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December 04, 1969 - Image 6

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Page Six


Thursday, December 4, 1969

Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, December 4, 1 969


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Fashion Designer Mary Quant
Life Began and Still Begins with Alexander

AuntI Ii l> Ii ad art i ris a nd
because t ,'\ ,3'rather lame
She used a e C fOr support.
After on e l Cr incturnal furni-
ture arrn'ii A pditions down-
stairs, slh wvulid wander around
the bed of th \leeping g i r 1,
mumible u rainc hings and wave
hcr ar1 in t'e air. The child
awvoke and euriioulv asked what
her .unt xx a dnim.
A urn: I ranci>, a oiie itiuc
spirittialiSt and p i e s s i o a I
medium mn.wcred her. In tre-
mierdous dcail she told h e r
niece, Marx' yu an exactly vhat
her future wnuld bring. She said
that Mary vi:wld design clothes
and influencc tIle times s h e
lives in; ti old woman men-
tioned by name the countries
.lary wotild gsi and where her
name would be famous. A u n t
I rancis told \a.r all about her
husband \luc1dcr ) 1 u n k c t
Greene even before she met him;
exactly Ilei thex would meet
and how it would work out. She

continued by saying that Alex-
ander would inherit a s m a l I
amoUIIt of capital that w o u I d
give them a start in the d r e s s
business; she foretold the kind
of relationship Mary and Plun-
ket would have and how they
wotild effect each other. She was
even absolutely correct about his
characrer. One item the eccen-
tric aunt repeated over and over
was, "You will have to grow up
Life for Mary Quant began
when she first saxw Alexander
Plunket Greene. The meeting
took place at Goldsmith's A r t
College as Mary was perched on
top of a mountain of balloons on
a Christmas float. Mary a n d
Alex thought of themselves as
being quite mature for their six-
teen years of age and there was
never a day when Alex failed to
think of some fantastic way they
could spend the day instead of
going to class. While in the mood
of playing children of some

w himsical old millionaire, t h e
two decided to go out to eat at
the posh restaurant Quaglino's.
Alexander arrived at C h a r i n g
Cross stationed dressed to kill.
Actually, it was his version of
being dressed to kill. He h a d
conveniently gotten hold of an
evening jacket and trousers.
With the use of some originality
and a borrowed collar, Alexander
put together the rest of his eve-
ning attire. He made a reason-
able appropriate bow tie out of
. '.
3 B&'be) o
the belt from one of his moth-
er's old mackintoshes, the only
difficulty being he couldn't find
a shirt. He again thought of a
novel idea and solved the prob-
lem by painting buttons on his
chest, which proved to be very
effective from a distance.
All the-prophecies of dear old
Aunt Francis became a reality.
Thirteen years ago Mary Quant,
her husband and a friend Archie
McNair set up a small clothing
shop in Chelsea, London. It be-
came known as Bazaar, a place
where Miss Quant felt she could
make the clothes for the young
that she had in mind.
"I had always wanted the
young to have a fashion of their
own . . . absolutely twentieth
century fashion . . . but I knew
nothing about the fashion busi-
ness. I didn't think of myself
as a designer. I just knew that

I wanted to concentrate on find-
ing the right clothes for the
young to wear and the right ac-
cessories to go with them."
Now, ten years later and mil-
lions of pounds richer, Mary
Quant at thirty-three is t h e
"grandmother" of the Chelsea
Look and the mother of the
mini-skirt. She has been awarded
Woman of the Year and Ih a s
been presented an Order of the
British Empire. In addition to
dresses, her company has branch-
ed out to Mary Quant stockings,
furs, lingerie, perfume and cos-
"As a child I could not under-
stand why grown-ups put on
high heels for dancing and made
such a thing of having handbags
etc., all matching. I used to ask
why, but no one gave me a
satisfactory answer. Eventually,
I decided that rules were irrele-
vant to modern day living. Rules
are made for lazy people who do
not want to think for them-
"I was determined that one
day I would choose my own kind
of clothes. I knew that clothes
would be the great interest of my
life, but all the time I was grow-
ing up it did not occur to me
that I could be earning a living
from something that was so
much fun!"
This tiny stick of dynamite
which set off the "Youttiquake"
around the globe made this com-
ment on the short skirt, one of
her innovations.
"The stress should. be on the
whole look. The hem should fit
the occasion so for evening the
tendency is down. But short
skirts are here to stay because
functionally they are best for

Do You l avc a L Fashion Question?
Do YOu I Jtc a Gripe about Fashion? .. .
... or Thcsc Pages.
Wh/hir) riwork suImers 'wilh Mary Ouant
or are a nutIber of Women's Liberation or are
just c ou'nuered i/b fashion, at any level, please
wri/c an lll us. We will jriit and or respond to
an y r)'ur/sOabl' leetteerm, s a(e /urinittinig.

