Wednesday, November 26, 1969
Page Eleven
The Wall
,Bo Schembechler.-
... bringin' it all back home
YESTERDAY MORNING, a smiling man with receding blond
hair, aged about 40, sat in his office with senior footballj
manager Rik Kohn.
Together, they were making plans for the Wolverines trek
west for the 1970 Rose Bowl.
That plans are being made to transport, house and feed the
Wolverine football team for two weeks in the Disneyland state
says a lot about the men who played ball for the Maize and
Blue this year.
It also says a lot about the man who guided them to the
top of the heap in the Big Ten and the man who is helping to
get them to California-Coach Bo Schembechler
Throughout the season, the Wolverine grid mentor, who has
been at his job less than a year, prodded, cajoled, berated and
inspired hi steam to a 8-2 record overall and a 6-1 conference
Schembechler knew he had a winner right from the start.
On the first day of spring practice last year Schembechler told
his players, "Those of you who are around at the end of the
season are going to be on a winner."
EVEN WHEN TIlE pre-season polls began to rear their
inaccurate heads around the beginning of September, com-
pletely ignoring the Wolverines; even when the only thing people
could find to say about Michigan was that the team had lost
its top two offensive players and, oh my, wasn't it going to be
a long season in Ann Arbor; even when at least one Detroit
sportscaster picked the Wolvernes to finish no better than fourth
in the Big Ten, Schembechler's faith in the ability of the team
was not shaken.
"This is not a re-building year," Schembechler insisted all
along, and his prognosis was more to the point than that of all
the Houdini sportswriters in the country put together.
Still, there were times when Schembechler, although he
wasn't rebuilding, had a tough repair job to do. The times
came early in the season, when the rookie coach was forced to
go with a couple of rookies of his own than he originally ex-
pected in center Guy Murdock and defensive end Mike Keller.
THERE WERE TNIES, too, when the team was mentally
injured, as in the weeks following losses to Missouri and Michi-
gan State. Those were the weeks when Schembechler yelled the
loudest, but he also kept insisting, "This is a good ball club.
They're working hard and they'll get back on the right track."
And indeed, the team did get back on the right track. After
losing to Missouri 40-17 they whipped Mike Phipps and the
Boilermakers, 31-20. And after bowing to State, they thrashed
their next five opponents to finish at the top of the conference.
That the Wolverines were able to come back after those
two demoralizing defeats is due in no small part to the efforts
of their coach. Anyone who has watched Schembechler before
the start of a game can see that he is the most enthusiastic of
a very enthusiastic lot of Michigan men, and his enthusiasm
is contagious.
But Schembechler has a lot more going for him than his
enthusiasm. "It's amazing how much he knows about the game."
a source close to the team told me the other day. "He'll watch
the game films and pick up little things you would never dream
of finding. Like he'll watch a receiver pull up his shirt sleeve
and he'll say 'There, he's the primary receiver every time he
lifts his leeve.'"
IT IS PLEASANT to think wvhat Schembechler could do for
football at Michigan in the future. He reportedly recruits as well
as he coaches, and with a Big Ten title and a Rose Bowl bid
tucked under his belt, he shouldn't have much trouble interesting
potential college players in coming to Michigan.
And when it comes to recruiting in Ohio, that hot-bed of
high school football that already supplies a lot of the Wolver-
ines' grid talent, Schembechler should be on top of the world.
His whole staff is from Ohio, and after Saturday's thrashing of
OSU, Buckeye recruiters should offer less competition.
But all this talk about recruiting and the future of football
at Michigan is somewhat less than germane. The grid fortunes
of the Maize and Blue are obviously in good hands. For now,
though, there is still one more game to think about this year, and
the credit for that is largely Bo's.
Steve Owens
wins coveted
grid trophy
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK-Steve Owens of
Oklahoma, a record setting ball-
carrier in an age of passers, was
named winner yesterday of the
Heisman Trophy, symbol of col-
lege football's outstanding player.
The 6-2, 215-pound senior tail-
back from Miami, Okla., is the
sport's top touchdown maker of
all-time and has set a three-year
car'eer record for rushing.
