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December 02, 1969 - Image 1

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The Feldkamp directives: Dorm adviser a

s cop

Do you feel safe smoking pot in your
dorm because there are no police around?
Do you feel like telling your resident ad-
viser about the illegal abortion you have
to get?
If you do either, you may be subject to
legal prosecution if your resident adviser
follows directives issued by Director of Uni-
versity Housing John Feldkamp.
According to Feldkamp's memos, hous-
ing staff members are required to report
to the police any information they have
of residents' illegal use or possession of
Resident advisers are also told to inform
students that "pertinent information"
learned in confidential counseling may be
repeated to housing authorities, and by
them to the police.
In addition, Feldkamp's staff memos tell

them students do not have any power over
their lives in the dorms other than the
regentally delegated power of making visi-
tation rules.
"Whatever 'policy-making' student gov-
ernment accomplishes beyond visitation
rules and women's hours, it must be re-
membered, is legally accomplished ONLY
at the discretion (his emphasis) of the ap-
propriate University authorities," states a
recent memo on student government.
Concerning his policy on drug use, Feld-
kamp says the staff's role is "not to play
cops and robbers" nor to investigate mere
rumors of illegal drug use. But he believes
the University must support current drug
"The University w o u 1 d be hiding its
head in the sand if it said nothing," he
says. "If the University does not act within
the community laws, it will force controls

from outside. That would expose us lika
Stony Brook."
"The University can't be a sanctuary,"
he adds.
Some housing staff members do not even
realize these directives exist. Others who
know about the policies but take issue with
them and do not enforce them, or enforce
them only under extreme conditions.
"It's difficult for the University to come
out and say it won't enforce the law," sug-
gests one resident director, who does not
wish to be identified. "But we ought to say
that we are simply not police officers."
Dan Bauer, assistant resident director of
Gomberg House, South Quad, agrees with
Feldkamp that these policies are ones the
"University must hold legally." But, he
says, "nine-tenths of t h e housing staff
doesn't feel the policies are realistic."
Bauer says he would not inform the po-

lice about a casual drug user, though he
might report a pusher if counseling did not
have any effect. Most staff members, Bau-
er believes, would report a "pusher who
induces" others to use drugs.
"I know that when the situation arises,
I will do what I think is best," says Marcy
Smith, a resident adviser in Hunt House,
South Quad, about her attitude towards
Feldkamp's drug policy.
Even the police seem to take a more
casual attitude than Feldkamp does to-
ward the problems of drug use and infor-
"If there were a problem they couldn't
solve I would hope they'd notify us," says
Ann Arbor Police Chief Walter Krasny.
He says concerned parents sometimes
notify the University or the police depart-
ment and ask why the police are not look-
ing into the matter. Then, Krasny says,

tkiere might be a "cooperative relationship"
between the police and the University.
Adds Lt. Eugene Staudenmeier, the
friendly plainclothesman who hobnobs
with activist students on campus, "The
housing staff theoretically should report
violations of the law to the police"-the
way any citizen should.
In addition to the problem of what the
housing staff should do is the more deli-
cate problem of who actually tells the po-
lice if something does happen.
Many ,resident advisers a n d assistant
resident directors say they would not want
to report directly to the police, but might
inform the housing staff official above
"I don't think I'd report to the police,
maybe to a 'higher up'," says Carl Win-
See FELDKAMP'S, Page 6

D)E.FEAT £nr, Mhig
Siee Editorial Page t gnt y
Vol. LXXX, No. 73 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, December 2, 1 969 Ten Cents

hligh-4 5
('old, possible
snow flurries
Twelve Pages






Wa tching the





of televised


There was screaming and yelling
and whoops of joy. Beer flowed for'
both winners and losers.
Last night's national draft lot-
ery was a cliff-hanging moment
of truth for thousands of Univer-
sity students. Tense crowds milled
for hours around televisions and
radios waiting for the word that
might decide their fate.
The watchers who filled dorm
lounges, fraternity TV rooms and
The Daily city room were mostly
men of the eligible age with a

liberal dose of concerned but unin-
volved--girl friends, sisters and
those not yet of age.
The dates were read, and the
crowds cursed the commercials and
the television interviews--"Who'
gives a damn about the youth ad-
visory board."
The first hundred numbers were,
greeted with nervous silence. The
chosen ones- muttered "Oh crap,"
or walked out silently. Few could
muster strong invective.
Steve Hanzlovik was among those
granted the dubious honor of being

Inoi1:suents to
get ho1sig priorities
Inconing freshmen who choose to live in the dormitories
will never live a life of luxury, but they will probably be more
comfortable than they were this year.
The Board of Governors of the Residence Halls is taking
pains not to repeat this year's miscalculation that resulted in
the shunting of over 200 freshmen into 'temporary housing' in
Instead, the board decided last week to give incoming
students priority in room allocations in the residence halls.

