Friday, December 5, 1969 By JACK FROST THERE JUST isn't a be way to celebrate the hot sol.s I mean OH WOW L( AT THOSE LIGHTS ON TI TREE. W O W W W W, UN FRED, CHRISTMAS REALLY NEAT. Yes, having a water pipe< ing the season of merry ma is a good thing. As gifts mom and dad they are sup And, of course, they are sort of gift that everyone in family can share in. Indee water pipe is a perfect gift any close friend - a gift may be sure he will derive y of satisfaction from. The water pipe market huge and wonderful. And in, Arbor the selection and qu of water pipes available is mendous (unlike, at times, selection and quality of s other things). Water pipes range from feet tall imported brass p with double and triple mot piece attachments costing $2 more to tiny glass ones on few inches high costing ac ple bucks. Holiday (YNE OF THE best cookie Christmastime is the Gir Snap. Yummy and crunchy just plain eadible. 2 cups sugar 4 cup butter 2 eggs 3?? cups flour I! tsp. baking soda 112 cup molasses 2 tsps. vinegar 2 tsps. ginger THE MICHIGAN DAILY A HOOKA FOR JUNIOR e, look hiat I go1 'tts 55::0 tutp' you wx'ami gitass Itubing. some titastie tub- lier .eens s win you ant it to n, a bottle thsal the stopper do c to much brea you xxiii i( io sod a metal screen. d a resito ilay out for the 'te iriniole cf the thing is K benefit our local hippy ets- thit the thsle tube, with the tAT isalist. t bi brass jobs really sce eiuit, ext(ids down CLE esss i .oke do is and you iiiouts the stotper into the IS can use t he double mouthpiece water. The ,other sube is stuck a attacn ent or just pass one short distance through the dur- mouthpiece around. But the big other hole in the stopper and king ones are eumbersome and hard does not reach the water. This for to carry around-which may not second tube is attached to the herb. be such a bad idea for anyone plastic tubing you draw through. the who has been smoking it very Don't have the thistle go too the long. And, of course 20 bills is far down into the water or it d' a lot to shell out. will splash up into the other for you The smaller models have the tube. ears advantage of being cheaper and Another gift which goes well more portable (including ones with a water pipe is a hemp t is that can actually be carried in plant to make rope with. People Ann the pocket) but they may not who have water pipes usually ality cool the smoke quite as much. like to have some hemp plants tre- The thing to look for is the around in case rope gets scarce. the length of the tube the smoke To grow rope you should get ome has to go through before it gets some seeds (boy, I just dont to your smoutht. Tis shorter the ktnow xxhere you . hould get two distance the hotter the smoke. those) and plant them. Keep txvo y t nmz the plants warm and in almost ipes If you xvant to economize 0o5 constant ligtl. After about four uth- seasonal gifts water pipes are mnonthstt.ey will be ready to 0 or really easy to make. You need a htarvest. ly a thistle tube, available from most Pull the plant up, roots and cou- local hobby stores, a two hole all and hang it upside down in a rubber stopper, another piece of warm room over some news- papers for a week. Then strip off thse leaxesaid put it with Cook es the stuff that fails onto the newspaper - some of your friends might want this stuff but it isn't any good for mak- )U can JHi-aike ing rope. Then twist the stems in water and braid them. Piretty iseat, right. s at dash of cinnamon and cloves nger Cream butter and sugar. Add and eggs, molasses and vinegar and Christr as the remaining dry ingredients sifted together. Form into balls the size of a small walnut, place Shon far apart on a cookie sheet to allow for spreading and bake in a moderate oven at 350-degrees. Early ! And don't forget they're reallyw t e good when they're hot. Page Eleven Perfect for holiday festivities is this after-5 dress with its opaque angel sleeves trimmed wrs delcate metalic lace. Available at Kay Baum. BOOKS FOR GIFTS I OVERBECK BOOKSTORE 1216 South University Ave. Best Wishes for the Holidays 90m mE sE~es M~mmmem m