In one of the closest competi-
tions in years, Owens beat out
such stars as Mike Phipps of Pur-
due, Rex Kern of Ohio State,
Archie Manning of Mississippi and
Jim Plunkett of Stanford, all
!With 21 touchdowns already this
year, and a final game to play
Saturday against Oklahoma State,
the Sooner ace has a career total
of 54 touchdowns, surpassing the
record of 51 set by Army's Glenn
Davis in 1946. His 3,606 yards
rushing has alreadysshattered the
three-year mark of 3,388 yards
set by Eugene "Mercury" Morris
in 1966-68.
Owens ran up 100 yards or more
in 17 consecutive games before
being held to 72 last Saturday
by Nebraska. He ranks fourth for
the year among major college
rushers with 1,216 yards in 303
Notified of his selection by tele-
phone in Norman, Okla., Owens
said, "It is the greatest thing that
ever happened to me."
Under questioning, he said he
Wolverine quartet selected
to All-Big Tei
By The Associated Press
CHICAGO - Co-champions
Michigan and Ohio State domi-
nated the 1969 All-Big Ten foot-
ball team announced yesterday.
Thirteen of the twenty-two play-
ers named were from either of the
two schools including all but two
on the defensive eleven.
Rose Bowl-bound Michigan plac-
ed end Jim Mandich and tackle
Dan Dierdorf on offense and line-
backer Marty Huff and back Tom
Curtis on defense.j
Mandich and Curtis, both re-
peating as first team selections,
were also named to the United
Press International All-American
Against Ohio State last Satur-
day, Mandich added six receptions
to run his season total to 42 for
533 yards and four touchdowns.
Curtis' two interceptions gave him
a career total of 24 and he set a
record for total yards returned
with interceptions.
The All-Big Ten second team
includedthree more Wolverines.
Diem Billy Taylor who did not get a
starting assignment until the sixth
game of the season, was named in
the backfield along with Rex Kern
All-A merican Tom Curtis rambles with a Buckeye pass
was not greatly concerned about
the award during the season be-
cause he was too busy with his
team, but added: "It's a dream
every football player has."
Owens said that he was looking
forward to a career in professional
football and was not picky about
the team that might draft him.
"You know, we don't have any
choice in this, and I will be happy
with any team that happens to
get me," the tailback said. "I don't runner-up to O. J. Simpson of
know where I will be in the draft, Southern California. Quarterback
but I hope it is high." Bob Griese was beaten out by
Chuck Fairbanks, Owens head Florida's Steve Spurrier in 1966.
coach at Oklahoma, was quite Phipps' coach, Jack Mollen-
pleased with the football writers kopf, was "disappointed and darn
and broadcasters decision. "The mad."
Heisman Trophy is supposed to Mollenkopf said, "I'm not cri-
go to the best college player in ticizing the selection of Steve
the country and in this case it did. Owens. I'm sure he's a fine play-
"Steve is the greatest inside er .. but they didn't have to call
runner I've ever seen. He is re- a press conference to tell Mike he
markable at diagnosing defenses didn't win it."
and finding holes. He has tremen- NeThe Downtown Athletic Club of
dous durability and strength." New York, which presents the
Owens, 21 received 1,488 points award, contacted Purdue last Fri-
and barely beat out Phipps, who day and asked that Phipps be
had 1,334. available at 12:45 p.m.yesterday
Kern was third with 856 pointsfo a telephoeitrewMlen
in a poll of 992 electors. Manning kopf said. Purdue was told to keep
was fourth, followed by a pair of the arrangements secret.
defensive tackles Mike Reid of "I'm afraid I built up Mike's
Penn State and Mike McCoy of hopes," Mollenkopf said yesterday
Notre Dame. in Indianapolis. "I told him, 'this
Broken down into sections isn't a sure thing, but it looks like
Owens was the No. 1 pick of the the real McCoy'."
n first team
Phipps, the Big Ten's record yard-
age maker; John Isenbarger of
Indiana, rushing champion; and
Mike Adamle of Northwestern, one
of the best ball carriers in Wild-
cat annals.
Rounding out the line are end
Ray Parson, Minnesota; guards
Ron Saul, Michigan State, Don
DeSalle, Indiana; and tackle Paul
DeNuccio, Purdue.
