I LETTERS TO THE EDITOIR 94c fitigfan Onig Seventy-nine years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan An exchange on the Bursley store issue 420 Mgynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1969 NIGHT EDITOR: STUART GANNES - I The right to dissent .t.. THE ANTI-DEMOCRATIC spirit mani- fested by the leaders of the Ann Arbor New Mobilization Committee comes as a shameful epilogue to the organiza- tion's commendable coordination of the local contingent for last month's March on Washington. The bitter eruption at the last New Mobe meeting was but the latest con- flict over whether the organization should be politicized from the grass roots. A vocal opposition has continually chal- lenged the steering committee's tacit policy of suppressing controversial issues lest somehow they splinter New Mobe's broad coalition of war opponents. The steering committee rationalizes its refusal to hold a mass meeting to deter- mine policy by claiming they are the leaders of a distinct party; those who support their policies will partici- pate in them and those who do not can and should look elsewhere. THIs MAY have been an appropriate stance when the organization was first seeking members. But thousands of Ann Arborites have now committed themselves to anti-war action under the auspices of New Mobe and they deserve a say in its policy-making. The steering committee cannot assume the sole responsibility for the organiza- tion's direction on the spurious ground that they "do the most work." This argu-' ment places the New Mobe leadership right in the gutter with the shady manipulations of the national political machinery. It is reminiscent of the will- ful and malicious manipulation of "con- sensus politics" which dragged us into Vietnam in the first place. An anti-war organization must not stoop so low. The steering committee is not dealing with an uneducated mass of slobs whose political consciousness is in desperate need of shaping. Gene Gladstone's and Barry Cohen's condescending assumption that they speak for the great vocal ma- jority of those who followed them to Washington is reminiscent of the pre- tension of the President. The steering committee's despotic defi- nition of its role may stem from the fear infighting and factionalism would result if it attempts to define its policies and tactics through democratic discussions. Perhaps, but any united front organiza- tion must accommodate dissent if it wishes to preserve itself. Certainly, a coalition has little value if groups of in- dividuals who disagree with the leaders are not even allowed to express their opinions. THE WASHINGTON march was success- ful in mobilizing people with divergent views and confirming their commit- ment to the cause of immediate uni- lateral withdrawal. But the march also proved that the sheer bulk of the oppo- sition is not enough to convince policy makers to change course. Many march- ers already know this and are not en- thusiastic about the prospect of yet an- other pilgrimage to Mecca. Many feel that the current petition drive against the war should occupy the idle "moderates" of the Moratorium, rather than waste the time of more radically-oriented individuals and the organization which was proud to name itself after the original Mobilization to End the War. /HAT WILL happen when the war ends? The war and even the military are only the overt signs of our interfer- ence in the affairs and destinies of other nations. A full airing of all the real issues relevant to the war and the political differences between various anti-war groups would be healthy at this time. The steering committee must not shy away from open discussion for fear of alienating the minute constituency which would inevitably be repelled by even the most general definition of means and ends. AS IT IS, the steering committee is only defeating itself. Its actions are draw- ing a barrage of ugly publicity and alie- nating more potential followers than even the most divisive mass meeting on policy. Ironically, the very moderates whom the steering committee may be afraid of alienating will be repulsed by New Mobe's undemocratic and patronizing attitude toward its rank and file members. The demand by the members of Inter- national Socialists and Radical Caucus for a mass meeting to implement policy and tactics is perfectly just. Such a meet- ing must be held as soon as possible. If not, the Mobe is setting an elitist policy not unlike the one it says is headed for collapse. It -S'EVE ANZALONE -JENNY STILLER -TOBE LEV The corplaint To the Editor: (The following letter was ad- dressed to President Fleming.) THE HANDLING of the Bursley Store proposal was not simply a disappointment to me, it was a disillusionment. I had thought that it was possible for the students and administration to work closely together. I had even come to think that with enough talking we might communicate our concerns and ar- rive at mutually agreeable solu- tions. I had though that the han- dling of the Bursley Branch of the Student Government Council University Store was going to prove to be a prime example of this potential for student-admin- istration cooperation. I was wrong. The students at Bursley felt a compelling need for a store in the hall, the administration felt a need for keeping the store from being on the agenda month after month. Thus we struck a compromise, the Bursley Branch would go before the Regents in November, in re- turn the rest of the proposed changes for the Discount Store would be held off until January. WE AGREED with you to send to the Regents only the basic pro- posal and a cover letter explaining the research that had gone into the proposal. Mrs. Newell and I had prepared the cover letter, so that it was satisfactory to both of us. We had