d I Seventy-nine years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. NIGHT EDITOR: JiM NEUBACHER WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1969 I What a lousy day to be I orn I d> --. if wA mv t t AO-- SMTF ZIP O 1 -d oucSpdat -I teve aizalone MOTHERHOOD has just been dropped as a sacred national value. Men of draft age unfortunate enough to be born on a lousy day have all the reason they need to curse the day, or date, they were born. And millions of distraught parents are bearing the brunt of criticism f o r Nixon's lottery. Now all we have left to venerate are apple pie and hot dogs. If people are wondering what this all means to a II-S, especially to those who "didn't pull through," see if this sounds familiar: An unsuspecting, yet studious fellow is at work on the night of December first. Not having watched t h e seven o'clock news, he has successfully persuaded him- self that the spreading panic on campus will not reach him. Not that night, any- way. Suddenly his roommate and a friend storm in, one of them half in tears, the other laughing hysterically. The laughing one controls himself long enough to spit out two words: "twenty-one." After the two are helped back to sanity, they re- 'Filthy' repression ANN ARBOR'S facsimile of Atty. Gen. John Mitchell, Washtenaw County Prosecutor William Delhey, has been about his business of repression for sev- eral months on the Ann Arbor Argus ob- scenity case. Although most readers of the under- iground paper have by now forgotten about the publication of a photo of City Councilman James Stephenson with a drawing of a penis superimposed on it which resulted in an obscenity suit for Editor Ken Kelley, the case drags on. Legal briefs have been filed, press con- ferences held and, most recently, the ACLU has backed the Argus position. In the civil liberties brief, Law School Prof. David Chambers said the underground paper should not be subject to obscenity laws because it is "devoted almost ex- clusively to comment and criticism of government policy." Still, the costly legal battle goes on. AND IT IS all quite ridiculous. If, as offended citizens charge, the ques- tionably picture was tasteless, gross and personally insulting, it should be ignored, not celebrated. If the Argus cartoon was damaging, then the councilman should have sued for libel, and the county prose- cutor, like the more prudent city attor- ney, should have declined to label the picture "obscene." In the final analysis, obscenity statutes cannot preserve the moral fiber of society and serve only to stifle freedom of ex- pression. --H.G. veal to their friend that they are both in terrible position for getting drafted. Just out of curiosity, the young man asks what number September 14 drew in the lottery. THE REST OF THE NIGHT was spent, no doubt, making frantic, even angry phone calls to friends, and to parents. What is a poor mother to reply when her son demands an answer to "Why couldn't you hold me in that damned w o m b of yours for one more day?" It is shameful that one of the f i r s t windfalls of this draft "reform" has been its disasterous affect on t h e American family unit. It is difficult to look at this lottery sys- tem with a straight face, and probably this is best. Just as it is bad to take other forms of gambling too much to heart - or wallet - so it is now with the draft. The humor ends, though, when a draft- eligible person with a lousy birthday realizes that life is a giant bingo card, and that he lost the game nineteen' years ago. BUT LOTTERIES have a long history in America. One of the most recent is the New York state education lottery, in which the state government has bdt the people that paying t a x e s can be fun. Judging from the condition of schools in that state, it looks like Albany is losing the bet. Then there are the two lotteries which the whole nation can play: the color and religion game. Everyone is automatically entered at birth. The object of this one is to draw the parents with the best racial and religious genetic makeup. The stakes in these games are obvious, and you can almost always spot the losers. In keeping with this spirit of chance and arbitrariness, what could be more natural than to make a new lottery in which a man's date of birth could well be a matter of life and death? This is a reform, this lottery of Nixon's, which really gets to the heart of the in- equities of the draft. And how ingenious it is. If a person gets drafted now, and he happens to get killed, to whom can he point an accusing finger but to L a d y Luck? THE NEW LOTTERY'S solitary benefit is that draft eligibles can plan their futures with a good deal more certainty than under the old system, w h e r e 26 year olds were often in as much or more jeopardy as 19 year olds. But all t h e injustices based on resi- dence, race, occupational deferments, student deferements, and yes, exemption on account of sex, a r e still allowed to