number one. Steve dropped out of
school last semester and has been
sitting on a four-month-old I-A
classification hoping for the best.
"Now it's more impending" he
says. He was stunned when he was
told about his number in a tele-
pione call from his siste'. "The
full force of it hasn't hit ne yet,'
he explains.
Steve says he "can't justify
going into the military." He will
keep working at his present job
and hopes to find some way out
of the problem.
Said one young man who came
out with number 26: "Now I know
w hat it feels like to be a girl and
get pregnant."
As the numbers got higher the
reactions became more enthusias-
tic. Congratulations were passed
around and the unlucky winners
of lottery pools shared their beer.
Reaction to the new lottery sys-
teni was mixed. Many people
seemed to think it was a little
better' than the old s ystem because
they could have some indication
in advance of what their status
would be.
Speculation over the uncertain'
middle numbers seemed to settle
around 180--people felt pretty safe
if they were above that number
and those only a few below tried
to rationalize it away.
When the 200s began the watch-
ers who hadn't heard their num-
bers yet were just plain happy.
Fred Cowles '70, came up with
number 355. He used to be "con-
sidering all the outs-Canada, the
Peace Corps, everythiing." Asked
what he planned to do now that
he has a good draft number Fred
chuckled "going to go home and
make love to my wife." In the less
immediate future Fred says the
possibility of grad school has now
opened up.
One who made it all the way to
the top was Dave Wesley '71. Born
on June 8, Dave says he "wasn't
going anyway." But, he says the
results of the lottery "alleviates1
50 per cent of my hangups."
"Real cool," says Dave.

Rep. Alexander Pirnie (R-NY) picks Sept. 14 in last night's lottery
is retiring Selective Service Director Lt. Gen. Lewis Hershey.
Teachiing fellows uni
a po s
ipoint e onWs 1111

in draft lotter
WASHINGTON Y@ -- The first draft lottery in 27 years
took place last night in the national headquarters of the
Selective Service System.
Sept. 14 was drawn by Rep. Alexander Pirnie (R-NY)
putting those born on that date at the head of the line for the
1970 draft calls.
Others will be called in the order in which their birthdays were
drawn last night until the local draftboards throughout the country
fill their quotas.
The list drawn affects all men between the ages of 19 and 26
as of the end of this year. However, only those presently classified I-A
or I-A-O will actually be called.
Men now deferred or exempt will retain their place in the order
of call should they later lose their exemption.
The lottery began at 8 p.m. following a brief invocation by draft
director Lewis B. Hershey. Hershey then ordered inthe black box
containing the 366 plastic capsules and poured them into a large
glass jar.
Each capsule contained a slip of paper with one date of the
year on it, including one for February 29.
The slips of paper had gummed backs, for pasting on a large
blue board at one end of the small auditorium in draft headquarters.
To determine his place in line for the draft next year, each draft-
age man in the nation must find his birthday among the list of dates,
--Associated Press and to take note of the number next to it.
for the 1970 draft calls. At left Starting in January, each draft board will begin calling men for
military service on the basis of that list.
--~ The first ones called will be the men with birthdays matching
the data next to number one-Sept. 14. Next come those whose
birthday matches number two, and so on.
By the time most draft boards have worked their way half way
through the list-into the middle or upper 100's-they will probably
0 asses have all the men they need for their 1970 quotas. Men with birth dates
drawn early in the list can be almost sure of receiving a draft notice
next year; men with middle-range numbers may have to wait out
the year; men whose birthdays are drawn late in the list, next to
numbers in the 200's or 300's, probably will not be drafted.
If two or more men registered with any local draft board share
appropriate bargaining unit with- the same birthday, they will be subject to call in an order determined
in the university, by a second lottery drawing held last night, in which letters of the
Committee chairman Jim Bass alphabet were scrambled.
suggested possible goals for the Each year, while the lottery system continues, a new drawing
union--chiefly increased pay, re- will be held, assigning place-in-line numbers to a brand new group
striction on class size, and griev- of men-those who reach the age of 19 during that year.
ance procedures. That group will be the draft's prime target for the following
Speakers placed major emphasis year, while the men who have already faced the draft, in 1-A
on the prospect of large wage in- classification, for one year without actually receiving their draft
creases. Bass claimed University notice will move into a safer category.
fellows averaged $600 less in an-
nual salary than fellows at Mich-
igan State University. One com- r
mittee member suggested a 25
per cent salary icrease as a Here are the results of last night's 19 ..... 200 MAY
minimal goal." draft lottery selection. Those whose 20..... 239 1 ..330
The concepts of an escalator birthdays fall on the days corre- 21..... 334 2. 298
clause and family allowances are sponding to the lowest numbers will 22......265 3......40
be drafted first. 23......256 4 .....276
prominently entioned.2 258

Page BTilr
SAttorney F. Lee Bailey says
Capt. Ernest Medina neith-
er received nor gave orders
to kill Vietnamese civilians
in the hamlet of My Lal on
March 16, 1968.
* The Senate votes to cut oil
and gas depletion allow-
ances as a measure of the
chamber's desire for major
tax reform.