offered and hoped to be present when the proposal was made so we might defend it. You told us you would consider the idea, and let us know if it was necessary. On Nov. 21, the proposal was discussed in closed session and tabled until January. You had not brought us in to the Regents to discuss the proposal. The executive officers had not sent any written communication to the Regents, in spite of the material we had pre- pared. THE EXECUTIVE officers had not placed the item on the agenda for consideration, but rather brought it up under the report of the University Store. We had not been informed of any of the deci- sions. The executive officers must have known that the Regents make a point of not acting on proposals unless given to them be- fore the meeting, they must have known that they were placing con- sideration in a session where none of us concerned with the decision could be present. This failure is a clear example of the gap that exists between the students and the Regents. That gap is called the executive officers. Well-intentioned though they may be. it is clear that they serve only to increasethe frustra- tion of the students attempting to make proposals to the Regents. ANY STUDENT attending a Re- gents meeting gets the impression that it is impossible for the execu- tive officers to accurately present student concerns. This feeling of helplessness is heightened by the fact that executive officers hold only closed meetings. The result is not only frustra- ting, it is dangerous. If the stu- dents find themselves hampered by having to deal with executive officers as well as Regents in or- der to make the system work, then chances of frustration resulting in violent action increase. Normally ,1 A Kw-" 1% [a" 1;'? I .-. : ,' "\t ; _ i { j_ 11No. I . . . Disgusting! .. . Kiling women and children point-blank with M-16 rifles!" WHETHER THERE will be Ad- ministrative support for proposals which may be made at that time will depend upon what those pro- posals are. In order that you not be prejudiced by whether the Ad- ministration supports your pro- posals or not, I shall see that you have an opportunity to present your otivn version of the case. I am also assuming that any proposals made in January will dispose of Discount Store questions for the entire term and that no further discussions of it will take place until at least another full term has elapsed. -R. ,. Fleming Dec. 1 Democracy To the Editor: LAST WEDNESDAY evening I attended a N e w Mobe Steering Committee meeting th a t proved most enlightening. At this meet- ing, several students, w ho are members of the Mobe (i. e. par- ticipated in the October and No- vember moratorium) demanded that the Steering Committee call a mass meeting, since the mem- bership had voted to do so at its last meeting. The Steering Committee was ill- disposed towards the idea, and, in fact, passed a resolution saying that it will call mass meetings when it damn well pleases. IN MY DISCUSSION after- wards with Gene Gladstone ra member of the committee), he told me that the Steering Committee and not the general membership is the decision-making body. and that if a member does not like its priorities or policy, he can leave and join some other group. Another member of the steer- ing Committee explained to me that democracy just does not work. The only way to get any- thing accomplished is to have a small group making the decisions for the entire organization. Such is the case with the New Mobe. -Frank Singer, '73 Dec. 4 A bash thing' To the Editor: I MUST SAY that your job of reporting the great Michigan vic- tory over Ohio State was one of the worst and most tasteless pieces of journalism I have seen In a long time. The partisanship was blatant enough, but when a news- paper has to degrade itself by in- sulting the losing coach through- out the paper, it is sinking pretty low. DON'T GET ME wrong. I am not a disgruntled Buckeye but an elated Wolverine who wanted to shove the ball down Woody's throat as much as anyone. But I think the play on the field and the figures on the scoreboard was an apt reward for the old coach. A fair and accurate reporting of the game was all that was need- ed as Michigan completely over- poweed the Bucks. The needless insults and taunts just cheapen the reporting and victory and are in baseball terms, "a bush thing." -Matthew Bass, '72 of moderate politics, I was pushed to nearly taking drastic action by this insensitive handling of the Bursley Proposal. But rather than trying that I would like to make a suggestion in (*der to alleviate this gap. I PROPOSE that the Student Government Council be given up to one hour per month of time with the Regents when they may bring proposals for action in the same manner as the executive of- ficers. While this will not give the students total control of the Uni- versity it will permit them to work more closely with the Regents, and the most imaginative and creative proposals will probably be brought by the students. -Bruce J. Wilson SGC Coordinating Vice Pres. Nov. 24 The reply To the Editor: (The following is the President's response.) I HAVE YOUR letter about the Bursley store matter. Let me recapitulate our discus- sions with respect to the Bursley matter. I first heard, through Vice-Pres- ident Newell, that additional pro- posals with respect to the Discount Store were being suggested for submission to the Regents in No- vember. The proposals involved an increase in the' inventory ceiling and a branch at Bursley. I asked her to convey to you the advice that this would be a very bad time to take the matter to the Regents, particularly since there was not yet even a full term's experience with the store. AFTER A conversation with Mrs. Newell, you, Dennis Webster and I met to discuss the question