keep their grip on the draft laws of Amer- ica. But to the winners of all the lotteries in this country, congratulations. JAMES WECHSLERs EMS The nation goes on trial HAS THE total, futile horror of the Vietnam war so numbed American sensibilities that t h e storm over the massacre in t h e My Lai section of Song My village will subside as swiftly as the fur- or over the Green Beret murder case? One asks the- qu-stion appre- hensively because there are al- ready voices saying that the epi- sode must be seen "in perspec- tive" and that slaughter is, after all, inherent in the nature of guerrilla war, and remember t h e Viet Cong at Hue, and so forth. On the floor of the U.S. Senate there is Sen. Hollings (D-S.C.) querulously asking whether we are "going to take every helicopter pilot who makes a mistake and call him a murderer." For many Americans (how can one precisely estimate the num- ber?) soothing sounds multiply the infamy and the tragedy. If a large part of the country is pre- pared to accept and forget what occurred-and surely there is no longer real doubt about the mag- nitude of the crime--there can be no more serious excuse for fur- ther debate about an "honor- able" settlement. A small Com- munist power and its Viet Cong allies, unaided by Chinese or Rus- sian troops, will have finally done to America what the massive leg- ions of the Berlin-Tokyo-Rome axis could not accomplish - de- stroyed our sense of humanity and rendered us indistinguishable from those we brand uncivilized. Perhaps the poisons of t h i s wretched war has already infected us so deeply that a fatal sickness of spirit was already irretrievable. But this some of us have still re- fused to believe; that is why My Lai becomes so crucial a test of our capacity for moral passion and why it reduces to criminal absurd- ity any arguments for prolonga- tion of our presence in Vietnam and all the tortured dreams of "Vietnamizing" the war. Can we redeem My Lai Lai by insuring that Vietnamese are encouraged to 'nurder each other while we revert to the role of "advisers"? Perhaps most important, is there a vestige of justification left for our protection of the Saigon re- gime that still so coldly and cyni- cally seeks to hide a story that has shaked the world? THE COMPLICITY between the American military "investigators" and their Saigon counterparts who successfully delayed disclosure of this barbarism for some 20 months is beyond dispute. Many men must ask themselves too-as Vice Presi- dent Agnew will not-how the atrocity escaped the notice of TV and press representatives for so long, and why it might yet remain untold if it had not been for the conscience of a lone ex-GI whose initiative triggered the troubled outcries of others. It is (of course, a point for "our side," if any scorecard can mean anything in these matters, that a light was finally flashed on that dark hielIlhole, and that a measure of pursuit has begun. But will it be relentlessly carried forward, or will a handful of scapegoats suf- fice? Plainly, too many men have known too much for too long, and some of them must retain v e r y high rank. Will we ever meet them? And will Thieu's henchmen be spared lest full disclosure of their role in the cover-up embar- rass this military cabal in whose dubious cause we have squandered so much precious life-and for whom we serve as bodyguard? IN THIS morbid moment there is perhaps the fateful, merciful coin- cidence that the revelations have taken place almost simultaneously with confirmation-by indirection --of earlier signs that our part- nership with Thieu's crewv has been a basic barrier to progress at the Paris peace talks. The key sentence in Henry Cabot Lodge's "denial" of the charges leveled by Xuan Thuy, the North Vietnamese delegate, is that we were being asked to "overthrow" the Saigon government as a prerequisite to fruitful private negotiations with Hanoi. In the aftermath of the My Lai monstrosity, will Thieu remain our indispensable man in Saigon? Can we maintain the fiction that many of his countrymen w o u 1d prefer to continue this war under his leadership than endure the risks of a coalition? We have of- ten and justly decried the false- hoods that are commonplace in Communist propaganda. But it is difficult to cite a bigger lie than Thieu's assertionthat nothing of serious significance happened in that blood-drenched hamlet. TO THIEU and those in Bunk- er's establishment and in the Pentagon who have been his spon- sors, there can only be a single word now: "Enough." Enough of the fantasy that he is a man of his people, a bulwark against pri- mitive Hanoi hordes, or, in our President's disastrous phrase, "one of the five greatest politicians" In the universe. He is a shrunken despot whose squalid squad chose to conceal the massacre of Viet- namese women and small children rather than endanger his Amer- ican connections. It was in h i s service that war-weary, frustrat- ed young Americans