NUMBER 4 See Editorial Page Yl r e 5k iau ii COLD SPIT High-36 Low-15 Colder with a touch of snow flurry Vol. LXXX, No. 74 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, December 3, 1969 Ten Cents Eight Pages Rate hike' for dorms discussed By ROB BIER Several committees on Univer- sity housing met yesterday to discuss policy, and are expected to reach important decisions af- fecting dormitory residents within the next week. The proposed rate hike - pos- sibly as much as $100-was dis- cussed at a meeting of the Resi- dence Halls Rate Committee. The committee was expected to make a final decision today but some members of thedcommittee re- quested additional information and facts. I Black st By DAVE CHUDWIN The history department has taken the unprecedented step of adding two black graduate students to a faculty search committee which will recom- mend candidates for African and Afro- American history positions. The appointment of Michael Young and Ron Woods to the search commit- tee came as a result of a Nov. 21 meeting between six black students and history Profs. Sam Warner and Sidney Fine, acting department chair- man. The meeting took place at the re- quest of a representative of the Black Student Union (BSUa. About 100 black students demon- strated outside the department lib- rary, scene of the meeting, in support of black demands. During the two-hour session Young udents to and Woods, along with black grad- uate students Howard Lindsey, Wil- liam Suttles, and BSU leaders R o n Harris and Ron Thompson, questioned selection procedures for faculty mem- bers and asked why no black history professors have been appointed. The search committee, then c o m- posed entirely of faculty members, had already made recommendations on three positions in Afro-American and African history. Candidates selected by the search committee are sent to the depart- mental executive committee, Dean William Hays of the literary school, and the Regents. They usually receive automatic approval. The committee recommended a white professor be appointed assistant pro-1 fessor of Afro-American history and,+ according to Fine, an African was on 1 s.i sit on hi the verge of being recommended to teach African history. In addition Fine recommended that a black be appointed simultaneously to a position in the Afro-American stud- ies program, now separate from t h e history department, and to a history department post. Fine explained this to the students at the meeting and also described faculty selection procedures. He told the black students that the department would be willing to add a fourth person in the Afro-American field if the literary school w o ud d provide the added funds. Hays later approved the request, according to Fine. During the meeting Fine invited the black students to meet with the search committee to present a list of possible black candidates. iistory cc "We were perfectly willing to dis- cuss anyone they brought to our at- tention," Fine said yesterday. Fine and Warner also asked the black students to nominate two his- tory graduate students to serve on the sarch committee. Fine emphasized later that his ac- tions were made freely and that he and Warner did not "feel coerced." He added, however, that the atmosphere was "somewhat strained." The seating of the two students was alproved by the history faculty 1 as t Tuesday with only one dissenting vote. "Those actions have a potential to help matters," Lindsey commented later. "We've had some nice commit- ments made, but we want to see how they work out." When asked whether students will . mmittee serve on other history search com- mittees, Fine said he did not regard this situation as a precedent, describ- ing it as a "special case." "We lack credibility with the blacks and they are suspicious about our search procedures because we h a v e failed up to now to locate and appoint black professors," he explained. The history department would be "delighted" to succeed in hiring black professors and would make every ef- fort to do so, he added. "The com- petition for black talent is fierce." The goal of the search committee, now including the two students, is to find a qualified black scholar to fill the fourth Afro-American position, ac- cording to Prof. William Freehling, the committee chairman. See BLACK, Page 8 Jack lYer I "it izC liA Ihead By JOHN WISS Inter-House Assembly IHA) yesterday discussed housing pri- orities, staff rooms, and the legi- timacy of President Jack Myers' election. Bill Thee. '73, said students who live in the Michigan Union be- cause of housing shortages are dissatisfied with the way Myers has been running the organization, and he argued that Myers' Feb. 11, 1969, election was illegal since