projectS tracts many students who say the plans for my dismissal on an freedom and unharried life in eight-party phone," she said in Lloyd makes it the best and "most the letter. mark rebirth 1 fun" dorm on campus. "If she sincerely feels she was Wendy Polasky, '73, a student fulfilling the capabilities of the (Continued from Page 1) in the program, says, "I chose it position, then there had to be an- and the revolutionary model," he because I liked the idea of having other reason they wanted to get added. classes in the dorm and special rid of her," says Briggs. "She feels Although SEA has been working seminars, and because I heard that it was racial discrimination." mostly with curriculum reform in Alice Lloyd was a cool place to Fleming referred the complaint the past month, "we do have a live." to the personnel office which broader vision in mind," Weiss- The fondness the students have found her a job as a C-4 in the man says. "Next semester we will - - - statistics department. There were, be working with other projects."il) at that time, no openings as a C-5 SEA, which was started shortlyU anywhere in the University, Briggs after the bookstore issue came to says. He adds that when there is a head in September, is described an opening the personnel office by Weissman as a group that is will likely recommend her as a "very liberal but opposed to mili-S ed C-5. tant tactics." Samples and discon , I I for the program is indicated by the large number who stay for two years. A total of 35-40 per cent of the freshmen usually re- turn to the program, which is de- signed mainly for first year stu- dents. "The best part of all is the com- munity spirit," says Pete Gorski, '73. "There aren't a lot of restric- tions and everyone is always get- ting together." Storey says there is an advant- age in the interaction between students and faculty. "Students here are involved with a faculty that is really interested in what the kids are doing," he said. Faculty members are able to have more contact with Alice Lloyd students because of the spe- cial sections reserved for them and also because of the special stu- dent-initiated classes. The nine-year-old pilot program differs in many ways from the Residential College. For example, the Residential College has its own staff of paid professors while the pilot program relies on graduates, teaching fel- lows and LSA faculty for its teaching staff. No teachers are directly connected to the pilot program. "Thempilot program doesn't have super-resources, like the Residen- tial College," says one pilot staff member. "We try to help students take advantage of whatever re- sources we have for things that they are interested in." HAPPY SHOLIDAYS! Student Book Service Miss J turns out for the holidays in high-rise pastels. . .softly gathered. double-breasted dresses with brassy buttons and scarf accents. Blue or pink polyester. 5-13 sizes. Left: Sleeved dress with scarf bow. 25.00 Right: Sleeveless coachman dress. 26.00 = ,1 l " ; J , r Fri , _ . } f .e. , jl,\i r 2 '- ' , r . ry. _ ~ ' ^ k t c f5 , i v . i l i y J j: g3 a ? t r a .,7 i ,_ P"', wa~ _ !'" 1 C4 N } S 1. x. 1 t i t 1 1 tk } trance ale ntinued merchandise - ,A , -j ,/I University of Michigan STUDENTS AND FACULTY FLY TO Round Trip Charter $225 Airfare LEAVE DEC. 23 Chicago/Honolulu RETURN JAN. 4 CALL 751-35J6 Fabrics, Table Linens, Pillows Small Gift Items HALF OFF! 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