were plunged on that ghastly day intothe bes- tial madness now belatedly ex- posed. We are on trial now, perhaps as it was inevitable we would be once we, became entrapped in t h I s deadly misadventure, If we fail to respond as a nation, if we heed the rationalizers and the on-the- other-hand scholars, we have been beaten more calamitously t h a n Hanoi ever dared to visualize. And we will never know real peace in our lifetimes. tNew York Post Number Four in quiet desperation December 2 S[HEN I HEARD that I placed fourth in last night's sweepstakes, my first reaction was that it was rigged, a deliberate attempt by the Nixon Administration to intimidate and silence the dissident stu- dent press. I envisioned Spiro instructing the youth draft advisory council in methods of sleight of hand, getting them to palm the cap- sules of some of the more vocal critics of the administration. That kind of reaction proves just how hard we cling to the Amer- icap Dream, and how we try to impose some kind of logic-even if it is a kind of conspiratorial order-to the irrationality of modern life. And now that the surrealistic and alcoholic illusion of last night has worn off, the terrifying reality of the draft lottery proves instructive. Even the most cynical and alienated members of this generation who are still in school tended to see the draft as something that ulti- mately could be avoided. Not even the horrors of the Vietnam war could squelch the last vestiges of this optimistic naivete spawned by the American Dream. Too many of us still believed that the possibilities and promise of American life were so infinite that somehow in some unknown way we'd never have to face the draft. BUT THEN ONE evening, a bunch of people we don't even know, acting for a government we don't even like, extricates our destinies out of a glass jar. All of a sudden the world looks exceedingly bleak, and the American Dream evaporates, There is one thing to be said about the old method of selection. If you get called for service, you can think that your draft is through the spite or malevolence of real people-whether they be in Washington or on your local draft board. It is at least a point to focus your anguish and wrath. But this way, who can you blame? The will of God? Here is a painful lesson of modern life. American society does 4 not promise boundless opportuni- - ties. In fact, the possibilities for many are now quite limited. Nor. can we believe that modern life is governed by any kind of logic, M' either benevolent or evil, when so much of our destiny can be de- cided by a lottery. Our govern- ment, which is the steward of the omniscient technology of the twentieth century, has given sanction to the anonymous vicis- situdes of fate as a way of deter- mining our future. This confrontation with reality has shown us the seeming ir- relevance of a whole body of social criticism. We grapple with such illusory concepts as "power elites" and "political and economic self- determination" when now they ap- pear to miss the point. It is a realization that tells us if we are to understand our society, we should look to Franz Kafka rather than to Karl Marx. AND AMID THIS confusion on the day after, we the chosen ones must ask ourselves just what the hell we are going to do. For many of us, the only constant factor in the macabre absurdity of our situation is the intention not to serve in the armed forces. Not as long as they are bent on their present course of aggression in the domestic affairs of both this nation and others as well. This decision is not an easy one to live up to. Perhaps it will be the only thing we do that is even faintly heroic. Perhaps it will be our only contact with a metaphysical realm higher than our personal lives and our grandiose technology. I had once suspected that maybe many people would be denied the opportunity to make this decision, and many have been. It is not inconceivable that a society that has insulated us from many of. the agonies of life-almost even from death itself-would deny those who came to feel that this decision was the only meaningful one left for an individual to control his own life. But those that haven't can per- haps be grateful. So, we will try to escape just as we would before through a few remaining deferment possibilities, through bureaucratic bungling, or through a blessing of some kind of physical ailment. And if they fail, a brave few will go to jail, and the rest will leave the country. The latter prospect is perhaps as bleak as the first. Then what do you tell your parents and the folks back home? They think it is all right to avoid service by some method of sneaking out. But when these "legal" ways fail and all that is left is a moral decision, then you will probably hear about your duty to serve your country. YES, THE SWEEPSTAKES have come and gone. I'm happy for all the winners. And the losers would do well to begin reconciling them- selves to the ominous realities of modern life. It may be useful to re-read Kafka's The Trial. The plight of Joseph K is indeed typical. Instead of a letter for your name you get a number. But your future is based upon the same kind of absurd irrationality. My birthday is February 14, Valentine's Day, Aquarius. Well, this is the Age of Aquarius, and personally I fear what the heavens portend for this "bright" new age. -LEE MITGANG LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Clarifying the actions of the Residence Hall Rate Commi ttee / _ ' t. . , , . . _ - ; M G 'K i i Yf. 4 Y 1 '. '! ~M 1 i ' i . . . ,_ . , _' . ,-. ^ -- i =...., R r .._ --- -- H . - r , ,... 