Completing the defensive unit
are tackle Ron Curl, MSU; and
linebacker Veno Paraskevas, Pur-
The offensive line is beefed to
a 233-pound average compared to
214 on defense.
Only pass-snaring Mandich was
an offensive holdover from 1968's
first team. Three repeated on de-
fense - Tatum, Provost and Cur-
There is not a single sopho-
more on either unit. In all, 11 sen-
iors and 11 juniors were chosen.
Isenbarger, Stillwagon, Tatum and
Curtis were unanimous choices.
Dierdorf, Mandich, and Otis miss-
ed it by one vote.
Being elevated from the 1968
second team to first were Parson,
Dierdorf, Saul, Otis, Whitfield and
Ends - Jim Mandich, Michigan, sen-
ior; Ray Parson, Minnesota, senior.
Tackles - Dan Dierdorf, Michigan,
junior; Paul DeNuceo, Purdue, junior.
Guards -- Ron Saul, Michigan State,
senior; Don DeSalle, Indiana.
Center - Brian Donovan, Ohio State.
Backs - Mike Phipps, Purdue, sen-
ior; John Isenbarger, Indiana, senior;
Mike Adamle, Northwestern, junior; Jim
Otis, Ohio State, senior.
Ends - Dave Whitfield, Ohio State,
senior; Mark Debevc, Ohio State, jun-
Tackles - Ron Curl, Michigan State,
junior; Paul Schmidlin, Ohio State,
Middle Guard - Jim Stiliwagon, Ohio
State, junior.
Linebackers -- Jack Tatum, O h Li o
State, junior; Veno Parskevas, Purdue,
junior; Marty Huff, Michigan, junior.
Backs -- Tom Curtis, Michigan, sen-
ior; Ted Provost, Ohio State, senior;
Mike Sensibaugh, Ohio State, junior.
Rose Bowl ticket coupons
go across counter Monday
More Sports, Page Nine
of Ohio State, Stan Brown of
Purdue, and Alan "A-Train"
Thompson of Wisconsin.
On defense, Cecil Pryor w a s
named to the end position w h 11 e
Henry Hill was selected as the
middle guard.
Six Wolverines received honor-
able mention awards. Quarter-
back Don Moorhead, fullback
Garvie Craw, halfback G l e n n
Doughty, and tackle Jack Harp-
ring were mentioned on offense.
Noted for their defensive work
were two of the standouts against
Ohio State, tackle Pete Newell and
cornerback Barry Pierson.
The Bucks, whose No. I rating
and 22-game winning streak were
ended by Michigan's 24-12 tri-
umph Saturday, landed center
Brian Donovan and fullback J i m
Otis on the No. 1 offensive line-
They packed seven players on
the defensive unit - ends D a v e
Whitfield and Mark Debevc,
tackle Paul Schmidlin, middle
guard Jim Stillwagon, linebacker
Jack Tatum, and backs Ted Pro-
vost and Mike Sensibaugh.
With heavy-duty Otis in the
first backfield are Purdue's Mike
Plans for distribution of Rose+
Bowl tickets to Michigan s t u-
dents, faculty, staff and alumni
were announced yesterday by U-M
officials. There will be no sales
to the general public. d t
Students, faculty and s t a f f
members not planing to travel
west on official University tours+
will be able to place ticket orders
in person at the Michigan Ath-
letic Office beginning next Mon-
day, Dec. 1, between 8:30 a.m.
and 4:30 p.m. Sales will continue1
through Friday, Dec. 4. All stu-
dents, faculty and staff members
who wish tickets are assured of
purchase at first priority.
No seat preferences are given
on the coupons so standing in line1
is unnecessary..
Students will be entitled to or-'
der one ticket and married staff
members two at a price of $8.50
cation of exchange area and dates
will be announced in the Michi-
gan Daily. No refunds will be made.
if tickets are not picked up at
proper times.
n Meanwhile,aU-M officials an-
nounced that ticket applica-
tions for U-M alumni will be mail-
ed to certain Michigan alumni liv-
ing in the western portion of the
U.S. (Arizona, California, Color-
ado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New
Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washing-
ton and Wyoming).
