THE RIGHT TO DISSENT See Editorial Page 5kA iCig~ ~Iatt6j WARMER High--42 Low-32 Cloudy with little chance of rain Vol. LXXX, No. 77 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, December 6, 1969 Ten Cents Eight Pages Blacks sit in at Harvard Leave 47 ')idm administration meets demands CAMBRDGE, Mass. (11 - About 75 black students oc- cupied Harvard's m a i n ad- ministration building, Univer- sity Hall, for six hours yester- day to dramatize demands that the university do more locally to improve the lot of black people. Harvard College Pean Ernest May warned the students four times during the occupation that they could be arrested if they did not leave immediately. No police were ever called in, however. There was no violence, but two unfounded bomb threats were tele- phoned to the university during the occupation. One involved Har- vard's new Department of Afro- American Studies, and the other Holyoke Center, another adminis- tration building. The protesters, members of a group known as the Organization for Black Unity, filed quietly out of University Hall at midafternoon after announcing they would ne- gotiate their demands with school officials. They had presented five de- mands, including one that the uni- versity hire more blacks at Har- vard-sponsored construction pro- jects. The group said blacks now make up only five per cent of the work force at such projects. They wanted this raised to 20 per cent. After the group left the build- ing, May said disciplinary action would be instituted against the in- vaders. May, who took over as dean of Harvard College in September, warned that "Students participat- ing in this demonstration are forcibly interfering with freedom of movement of university officers and employs." "Persistence of this obstructive demonstration will subject stu- dents to disciplinary action and may subject all participants to prosecution for criminal trespass. All students are forbidden to re- main here any longer and are ordered to leave immediately," he added. The agreement terminating the takeover provided for the creation of an "implementation commit- tee," which will set guidelines for black employment on university construction projects. Both sides are to be represented on the committee, which is to meet for the first time Monday. A second committee was created to mediate some of the blacks' other demands. The seizure occurred just before start of the business day, and ithe blacks used wooden bars to bar- ricade windows and doors on the ground floor of the three story structure. Employes reporting for work were turned away. Four university officials May. L. Gard Wiggins, administrative vice president, Prof. Archibald Cox of the Law School and Prof. Ewart Guinier. head of Harvard's new Department of Afro-American Studies-represented the school in the negotiations that followed. Cox, who wrote a lengthy report1 on some of the unrest at Colunm- bia University and has been ty- ing to mediate the dispute at Har- vard, said the protesters we a "very orderly, well behaved gath- ering.- He said the university had sent See BLACK STUDENTS. Page 8 LSA board revampIg postponed Enlargement of student role still under discussion By MARTIN HIRSCHMAN The literary college admin- istrative board yesterday post- poned until January consid- eration of controversial plans to increase student member- ship on the board. The decision to postpone action, came after one faculty board member issued a sharp condem- nation of student members for "premature disclosure 'of the plans) to The Daily." "I'm terribly indignant about this," said classics Prof. Howard Cameron, "and I want to postpone consideration. That'saone of the things I don't like about the way students handle these things--by trying them first in the Michigan, Daily." "I'm ready to vote it (the re- structuring proposal> down just on these grounds," Cameron con- tinued. "I think its a breach of iated Press confidence." I students Plans for possible restructuring rs yester- of the membership of the admin- increased istrative board were reported for the first time yesterday in two Daily stories. However, the board has discussed the question several times over the past few months at open meetings. Postponement of action on the restructuring plan came with the S~ consent of student representatives t who said they wished to discuss some of the issues involved with the LSA Student Assembly before s continuingthe discussions. .Under plans which have been discussed at recent meetings, four rent owed ! students and six faculty members it striking would be given voting status on the board. At present. only the ent reduc- faculty members can vote. mt rduc-Another issue involves the com- ipus Man- position of the six-man judiciary boards which the administrative the group board appoints from its member- lefendants ship to hear cheating and disrup- when heytion cases. when they Under a plan drafted earlier this .cilities in week by a two-person sub-com-I n the ceil- mitte composed of Cameron and linoleum Terry Garden, '70, cheating cases' would have been heard by judici- ary boards composed of three stu- spokesman dents and three faculty membersI Call for 'day of sorrow 35 local leaders ask U.S. response to My Lai action By VALERIE KUEHN Thirty-five prominent A n n Arbor citizens including Presi- dent Robben Fleming and Ma- yor Robert Harris have peti- tioned for a "day of national contrition" in response for the alleged massacre at My Lai, South Vietnam. In an open letter to President Nixon, Senators Philip Hart (D- Mich.) and Robert Griffin (R- Mich.) and Rep. Marvin Esch (R-Ann Arbor), the group called for "a day of national contrition during which a country dedicated to the dignity of man may con- template what things are done in its name." History Prof. Raymond Grew, a spokesman for the group, says of the petition, "We meant it as a ser- ious call for both reflection and action, and hope there will be enough response so that our ac- tions will be followed through." Another objective of the peti- tion, Grew added, was to stress