a quorum of IHA members was not present. "Myers doesn't inform all the IHA representatives of meetings,' but only sends out notices to a select few of about 15 who support him in his views," Thee said. It was decided at yesterday's meeting, however, that a quorum was not constitutionally necessary at the time of Myers' election. IHA also discussed giving fresh- men and other select groups dorm priorities over returning students, giving staff single rooms, and ap- proved the plans for a co-ed floor at Mosher-Jordan. "One of the chief reasons why plans for the co-ed floor were held up until now was a Daily article written when the plan was first being discussed at the begin- ning of this year," charged Myers. "It gave a very misleading impres- sion of the plans, and this did not go over with the Regents very well," he added. The remainder of the discussion centered around the Residence Halls Tenants Union (RHTU). This newly formed tenant or- ganization, has close ties with( the Tenants Union monetarily and le- eally. Their goals inelude separate room and board contracts. no compulsory house dues, a higher priority for housing withiut the University budget, better food service, and single rooms for staff. The last demand has already been a p p r o v e d by the University through the work of IHIA. Their main demand is for the University to recognize the RHTU as the collective bargaining agent for the dorm students. ''This group the RHTUi would have imi!tr goals as IHA, so I dont tsee why we shouldn't lend them any support that we can," Myers said. When asked whether the RHTU would be willing to work as a committee of IHA, Kris .Johnson, IHA administrative vice pres- ident and proponent of RHTU said. "We. would sooner not be under an organization which would slow down our plans of get- ting our demands met.. The discussion was tabled until the next IHA meeting but the RHTU is going to continue with its plans of forming their union any- way, said Miss Johnson. Another meeting has scheduled for Friday. b e e n "Over the weekend," said rate committee chairman Ed Salo- witz, associate director of Uni- versity housing, "I'll take the com- mittee's recommendations a n d draw up a final draft. We'll go over it at our Tuesday meeting next week and should have a final report ready by the end of the week." Also yesterday, the Residence Halls Planning Committee met to discuss possible conversion of some dorms to co-ed set-ups. "We hope to have our report on the conversion in the hands of Mr. Feldkamp (director of University housing) by this Friday," said committeebmember Paul Lingen- felter, assistant building director at Bursley. While the Planning Committee still has to take final action, some consensus has been reached, ac- cording to Lingenfelter. He said the committee would probably recommend that provi- sions be made for the minimum requirement of 412 spaces for men. THE NUMBERS GAME he draftlotter: Samte issues accoii tpany2 new systemt By HANNAH MORRISON The draft lottery did not sig- nificantly alter the old ugly issuea of the draft-at least that's the reaction of students and reprie- enta tives of eneerned organiza- This would be accomplished by tiocs. converting Couzens Hall and Ox- ford Housing to co-ed, creating The Ann Arbor Draft Cunsel- approximately 400 spaces in all. ing Center has been swamped with Both residences are now women's questions to interpret the results of the i ttr dnr dip nt nt housing. The shift is not, expected to create a shortage of housing for women. "If you're talking about' minimal requirements," Lingen- felter pointed out, "you have an excess of 500 spaces for women. They never materialize, of course, since we fill them with graduate students.' Opposition to this formula has been raised by some residents at West Quad, which is presently all- male. They would like to see both Stockwell Hall. which is all- women, and all-male West Quad converted to co-ed dormitories, in a one-fbr-one switch. At the rate committee meeting, members discussed the possibility of saving money - and possibly cutting back the amount of the fee hike by transferring someI educational and staff costs to the general fund budget. Currently, these costs are paid for by students with their dorm fee money. It Oitoday's Page Three * Common Market members decide to begin drawing up plans for Britain's entry in- to the market after France dropped its objections. # A U.S. military court de- clines to impose a ban on interviews and the publica- tion of photographs dealing with the My Lai incident. * University Health Service has become crowded after' new fire regulations forc- ed the evacuation of t h e fourth floor. o Lne iot ert ana oes no an i- cipate a change in its functions. The Rev. Ron Tipton, assistant minister at the Baptist Campus Center, which houses the Counsel- ing Center, said, "The old system of exemptions and deferments is still in effect. The only thing dif- ferent is the random method of choosing those available." He said the center's role has increased, "until the lottery is understood." To answei the questions that have arisen concerning the lottery, the Draft Counseling Center is holding discussion sessions for all interested at 8:00 p.m. tonight and Fiiday at the First Baptist Church. 