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December 04, 1969 - Image 1

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Cloudy and

Vol LXXX, No, 75

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, December 4, 1969

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages

elley bars
students as
U' R egents
The state attorney general has ruled that a student can-
not be elected to the governing board of his state university
because an unconsitutional conflict of interest would result.
Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley's opinion, issued Tuesday for
Rep. George Montgomery (D-Detroit), covers the Regents
and the University.
Kelley said the fact that a regent determines degree
requirements and a student is working toward a degree creates
a "substantial conflict of interest," which is specifically
barred by the state constitution.
Eugene Krasicky, the member of the attorney general's
staff who prepared the opinion, said the question of earning'



1 labs

Tax relief
1)ill paSSe(
I,)y Senate
Senate yesterday voted to
grant relief to all the nation's
taxpayers by raising the per-
sonal income tax exemption to
$700 next year a n d $800 in
The roll call vote was 58-37.
The proposal, sponsored by Sen.
Albert Gore (D-Tenn) was writ-
ten fito the tax reform bill in the
face of a warning from President
Nixon Tuesday that he might ve-
to a tax bill with such an amend-
ment in it.
Sponsors of the proposal stress-
ed that the final form of tax re-
duction still would h a v e to be
worked out in a Senate-House
conference on the legislation.
They said if some form of in-
crease in the exemption is includ-
ed, it can be included in some way
to make it acceptable to Nixon.
Adoption of Gore's amendment
followed Senate rejection by a 72-
23 vote, of an alternative p1 a n
proposed by Sen. Charles Percy
(R-Ill) to spread the tax cuts over
a longer period of time.
Percy proposed to increase the
personal exemption $50 a year for
three years, to a ceiling of $750.
His plan, unlike Gore's, would have
cut some income tax rates.
The Gore amendment substi-
tuted the increased personal ex-
emption for all the rate cuts pro-
posed by the Senate Finance Com-
mittee. Its adoption marked the
first change by the Senate in the
committee proposals.
The following are included in
the Gore amendment:
-The increase in the exemption
to $800 over two years.
-- A $1,000 standard deduction
and low income allowance. The
standard deduction now is 10 per
cent of adjusted gross income up
to a maximum of $1,000.
--A tax reduction for single
persons through a new scheduleE
under which they would in no
case pay more than 20 per cent
above the tax for married couples.
Some now pay as much as 40 per:
cent more.
These would substitute for the
tax relief provision in the bill as
it passed the House and cleared
the Senate Finanace Committee.
The House voted rate cuts of at
least five~ per cent for each tax-
payer, an increase in the standard
deduction to $2.000 in three steps,
and an $1,100 low income allow-
ance for poor families.
The only feature that was the
same in both was the relief for
single persons,.

a degree is much more serious,
than the degree of conflict of
interest allowed by present
state law.
"Work on a degree is too im-
portant-a student's entire future
is at stake," he said. Because of
this, Krasicky said, it would not
be sufficient for a student simply
to abstain from voting on matters
of degree requirements, which is
allowed for regents who are only
in slight conflict of interest on
matters concerning the University.
He noted, however, that it
would not be impossible for a per-
son who was just recently a stu-
dent to serve as a regent. "If he
drops his status as a student, then
he can serve," Krasicky said. But
he added that the person would
have to drop any claim to "exist-
ing contractual rights" with the
The attorney's general's opinion
does not bar students from serving
with.the regents in some other
cap~acity than voting members. In
fact, the opinion states, "There are
valid arguments for' having the
advice and counsel of studentstin.
the development of university
r policy.
"Should the governing body of:
the state university form an ad-
visory body with student partici-
pation. the constitutional prohibi-
tion referred to in this opinion
does not prohibit and should not
discourage such an arrangement."
University officials took a mild
view of the Kelley decision.
"It would not have occurred to
ne that there is the kind of con-
flict of interest which would bar
one from serving with the Re-
rents." University, President Flem-
ing said yesterday.
ie favors having student re-
gents, he said, but the constitu-
tional problem would have to be
solved first.
Fleming noted a recent decision
by the Wisconsin attorney general,
who ruled, in the case of a regent
enrolled there in a graduate
economics p'ogram at a state
school, that such a relationship
was legal.
None of the Regents here is now
in a degree program at the Uni-
versity although one former regent
was enrolled at the time he be-
came a regent.

Severe budget cuts and in-
creasing internal and external
pressures have driven the Uni-
versity's renowned Willow Run
Laboratories to consider alter-
ing their 22-year-old relation-
ship with the University.
The four labs, which have been
involved in extensive defense-re-
lated and classified research, may
soon merge with the engineering
college or split entirely from the
University and affiliate with an
independent nonprofit research
Battelle Memorial Research In-
stitute of Columbus, Ohio, is cur-
rently exploring with top Univer-
sity officials the possibility of a
transfer of management.
A third alternative might be
for two of the University's labs-
the Radar and Optics Lab and the
Infrared Lab-to merge with the
college, while the other two-the
Geophysics and R a d i o Science
labs-might be taken over by an
independent corporation. Although
the Battelle representatives have
visited Ann Arbor, they have not
yet made a commitment or offer
to the University.
"The options are still open and
everyone will have an opportunity
to have his view considered before
a final decision is made," says A.
Geoffrey Norman, vice president
for research. But Norman expects
a decision within two months.
Engineering Dean Gordon Vani
Wylen says he hopes that the"op-
tics and infrared labs will merge
with the college. About 17 doc-
toral students and six faculty are
presently working in the optics
Furthermore the electrical en-
gineering department is planning
a modern optics program which
would rely heavily on the research
pioneered at Willow Run. The en-
gineering faculty has endorsed the
At the present time, Willow Run
is part of the Institute for Science
and Technology on North Cam-
pus, and some researchers hold
joint appointments in the engi-