Congress' obligation to review cer- tain questions concerning the war such as "how the men should be trained, and how the troops should be restrained." - -Assod SUPPORTERS DELIVER food for the 75 black Harvard who held the school's administration building for six hou day to demand hiring of more black workers andi enrollment of black students. EVICTION CASES- District court gra threue rent reduacti Significant reductions in the amount of back1 to landlords were awarded to three groups of ren tenants in eviction cases heard this week. On Monday, a District Court jury granted a re tion of $730 to six tenants who had lived in a Cam" agement apartment at 1345 Geddes. The landlord, Dwaine Lighthammer, was suing for $1,750 in ba'ck rent but was awarded $1,020. The d had charged the apartment was in poor conditiona moved in, and said it had inadequate heating fa -Daily-Jerry Wechsler CONGRESSMAN MARY ESH (R-Ann Arbor) tells his constituents why he believes President Nixon's peace plan is "substantially different" from past plans and why he thinks it will work. Esch meets the neonle. - - mv I-%-- I%-- low %-, - -%-I defen d By TIM BRANDYBERRY Congressman Marvin Esch iR- Ann Arbor) last night expressed his support of President Nixon's policy toward the Vietnam war, but conceded a few reservations to some disgruntled members of the audience concerning the ad- ministration's plans for a political settlement. Esch, in an open meeting with 150 of his constituents attempted to justify his support for the Pres-, ident's Vietnam policy by saying he felt the President had made significant progress toward dis- engagement of American troops from the war, "I feel that the administration is taking steps to solve the dilem-' s th e Pr ma in South Vietnam." he de- clared. "I support those steps." There were, however, a number of people who expressed dissatis- faction with the answers that Esch supplied to their questions. Several accused Esch of sliding over their, questions and then delivering ap- parently pe a ' edstatements which did not sufficiently clarify his positions. "Why don't you answer our questions directly?" one person asked. "We are not getting a clear picture on where you stand." But Esch urged people to realize that "President Nixon has in- dicated that there will be no mili- tary victory in Vietnam. that he has begun the withdrawal of U.S. troops and that he has committed' , Along with Fleming, and Har- ris, the petition was signed by six of the ten city councilmen, several of Ann Arbor's senior clergymen, and a number of leading Univer- sity faculty members. History Prof. Samuel Warner ex- the United States to one pw1pose- plained that he supports the pe- the free self-determination of the tition because he regards the My people of South Vietnam." Lai incident as an "example of Esch added that dissentei's "will what war is like." do a disservice if they don't see Stressing that it is important that the present policy is sub- to involve as many people as pos- stantially different from previous sible in the anti-war movement, policy." Warner said he hopes "a differ- Esch also said that he supports ent group of people than t h o s e President Nixon's plan for "flex- who participated in the Washing- ible timetable for withdrawal of ton Moratorium will get involved troops. He added that though he through the petition." supports the plan, the hoped that "We hope to get across the idea the removal of all combat tiroops that action must be taken cor- would be accomplished by the end porately and not individually," of 1970. All non-combat troops he added Mrs. James Cockrell, presi- hoped to have removed by the endA dent of Church Women United of 1971.1 in Ann Arbor. 01 ,tod(Iy's P(ag(e Three 0 The strategic arms limita- tion t a 1 k s between the United States and the So- viet Union are proceeding successfully with prelimi- nary discussions expected to end b e f o r e Christmas. Both sides express optimism about the negotiations. * Public h e a l t h authorities would be unable to protect' civilians from the effects of chemical a n d biological warfare, a UN study reports. Large - scale illness a n d death and changes in man's environment would result from the use of such weap- ons, concludes the study. U* University classes are changing from traditional lecture-recitation forms to m o r e experimental pat- terns. Students have a greater choice in how they learn a subject. one bedroom, leaks i ing and buckling floors. Tenants Union legal Scott Schrager said their juryor college administrators. At pres- trial results were the "third most ent, such boards include two stu-j successful to date." dents, two faculty members and On Thursday another District two administrators. Court jury awarded $448 in rent See LSA BOARD, Page 8 and damage deposit reductions to four tenants in a Charter Realty, building at 1224 Washtenaw. The Bus adsc 1 tenants were granted $296 in aB uad s l rent reduction. While the land- lord had claimed $1,132.20, he only received $836.20. In addition, toq, although the landlord claimed 0 c 1 1 1 $258 from a $296 damage deposit, the jury awarded him $106. The tenants claimed the apart- By DEBBIE TIIAL ment had a clogged toilet, poor The faculty of the business ad- insulation and heating inadequa- ministration school yesterday vot- cies. ed to continue it's limited exper- In addition, two tenants in an imnental pass-fail program with Ambassador Co. apartment on 731 slight liberalization. Packard were awarded a $30 re- As a result of the decision made duction yesterday. The landlord, at the regular monthly faculty Louis Feigelson, had claimed $193 meeting, business administration students will be allowed to elect in back rent. and $90 from a $150 pass-fail courses after classes have damage deposit from tenants started although they will not Helen and Marion Lungerhausen., be able to take any more pass-fail Visiting District Court Judge courses than had been possible in the past. Henry Arkinson ruled that Feigel- The decision constitutes reforms son was not entitled to any of the to the school's experimental