510 East Hui'on. Barry Cohen, local coordinator for New Mobilization Commit tee also said that the lottery does not change the draft. "Now our future rests with fate, rather than a seven-man selective service board. The draft lottery is no more ef- fective than firing General Her- shey. The only advantage is that it lets you know ahead of time what to expect and plan." Cohen anticipates a great in- crease in the amount of resistance to the draft, because of this. New Mobe will be conducting pre-induction classes in January to teach eligibles what to expect from the army. The draft lottery did not affect New Mobe's views. As represented by Cohen, New Mobe still states that the draft ought to be abol- ished. As before, their main ob- jectives are education of students regarding the army and how to re- act to it. Daniel Buck in the Selective Service Liaison Office of the Peace Corps says that there has been no increase of applications for the Peace Corps as yet. He says that it is too early to determine the ef- fects of the lottery upon the or- See SAME, Page 8 No less uncertain Eligible meen calculating chanlces for 190call-up By HENRY GRIX Editor Daily News Analysis Although President Nixon says he sought to reduce un- certainty by establishing a new draft system, the lottery begun Monday night has left both winners and losers be- wildered and almost as unsure of their status as ever. Nevertheless, the operation of the lottery is agonizingly simple: those whose numbers were drawn first are most eligible for the draft. The Administration reports those whose numbers rank among the first third chosen have a "high probability" of being drafted. Those in the bottom third have a "relatively low probability" of being drafted and those in the middle have what the White House terms an "average" pro- bability. The major question asked in Ann Arbor yesterday seems to con- cern just who is affected by the lottery. Official statements specify that all men between the ages of 19 and 26 (by Dec. 31) are affected by the lottery. The inumbers these men received Monday night list their permanent draft eligibility with the Selective Service System. Although new lotteries will be held each year to set eligibility for new 19-year-olds, the numbers selected last night are permanent for those who are now in the 19-26 age bracket. Occupational and student deferments will, however, continue to apply. This means a 20-year-old junior with a II-S will maintain his deferment until graduation. Upon graduation he will be eligible for the draft on the basis of the number chosen Monday night. The 18- year-old freshman, meanwhile, must wait until next fall to receive a draft lottery number. The random nature of tne lottery leaves scattered loopholes. Students who boast a "relatively low probability" of being inducted mention the possibility of withdrawing from school for a year to )raft, speaks before a local group expose themselves to the required 12 months of maximum vulner- ability. They may then return to school and regain their deferments. Upon graduation, they no longer face top priority on the draft rolls. As long as draft calls continue to drop and the Vietnam war subsides, this may prove a safe out. But any shift in international affairs could change the picture. Besides if many students choose this course, the draft boards will probably reach the higher numbers ry svster quicker. 850,000 men are included in the pool which was formed Monday night. Pentagon officials expect about 290,000 of these men will enlist, an entire political and economic filling 54 per cent of the projected quotas. system." "That system, if you want a name for it, is the nation- This will leave 560,000 men eligible for the draft. About 45 per state system," Reeves said.' cent of those-or 250,000 men-are likely to face induction. Beginning As a "symptom of the system," Jan. 1, those born on Sept. 14, the date with the number one lottery the draft must be destroyed, he ranking, will be called first. Men will be called thereafter in the added, as we "attempt to destroy order in whicl, their birthdays were drawn Monday, until the quota archaic institutions and set up