E >;
l . -


-Associated Press

PE'fII l)E i'ON. picture(I above, and Ge(ne Gladstone, below, argued at the New Mobe meeting.
AbIIvbe meetingv erupts
Iito bitter confr o-ntation

A meeting of the New Mobiliza-
tion Committee last night erupted
into a bitter shouting match after
the committee refied a demand
that it conduct a mass< meeting
of all New Mobe supporters to set
policy for the coning semester.
The demand was voiced by a
number of people who had attend-
ed a mass meet ingtwo weeks ago
when the proposail for ia policy-
making mass mceting had passed
by a nearly unanimous vote'
The steering committee is a
20-man executive board for the
Ann Arbor New Mobilization that
formed itself this fall to organize
anti-war activities here.
Last night when the steering
colmmittee overturned the decision
of the Nov. 25 meeting and later
cut off debate on the proposal,
about 30 of the 4.5 people attended
the meeting angrily shouted
"Elitists! Stalinist '" and o t h e r

Several steering committee mem-
bers responded with similar epi-
thets and accused Radical Caucus
and the International Socialists
IS . who comprised most of the
30 dissidents, of trying to "pack
the meeting."
The meeting eventually broke
down into scattered and very
heated debates with caucus and
IS members shouting "Why are
you afraid of a mass 'meeting?"
The response of the steering
committee members was that they
were the hardest workers in the
organization and that therefore
they should determine its policies
and directions.
The dissidents argued that such
decisions should be made by all
Mobe supporters and demanded
that the steering committee abide
by the decision of the mass meet-
ing two weeks ago.
At that mass meeting, those pre-
sent voted 30-1 to hold another
mass meeting within two weeks to

determine future policies of the
organization. The steering com-
mittee then questioned the valid-
ity of the vote, charging that the
majority of vote's were not re-
presentative of Mobe worker's.
Gene Gladstone, a Mobe steer-
ing committee member, and Ten-
ants Union Coordinator P e t er
Denton engaged in one of the
most heated debates. Denton re-
peatedly charged that Mobe lead-
ership is undemocratic for n o t
abiding by the mass meeting's
Gladstone retorted. "We have
succeeded, you haven't."
Mobe Chairman Barry C o h e n
called the dissident actions "pure-
ly disruptive," and defended the
steering committee's position by
saying it is responsive to its con-
"Although the steering commit-
tee does make final policy decis-
ions," said Cohen, "we do con-
sider the opinions of those who
come in and discuss policy with
Steeming comnmnittee members
cited their success in organizing
the Oct. 15 moratorium and the
Nov. 15 March on Washington as
evidence of the popular support
for the group's policies and leader-
Gladstone drew some of the
sharpest reponse from the dissi--
dents when he read a strongly
worded attack on radical leaders
Bruce Levine and Eric Chester.
"They should be exposed as
enemies of the anti-war move-
ment," Gladstone said. "We should
isolate those kind of people from
this movement," he added later.

Kleindienst urges repeal of law
allowing subversives' detention

neering college.
The labs themselves are located
near Willow Run airport (which
is also University owned and op-
erated on a nonprofit basis) about
17 miles from central campus.
During the affiliation with the
University, Willow Run has con-
ducted research in a wide number
of areas including c o m p u t e r
science, earth resource surveys,
geology, and laser technology.
But the labs are best known for
involvement in a $1 million coun-f
See 'U', Page 8
SOnt today'sI
Page Three
* NATO sets new nluclear
policy guidelines, reserving
for the U.S. president t h e
right to begin a nuclear,
war in NATO's name.
* Defensive bacteriological
weapons research continues
despite President Nixon's
announcement last week to
destroy existing germ war-
fare stockpiles.
* President Fleming speaks
at Bursley Hall.