'To the Editor: THE ARTICLE of Nov. 25, 1969, in The Daily on a "Hearing Set on Fee Hike for Dorms" is some- what misleading and calls for further elaboration and clarifica- tion. I would like to address myself to some of the concerns I have after reading Miss Linden's article. The 1970-71 Residence Hall Rate Committee has six members, with the Associate Director of Housing serving as non-voting chairman of the body. As to the composition of the committee, two of the members were selected by the Inter House Assembly, two of the members of the committee were selected by the Student Ad- visory Committe on Housing, and two of the members are from the staff of the Office of University Housing. The committee does not consist of five resident assistants and another student as alleged in the article but rather the compo- sition of the committee is four students and two staff members. increases in services and the sub- sequent need for an increase in rates, but no single item received support from all the students in all the halls. The questionnaire and its results are being examined by the Rate Committee. The committee has some concerns with the question- naire since only 560 of the 1700 students sampled returned a com- pleted questionnaire. IN REFERENCE to the point of taking $20.00 of the anticipated 1970-71 increased expenses from an educational fund, the commit- tee was merely trying to identify the appropriate sources of funding certain services in the halls. As- suming acceptance of the principle that certain services now provided from room and board monies more appropriately are educational fund expenditures, the committee hoped to be in a position to influence the expenditure of the current general fund monies available as well as make a substantive contribution to WHEN THE committee com- pletes its report, it will be dupli- cated and will be made available to any student desiring a copy. Several groups, specifically SACH and IHA, will be asked to consider the recommendations contained in the report and many of them will no doubt do so. Following discus- sion of the committee's recommen- dation, it will be the responsibility of John Feldkamp as Director of University Housing to make his recommendation on rates to Mrs. Barbara Newell, Acting Vice Pres- ident for Student Affairs. She, in turn, will have the responsibility of making a recommendation to Mr. Fleming and the Regents. The committee, I am sure, ap- preciates the attention called to its deliberations and invites The Daily to send a reporter to all its meetings. -Edward C. Salowitz Associate Director University Housing Nov. 25 people are under voting age. They work hard and effectively to fur- ther t h e election of candidates like Boulding, McCarthy, a n d Hart, to organize and run New Mobe, and to improve the lot of the poor. We should give them - they must wrest from us - the right to vote. How can they act as they do, considering their probable histor- ies? Twelve years of suffering an- tiquated, irrelevant, abrasive, bar- gain-grade education in a society that is gorging itself to death on materialism. GO GET THE RIGHT to vote, kids. There are many of you and you are potentially a force that c a n accomplish through politics what violence will never do. '-Michael Parkis Nov. 26 History lesson To the Editor: ' ON READING Brue Tevine's Anyone who saw "The Battle of Algiers" must have been struck by the frightening similarity to the scene where the French com- mander in Algiers puts out the same line to the French press: the longer you fellows keep reporting all that's really going on here, the longer and bloodier this whole thing is going to be. Too bad the French didn't real- ize they could never beat down the Algerians or keep the truth from the French people at home. And too bad our boys in Washington didn't learn a little from the his- tory of that conflict regarding our present involvement' in Vietnam : Hegel is probably correct in that we learn from history t h a t we cannot learn from it. B u t there is another parallel situation right n o w in America that can no longerbe ignored or dealt with in the same old "Civil Rights Movement way." "Black people in this country form a colony, and it is not in . {, 1I ' r k \i ! \i7 a ", .1 R ..>. .. '.' v r:.r 111