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December 07, 1969 - Image 1

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See Editorial Page

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Freezing rain,
changing to snow

Vol. LXXX, No. 78

Ann Arbor, Michigan--Sunday, December 7, 1969

Ten Cents

Ten Pages

The University has been charged
with discrimination by a black secre-
tary who believes the sociology de-
partment fired her on racial grounds.
And while the University is main-
taining it has sole authority to in-
vestigate the case, the city's Human
Relations Commission is arguing it
must be given jurisdiction over the
University so it can investigate just
such cases of alleged University dis-
The case may crystalize the current
disagreement between the two groups
concerning jurisdiction, the Univer-
sity's efforts to end any discrimina-
tion and hire more black employes.
The secretary, who is now employed
by the statistics department, filed a
complaint with President Robben

Fleming early last month alleging the perso
that the department's reason fo! University
terminating her employment was be- gating s
cause she is black. plaints.
The University personnel office is The let
presently conducting an investigation ulation, ac
of the charge which it expects to any comp
complete this week. discrimin
Contacted yesterday, the chairman fice. This
of the sociology department, Albert tor Russel
Reiss, declines comment on the secre- sity sole a
tary's charges. vestigatio
She also filed a, complaint with Some H
Ann Arbor NAACP and the city Hu- University
man Relations Commission. After eliminate
she notified HRC staff member Ray- points ou
mond Chauncey, he wrote a letter to the Univ
Reiss asking to discuss the issue with criminatoi
him. Chaunc(
Chauncey says he received no re- commissio
sponse to his query, only a letter from the Unive

nnel office explaining the
's procedures for investi-
uch discrimination com-
ter cited a University reg-
dopted last year, that refers
plaint of alleged University
ation to the personnel of-
, explains Personnel Direc-
Li Reister, gives the Univer-
authority to conduct the in-
IRC members contend the
has not done its best to
discrimination. As Reister
t, the commission believes
ersity is "the biggest dis-
r in town."
ey says simply that the
n wants jurisdiction over
rsity because it "is one of

ges '
the biggest employers with the city."
HRC Director David Cowley be-
lieves it is "inappropriate" for the
University to conduct investigations
of alleged discrimination in depart-
ments because it is too closely af-
filiated with them.
If the University investigates a
complaint, says Cowley, who wants
HRC to ultimately have the author-
ity, a panel should be created which
contains non-University personnel
and has less ties with the depart-
ments involved.
While Reister understands this
position, he believes that the person-
nel office has been a good represent-
ative of employes and has been doing
a "fair and impartial" job of inves-

code recently introduced by Mayor
Robert Harris, HRC would be re-
placed by a Department of Human
Rights which would have jurisdiction
over the University.
The department -- responsible to
the city administrator - could sub-
poena witnesses and investigate cases
of alleged discrimination. HRC does
not have this authority at present.
According to commissioner Theodore
St. Antoine, a law professor, HRC's
power is limited to "persuasion."
Harrris' draft also provides for the
creation of a group of Human Rights
Examiners who, in alleged cases of
discrimination, could seek injunctions
and would have cease and desist and
fining powers.
Cowley wants the department to be
more autonomous and be freed of its


responsibility to the city administra-
tor. He also believes the examiners
should have compulsory power to
hear every discrimination case. Ap-
peals should only be granted, he be-
livese, in Circuit Court on the basis
of preponderance of evidence.
He says Harris' plan would allow
a respondent like the sociology de-
partment to appear before Circuit
Court and have a case removed from
the examiners.
Chauncey is concerned about the
examiners' being impartial.
And if HRC had such authority
in the secretary's case, it could con-
duct its own investigation, subpoena
witnesses and, if justified, could issue
a cease and desist order compelling
the sociology department to re-hire

Chauncey believes such authority
would help guarantee that some de-
finits action is taken.
These points of contention will be
discussed at a meeting between Uni-
versity officals and HRC next week.
The meeting was called by the Uni-
The affair began this summer when
the secretary was transferred from
a C-4 level secretary in the Mental
Health Research Institute (MHRI) to
the Center for Research on Social
Organizations where she was hired
as a C-5, the highest-level secretarial
slot in the sociology department.
There are four levels of secretary,
with C-6 the highest.
Chauncey and Clyde Briggs, man-
ager of training and counseling in the
See SECRETARY, Page 10

tigating cases.
Under a new


Back from Paris
Henry Cabot Lodge, who recently resigned as the head of
talks, arrived in Boston yesterday.

