See Editorial Page
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Fair, not so
Vol. LXXX, No. 76
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, December 5, 1969
Ten Cents
Ten Pages
In 1953, Willow Run Labora-
tories were thriving on extensive
Defense Department research in-
cluding Project Michigan, a 15-
year, multimillion-dollar contract,
At the peak of project activity.
the labs had a staff of nearly 800
employes and expenditures total-
ing over $20 million a year.
In 1969, Willow Run labs are
suffering attacks from both radi-
cal students and right-wing gen-
erals. while enduring dramatic
budge; cuts. This year, a total
staff of about 400 work at the
labs, which will probably have a
projected budget of slightly over
$8 million.
This week, the University an-
nounced it may greatly modify its
ties with the labs. What is termed
a "very attractive" possibility of
V Run:
leasing Willow Run facilities to
a private, nonprofit corporation is ;
being considered. And the engi-
neering college has consented to
merge with part or, if necessary,
all of the lab facilities.
In either case the work of the
labs may be severely altered, with
a move away from the present
defense department orientation
toward securing more private con-
tracts of industrial or educational
Lately, very few people mention
the possibility that Willow Run
might stay structured as it is.
Willow Run is a University
owned and operated research fa-
cility, organized under the Insti-
tute for Science and Technology
and ultimately under the direction
of Vice President for Research A.
Geoffrey Norman. There are four
principal labs: Infrared and Op-
tics, Radar and Optics, Radio
Science and Geophysics.
Acquired from Washington for
one dollar in 1947, Willow Run
labs are a drab collection of war
surplus buildings located 17 miles
from Ann Arbor near Willow Run
Airport (also University owned
and operated).
Nevertheless, the labs have an
international reputation for pio-
neer work in remote sensing and
infrared detection. During a class-
ified research controversy in 1967,
however, the labs gained notoriety
for the development of the
BOMARC missile system and a $1
million technical training program
in Thailand.
But the fame has dwindled with
the budget, which in just three
years has dropped from $13 mil-
lion to $9.3 million.
Now, some top University offi-
ros erity
cials are saying that Willow Run
has "outlived" its potential as a
University research facility and
must become more involved in the
educational process or completely
dissociated from the University.
This is not so much a reaction
against classified research but a
growing belief that the University
just cannot secure the funds for
large scale research that a non-
profit, private firm can.
But when Engineering College
Dean Gordon Van Wylen says
Willow Run may no longer be
"viable," he is referring to more
than just financial security. He
is also considering the conflicting
academic and political pressures
which strain present relationships.
Although Willow Run is not as
well endowed by the DOD as it
was in the last decade, defense
spending everywhere is down. To
the displeasure of most University
researchers, it is channeled into
the specific, problem solving pro-
jects rather than the open ended,
generously financed work done
several years ago.
But still, Willow Run is doing a
fair business in classified research.
And its remote sensing labs are
stll considered among the best
Vice President Norman says he
personally feels that with some
administrative changes the labs
would continue with arrangements
similar to the present ones. How-
ever, he acknowledges that wide-
spread discontent among research-
e s at the labs makes some sort of
change necessary.
Indeed, a profound change has
occurred in the attitudes of the
research personnel, the defense
department and the University to-
ward government research.
The classified research debate
which began here and at other
campuses in the mid-sixties has
alarmed the Pentagon an'd univer-
sity researchers who have feared
classified research might be abol-
ished at all campuses.
Norman says it has been "dis-
tressing beyond words for the re-
searchers to find themselves looked
down upon as being involved in
an 'evil' business."
I And Norman points out that
DOD officials are also reacting.
"They are growing unwilling to
put down money at a place that
may blow up tomorrow. And they
have the impression universities
are undependable these days."
A report by five engineering
professors, most of whom have
had some contact with Willow
Run, warns that "unless major
changes are made' quickly, the
Willow Run Laboratories will rap-
idly deteriorate to the point where
they will be a University liability
rather than a major educational
The report, requested by Nor-
man, lists grievances of researchers
and recommends steps the Univer-
sity should take to end the un-
certainty researchers feel about
their status in the community.
Submitted last September, the
report recommends that the Uni-
versity establish a "clearly enun-
ciated policy" on large scale re-
search and commit itself to the
financial autonomy and security
of the labs.
Norman explains the researchers
hope President Fleming might en-
dorse classified research in prin-
See WILLOW, Page 10
Couzens, Oxford discipline
Engin faculty
go coed
Residence Hall Planning Committee voted yesterday to
recommend to the Board of Governors that Couzens Hall
and the Oxford Residences be converted to coed housing for
At the same time, they refused to consider proposals made
by a group of twenty West Quad residents for conversion
of that all-male hall to a coed dormitory.
The committee's report calls for the creation of approxi-
mately 400 spaces for men in the two currently all-women
residences to prevent a recurrence of this fall's dorm crowding
I I)eraliZe
rus rules
The Fraternity Presidents As-
sembly approved several major'
rush structure reforms yesterday
in what FPA chairman Ronald
Natale described as an attempt
to "liberalize rush attitudes."