pro- damage deposit. gram which had been in effect for: oolf aculty decides e pass-fail program Esch attempted to advance him- self a step toward the doves, by urging a re-evaluation of the ad- ministration's continued support of the Thieu regime in S ou th Vietnam. Esch urged that the adminis- tration pressure the South Viet- namese to form a coalition gov- ernment, which would include all political segments of the popula- tion who would renounce the use of force. He said that the admin- istration should also pressure the government to stop the imprison- ment of dissenters. In the letter, the My Lai inci- dent is compared with the Ger- man destruction of Lidice, Czecho- slovakia, during World War II and the deeds condemned at Nurem- berg. "This act goes far beyond the often aimless destruction of war," the letter says. "No circumstances can mitigate nor apologies erase its horrors." "But all who yet feel hope for their country, must now strive to see that the moral contamination does not spread and that such bestiality is not repeated under our flag," the letter adds. the last year. The program al- lowed students to elect two pass fail courses as an undergraduate and one more to Master's candi- dates. Prior to yesterday's decision, however, the pass-fail stipulation had been required before the be- ginning of classes. The faculty decision follows a student referendum on Thursday asking liberalization of the exper- imental program then in effect. It requested an increase in the number of classes which could be taken on a pass-fail basis. Prior to yesterday's faculty de- cision, three members of the SHOULD I TURN IN MY II-S? School of Business Administration Student Council presented the re- sults of the referendum to the fa- culty meeting and explained their meaning. The council representatives ask- ed both that students be allowed to select their pass-fail courses during the first two weeks of each term, and that the number of pass-fail courses allowed e a c h student be increased. Students, faculty, and admin- istration are generally satisfied courses outside their special field with the compromise. "I am pleased with the decision of the faculty to continue t h e present program with the slight change to enable students to de- cide whether to take a course on a pass-fail basis for the first two weeks of the term," said D e a n Floyd A. Bond of the business ad- ininisti'ation school. John Nannes, student council member. called it "a very agree- able compromise." The council was happy to be permitted to make its case and we hope we will be able to consult with the faculty in other important matters in the future," he added. The faculty curriculum commit- tee has been studying the exper- imental program attempting to de- termine the value of a pass-fail program. The committee wanted to know whether worries about grades dis- cour'age students from taking of competence. In addition, it at- tempted to discover if students did less work in pass-fail courses. Draft counseling: Looking for loopholes Esch added, "There is a need, Besides the day of contrition. to begin now to build up democ- the recipients of the letter and racy among the villages and peo- the American people are urged by ple of South Vietnam. Otherwise the group to take three steps: we will have done nothing to -Repudiation of the massacre bring democracy to Vietnam." by Congress and governmental Concerning those who advocate steps to prevent the occurrence of immediate withdrawal from Viet-. such an event in the future. nam, Esch said "I wish that Oc- -Action by Congaess to estab- tober and November 15 would lish an "extensive program of aid have emphasized not only immed- and reconstruction for the people iate withdrawal but also more of Vietnam." U.S. pressure for the establish- -Contribution to American re- ment of a representative govern- lief agencies operating in Viet- ment in South Vietnam." nam. The real registration procedure for LSA Semester endings are notoriously bad times, when people must rush and the volume of work is considerable. Everyone has problems, including The Daily. Twice now, the Daily has tried to inform the student body about early registration and how it works--both times with rather bad results. The first incorrect story, published Wednes- day, resulted in a long line of some very worried people at the counseling office. The second mistake, a misguided attempt to correct the first, must have sent all students rushing to their calenders trying to find out why Friday the 12th falls on a Monday this month. As Pogo's friend Albert noted, Friday the 13th falls on a Saturday in December. So, with apologies to those we have inconvenienced, The Da~ily'here~huv ,rm-ndgesa fran~tic nmeaoye from the in -PnP By ART LERNER Six days ago every student dreaded the thought of a I-A draft classification. Today some students are clamoring for one. This ironic twist was just one of the topics dis- cussed last night by a panel of draft counselors from the Draft Counseling Service in the base- mnent pf the First Baptist Church. Ever since the selective service lottery was held Monday night, spontaneous bull sessions have arisen throughout the campus on the lot- tery, the draft and available contingency plans. About 40 students gathered last night to have their questions answered by people who offered more extensive knowledge and exper- ience concerning the draft. were surprised to find that a student can drop his II-S deferment but continue going to school. If his number is called, his induction may be cancelled and he can receive a I-S-C classifica- tion which defers him for another year as long as he is a full-time student. Some students were visibly relieved to find out that if they are in the pool on Dec. 31 of any year without their number having been called, they will have fulfilled their year of top priority. This means that a student does iot need to be in the pool for an entire year, and can drop his deferment late in the year if it seems un- likely his number will be reached. One counselor noted the irony that may en-