The board has also recom-
mended limiting the number
of students in each room and
making larger meat portions
at meals.
Jack Myers, president of Inter-
house Assembly, says "returning
students are able to fend better
for themselves on the off campus
housing market than the inexper-
ienced freshman."
Of the 9,600 students who are
able to be accommodated in the
University residence halls, about
4.400 will be freshmen.
Besides freshmen, those who
are handicapped, transler stu-
See FRESHMEN, Page 7

Designation of a union to
as collective bargaining agent
all University teaching fellows<
pears likely by sometime n
term, claim TFs active in
union organizing effort.
An ad hoc steering commi
working for the establishment
such a union claims it has
signatures out of some 450 nee
before the State Labor Medial
Board can conduct an election
determine union representation

Some 80 teaching fellows met in
act Rackham Amphitheatre last night
for as committee members set Jan. 21
ap- as the target date for collection;
iext of the necessary signatures.
the Under state law, 30 per cent ofr
a group of employes must sign
ttee such petitions in order for the
of state board to hold an election,-
250 in which a majority of those'
ded voting can designate a union as
Lion their collective bargaining agent.
to The board will also have to de-
i. cide if teaching fellows form anl


bolster tenant


Ann Arbor tenants who live in sub-
standard housing will gain added legal
protection from their landlords if City
Council adopts a proposed new housing
The proposal, which council passed
unanimously on first reading Nov. 17,
would apply to both owners and apart-
ment dwellers.
Council is expected to approve the
code again at second reading Dec. 15.
However, there remain several possible
amendments which will be discussed at

If the building's certificate of com-
pliance has not been issued or has been
suspended for "major" violations pre-
senting dangers to health and safety,
tenants could place their rent into
either a private or city-operated escrow
fund. They might also be ordered to
vacate the building.
However, officials in the Tenants
Union have recommended that tenants
oe allowed to place their rent in a
private escrow fund in the case of
"minor" violations that do not con-
stitute health and safety hazards.

proof he is making the repairs, he will
be granted an extension of 15 days.
If, however, the violations still exist
after the entire 30 days, the tenants
can then place their rent in escrow, with
the other penalties to landlords appli-
Although the owner will not be liable
if he was legally in the process of mak-
ing the repairs, the proposed code
states, he will face the penalties if he
was aware of the violation before a city
inspection or if the same type of viola-
tion has been found in other buildings

benefi ts
plains that any violation, except the
roof falling through now constitutes a
"minor" violation. He says there are
many other violations--like inadequate
heating facilities - which should be
considered "major."
Tenants Union members Steve Burg-
hardt and Goldstein are helping draft
an amendment which they say Mayor
Robert Harris supports establishing an
arbitration board composed of Ann
Arbor residents to control the granting
of extensions for both "major" and
"minor" violations. This would be done,

"A single teaching fellow may be
able to live on his salary," de-
lared Bass. "but if he's married
and has children, they really
Organizer Paul Gingrich said
excellent progm'ss had been made
collecting petitions in the econom-
ics, political science, sociology and
geography departments. He said,
efforts in the physics, mathema-
tics, and psychology departments
had been much less successful.
Committee members said last
night they intended to ask the
Univemsity for ecogmition when I
30 per cent of tile fellowvs had
signed petitions. If the University
agrees. an election would be on-

1. 305
6. 224
8.. ..199
12. 221
13. 318
14 -...238
15 -..17
16. 121
18 -...140
22. 337
24 -. 59
25 -..52

10.. 16
14...... 4
15. 89
16 ...212
17 -...189
19.. . .25
21. 363
22. 290
23..- .57
25 .....179
26 ...365
27..... 205
1 .....108
2 . 29

t ..... Z a
26 -...170
31 -...30
4. 81
7 -...147
8. 312
9. 219
13 -...124
16 .... 148
17 2fi

6 ...155i
9 -...197
10 65
13 -.... 2%
16 55
19 75
20 183
22. .326
24 .. 31
25, .... 61
26 ....357
27. ....296
28 ...308
29 .-.. 226
30 ...103


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