The major changes include a
more informal approach to rush. a
shift of the work load for rush
from Inter-Fraternity Council to
the individual houses, an all-out
recruitment of prospective pledges.
and a more extensive publicity
"Low rush in the fall has been
a trend for fraternities in the past
few years," Natale said, "but this
term pledge and rush were unex-
plainably low."
He felt that by letting all houses
run rush "virtually any way they
want to, they can make their ownj
image and combat the fraternity
Over the coming semester break
IFC will provide each house with
a comprehensive list of freshmen
and their home residences. Frater-
nity members can then contact
hometown friends who might be
interested in their house.
In other action at last night's
meeting, FPA decided to penalize
the 18 houses out of the 43 mem-
ber houses that have not paid dues
yet. Houses that don't pay by later
this month will forfeit their in-
amnural privile"es,
Perry Bullard, resident director
of West Quad's Chicago House,
acted as the West Quad delega-
tion's main spokesman. He first
attacked a survey taken in all-
women Stockwell Hall which in-
dicated overwhelming opposition
to a change to co-ed living there.
Bullard charged the residents
of Stockwell had been misinform-
ed and that the vote was influenc-
ed by "a campaign of lies and
deceit." Bullard then asked the
committee to consider two pro-
posals for the conversion of West
The group's first proposal was
for the conversion of both all-
male West Quad and all-female
Stockwell to coed halls. As an al-
ternative, they suggested t h a t
Betsy Barbour become all-male
and that the ratio of males to
females at Couzens be increased to
more than the proposed 50-50
split, thus creating spaces for the
men displaced at West Quad,
After the West Quad presenta-
tion, Paul Ligenfelter, assistant
building director at Bursley and
a committee member, commented,
"I think the committee has to
take into consideration how many
students desire one-sex halls. Also,
there are considerations of funds
available for such a switch and the
attractiveness of West Quad to
be dealth with."
William Ennen, building direct-
or at Stockwell and also a com-
mittee member, said, "It seems
to me that because the report of
this committee is late, we should
submit it. You have every right
to disagree with it and should
submit your own report to Mr.
Feldkamp (director of University
At this point, Bullard said, "I
agree with Mr. Ligenfelter's ear-
See COUZENS, Page 10
Student Government Coun-
cil last night condemned any
p r o p o s a 1 for restructuring
of the LSA administrative
board which would not allow
for sole student control over
non-academic discipline.
The administrative board, which
acts as the disciplinary arm of
the college for both academic dis-
honesty and disruption issues, will
consider motions today for in-
creased student participation.
SGC President Marty McLaugh-
lin said "We feel it is unaccept-
able to have any disciplinary body
over non-academic affairs which
may involve non-students."
"A disciplinary committee which
consists of two students, two fa-
culty members, and two admin-
istrators would only serve to legit-
imize faculty control over non-
academic conduct," he said.
Council member Mike Farrell
added that "Such a proposal runs
contrary to the the proposed stu-
dent-faculty bylaws which allow
for effective student participation
in University decision-making.
The LSA administrative board
proposal can only be interpretedr
as a token gesture intended to pla-
cate students."
"The administrative board has
again attempted to install itself as
a disciplinary body over student
affairs," said SGC Vice President
Marc Van Der Hout. "They tried
to do this after the LSA sit-in but
failed because students refused to
accept it."
Council also extensively debated
the issue of student Rose Bowl
tour staff. A committee to select
students as SGC tour marshals in
return for a free tour package will
accept applications today until
Interested students should apply
at the SGC offices in the SAB.,
Roughly 6 hours of work a day
during the California tour will be
The question of whether or not
SOC members should have prior-
ity in the selection of the tourc
staff was heavily debated at last
night's meeting.
Some Council members said this
would insure a staff accountable
for its responsibilities, but others
felt a more democratic selection
procedure among the student body,
was necessary.
The engineering college faculty has supported the Senate
Assembly's recommendation for altering the status of ROTC
at the University.
In a resolution approved Wednesday the engineering
faculty "endorses the majority report as amended by the
Senate Assembly and recommends that the University adopt
Recommendation I and proceed immediately to implement
this recommendation."
Recommendation I urges that the University end all
financial support for the -
ROTC programs, eliminate'
academic titles for ROTC in- Registration
structors not holding regular
academic appointments, a n d 'dead ine se
establish a committee com-
posed of students, faculty and
administrators to supervise
the programs.m for
---Daily-Sara Krulwich
Reii flier proposes I t progrant
United Auto Workers President Walter Reuther speaks to a group of 300 at the University Medical
Center last night. Reuther severely criticized the nation's present health care program and urged
Congress' approval of a "revolutionary" new program. See story, Page 2.
It further urges the colleges of
the University to discontinue
granting academic credit f o r
ROTC courses.