again. At that time I suggested to you that it would be inoppor- tune to press further Discount Store items in November. Y o u agreed, subject to further discus- sion with the Bursley people. Following the above discussion you returned and sought Admin- istrative support for bringing the Bursley question to the Regents in November, while putting over the balance of the question until Jan- uary. I agreed that we would bring the Bursley question up in November, and would support it administratively. I assumed you understood that Administrative support did not commit the Re- gents, and that they remain free to make their own decisions. THE QUESTION was brought to the attention of the Regents and they had exactly the reaction which I earlier predicted to you. They said: (1) What is so urgent about a Bursley branch that it must be accomplished this month when there has been no store over there for years?, and (2) un- til we see a full term's financial statement, accompanied by a physical inventory, there is no way of knowing whether the Dis- count Store is really viable or not. If it is not, a branch will only complicate matters. The Admin- istration did, as I promised, sup- port a Bursley branch, but that view did not prevail. The support of the Administra- tion was undermined. I must say. by the Discount Store's financial statement which became available just at the time of the Regent's meeting and which none of us had seen prior to that time. It showed that the inventory is over $29.000 despite a firm agreement from SGC that it would not exceed $25,000 except for the month of September. It also showed that the $5,000 loan which had been expected from SGC had, in some fashion, been put through at $500, although I understand this was later corrected. Neither of these items inspired confidence in the store. I AM SORRY that you feel that the Executive Officers are incap- able of making a fair presentation of any student issue to the Re- gents. While I do not concur in your suggestion that SGC pro- posals go directly to the Regents without admi nistrative interven- tion. I shall try to see that in the future the ineptitude of the administrative officers does not impede your ability to present your position. May I now point out one other item so that there can be no pos- sible misunderstanding. Items for the January agenda of the Board will be mailed on Jan. 8. If there are Discount Store matters which you wish considered by the Board in January they will have to be available by Dec. 31, otherwise the matter will go over to February. This will include a financial state- ment for the full Fall term, plus a physical inventory as promised, plus any proposed changes. .i.d the right to rule rpHE INTRA-ORGANIZATIONAL fight- ing of the New Mobilization Commit- tee in the last three weeks raises signifi- cant questions about the authority and nature of the organization. The dissidents - mostly members of Radical Caucus a n d International So- cialists - claim that New Mobe must be run democratically, serving the ends de- cided by its entire membership, and in- sist that the steering committee call a mass meeting to determine future policy. The New Mobe steering committee, while agreeing with the need to appeal to a large majority, says it is not supposed to be run democratically in the limited sense that the dissidents mean it. They refuse to call a policy-making mass meeting. T E FIRST crucial question is the meaning of "democracy." The Radical Caucusers and socialists, in their zeal for democracy, w a n t every facet of every group to be run democratically, and that includes t h e democratic mechanism of voting within the organization. Therefore, they say, New Mobe should call a mass meeting on policy and follow the results of such a meeting. T h e democratic ethic is appropriate, certainly, but it can be misapplied, as it is in this case. It is not undemocratic for one small political organization in the body politic to be undemocratic so long as there are alternatives. That is, the dissidents seem to equate limited control of a small political organ- ization to limited control of a govern- ment. The cases are not the same. A gov- ernment is the 1 rml rennsitorv of a11 now- policies and politics should 1 o o k else- where for their political expression. ANN ARBOR New Mobe started t h a t way. Barry Cohen, G e n e Gladstone and Marty Halpern, in clear opposition to the judgment of the rest of the local left, decided last summer to make the Vietnam War their major issue. The oth- ers sought out such issues as war research and imperialism, yet it was anti-war sen- timent that held mass interest and that was able to mobilize 5,000 local people for a march on the capital. It can be argued that New Mobe has created something bigger than itself, and in fact it has. It is no longer the property of Cohen and Gladstone. It is the prop- erty of all the people who have worked against the war and all the people from here who marched against the war. BUT THAT does not necessarily indicate an institutional mechanism for decid- ing the direction of New Mobe. What Eric Chester and the other Mobe challengers want is a mass meeting. Such meetings have a most dubious history; they are very susceptible to a certain type of political animal that revels in institu- tional hassling rather than positive po- litical action. It is in the nature of the broad coali- tion that it would be ill-represented as such a meeting. While there may be wide support for what New Mobe is doing, it is necessarily thin support. Positive political action calls it forth; petty political in- fighting doesn't. NEW MOBE depends on the former type of support, not the latter. Starting as Syria, Israel and the American news media By COLLEEN SHANAHAN Daily Guest Writer "What ails them? Can they overcome their condition a n d function successfully in today's world? Or are they really a case of arrested development . . . ?' A COMMENT from an 18th cen- tury treatise on the natural inferiority of the black? No, an excerpt from the Time editorial 'Arabia Decepta: A people Self- Deluded". An unlovely but apt example of the kind of dialogue pursued as argument in the Mid- dle East debate aired along the circuits of the American press. When General E.L.M. Burns. former Chief of Staff, United Na- tions Truce Supervision Organiza- tion, said, "for years now it has been only Israel's side of the Pal- estine story which has been pre- sented to the American people," he was describing a situation in which distorted examination has taken precedent over dispassionate commentary; a milieu where slan- der passes as criticism, and prevar- ication goes unrecognized. An at- mosphere in which an elite liberal periodical, the New Republic, can make the following statement with impunity: "The Middle East confront- ation and clash are in almost all details tie reneat nrform- time; but, for clarification, I sub- mitted this paradigm of confusion to General Burns, Chief of Staff United Nations Truce Supervision Organization during this interim. His response: "The New Republic is wrong in its statement that Syrian raids on Israel set off the conflict in November, 1956. The raids by Fedayeen came from the Gaza Strip mainly, though there were some in- cursions from Jordan, the in- filtrators there were not known as Fedayeen. I had been told by General Glubb, among other people that most of the infiltration from Jor- dan into Israel was stirred up and paid for by groups in Damascus, in particular, the former Grand Mufti of Jeru- salem. To this extent Syria might be said to be INDI- RECTLY responsible for some infiltration." Using Syria (tabbed the most belligerent Arab state by the press) as a further example I se- lected the following quotation from Time as representative of the kind of misinformation on the Arab-Israeli conflict being disem- inated by the media. I submitted it to General Carl Von Horn, former Chief of Staff UNTSO, for his appraisal: lery because their kibbutznicks have extended their cultivation onto Arab-owned land. That is NO RANDOM BOMBARDMENT. "WHY HAS THE AMERICAN 'press never reported when Israeli patrols moved across the Armistice Demarcation Line into Syrian held territory? Even the present Prime Minister of Israel, Mrs. Meir, when Foreign Minister denied such Israeli provocations on an occa- sion when my observers had col- lected Israeli ammunition and equipment left behind after an offensive night reconnaissance. When I adviser her of the facts she insisted on having the Israeli equipment returned but refused to discuss the Israel violation." Now I wish to place an excerpt from an article by Kingsbury Smith, syndicated columnist for the Hearst's publications, in jux- taposition with a statement of General Von Horn's: Smith: "If the Arabs should one day -- and that day seems dis- tant - accept Israel's offer of peaceful coexistence and coopera- tion then the Syrians may be per- mitted to return to this area, but never to remilitarize it against Israel. The Israelis suffered too long from Syrian provocations and threats along this frontier to give it up for any paper promises from Syria, the UN. or the big service to the United Nations charter and principles Israel has more and more flouted e v e r y United Nations resolution calling Israel to make even the slightest concession. "From 1951 Israel boycotted the activities of the Israel- Syrian Armistic Commission. It rejected United Nations Truce Supervision Chief of Staff's formal authority in the Demilitarized Zones which gradually become more and more militarized. "Knowing thats Israeli com- pletely disregarded the U n i t e d Nations authority and never co- operated fully with UNTS chief of staff in his attempts to prevent rising tension from leading to a chain reaction of increased vio- lence, the Arab governments gave military protection to Arabs leg- ally cultivating ground west of the ArThistice Demarcation Line. To a great extent the border incidents especially along the Syr- ian armistice demarcation line were provoked by an official Israeli policy of expansion." THIS IS A FRAGMENT from the Arab side of the Middle East dispute that has been distorted be- yond recognition and - m o r e frequently - edited out of exist- ence by the American press. A situation which has turned t h e the above quotations - we see by the remarks of two United Na- tions officials just how reliable that press commentary is. WHEN ISRAEL NOW ASSERTS that the Golan Heights are ab- solutely nonnegotiable it is with the assurance that the Israeli side of the argument has been accepted prima facie by the American press, and, to the extent that the media is instrumental in swaying public opinion, by the nation as well. It was within this context that Rabbi Elmer Berger speaking before the Southeastern Massa- chussetts Technological Institute in November 1967 commented: "It must be clear . . . that in a democracy where enlightened public opinion is essential for the formulation and implementation of a rational foreign police, one of the first problems confronting American policy-makers forht h e Middle East is this long history of formidable pro-Zionist a n d pro-Israeli propaganda "If we are to match policy with our national interests in the Mid- dle East the American people will need to be more critically alert. The American press has been al- most criminally negligent in help- ing to provide such vigilance." To what extent Zionist pres- sure groups are responsible for ex- cluding the Arab argument from a ,.arhf 1 nri.r n he n pec-is n