Paris peace

the U.S. delegation to the

Harvey's Pigs come out to get
Krasny' s Goats in bowl game

as unfair'
The odds against last Mon-
clay's draft lottery turning out
the way it did are on the order
of 100.000 to one, Prof. Fred
Haddock, director of the Uni-
versity's Astronomy Observatory.
said yesterday.
In a letter to the editor of the
New York Times, Prof. Had-
dock said, "Inspection of the
lottery results clearly shows a
systematically increasing num-
ber of men being drafted as their
birth date falls later in the
Haddock discounted the pos-
sibility that the lottery may
have been rigged, suggesting in-
stead that the capsules contain-
ing the birthdates may have
been placed in the glass bowl
in monthly order with January
on the bottom.
"If the capsules were well
shuffled, the chance of this hap-
pjening are extremely r'emote,",
hie said.
Haddock concluded the draft
lotter'y is "not random" after
working on the problem for the
past several days with the aid
of mathematicians.
The group plotted the month-
ly values of lottery numbers and
found a nearly linear decrease in
the draft priority number as the
birth dates fell increasingly lat-
er in the year.
The average draft numbers of
the first six months were all
above the over-all average of
183.5 while the averages of the
last six months all fell below
183.5, Haddock continued.
The result, he added, will be
that many more men who were
born in the last six months of
the year will be drafted than
those who were born in the first
six months.
"The odds against this trend
resulting from random selec-
tion are over 100,000 to 1," Had-
dock said.
The effects fall mainly on
draftees who were born in No-
vember and December, he com-
"Twice as many men with De-
cember birth dates will be draft-
ed compared to those having
January birth dates," he eN-
plained, adding that for this
reason, the lottery was "statis-
tically unfair."


Who's the biggest pig in Washtenaw County?
Sheriff Douglas Harvey thinks he is.
And Sunday afternoon he'll have the chance
to prove it when he leads his band of hard-nosed
Pigs in an all out assault against Police Chief
Walter Krasny and his Ann Arbor Goats in the
first annual "Pig Bowl."
The proceeds from the game will be used to
provide some Christmas festivities for needy
children in the county. But the main discussion
at the base camps of the two teams appears to be
the impending confrontation.
Both teams feel assured of victory, and are
trying to keep their adversaries from forgetting it.
"I think we'll have bacon for dinner," says one
As game time draws near, a number of curious
incidents have befallen both the Police Depart-
ment and the County Jail.
Police officers say they discovered a message
written on a blackboard in the department's locker
room, which said, "We're Number One," and was
signed, "Doug."
But Sheriff Harvey has denied any knowledge
of the author.
There also appears to be a lpartisan poet in-
volved in the pregame exchanges. A poetic chant,
delivered to the Police Department. announces:
"The proof is in the pudding.
The Goats will be our kill,

If you ain't seen no slaughtered Goats
Come Sunday and you will."
It was followed by the prediction, "Pigs 65,
Goats, 0."
Both sides have been practicing two hours a
day for the past two weeks. And some of the
preparation has been quite professional. Sheriff
Harvey has even filmed practice sessions and
played them back to his team.
When asked to pick a winner in today's classic,
Student Government Council President Marty
McLaughlin said, "I hope Harvey's men get their
heads stomped."
He later added, "The bigger the Pig, the
harder they fall." Mike Modelski, leader of
Young Americans for Freedom, commented, "I
think it's a good cause, but it's no big deal." He
added, "I really don't give a damn."
As expected, Mayor Robert Harris is support-
ing the Ann Arbor Goats. Harris is also optimistic
about the turnout, and sees the game as a step
toward improving police-community relations.
As an added attraction, each team comes with
a mascot. Harvey's squad will be represented by
a live pig, while Krasny will have a live goat.
Dress for the game will be collegiate. The
Police Department will be wearing the maize and
blue uniform of the Michigan football team, while
the Sheriff's Department will be dressed in the
gi'een and white uniforms of Eastern Michigan
University's team.