ATTY. GEN. JOHN MITCHELL urges stronger state laws on
drug searches at the Governors' Conference on Narcotics and
Mitchllreco mmends
no knock' drug law
WASHINGTON (P - Atty. Gen. John N. Mitchell urged states
yesterday to enact laws granting warrant-armed police authority to
enter premises unannounced in search for illegal drugs.
His recommendation is included in a proposed model state law to
sombat narcotics and dangerous drugs. It was made public at the
Governor's Conference on Narcotics and Drugs,
Noting the proposal is in draft form and may be subject to re-
vision, Mitchell said the "no knock" provision would allow law en-
forcement officials to enter homes and buildings unannounced when
they have a search warrant for illegal drugs.
Mitchell, who already has proposed such authority for District
of Columbia police a n d federal - - --
narcotics officers, noted most
statutes require police to firstst
knock and announce their pur- Registration
pose and authority before enter-
ing an establishment to execute a
warrant.a ta sday
This time lapse, he contended, '
often gives suspects an opportun- Students who have pre-classified
ity to destroy illegal drugs. for the winter term can pick up
Another provision in the pro- their advanced classification ma-
posed model law would give police terials today and tomorrow in
authority to obtain a warrant for Room 514 of the LSA Bldg. They
a night-time search if they have can take these materials to Water-
"probable cause" to' suspect ille- man Gym beginning Saturday for
gal narcotics are on the premises. early registration.
Besides reinforcing police au- If a student misses the Dec. 13
thority on searches, Mitchell said pre-registration deadline, he will
the proposal would update exist- lose his reserved pre-classified
ing state narcotics statutes and spot and will have to start over
complement his proposal pending again with a counseling appoint-
before Congress to revise federal ment.
drug laws. In the past students could
The model law would keep con- choose whether to register in De-
trol and regulation of legitimate cember or January without losing
narcotics and drug distribution at their pre-classified places.
the state level. If a student wants to change a
Also included are provisions for section or course selection, the
educational and training programs counseling office strongly advise
to combat drug abuse. him to register early with his
The proposal would not suggest present course selections instead of
penalties for state drug offenses. starting all over in the Jan. 5
Mitchell noted no proposal for re- registration.
habilitating drug offenders w a s They explain that drop and
offered but said a provision is be- add is much quicker and usually
ing drafted for states to consider more profitable than starting from
on an optional basis.- scratch. They add that courses
President Nixon, addressing the which were closed during pre-
Governors' Conference on Nar- classification are likely to re-open
See MITCHELL, Page 8 in January.

administration urged Congress
yesterday to repeal a law that
authorized the government to
round up subversives and place
them in detention camps.
It noted the statute has long
been repugnant to Japanese-
Americans, some of whom were
detained during World War II,
and has now raised fears of im-

IHA president seeks
resignation of off icer

pending aepression agais anti-
war demonstra tors.
In urging repeal. Deputy Atty.
Gen. Richard G. Kleindienst ac-
knowledged 1he rumors the statute
might be invoked against dissi-
dents and said these "fears and
suspicions unfounded a they
may be"-- will be allayecd by. re-
moving the law ifrom the books.
Kleindienst took the position on
behalf of the Justice Department
in a letter to Sen. James O. East-
land tD-Miss. chairman of the
Senate Judiciarv Commnitte, The
committee presently is considering
a bill by Sen. Danial K. Inouye
(D-H-awaii) to r'epeai the measur'e.
At the same time, Kleindienst
officially denied a statement at-
tributed to him months ago that
demonstrators who interfere with
other citizens "should be rounded
up and put in a detention camp."
Contending he was misquoted,
Kleindienst told the Atlantic
Magazine, w hich carried the ar-
ticle. that the statement has been
reprinted recently.
He cnt inued the situation is
''potsnt CIisil damaging to the na-
tional i:mt est


Pursuant to enactment, the
Bureau of Prisons acquired six
camps in 1951. None was ever used.
A Justice Department spokes-
man said only two of the six camps
remain, federal property-Allan-
wood. Pa., now a federal minimum
security prison camp, and El Reno,
Okla., now a cattle ranch on the
grounds of a federal reformatory.1

A challenge to the legitimacy of
the 'election of Inter-House As-
sembly President Jack Myers and
policy disagreements have thrown
IHA into a sharp intra-organiza-
tion squabble.
Myers has asked for the resigna-
tion of Kristine Johnson, admin-
istrative vice president, because he.
says she was a "prime mover" in
th en q n,. othL" !. ;

that she supported the challenge
to the constitutionality of Myer's
election, she thinks he had other
reasons for trying to oust her.
"He's been trying to get rid of
me because he can't take the dis-
sent," she says. IHA treasurer Bill
Thee adds, "as soon as anybody
ties to speak out against Myers,
lie either gets rid of him or puts
him where he can't do anything."
uMs onsn alortws. l-

The positivist sense of science collided
head on with the sensibilities of con-
servation last night as United Auto
Workers natural resources lobbyist Leo
Goodman and four University professors
debated the merits of nuclear power
The panel discussion, held in the
Lawyers Club lounge before an audi-

o bbyis
ing the Fermi plant a public hazard.
He said the plant should have been
constructed on the Atomic Energy Com-
mission's (AEC) Idaho proving grounds
instead of in heavily populated south-
eastern Michigan.
"I'm not calling it a bomb, but an un-
controlled chain reaction is not different
in kind from a bomb," Goodman said
citing the danger that an accident at


panel collide

But Goodman blasted the AEC and its
subsidiary committees which determine
standards for nuclear plants. "There is
no longer acceptance of the holiness of
the AEC." he said.
Goodman also predicted that within
the month Congress would act to lower
the minimum standards because of this
dissatisfaction with AEC.
Graves answered Goodman's claims
that nuclear nower plants were nnsafe

m Wt

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