Wednesday, November 26, 1969 -rHE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Wednesday, November 26, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Mendel Rivers: Military's congressman By JOhN S. LANG WASHINGTON try',--Officially, it i; simply PublicLaw 91-121. Unofficially, it is a testament to the power of L. Mendel Rivers. P.L. 9-121, signed without comment last week by President Nixon. authorized the Pentagon to spend $20.7 billion for ships, planes, missiles and research. It gives the military at least a start on every project it requested and at least one it didn't request. It gives a back-handed slap to Senate reformers, who battled for months to clamp stringent con- trols on defense spending. And it gives new evidence that Lucius Mendel Rivers, chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, has more influence over military spending than any other man in Washington. The authorization measure signed by Nixon was $637 million lower than when it cleared the House. But it also was $722 million higher than the amount approved by the Senate. The final figure was worked out in a House- Senate conference committee. Senators generally acknowledged that House conferees, led by Rivers, prevailed in the committee's ten secret meetings. "Of coui se, no one can turn down Julius Caesar," commented Sen. J. W. Fulbright (D- Ark'i in reference to a statement, attributed to Rivers, that his legislative successes could never be matched by "Caesar in all his glory.", "Even our secretary of defense could not resist Julius Caesar," Fulbright told the Senate. "The Defense Department iself had to give up and knuckle under." Fulbright was particularly piqued at a $28 million authorization for a "free world fighter plane" which the United States would sell or give to other nations. The Pentagon did not ask for this item, and endorsed it only at the insistence of Rivers. Rivers generally views his committee as the voice of the military. "You must remember," he told his colleagues a few months ago, ". . . this is the only voice, the official voice, the military has in the House of Representatives." The South Carolina Democrat, whose flowing silver hair crowds his collar and tops a ramrod- straight 6-foot-3 frame, has been praised as a patriot, a defender of the Constitution, a cham- pion of the little guy in uniform. Critics-and he has plenty of them-denounce Rivers as a militarist, a junketeer and a tool of the military-industrial complex. The late column- ist Drew Pearson wrote frequently that Rivers had a drinking problem, but the congressman's friends say this has been overcome. It also is said that in his Armed Services Com- mittee he is dictatorial and beats down dissent. "That's a bum rap," says one of Rivers' critics on the committee. "He doesn't have to be dicta- torial. He has the votes." "That's exactly the point," complaints another. "The committee is so packed. There's not much opposition." "Look at the Democratic side of the committee." says a northern congressman. "There are 23 Dem- ocrats and half of them are from the South. That is way out of proportion. The committee doesn't represent the thinking of the country." When Rep. Allard K. Lowenstein 1D-NY) a war critic known for organizing support for the Eugene J. McCarthy campaign, was elected to the House this year, he let the powers know he wanted assignment to the Armed Services Committee. But when the five new members were chosen to fill Democratic openings on the committee, they came from Texas Alabama, Georgia, Vir- ginia and West Virginia. Lowenstein didn't make it. The committee's opposition bloc usually adds up to three-Otis G. Pike (D-NY), Lucien N. Nedzi (D-Mich) and Robert L. Leggett (D-Calif). When Pike, who has been sharply critical of soaring defense contract costs, came in line to head the standing investigations subcommittee this year, he didn't get the chairmanship. Rivers took the post himself. "Not giving chairmanships is Mendel's way of keeping people in line," says one congressman. "Everybody wants to head a subcommittee. There's power and status. He passed over one member who hadn't been going along a couple of years back, and that gentleman saw the error of his ways and has been cooperative." Rivers, 65 and a member of Congress since 1941, is sensitive to criticism of his defense of the mili- tary-industrial link. "The longer the war lasts in Vietnam the more somebody's going to make out of it," he said in an interview. "I don't believe anyone should make money out of people dying. Rivers has never been in service himself, a Committee he reported no substantial