The western states alumni who
will receive ticket applications
must fall into one or more of the
following categories in order to
receive the application: they must
be current donors to the Michigan
Alumni Fund or current members
of the National Alumni Associa-
tion or current members of a U.
of M. Alumni Club.
Far West and Southwest electors,
with Phipps first in the Midwest'
and East, and Manning the pre-
ferred choice in the South.
Phipps' second-place finish was
another disappointment for Pur-
due. In the last four years, three
Boilermakers have narrowly missed
the award.
A year ago, Leroy Keyes was
1. Steve Owens, Oklahoma, 1,488. 2.1
Mike Phipps, Purdue, 1,334. 3. Rex
Kern, Ohio State, 856. 4. Archie Man-
nling, Mississippi, 582. 5, Alike Reid,
Penn State, 297. 6. Mike McCoy, Notre
D~ame, 290. 7. Jim Otis, Ohio State, 121.
8. Jim Plunkett, Stanford, 120. S t e v e
Kiner, Tennessee, 109. 10. Jack Tatum,
Ohio State, 105. 11. Bob Anderson, Col-
orado, 100. 12. Lynn Dickey, Kansas
State, 49. 13. John Isenbarger, Indiana,
41. 14. Bill Cappleman, Florida State, 27.
each. Identification cards must be I All other Michigan alumni
presented with each order. No may obtain Rose Bowl Ticket ap-
lhere's the Action?
Try HOCKEY NIGHT at Michigan
Join the Crowd for the Fastest Moving Sport in College
group sales will be taken, since in-
dividual signatures are required'
upon application for tickets. Ap-
plications for tickets must be fill-
ed out and claim checks will be
given to the applicants to guar-
antee a seat in the Michigan sec-
tion for the Rose Bowl game.
The claim checks with your I.D.
must be exchanged for a game
ticket in the Los Angeles area. Lo-
plications by contacting the Mich-
igan Ticket Department or the
Alumni Association, both in Ann
National Alumni Association
members and/or donors to the
Alumni Fund may receive further
information about the Alumni
Tour by calling the Alumni As-
sociation (area code 313) 764-
"Te happy Iam
when I'm straight is more eautiul
than the happy I seemed to be when
I was stoned'"
The girl in the picture is named Chris. For over a year, she was on amphetamines, powerful drugs known
as "speed." This is how she describes it:
"I think 'speed' is a lot worse than heroin, Kids have got to
know about it, because they can fall so easily into taking it
through the diet pill hassle, or needing something to help them
study. You know, that's crazy. Because the combination of am-
phetamines and no sleep just blows your memory completely.
There are whole sections of my life which Ijust can't remember.
It got to be just 'do a little more, do a little more,' until that was
all there was. And the 'crashing'. .. sometimes the crashing' is
just really awful!
"For me to stop taking it, I had to feelthat people were car-
ing. And they were. I was really lucky. I was very close to two
people that were really into amphetamines very deeply, and I
Michigan Hockey could be
better than ever this season and
it's time to make your reserva-
tions now for 12 big home match-
es. The Wolverines are primed
to defend their Big Ten title and
will have a strong shot, at the
Western Collegiate title, Here
:re some of the teams you can
see here:
Michigan StatE, North Dako-
ta, Colorado, Michigan Tech.
Fast-rising Wisconsin and Min-
nesota also will play here.
Freshmen are eligible to com-
pete and Coach Al Renfrew could
have several playing prominent
roles. In addition, the power from
one of Michigan's highest scor-
ing teams remains intact.
General Admission s e a s o n
tickets for Students just $6, for
Staff just $12.
* Nov. 28-29-Wisconsin
0 Dec. 5-Michigan State
9 Dec. 12-13-North Dakota
* Dec. 21-23-Big Ten Tournament
9 Jan. 9-10--Colorado Col.
0 Jan. 16-17-Mich. Tech
" Feb. 21-Michigan State
0 Mar. 6-7-Minnesota
Just a reminder that' Michigan opens an attractive 12-game home basketball season
Monday against Detroit. There are some doubleheaders with the 'M' frosh playing a regu-
lar schedule. Season tickets Ore still available at the Athletic Dept. Ticket Office, 1000 S.
State. Prices are $6 for Michigan Students and $12 for Michigan Staff.