is'filled. ,new ones." In the final analysis, the lottery changes the draft in only two TOM REEVES, chairman of the National Council to Repeal the I yesterday. He called for complete abolition of the draft. .Speaker demands e attac ks Nixon'slot By ART LERNER "The draft must be destroyed and no reform will really change that fact," the chairman of the National Council to Repeal the Draft told a local gathering of 45 people last night. Tom Reeves, a political science professor and a member of the National New Mobe Steering Com- mnittee, said that President Nixon was "unable to do anything sig- nificant about the draft, since the draft is necessary to carry out a militaristic fomeign policy." Speaking at a dinner sponsored by the Ann Arbor Committee of the Michigan Council to Repeal the Draft, Reeves emphasized the importance of "young people" in the drive to repeal the draft. He distinguished "young people" from "students" because "a great num- ber of the people involved in the revolution are non-students and GI.'s.", "The draft is very close to the heart of the student revolution," he said. Reeves pointed out the predominance of military spend- ing in the federal budget. "More of our federal budget goes for the military than in Ger'- many in 1939 and twice as much as the Soviet Union," he said. "The President is determined to maintain the power to induct, and to keel) the inductioni system to allow him to induct whenever he sees fit," Reeves added. He feels that President Nixon's plans for a volunteer army include retain- ing the power of the President to contie conscription in times of crisis, which, lie says, could e- sult in a recurring diaft call of up to 100,000 nien followed by three om' foui' months without a draft. Reeves outlined sotte of the ac tivities pt'esently instituted by the National Council to Repeal the Draft. Hie projected three directions in which the group plans to move. These ar'e "educating high school students about the draft and its repeal," "taking advantage of the Reeves said that he is often confronted with the question, "But' how will we defend America with- out the draft?" His answer is that "Amnerica is the greatest of the nation-states. If America cannot defend herself without the draft- slave labor - we must begin to change the institutions of our society." major areas. First it makes 19-year-olds without deferments the prime targets for the draft. And for another, the lottery substitutes fate for the discretion of the local boards. But the lottery does not end what some see as the draft's main in- equities--deferments are still available. And essentially, the draft issue remains the same for many college students who probably will not try to pull punches with the lottery: they simply will become eligible upon graduation. ,Fate, as expected, is favoring some and upsetting others. PLAN NEW ATTEMPT Recall Harris drive By TIM BRANDYBERRY] posed ourselves." he explained. "Our miss- Concerned Citizens of Ann Arbor has ing it was not significant. We can pick any again missed its target date for the filing 90-day period we want," he added. "All of petitions for the recall of Mayor Robert we have to do is persuade those who signed Harris and six Democratic councilmen. over 90 days ago to sign again." The group will continue to gather sig- I this way, the group can acmulate natures, this time aiming to put the recall signatures without having to work against referendum on the ballot for the primary a deadline, he added. elections on Feb. 15. said Jack Garris. "We will continue to gain signatures.- leader of the recall group. Garris continued. "because as time goes falls short ,j- - rose Bowl tickets in adequate supply to meet student demand Officials at the Michigan ticket The 9,000 tickets allocated to campuses have been allowed to department said yesterday they the University and not sold to buy Rose Bowl coupons. expect to have enough Rose Bowl students under the contract with Of the tickets available to tickets to meet the student de- the Rose Bowl Committee will be alumni, 1200 have been assured iiandi. sold to alumni. allocation to the Conlin-Dodd In all, the University has been travel agency for distribution as allocated 13.000 tickets. Ticket In addition, a small number of alloated13 ~tickets will be reserved for the part of a tour sponsored by the department officials expect to sell !University's official party accord- Alumni Association. The Alumni about 4 000 tickets to students, Un ic r d ennery, crd- office has already received 1284 staff and faculty before the dead- ig to Richard Kennedy, Secretary requests as of yesterday afternoon. line at the end of this week. The !ofthe Michigan Rose Bowl Com- The remainder of the alumni