holdings in any company doing substantial business with the government. But his hometown of Charleston and the people of his district have fared well. Military installations there include the Charles- ton Navy Yard, a Navy weapons station, Farris Island Marine Corps Recruit Depot, a Polaris sub- marine base, an Air Force base, a Marine Corps air station, an Army supply depot and two Navy hospitals, "They talk about everything I have in Charles- ton," Rivers smiles. "But you know, I haven't got a thing (military installation) since I've been chairman." In those four years. however, at least six de- fense industries have built plants in his district, including Avco Corp., J. P. Stevens & Co., General Electric Co., Lockheed Aircraft Corp., McDon- nell-Douglas Corp., and United Aircraft. Rivers gets much publicity for his junkets, particularly to the Paris Air Show. When he travels, the chairman goes first class with the military who know on which side their stars are buttered. When he flew to New Orleans this year to visit "my right hand man on the committee"-Rep. F. Edward Hebert (D-La), who was recovering from eye surgery-Rivers got a welcome at the Navy Air Base usually accorded to kings and presidents. As he stepped from his Air Force jet, flown by a pair of majors, a red carpet was rolled out ahead of him and a Navy car was waiting to speed him to his visit with Hebert. Once a year Rivers turns out the shiniest brass in the Pentagon and in industry for a Capitol Hill luncheon in tribute to House Speaker John McCor- mack. "It is a command performance by Mendel," says a former high-level Johnson administration of- ficial who was awed by the turnout. "There were defense firm presidents and all the joint chiefs, every top general and admiral. When you sit there, seeing them all gathered in one room, you think, 'There's the power.' Regent bylaw Nine convicted Ss for LSA sit-in By LINDSAY CHANEY j " ° Nine students were convicted new eritieisimi' yesterday for their part in the LSA Bldg. sit-in on the night of (Continued from Page 1) Sept. 25. ratify them in their own assem- A request for a mistrial was blies, and then charge SGC with made on the grounds that t h e obstructionism if SGC failed t courtroom doors were locked while give in to pressure to ratify the lawyers were making their final rulezsummations, but District Judge McLaughlin also criticized t h eS. J. Elden denied the motion. elimination by the Regents of the right of the students or the faculty The nine students found guilty to "disaffirm" a rule of the UC by the four-woman and one-man after it has been in effect. jury were: Steve Horwitz, Dave That clause, which made t h e Denier, Lorna Cherot, Jim Klop- UC rules subject tothe 'contin- r piAmy Rayack, Nancy Hol- uing consent" of ever-changing strom, Paul Dostie, John Leithaus- student and faculty bodies, was er and William Allison. Sentenc- particularly disliked by the Re- ing was set for Jan. 30. gents, according to Prof. Joseph Defense attorney Robert O'Con- Payne, who is chairman of nor requested the mistrial after SACUA. Prof. Gerhard Weinberg, mem- discovering that Elden had order- ber of SACUA, sided with Mc- ed the doors to the courtroom Laughlin. locked because he though there "In this proposal we had a way was excessive traffic and noise to change a rule already in ef- creating a disturbance. fee t when it becomes outmoded or in need of clarification." he O'Connon said the locked doors said. violated the defendants' rights to Weinberg said the faculty had an open trial, but Elden said any- originally viewed this "disaffirm- ation" clause with the same mis- one who had business in the court- trust as the Regents. He pointed room could have entered by a out however, that enough pro- back door. fessors had changed their minds ' so that it was included in t h e Senate's final draft. (correction Weinberg said "the drift of the thinking expressed here (in the The caption on a picture in Regents' draft) is not enthusias- yesterday's D a i Iy incorrectly tically encouraging." cited Summit Associates as the Payne disagreed, however, say- manager of a building on which ing he did not find it discourag- Ann Arbor Tenants Union ing. He proposed that the people members had placed signs sup- at yesterday's meeting study the porting their rent strike and Regents' draft carefully a n d pre- demanding recognition for the pare suggestions and comments to union. The Daily regrets the be relayed to the Regents before error. their December meeting. x f 3 1 k r i x a - w IRArE tOMIMI'TTEE HEARING: Studenit referendum proposed on dorirntory rate increases */ (Continiued fromn :, e I1) needed to cover incased wages and inflationary costs. In the 500 questionnaires which were returned, however, the major- ity of the residents stated that they did not want increased dor- mitory services. But, some individ- ual dormitories did express an in- terest in certain services and the rate committee will take this into consideration\ when they publish their advisory report at the end of this term. Peter Denton. representing the Tenant's Union, moved that a referendum of students living in the dormitories be taken on the rate increase so that the final de- cision would be made in a "demo- cratic" manner. He also moved that the rate committee's final! recommendation should be bound by the result of this referendum. There was considerable discus- sion on this motion. Rate com- mittee member Barry Blauer said that lie was in favor of the re- ferendum idea, but he was "not sure of the feasibility of the se- cond motion." "There is a difference in the amount of information which is easily available to the students and the amount which is accessi- ble to the rate committee," Blauer said. H° added that he did not want the committee bound by thej results of the referendum. McLaughlin responded to Blau- er's statement by calilng it t h e "white man's burden approach." "I only hope that the commit- tee will make it explicit if they ' consider their role to be moret informed than the student," he said. Another rate committee member said that he considered the prev- ious survey to be representative, and so an additional one would not be necessary. Another objection to the refer- endum motion was that there was not enough time to draw up and distribute a referendum before the end of the term. Blauer questioned whether or not the entire issue was important enough to merit a referendum. "The explosiveness of the issue may not really be that great. Only one third of the surveys c a m e back, indicating that there is no vast concern on the part of the students about this issue," he said. This statement was refuted by Douglas Kaller. a resident of Baits who had been "fortunate" enough situation he says he regrets. to receive one of the ques- There is no evidence Rivers has benefited per- tionnaires." sonally from his closeness to military contractors. "I received the questionnaire on! a Wednesday and they wanted it In his financial statement to the House Ethics back on Friday. The tone itself was enough to discourage an an- swer. It assumed that there would be an increase in rates and the students didn't have much to say about it," he said. Final decision on the referen- dum proposal was tabled until the committee's meeting pext Tuesday. Sell a POT in Daily Classifieds t The Belt Midrash of Ann Arbor is pleased to announce the following courses for the WINTER TERM THE CHASSIDIC VIEW ON THE EXISTENCE -- AND PURPOSE OF THE UNIVERSE An introduction to Chassidic philosophy. Discusses the role of the Jew in the world, and his relation to the ultimate unity of the spiritual and the material in the EIN SOF, the wellspring of all being. Text: COLLECTED SAYINGS (Tanya) of Rabbi Schneur Zalman. The course will be taught by Rabbis Yitschak Aharon Mann and Yitschak Kagan, among the leaders of the Chabad Chassidism in America. -- JEWISH MUSIC A guided tour through the golden treasures of Jewish melody, which arose out of the Jewish experience in many lands, past and present, East and West. Listen- ing, with commentary by the instructor. The course will be taught by Asher Ben-Yohanan, a leading Israeli musician and composer. HEBREW FOR BEGINNERS Mrs. Ruth Cohen Grammar and conversational Hebrew for people with no background in the language. Emphasis on comprehension of modern Hebrew, oral expression and composition. This class will meet twice a week. HEBREW SPEAKING CLUB Mr. Avram Hochstein Hebrew conversation in an enjoyable, informal setting. All welcome. INTERMEDIATE HEBREW Mrs. Chava Kopelman For graduates of Beginner's Hebrew. Students with some Hebrew background can determine their appropriate level of placement by consultation with the in- structor. BASIC JUDAISM Rabbi Gerald Goldman This course covers the basic trends of Jewish thought and expression, as re- vealed in three classics of Judaism-the Torah, the Siddur, and the Mishnah-and their application to modern life. Rabbi Goldman is the new director of the Hillel Foundation at Michigan. THEMES IN AMERICAN JEV LIFE Mr. Harrison and Mr. Rockaway Winter term topics include: Jews in a non-Jewish world, Jewish liberalism: myth or reality?, Black-Jewish relations. BEYOND flADlAAND Ef iVE-I