Though the college endorsed the
report as a whole, it does-not have
any plans at this point to elimi-
nate credit for ROTC courses. It
is up to the college to effect that
Students have until December
19 to pick up their advanced
classification materials in Room
514 of the LSA Bldg. The Daily
incorrectly reported yesterday that
today would be the last day these
could be picked_.up.
student represc
The administrative board of the
literary college is expected to take
action today on a somewhat con-
troversial proposal which would
increase student representation on
the board.
The proposal has come under,
criticism in several quarters by stu-
dents who say it does not go far
The administrative board, which
acts as the disciplinary arm of the
college in cheating and disruption
cases, presently includes some stu-
dents, but without voting privileg-
For each case that. the boa
agrees to handle, a hearing boa
composed of two students, t
faculty members and two colle
administrators is chosen to ma
the final determination.
Under the proposal that will1
considered today, four studen
would be given voting membersh
on the administrative board. S
faculty members would contin
their voting membership on t
In addition. bearing boards
cases of academic dishones
would include three students ai
particular change. Students may take the mater-
Action by the engineering fa- ials to Waterman Gym beginning
culty was not formally required on Monday, Dec. 12 for early regis-
the overall ROTC report since ac- tration. If the student fails to re-
tion had already been taken by gister by the December 19th early
the faculties of all the schools and his reserved pre-classified spot
colleges at the University. How- and will have to start over on Jan-
ever, the college executive com- uary 6, with a new counseling ap-
mittee prepared the proposal at pointment.
the request of other faculty mem- If a student wants to change a
hers., section or course selection, t h e
"In addition," explained engi- counseling office strongly advises
rd three faculty members or admnin- neering Dean Gordon Van Wylen, him to register early with his pre-
rd istrators. "I felt the President and the Re- sent course selections instead of
wo However, some confusion and gents should know the feeling of starting over again in the Jan. 5
ge section of the proposal which the college which has the major- registration.
ke deals with the composition of ity of ROTC students. Fifty-five They explain that dropping and
hearing boards in cases, of dis- per cent of ROTC students are in adding is quicker and usually more
be ruption. engineering." successful in arranging the desired
its Student Government Council, Faculty members felt the col- program than starting from
ip which does not recognize the right lege did not take as large a part scratch at this point. They add
ix of judiciaries not composed solely in approving the recommendation that courses which were closed
ue of democratically chosen student as it might have, and that en- during preclassification are likely
he members, last night blasted any dorsement by an individual fa- to re-open in January.
proposal under which faculty culty group would lend strength
members would continue to hear to the recommendation.
in disruption cases. "The number of people from en- O today's
ty The motion criticizing the pro- gineering on the Assembly is a
nd posal was passed by a unanimous little low, particularly in SACUA, I Pa yeTtree
vote. where most of the action took?
The current proposal for ad- "cecolle"ge didnoth ve arimes, Illinois Black Panther lead-
ministrative board restructuring o have a n er dies in a Chicago gun
was drafted by board members portunity to have a say in what e isi hcg u
Terr dr en '70 band classics was going on." battle with police.
Prf.Hardd Canmeroand folowin "I think the action's gratifying," * U.S. casualties in the Viet-
of dC on t nesaidProf.Theodore Buttrey, co- n War pass the 300,000
w~aekl. icssob hetr chairman of the Assembly Aca- nmrrk.s he30,0
panel. ~See ENGIN, Page 10Emak
Regents'Plaza: War of the
Power to the people, paint remover
to the plant department!
That just about sums up the object
and motif of the five-month-old guer-
rilla campaign, staged by unknown, fly-
by-night sign painters on the plaza in
front of the Administration Bldg.
Ever since June, when the area was
named "Regents Plaza," maintenance
crews from the University's plant de-
partment have been Nvaging a defensive
struggle to keep the two signs on the
The weapons the sign painters use
are blue and white acrylic water-based
paint and two brushes. The last time
the sign was painted "Peoples Plaza"--
just before the November Regents meet-
ing-the two brushes and one paint
bottle cover (the blue one) were left
behind. (See picture.)
Painting the sign "Peoples Plaza" is
a fairly simple task: "Peoples" has the
same number of letters as "Regents"
and the shapes of the corresponding let-
ters are quite similar. The whole job
can be done neatly with just a few
As it was drafted earlier this
week, the pioposal calls for only
twvo student member's on six-man
disruption hearing boards. How-
ever. Miss Garden last night in-
dicated she could not accept any
'proposal unless it ga'e students at
least half the membership on such
Robert Grobe, '70, vice chairman
of the LSA Student Assembly, last
night said he agreed with SGC in
opposing the current restructuring
plans. He argued that student
agreement to allowing faculty
members to hear disciplinary
cases would undercut SGC efforts
'Bus Ad referendum
backs pass-fail option
Students in the School of Busi-
ness Administration yesterday'
voted in a referendum for liberal-
izatiop of the school's pass-fail
policy. The policy will be reviewed
today hy the school's faculty.
gram and has recommended that
it be continued.
At today's meeting, the school's
faculty may vote to continue the
current program, or they m a y
initiate an entirely new pass-fail
program. The faculty is expected