Jump Back!
Like floppy leather hats, navy
capes, and three-quarter length
fur coats from the 1940's, jump-
suits are making a comeback.
Not without good reason, too, as
they are easy to relax and feel
comfortable in, like sliding into
a favorite pair of old worn jeans.
Sporty jumpsuits, of corduroy
and wool, are ideal during cold
Ann Arbor winters, for tray-
ing, ice-skating, or simply stay-
ing warm when hiking to class-
es. For skiing, quilted jumpsuits
provide easy movement, as well
as additional warmth in holding
in body heat.
Jumpsuits of amel triacetate,
acetate and other light materials
also make comfortable lounging
outfits for lazy days spent in-
Using more expensive mater-
ials, such as crepe or celanese
amel, the jumpsuit has a I s o
found its way to formal parties
and cocktail hours. It can be
made to look like a hostess gown
with a band set at a gathered or
pleated waist, over a simple V-
neck top with three-quarter
length sleeves. The pant legs are
hidden in the fullness of the
gathers, actually giving the ap-
pearance of a full-length skirt.
The jumpsuit can also be made
to look like a two-piece ensemble
with a belted waist and a match-
ing vest which is worn over a
suit that has i wide-collared,
full-sleeved top, flaring into wide
The jumpsuit is not as pop-
Ular as tunic and pant or sweat-
er vest and pant outfits, pri-
marily because it is not as ver-
satile. A jumpsuit is a one-piece
outfit that cannot be coordinat-
ed with other pieces of a ward-
robe. It may also present a prob-
lem in fitting, for someone who
is long or short waisted, long-
limbed, or varies from the aVr-
age proportionally.
Jumpsuits, knit dresses, floppy
leather hats, and sweater vests
are among the fashionable, fun-
to-wear clothes of the season, but
how about a recall in the soe
department? Since when is the
foot supposed to look as if it
alone weights five pounds?
Adorned with a shoe that sports
a three-inch clunky heel, made
of imitation alligator or c h e a p
Nagua-Hide, and finished o f f
with a buckle or chain, the
American girl is automatically
equipped for stunnning defen-
sive maneuvers. Within h e r
power lies the ability to cripple
for life. Okay, so the "walking
shoe" is fine with pant outfits,
but with a neat knit mini-dress,
the effect is absolutely devastat-
ing. The clunky shoe adds
pounds, if not tons, to an other-
wise lithesome appearance. And
if a girl isn't blessed with classic
legs, these shoes merely accent-
uate rather than compensate for
any faults. In a word, they are
not a very flattering, feminine
finish with skirts or dresses. Feet
are ugly to begin with . . . but
whoever said one thing should
lead to another?!

c o The Daily

OUiANT'S "GREAT IDEIA"--Faces are bare and beautifully honed with skil that
shines natural. You colatour to change bone structure--darken what you want to
play don iiand lig hten w hat y ott want to lay la. Eyes are the big stunii rs. Shap-
ing is the important thing, not color. A thin line in the socket deepens the e)es'. Very
light lashes are painted on the lower lids. S hadow goes iin the eye socket following tihe
natural curve of the eye hollow. Lots of lashes - either in row's of false ones or
thickened with layers of mascara. Lips go glossy, shiny and moist. Pale trans parent
tin ts accent the well-defined lips. This is Mary Quan t's "Great Idea" nodeled
above by Linda Lessels.

The Scarab Bracelet

janm's Flvnn-'--Page Director
Deborah Boros-Staff Writer
Barb Weber-Staff Writer
and Artist

The Fashion
Richard Lee



St inio ,oltrilc' ) of U~ of Al
PIolt Si''i iceS

Daily Classifieds
Bring -Results !

geUuine stones-carved to took like a
-used by the ancients as a syrmbol of


ity-the very smartest in jewelry
ailabl' in slrrlitng- ud-ill'd-l 4K sulid -old-
from ten dollars

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