-Daily-Randy Edmonds

Mayor Harris leads Biafra Walk '69



Some 275 people, led by Mayor Robert
Harris, yesterday marched four miles
around the central campus area as part of
a drive to raise money for Biafran child-
The participants in the march--which was
called Biafra Walk '69 - were being "paid"
by donors for each mile they marched.
Robert Splittgerber, chairman of Biafra
Walk '69 Inc., said the funds collected will
be used to purchase food and medical sup-
plies for use in Biafra.
The march had the support of Harris,
who had officially proclaimed yesterday
"Biafra Walk '69 Day," and the Washtenaw
County Council of Churches.
The march, which began shortly after

4Ceb to aid
10:30 a.m., proceeded, down State Street,
and North, East, and South University
Avenues. Walking on the sidewalk, t h e
group circled the block four times.
Although more than 500 people had sign-
ed up to participate only about half showed
up yesterday.
Splittgerber attributed the smaller turn-
out to poor organization. "I think that there
would have been many more people if we
had been more experienced.
But, he added, "the number of marchers
on a cold, wintry morning with that much
concern should surely demonstrate to t he
community the concern over the problem
in Biafra."
The marchers included people from
many diverse segments of the community.
Besides students, members of the Kiwanis
Club and several elderly members of the
community walked in the procession.
Splittgerber said a group of 40 students
Concordia Lutheran Teachers' College yes-
terday participated in a separate march in
support of Biafra Walk.
Prior to the march, each participant was
asked to solicit as many people as possible
to "sponsor" them. Each sponsor was re-
quested to donate a minimum of 75 cents
for each of the four miles walked - or $3.
Participants were recruited just before
the Thanksgiving Vacation. The organizers
felt that they would be more successful
in soliciting contributions in their home
towns than in Ann Arbor.
The money raised will be donated initially
to Joint Church Aid and to the Biafran Re-
lief Services Foundation with the stipula-
tin1 f f t h _ lciq n lyfn hf i lfnn .n

Although the group had planned to end
the campaign with the walk, they decided
to continue because, Splittgerber explained,
"the starvation will not end so how can we
stop raising money just because the walk
has ended?"
The amount of money raised thus far has
not been computed.,
"If we raised a million dollars it would
be great", Splittgerber said, "but if we only
raise $10,000, which we consider to be a
minimum, it will still provide one hundred
thousand days of meals for people w h o
would starve otherwise."
SEA projects
mark rebirthi
Students for Effective Action (SEA), a
group that describes itself as "liberal, but
opposed to militant tactics," is returning to
action after a month-and-a-half-long lull.
The group recently secured literary col-
lege accreditation for a course in "Planned
Change" which will be given next semester.
SEA leader Andy Weissman, '70, who helped
organize the course, says both theoretical
and practical aspects of reform will be
Although the course was not initiated
by SEA as a group, the organizers were
members of the group, and Weissman says
he expects most people in the course to be
involved with SEA.

Pilot i
You don't need huge amounts of money
to create an experimental educational
and living unit within the University.
The Pilot Program, in Alice Lloyd
IHall, doesn 't cost the University very
much a year. But everyone connected with
the program. from students to pro-
fessors who donate their time for special
pilot classes. seems to agree that the
dividends are reat,
The freshmen and sophomores who
make up pilot live together in Lloyd.
And although they generally take only

rogra m:




Basically, pilot is just that - a simple
thing. Many sections in regular literary
college classes are reserved for p i 1ot
students. Other courses were initiated by
students and are taught by interested
faculty members without extra pay.
"The Pilot Program costs the Univer-
sity the equivalent of what it would
cost for one distinguished professor,"
explains LSA assistant dean J a in e s
Extra expenses are slightly higher op-
erating costs, a larger salary for t h e
director and staff members, and the equi-
valent of a teaching fellow's salary which

was the place where the idea of
having classes taught in the dorm or-
iginated. Now residents of many hous-
ing units are organizing their own class-
''We are, in a sense, an experiment for
the entire University," says Tom Lobe,
a resident director in the program. "Ori-
ginally we were a "pilot" . for the Resi-
dential College, but now we're working
to make education relevant to students."
When classes in the dorm were of-
fered for the first time, students and fa-
culty reacted with uncertainty. Neither
was sure the idea would xvork. N o w,

aI t e
There are several examples of student
initiative in Lloyd right now. One is a
series of seminars taught for credit by
interested faculty.
The response to these courses, rang-
ing in subject from "The Philosophy of
Math,"' and "Death." to "Alienation and
Education," has been excellent, explained
"Every course is filled up," lie says.
"The course material is topical, and deals
with material that is related to what a
student is doing."
Another student-begun project is the
oopular campus bistro. Alice's Restaurant.

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